Imatges de pàgina


First woman soprana

Mlle. Sontag.
Mad. Pasta.
Mad. Caradori.
Mad. Castelli.
Mad. Schutz.

Dr. Walsh on the Gnostics.
[Third notice: conclusion.]

the director commands, entreats, stamps, and usage of the theatre, are amusingly adapted render their society more attractive; and could swears, with equal success, and, in the midst of to the rank of the performers. A prima donna the situation of manager be divested of the the Babel, the gentlemen of the orchestra, who is entitled to a separate dressing-room, with a cares and difficulties inherent to it, it would wish all the singers at the devil, endeavour to sofa, and six wax candles; a seconda donna, a not be devoid of pleasure, in mingling with get over the business of the day by playing on dressing-room, without a sofa, and two wax characters strongly marked, and often highly without the vocal music. The leader of the candles. The same principle obtains with the interesting. But as it is impossible to reconorchestra, finding all ineffectual, puts on his chief male performers, and with the first and se- cile inconsistencies, he who embarks on the hat and walks away, followed by violins, basses, cond dancers of both sexes. Ludicrous as it may sea of management must be content to enjoy trombones, and kettle-drums, en masse; and seem, these marks of precedency are insisted upon such rare moments of calm and sunshine as the scene at length concludes as it may, the with the greatest exactness. Madame Vestris mingle with the storms to which he is exposed. manager, composer, and director, being left to went beyond all others, and furnished herself For myself, I have rarely failed, even when calculate together the progress of business. with two additional candles; and one night, most surrounded with difficulties, to make the The general wish before alluded to, on the there not being, by some inadvertency, candles most of the pleasant places into which my path part of performers, of strengthening their own enough in the house, she stood on the stage has occasionally led, and have found in manparts by the introduction of extraneous matter, behind the curtain, and refused to dress for agement, as in the universal business of life, without regard to its effect on the general tone her part until the required number of lights that the best guardian against calamity is a and character of the piece, is a principal cause was obtained. The performers inferior in sta- disposition to be happy when in my power, of disunion between the director and the tion to those I have mentioned, dress in two and quietly to acquiesce when misfortune is singers, and seldom overcome without some general rooms, appropriated respectively to the inevitable." We trust that the remainder of Mr. Ebers sacrifice. To know how these jarring ele-ladies and to the gentlemen of the company. ments are to be composed into harmony, re- There is, however, an universal desire for the days may be as happy and prosperous as the quires almost the experience of a life. The distinction of separate rooms, and sometimes goodness of his heart and kindness of his dis(unembittered and unchanged by flatteries, the compliances, the power of diplo- an express article of the engagement provides position macy, requisite to effect this object, are infinite. for this question. The manager, as already the thousand trials to which he has been exDecision and address are indispensable: to be mentioned, engages the performers and selects posed during his unfortunate "Seven Years") too uncompromising is dangerous, but to be too the performances; but his occupations, like as that period was unlucky and annoying. accommodating is worse. The opera being at his anxieties, are infinite. The engagements, length, with whatever sacrifices, put in a way it need not be now said, are attended with inof representation, is announced, and when pre-numerable difficulties. This would be less the sented, the composer presides in person at the case were the negotiations conducted between ANOTHER of this device (says Dr. W. repiano-forte the three first nights of its appear- the manager and performer, alone, without the ferring to the gem described at the conclusion The number of performers requisite to intervention of third persons. But the crowd of our last notice) is rendered still more a perfect company for the presenting of operas, of foreigners, by whom both singers and dancers curious from the circumstances connected with is now less definite than formerly, the dramatis are usually surrounded, frustrate numerous en- it, which were communicated by Colonel Belpersone being in quantity more arbitrarily in-gagements. Patientless doctors, amateurs, and ford, in whose possession the gem now is, troduced into the piece. The present establish- idlers, haunt the houses of the performers, some and who had it from his father. Immement (May 1828) is constituted as follows:- of whom obtain an influence over them equally diately after the battle of Culloden, the bag. convenient to themselves and injurious to gage of Prince Charles Edward fell into the managers. Generally speaking, performers are hands of the Duke of Cumberland's army, and not unreasonable in their own expectations, many private and curious articles in his cabinet but the hangers on of their suite flatter their came into the possession of the late General self-love, and excite them to make the most Belford, who took it. Among the rest was a preposterous demands. The people who thus stone set in silver attached to a ring, which labour against the interests of a theatre, obtain proved to be a Gnostic amulet. It is highly nevertheless the greatest facilities of benefiting probable that the superstitious prince had obthemselves through it, by the number of orders tained it on the continent, as a charm, and which, by means of the performers to whom carried it as a protection in the hazardous enthey attach themselves, they are enabled to terprise in which he was engaged. It is a give away, thus acquiring a degree of consider- ruby blood-stone: on one face is the figure ation among those whom they oblige. The represented on the former, having the serpenperformers are the more liable to influences of tine feet turned both to the same side as the this kind, from their general hospitality to their own countrymen here, from among whom they generally select some favourite who manages their concerns, and is consulted on every undertaking,-persons who occasion the more The next is the angel Michael, having the difficulty, from not being the ostensible parties legend MIXAHA over his head. On the oppoto treat with. These individuals usually form site face are the words AVNAMIE MIXAHA, the a part of the family, are included in the invita- might or power of Michael. These circumtions given to their superiors, and hence ac-stances allude to the extraordinary powers and quire many opportunities of advancing their functions conferred on angels by the different own interests. The mode of life which ob- Gnostic sects, from Simon Magus downwards. tains among the artists of the stage with whom They all held, as we have seen, that angels my experience has brought me in contact, is, were the fabricators or architects of the uniliberal and handsome, in proportion to their in- rior to Christ himself; and this opinion was with a few exceptions towards either extreme, verse, and Cherinthus affirmed they were supecomes. Both here and abroad I have been agree-so early entertained, that the apostle Paul ably entertained at their houses, and at Paris I thought it necessary to warn the Colossians met at the table of Madame Pasta, including against the seductions of those who came in The dresses are, at least in the estimation of Rossini, almost all the musical talent of the place. foreigners, whether in the opera or ballet, a She had a beautiful villa at Neuillé, where I subject of great moment, and of frequent dis- also visited her, and found a similar assemblage. agreement, as every singer or dancer has an Many of the performers are persons of conalmost invincible abhorrence of sparing the siderable talents and acquirements; their mode treasury, by making use of any dresses al- of life, and frequent migrations to and from ready in the wardrobe, however excellent, the principal cities of Europe, and perpetual every one choosing to exercise his own taste change of society, give an ease and life to their in the adaptation of his garb. The dresses conversation. Their foreign tastes and habits naturally introduce the dressing-rooms, the We beg our readers will notice this piece of absurdity, regulations of which, as established by the of which we should not have conceived any lady capable,"

