Imatges de pàgina

have a metallic currency, and that, owing to a cumstances, she could retain for a month the this: Why, if the mercantile theory be so sudden increase in the importation of French five millions which I have supposed to have mischievous as it is alleged to be, has so great goods, we remit five millions of our currency been paid to her. They would flow from her a reluctance been shewn in departing from the to France. "It must be admitted," he says, in every direction. means by which it was carried into effect? "that the efflux of so large a sum from Eng- "It is obvious that all this time precisely an "The answer is, that though restrictions land, and its influx into France, must sink all opposite process would be going on in England. and prohibitions of importation, and bounties English prices, and occasion a general rise of The general fall in English prices would give on exportation, always occasion public loss, prices in France. Indeed, if it did not, the a preference to our goods in every market of they produce, or are supposed to produce, transaction would be one of pure benefit to which they had merely an equal participation individual gain. And the preponderance in England, and of pure loss to France. As before it would admit them to many others amount of the loss over the gain is more than money is not a source of gratification, but a from which they were previously excluded. It compensated so far as either acts on public mere instrument of commerce, if our prices would exclude from the English market many opinion by the concentration of the gain and were not affected by parting with a portion of foreign commodities which could now be ob- the diffusion of the loss. A restriction or proour money, we should be insensible of our tained more cheaply at home. While the hibition of the importation of any foreign loss; or rather we should have sustained no bills in England on foreign countries were in- commodity occasions a loss to those persons loss whatever, and have gained the five mil- creasing, the foreign bills on England would who would have produced the English comlions' worth of French commodities without diminish, the exchange would be in our favour modity with which the excluded foreign comany real sacrifice, while France would have with the whole world, and the five millions modity would have been purchased; but these parted with those commodities, and received no would come back as rapidly as they went out. are unascertained persons. No man feels that sensible equivalent. To suppose that the level of the precious me- he is one of the persons peculiarly entitled to "The consequences would be an immediate tals in the commercial world can be per- complain. It occasions also a loss to all those and universal increase of imports, and diminu-manently disturbed by taking money from one who are forced to purchase the dearer or the tion of exports, in France, and an immediate country to another, is as absurd as to suppose inferior English commodity. But though the and universal increase of exports, and diminu- that the level of a pond can be altered by tak- sum of these inconveniences is most oppressive, tion of imports, in England. The commerce ing a bucket-full from one place, and pouring the evil in each particular instance is generally which any country carries on with its neigh- it in at another. The water instantly rushes trifling. On the other hand, the producer of bours must depend on the prices of their re- to the place from which the bucket-full has the English commodity, for which the foreign spective exportable commodities. When com- been drawn, just as it rushes from the place one might be a substitute, is an ascertained modities