Second ditto

First contralto .....

Second ditto.......

First bass.....

Second ditto

Basso cantante ...

First tenor

Second ditto..

Third ditto....

Mlle. Brambilla.

Signor Porto.
De' Angeli.



The chorus consists of sixteen men and twelve
women singers, who receive annually together
between six and seven hundred pounds. The
ballet department comprises, a first and second
ballet-master, and the following principal per-

First male dancer (at present).
Second ditto.......
Third ditto............................

First female dancers

Second ditto.*****

Mons. Albert.
"Mad. Anatole.
Mlle. Brocard.
Mad. Lecompte.
Mlle. Louisa.
Mlle. Copère.
La Vasseur.

The corps de ballet, comprising the dancers of inferior rank, consists of sixteen men and the like number of women.-Connected with the business of the stage are the

Scene painter and his assistants-Property man-Head for the men-Ditto for the ladies.

tailor-Head mantua-maker-Wardrobe keeper-Draper

shield; and the whole form evidently threatening hostility. In this attitude of offence it represented Mars; and so seems an appropriate emblem for the occasion on which it was used.

We congratulate Mr. Ebers on the success of his benefit and book, to the former of which every body went, and the latter of which every body buys. But how small, in comparison with his great losses, are the proceeds to be derived from these! Surely something more might still be done in the higher quarters, and amongst those who have derived so many favours from him, when in his power to oblige. We hope his old

committee will take these remarks into consideration.

We have no doubt of this fact. Several charms, &c. were found among the Stuart papers brought from Italy a few years ago, and direct proofs of the prince's belief in their efficacy.—Ed. L. G.

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the religion of the angels,' boasting, as Ter- neither of which naturally belongs to it. The became in a short time numerous enough to tullian says, that the angels were the arti-winged figure on its back seems one of the afford a plausible pretext for confounding the ficers of nature.' They further said, as Theo- Gnostic angels, the architects of the universe, sacred mysteries of the Gospel with the gross doret affirms, that the law was given by them, directing the solar course, and so guiding the and fantastic perversion of them, and identifyand no one had access to God except through world. The gem which follows is of an ing the open and pious Christian with the obthem. Hence we find on the Gnostic gems the unusual form; that of the scarabæus, or beetle. scure and impious Gnostic. We know that names of numbers of their angels. But the chief The insect is not cut on the stone, but the this prejudice was very early and very generally and most highly venerated was Michael, the arch- stone is formed into the shape of the insect; excited. When St. Paul arrived at Rome after angel; insomuch so, that oratories were erected and on the convex back is represented Isis, or his shipwreck, the first character he heard of to him in Asia Minor, where divine honours the Egyptian Ceres, reclined beside the Nile, Christianity was, that every where it was were paid to him.-The gem which follows with two vases of Egyptian corn, the emblem spoken against.' This account of the evangebelongs to the class of up, or those with of vegetable fecundity, naturally expressed by lists is confirmed by the Gentile historians. dogs' heads. It represents figures on both faces symbols of the sun's rays and the Nile. An Suetonius calls the Christians men of a strange which very frequently occur on the Gnostic re- amulet of Isis was held in great sanctity: the and malicious superstition. Tacitus says they mains. The first is the Egyptian deity Anu- wearer hoped to obtain by it, according to were convicted of a hatred to the human race, bis, who was worshipped with a dog's head in Kircher, every thing that related to the earth, and detested for their flagitious conduct. Ara variety of forms, and his name inscribed on a as fertilised by the Nile-an abundance of nobius affirms that the Gentiles believed Christ number of different figures. Nor was his earthly goods. This stone is without an in- to have been a magician, and that all Christians worship confined to that country: he was con- scription. The one that follows is also without equally practised magic. Nor were these residered by the Greeks and Romans the same as an inscription. It represents the union of two ports confined to the Gentiles; the Jews were Mercury, and is therefore called by Plutarch persons, for whose protection and happiness no less industrious in circulating them: they Hermanubis. He is for this reason represented the amulet was intended, and consists of real asserted that Christians ate their own children with the symbols, and as performing the func- and emblematic figures. The two which fol- at their hidden mysteries, and we have seen tions, of Mercury, holding a caduceus, and lead-low are medical amulets.-The first is engraven that the practice of the Gnostics sanctioned ing souls to hell; and so he is described by on a convex piece of schist. It represents an this imputation; that they considered women Apuleius. All these circumstances are recognised ibis standing beside an altar. For the bene- to be common to all men-a tenet openly and exhibited on various gems of the Gnostics. fits supposed to be conferred by this bird avowed by Epiphanes, son of Carpocrates; and On the opposite face of this stone is the on man, it was adopted by the Gnostics as that they mixed in promiscuous intercourse at figure of a female, with her finger on her lips. one of the emblematic figures; and the amu- their secret feasts a custom which we know The Egyptians imagined the deity Harpocrates, let of the ibis was used in different diseases, was common to all the Gnostic sects. Hence who presided over silence, and was always re- particularly against affections of the head. one of the eloquent advocates for the cause of presented as inculcating it by holding his fin.—The next represents a combination of three Christianity in the earliest ages, complains ger on his lips.*—It has been seen that Basi-heads, that of an elephant joined to human that they were charged with three offenceslides imposed silence as a necessary part of the faces. The elephantiasis was at this period impiety to God, suppers of Thyestes, and the discipline of his sect; and hence the symbol of a very loathsome and mortal distemper. It concubinage of Edipus. But the account given silence is frequently found on the Gnostic gems, was so called, because the body, but particu- by Minutius Felix of the charges brought under different representations of Harpocrates. larly the face, was covered with blotches and against the whole Christian church, is not -Connected with Anubis is the following repre- papulæ like those of the elephant. Quintus confined to vague and general rumours, but it sentation of Mercury, the form under which Serenus, the Basilidian physician, who de- is so minute and particular, that it seems to he was worshipped by the Greeks. As Anubis scribes the disease, also prescribes the cure, carry with it a conviction that it was as true as was supposed to be Mercury, and had his which he says is the juice of the bark of the it was detestable. When a novice,' said his adsymbols and functions assigned him, so alter-cedar tree. In the gem here presented is the versary, is to be introduced into a participanately Mercury was supposed to be Anubis, and head of an elephant, holding in his probosis tion of Christian rites, an infant covered with is thus exhibited on the Gnostic gems. He is the branch of a tree, whose foliage exactly meal or flour is placed before him. The novice, here depicted sitting, as if resting from his active resembles that of a cedar, which alludes to the not knowing what was beneath, is desired to labours. He has all the symbols of Mercury disease and mode of cure; and the faces an- strike, which he does till he kills the child. It about him; but what particularly distinguishes nexed are intended to represent those of the is then drawn forth, the blood licked, and the him is his three legs, one of which is without patient, when diseased, and when cured of the dismembered limbs eaten by all present, in a winged buskin, indicating that it belongs to remedy. The last is highly characteristic of order that the consciousness of guilt might bind his other form. Fulgentius says that legs were the Gnostic sects, as they were depicted by together the novice and the initiated to silence under the particular guardianship of Mercury. contemporary writers. It is in the form of a and secrecy, by a common participation in an He is here identified with Anubis, by the seal-ring, and probably worn as such. It was atrocious act. A day is then set apart for a initial letters AN in the legend. The next is a obtained from a soldier who brought it from general celebration of their mysteries, and at representation of Anubis and Mercury united, Egypt, on the return of the English army the appointed time they assemble togetherand exhibited together in the same body under from that country. The surface is covered sisters, parents, children, relatives of all degrees, a double form. The gem which follows is with Gnostic figures and characters, inter- and of all ages and sexes. After the feast and a representation of Jupiter, according to the spersed with priapi, phalli, and other obscene wine had caused an excitement in the company, unmixed mythology of the Greeks and Romans. emblems, confirming all that Christian histo- a hungry dog is tied to the only candelabrum We have seen that Simon Magus was repre- rians have written on the obscenity of these in the room; he is offered meat by some of the sented by his disciples under the form of this impure and mysterious Christians, who, in the company, and springing forward to seize it, he god, and it is highly probable that this gem words of the Apostle, crept in unawares, upsets the light, and the company are left in was fabricated by his particular followers.- turning the grace of God into lasciviousness.' the dark.' The remainder of the passage is On the opposite side is a very curious inscrip- "It was the particular fate of Christianity, not fit to translate, though it is given in the tion, and the only one existing, found in that and it adds another proof of the miraculous language of one who was sincerely a Christian, form. The letters are arranged so as to repre- interference of Providence in its preservation, and as chaste as he was pure in his life and sent the coil of a serpent; and though the that its first promulgation should be accom-writings, but who was compelled to pollute his figure of the reptile is omitted, his image is panied with conceptions so extravagant, and pages with the foul charges of his adversaries, preserved in the inscription, which is as fol- conduct so flagitious, as that of some of the in order to refute them.


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lows:- ZABEPBEBEPEIBACACIPACIPBPIHIO-sects in the first ages; and that it had to over- "The Heathens availing themselves of the CEMECIAAM. The gem which follows repre- come, not only the persecutions of its enemies, odium excited by the conduct of the Gnostics, sents an angel guiding a crocodile with two but the evil reports caused by its friends. The speedily commenced a persecution against the heads. The crocodile, like sundry other an:- Heathens not knowing otherwise, or wilfully whole Christian community. It was in vain mals, was converted by the Egyptians into an seeking occasion to excite prejudice against the that the early fathers exposed the opinions and emblem to represent the sun; and this arose, new faith,' did not fail to impute the extra-practices of these sectaries, and endeavoured to perhaps, from the fanciful idea, that the animal vagance of the Gnostics generally to all Chris- disentangle themselves from all connexion with has 365 teeth, the number of days in the year, tians; and unfortunately the sect met with and so indicating a solar revolution. In the such acceptance, and its wild opinions and gem annexed, the crocodile has two heads, licentious practices were so congenial to the understanding and temperament of the people among whom they were circulated, that they

"Ausonius calls him siyahw, from syn silence. Epist. to Paul."

them, by contrasting their conduct and opinions with the pure doctrines and blameless lives of real Christians. If,' said Athenagoras in his energetic address to Aurelius Antoninus, the crimes objected to us be really true, and we are



capable of committing them, spare none of us | by Montfaucon, and the new ones now first of its being per se a very well-arranged and of either sex, but slay us and our wives and exhibited by Dr. Walsh, it occurs forty-two finished piece of perspective. We observe that, children, till you eradicate a race of human times. It was in fact the great ABPACAE IAW, in order to prevent any interruption of the beings who live after the manner of beasts. or god of the Gnostics, and stood for the visible view, the organ and other accidentals are supBut if these charges against us are unfounded representation of his divinity; and the Gentiles, posed to be removed-a judicious feature in the rumours and empty calumnies, it is your duty who supposed that all Christians were Gnostics, piece. The view of the College Gateway, and to institute an inquiry, and ascertain what our imagined this being to have been their god one end of the Grammar School, is also exlives and opinions really are.' These and also. In striking a memorial, therefore, of cellent; and the figures introduced (two schosimilar appeals were disregarded or disbelieved; their destruction, Diocletian naturally assumed lastics in blue petticoats) very characteristic:and the Heathens pretended that they were not this figure as a representation of the deity of blue they are, though the engraver's ink leaves merely justified, but called upon to extirpate a the Christians; he places him on his coin their tint a question. The next subject is race that, besides being disaffected to the go- naked and divested of his weapons, and Ju- a representation, and a very faithful one, of vernment, were of a nature too gross and flagi- piter, the deity of the heathens, armed with the College from the great yard: and the fourth tious to be suffered to live. As Christianity his thunderbolt, dashing him down and tramp-displays some antique furniture belonging to therefore expanded itself, it soon began to suffer ling on him as he did on the Titans, who had the same venerable establishment. The plates those persecutions which had been predicted by equally, but as vainly, striven to dispossess him have only one fault; and that is to be ascribed its Divine Author; and at length an effort was of heaven. to the publishers: we mean the dedications inmade, under Diocletian, to extirpate the reliscribed at the foot of each, which injure the gion of Christ, so extensive and persevering, neatness of the tout. We would say, “let this that nothing less than a divine interposition An Exposure of Religious and Civil Despotism, be reformed altogether" in future. seemed to have preserved it from total extinc- &c. &c. 8vo. pp. 169. By Thomas Parkin.] Of the literary part of this number we have tion. The manner in which this was carried London, 1828. Wightman and Cramp. not room to say a quarter of what it deserves: on, is evidence that the perpetrators thought THIS volume, is a strange farrago de omnibus it is as interesting as it is full of research. they were exterminating an impure and fero-rebus et quibusdam aliis. The prophecies of Part is from the erudite pen of Dr. Hibbert, cious race of Gnostics, to spare whom would be Daniel, Paul, and John, form its foundations; and as such needs no further recommendation; mercy misplaced, and an injury to society.In but the superstructure defies analysis. The and the remainder is well worthy of such sosome instances axes were blunted on their Roman Catholic church is denounced as the ciety. Finally, we recommend the work to all mangled limbs, and their executioners so tired locusts foretold, and the Protestant church as lovers of the fine arts, and to antiquaries in with slaughter, that it was necessary to send the tails of locusts, both devouring as much general, confident that those who are led by for fresh men and new implements to complete as can be wrung from the earth and its in- our observations to acquaint themselves with the work of destruction. It appears also by habitants. The author appears to be a strong-it, will thank us for the introduction. the coin struck by Diocletian to commemorate headed, wrong-headed man, whom "a little their extirpation. The figure which is there learning," and some fanaticism, have prompted intended to represent Christianity is the very to print a book that may be esteemed a curiAbrasax, with serpentine feet, found upon their osity in its kind. gems, and represented as their god; and thus we see this single sect and its impure idol bringing destruction on the whole Christian church!"'

The above fac-similes, copied from the work, represent the reverse of the coin struck by Diocletian, and a Gnostic gem. The human forms with serpent-like feet are evidently intended to represent the same being in both, and it is that which is found most frequently on the gems of this sect. Among those formerly given

My Early Days. Second edition, improved.
18mo. pp. 196. Edinburgh, Oliver and
Boyd: London, Whittaker.
WE see no reason, in the improvements, to
retract the praise we bestowed on the first

Plain Sermons, preached in a Village Church.
By a Country Clergyman. 12mo. pp. 317.
London, J. Hearne.

THE humble title of this volume of excellent
moral and practical lessons for a parochial
congregation, does not conceal from us the
writer of finished education, and endowments
equal to his piety. It is dedicated to Lord
Arden, and, we presume, by his son.

Historical and Descriptive Account of the Col-
legiate Church, the Free Grammar School,
and Cheetham's Hospital. Part II. 4to.
Manchester, Aqnew and Zanetti; and Ains-
worth, London.

WE have just had time to look over the con-
tents of this new Part of a publication, the first
Part of which we have, in a previous Number,
favourably noticed. The continuation now
before us has every claim to be spoken of in
the same tone of approbation.

ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. Paris, July 18, 1828. MADAME ADELINA CATALANT lately made her début in the part of Isabella, in the Italiana in Algeri: she was loudly cheered on her first appearance, but enthusiasm cooled conNeither her voice nor appearance were suited to siderably, notwithstanding French gallantry. the character she had undertaken; nor can she in any manner be compared to the queens of song who have preceded her so that the Italian Opera will be much abandoned, unless

fresh forces arrive.

Astronomers, jealous of the enjoyments of mortals, have endeavoured to embitter them, in predicting the destruction of the earth by fire in the year 1832: but these gentlemen having ceased to be considered oracles, their discoveries will little impede the progress of pleasure; and even were the prophecy credited, it would scarcely affect a nation who never take sorrow by the forelock, nor permit fear for the future to damp present gaiety. "Be merry to-day, for to-morrow we die," is the creed they adopt; and though we splenetic beings may ridicule their levity, as we term it, in the long-run the laugh turns against us; for while we are measuring out and weighing evils, they are reaping the little good there is. Still, however, there are a few exceptions to this philosophy, if we are to believe the on dit of We are afraid, that with purchasers of topo- the day. Some gentle frail ones have been graphical works the graphic is apt to supersede frightened out of their seven senses (if senses in interest the literary part of the production. they had), owing to the inflammable forebodings We are not inclined to quarrel with this pre- of messieurs the star-gazers; and, in their terror disposition, and hope it may not unfrequently of being fried alive, have taken to devotion at tend to desirable results, in leading those who least ten years sooner than the epoch usually are attracted by the labours of the engraver to assigned for renouncing follies in favour of pay an attention, which they might not other-prayers,-to the despair of noble wooers and wise have bestowed, to the researches of the sighing swains, who find themselves left in author. On this account, we will first men- the lurch for father confessors: these spiritual tion the plates in this Part, which are four in guides, it is to be hoped, will indemnify the number, engraved by Pye. fair penitents for the sacrifice; and, indeed, if The first, from a design by Palmer, is really fame renders justice, no men possess in so high a very interesting production, and represents a degree the talent of consolation, and the art an Interior View of the Nave of the Collegiate of healing Cupid's wounds, as the wearers of Church at Manchester. This conveys an ex- the calotte. According to some sages, tender cellent idea of the original independently consciences have had a false alarm, as there

still remains ample time for sinning and re-proposition has been lately made to secure a country; and in passing a narrow neck of land, penting, ere the globe explode. Selon eux, a home for ambulating poor, and provide work which at low water connects the Moro with the comet can never seriously affect a planet. for the most robust: but all partial plans are Continent, the commandant and six or seven Philhelenism is all the rage, therefore Greeks but drops of benevolence in the ocean of men (perhaps one or two more) were killed by are à la mode, and ladies are proud to have misery; and no one seems inspired with feel- the Columbians, in a fair attempt to repel the them at their soirées: this proves their bon ings of general good, or to really desire a sally.


I have, sir, no other motive for this intrusion on your attention, than a wish to guard the public against such needless fabrications. I have the honour to be, &c. GEORGE LAVAL CHESTERTON, Late Captain of the Colombian Army,


seen from the

Lunar Phases and Conjunctions.

goût, as many of that nation here are the per-system, which would assure the common com- The cold-blooded massacre of 1300 men, as fection of "manly beauty." I met with se- forts of life to all; at least those who pro-related by your author, is either the fruit of veral at a bon-ton soirée, dressed in the costume pose such, are looked on as mad, and as ene- his own invention, or, to judge more charitof their country, which sets off natural ad- mies to the higher classes, who calculate their ably, of his reliance on the relation of others: vantages: they appeared totally unconscious elevation by the depth of others' wretched- but if such be the general character of his deof their superior personal charms, for, unlike tails, it is well for him that he writes anonyEnglish and French dandies, the mirror never Booksellers in London appear very dilatory mously. It is, however, but justice to say, attracted their attention, nor did I once ob- in sending over new works. "Pelham" has that his after-statement of the murder of a serve them either twisting their mustachios had a kind of partial fame here, owing to a young Spanish captain and three men, is, in or admiring themselves; this they wisely left few stray volumes which have crept into Paris; most respects, but too true. for others. To judge from appearances, these but at none of the libraries can it be had. I strangers looked the free people, and we the have not read it, but have heard it panegyrised slaves; for while their garments hung in by Frenchmen, who consider it one of the graceful folds, and permitted them to breathe, best critiques on modern society which have we seemed palpitating and convulsed into appeared; and I know not whether the shape and form by dint of stays, straps, laces, author will esteem as a compliment its being pins, stiffened cravats, wadded coats, and all the said, that the rôle of pick-pockets is so adparaphernalia of modern toilettes, which are mirably described, that he must have been one such impediments to grace of motion. Amongst of the party himself. the foreigners was a young Athenian, whose fine The famed poet Lamartine, whose muse is features and noble expression of countenance worthy of comparing with that of Byron, is, I 8th day—the sun enters the constellation Leo. were such as might inspire painters and sculp-understand, soliciting an ambassade, for which 20th day-passes close to the bright star tors: he evinced his surprise that a general cos- ambition men of talent do not forgive him ; tume was not adopted in Paris, as a means of but, it appears, the vulgar stare and envy of Regulus; and the earth, as weaning men and women from the constant the multitude possess an all-powerful charm, sun, is proceeding through Aquarius. occupation of dress; nor could he be made otherwise such a genius could never support to understand how a continual variation of being cramped in political irons: after having fashion was conducive to the prosperity of soared so high, to desire to wade through all commerce. The liberty women enjoy, also, the by-ways of intrigue, is inconceivable. astonished him; but a belle Française, of as much wit as observation, soon convinced him that of all women, Europeans are the greatest On the morning of the 9th day, about an slaves-from the cradle, dissimulation being SIR,-As you cannot be supposed to vouch for hour before sunrise, a very beautiful comthe leading principle: our very language, she the correctness of statements given in your bination of the moon with the planets Mersaid, is equivocal; and so accustomed are we to columns as extracts from any work which you cury, Venus, and Saturn, may be observed in mould our sentiments as society judges fit, review, it is, perhaps, hardly reasonable to ex- the N.E. by E. in the constellation Cancer that we at length lose the faculty of thinking pect that you should, in every instance, lend Saturn and Mercury to the north, and Venus or reasoning: few of us ever make acquaintance your valuable pages to the refutation of ca- to the south of the moon; these latter will with ourselves, as our entire life is occupied lumny, exaggeration, or direct similarly illuminated, each exhibiting a fine "à sauver les apparences, a task not very When, however, the last is of a most aggra- crescent, the moon waning to her disappeareasy, yet it is ours until death finishes the vated description, and is circulated for no ance in the solar rays, and Venus expanding comedy." Mammas and aunts appeared highly obvious reason but to minister to its author's to a full bright orb. 16th day, 17 hrs.-the displeased at such bold assertions, and drew their love of the sanguinary or of the marvellous, moon in conjunction with Jupiter. 20th day, daughters and nieces away, lest they might and particularly where its uncontradicted re- 22 hrs. 15 min.. .with Mars. hear truth, and become disgusted with the ception is calculated to affix a deep stigma on practice of disguise; for if "our existence is a whole nation (which, though not distina false nature," it is rendered doubly so by guished for the merciful conduct of its wars, education: no one is, or dare be, themselves, should still not be wantonly accused of inhuwhich, perhaps, may in some measure account man deeds never perpetrated), I think comfor the sameness of life, and the little origin- mon justice demands that some opportunity ality of mind which exists. should be afforded of removing so unmerited a reproach.

Recollections of Colombia, &c. corrected.

Kensington, July 22d, 1828.

Like all those who go in quest of pleasure, à quel prix que ce soit, I went to the fête of the The "Officer of the Columbian Navy," whose Duke de Bordeaux, which was crowded for some work is noticed in your Gazette of last week, hours, in spite of wind and weather. The attempts to shock his readers by the recital of rain, however, prevented the waters playing, a deliberate murder of 1300 Spaniards, at the and many other projected amusements, so Moro of Barcelona, when that place was taken that altogether the day passed most dully. by General Urdenetta.-Now, sir, I was present The little duke was dressed en cuirassier, and at the capture of that city, and at the operareviewed his young troop, about thirty in tions (in part) against the Moro; and I boldly number, sons of soldiers, (the eldest of whom affirm, that no such occurrence ever happened: did not appear above nine years old), which nay, more, I will assert, that if the salvation went through all the military evolutions with of their colonies had depended on the effort, the exactness of veterans. It was by far the the Spaniards could not have collected 1300 most interesting sight I witnessed; for both men throughout the whole province of Barthe troop and its commander enjoyed un-celona, much less at a spot so little demanding mixed happiness, looking not a little proud the services of a body thus numerous. of their uniform. Potiers performed in the The fact is, sir, the Spaniards (whose force evening, and had the honour of exciting royal was very inconsiderable) did not strike their laughter; for which sin the poor comedian colours (as your author, to exhibit his own will, one of these days, be denied Christian forbearance and generosity, avers), but set fire burial, and sent to the infernal regions. Beggars are now occupying the consideration of philanthropists (if such really exist).

to the works, wherever the process of ignition was practicable, and then sallied forth to make Altheir way through the besiegers into the open

C Last Quarter, in Aries
New Moon, in Cancer

O First Quarter, in Libra

O Full Moon, in Aquarius.
(Last Quarter, in Taurus.

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D. H. M.

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3 38


4 42

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18 2 46

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24 17 28

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3d day Mercury stationary. 9th dayConjunction with Venus. 12th day-Greatest elongation, and visible a short time before day-light, which is the most favourable time for seeing him, the atmosphere being clearer near the horizon before the rising, than after the setting of the sun. 16th day, 15 hrs. conjunction with Cancri. 17th, Ascending node. 21st, Perihelio. 28th, conjuction with Regulus in Leo.

13th day- Venus 1 digit east illuminated, apparent diameter 52 sec. 18th, stationary. This planet will be twice this month in conjunction with Saturn,- -on the 13th and 31st days. This is explained from the combined motions of the earth and the other planets, which make them appear at one time to be moving in the order of the signs, or direct, and at another time, contrary to this order, or retrograde: the period of time in which the planets retreat in the zodiac, with the spaces they describe, vary according to their distance and velocity; the earth moving between the orbits of the other planets, (at the rate of nineteen miles in a second of time) causes, to a spectator who considers himself at rest, most of those irregularities which are observed in the motions of those bodies. The following table will exhibit more fully these interesting particulars :.


Arcs of
Velocity in
Retrogradation. Miles, per second,

16° ........

in days.


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Venus ....


Mars...... 70


Jupiter.... 120


Saturn.... 135


Uranus... 151






There will be

1st day-Jupiter will leave the constellation Virgo, and re-enter Libra. only two visible eclipses of the satellites this month, which will occur as follow: —

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PROFESSOR MONE, of Heidelberg, has lately published, with remarks, a notice, by Mr. Assall, the inspector of mines in Pennsylvania, VIII. "Historical Notices of Nicomedia, with respect to the natives of North America the ancient Capital of Bithynia." By Sir Mars, though he continues but a short time and to Indian antiquities. This antiquary has W. Ouseley, LL.D. R.A. R.S.L.Ancient visited, and carefully examined, the remains geographers are divided upon the question, above the horizon, appears as a very splendid of former times which exist in the forests of whether Astacus, Olbia, and Nicomedia, were object in the bow of Sagittarius; and as he that country. He describes two kinds; those names successively given to the same city, has latterly beamed forth on the midnight which seem to have belonged to the ancestors which occupied the site where Iz-Nikmid, or sky, might have been considered as a new of the actual natives, and those which seem to Ismid (the Turkish corruption of Nicomedia), star, which was the idea in the year 1719. indicate the presence, at some remote period, now stands; or whether these were the names Many satisfactory telescopic views have been of a people more civilised than Indians. The of three different cities, situated not far from obtained of this planet during the past and latter consist of fortifications of earth or stone, each other: the author of this memoir inclines present months, the spots on his orb being tumuli, mummies, idols, and utensils. It is to the former opinion. The last of the three singularly distinct: this is not always the case, even when in opposition, or nearest the in the states of New York, Ohio, and Penn-names was derived from Nicomedes the First, sylvania, that the greater number of these for- king of Bithynia; by whom Astacus, founded earth: at the time he is also in perihelio, ortifications are found. One has been discovered about 700 years B.C. by a body of Megarenennearest the sun, there seems some physical to the south of Lake Ontario; the others, sians, was rebuilt or enlarged in the third cause, arising probably from his atmosphere, which are not far from one another, are placed century before the same era. After having which renders his disc occasionally very on a line which stretches in a south-westerly undergone successive devastations, by an earthdistinct. direction to the river Chenango, near Oxford. quake, and by the predatory inroads of the These fortifications differ in form. The ram- Scythians or Goths, at the latter end of the parts are sometimes only five, and sometimes second and beginning of the third centuries, thirty feet high; and they enclose sometimes and having speedily recovered from the effects ten, sometimes fifty acres. The neighbour of those calamities, it was decorated by Dioclehood of a river, with fish, and a site not sub-sian with a variety of works of luxury and ject to inundation, have always determined utility, on a scale calculated to rival Rome those by whom these fortifications were built. itself. It was upon a plain near this city that A kind of covered way communicates between that emperor solemnly abdicated the supreme them and the river. The entrance is not authority. Here also it was, that, in 324, always direct. In front, and interiorly, there Licinius resigned his share of the imperial is frequently a little rampart which defends purple to Constantine the Great, who died at a the entrance. This arrangement bears an palace in the vicinity in the year 337. In the analogy to the fortification which the Romans middle of the fourth century another earthplaced at the entrances to their camps, and quake, and a conflagration caused by it, en which they called clavicula; but with the tirely overthrew and destroyed this magnificent Romans it was an exterior work. In some of capital. From that period to 1330, when it the areas which these fortifications surround, fell into the hands of the Turks, few particuare little artificial hills, intended either to lars of its history are known. That the in assist in the defence, or to afford the means of formation collected by Sir W. Ouseley from a overlooking the enemy. Near Cercleville, in great variety of authors, and compressed into the Ohio state, is a circular fortification, com- this paper, is not more copious and satisfactory, prehending a square one; the walls of which he attributes in part to the loss of the Bithy latter are so accurately adjusted by the cardinal niaca, a work in eight books, by Arrian (a A telescope of considerable power is requisite points, that it is difficult to believe that the native of Nicomedia), which would undoubtedly to see the satellites of this planet. The primary constructor of them was destitute of astrono- have cleared up many obscure passages in the had been discovered some time before the se-mical knowledge. A few arrow-heads, and history of his country. The writer had the condaries; and, as in the instance of Jupiter's the remains of some very fine pottery, in which satisfaction to discover the tomb of that distin satellites, were considered as small fixed stars, traces of glazing are visible, are all that has guished philosopher, historian, and general, at near which Uranus was passing: their situa- yet been discovered in these places.-The tu- Dabenjeh, the ancient Sophon, about twenty tion was noted, and in the course of a month muli are of various heights; some only four miles from Nicomedia, of which discovery an they were ascertained to revolve about the feet, others exceeding a hundred. The bodies account is given in his Travels. An able and newly-discovered planet. The light of these over which they were heaped seem to have inquisitive antiquary might yet, it is believed, satellites is exceedingly faint; the second is been previously submitted to the action of fire. if allowed to prosecute his inquiries, succeed in the brightest, and its orbit is apparently ellip- There have been found in them some copper extricating from oblivion many valuable fragtical their magnitude is supposed to be equal studs, plated with silver, fragments of scab-ments of antiquity among the remains of Nicoto those of Jupiter. When eclipses of the sa- bards, a copper and silver hilt of a sword, media.Read March 5th, 1828. tellites of Uranus occur, they appear to ascend a mirror of mica membranacea, and some stone IX. "On the Demi of Attica." By W. through the shadow of the primary, in a course knives and hatchets. The idols exhibit only M. Leake, Esq. M.R.S.L. Read April 2d nearly at right angles to the ecliptic; and the an unformed trunk, and a head of the coarsest and 16th, 1828.-A paper of various minute motions of all of them are retrograde. workmanship. The mummies have nothing historical and topographical details. Since the particular about them. It is Mr. Assall's opi- Annual Report was made, this valuable clas nion that the people who have left these remains sical inquiry has occupied several readings. came from Asia by crossing Behring's Straits.

Remarkable configurations at 8 hrs. 3d and 17th days, all the satellites to the east; and on the 13th and 27th days, all to the west of the primary. 31st day, the first and second satellite on the disc, the third to the east, and the fourth to the west of Jupiter.


2d day Saturn enters the constellation Cancer, but is too near the sun for satisfactory observation.

1st day-Uranus re-enters Sagittarius, and transits the meridian at the following times respectively :

D. H. M. D. H. M.
1 11 21 11 10 41

D. H. M. 21 10 2

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Analysis of the Proceedings 1827-8. VII. "On Part of the First Book of Appian's Civil Wars of Rome." By the Right Hon. C. P. Yorke, V.P.R.S.L.-This paper contains a minute outline of the relative In the paper of the Solar Spots, No. 598, page 425, col. 2, line 7, it was stated that the solar atmosphere positions occupied by the Roman and Italic was 300 miles high. This was an error; it should have armies in the first campaign of the Italic or been not less than 1843 miles, nor more than 2765 miles. It Social War; an explanation of the confusion the First Volume of Transactions in the course of the

is the solar mountains that are calculated to be 300 miles

in altitude.

which has arisen between the two Cæsars,
Sextus and Lucius, mentioned in this part of
the Roman history; and, in an appendix, an


The Council propose to bring out the Second Part of Year-A second fasciculus of hieroglyphics, forming the completion of Vol. II. of the whole work, has been published, with the title and table of contents to the vo lume, at the same price as the former fasciculus, viz.— one guinea to members, and two guineas to the public.

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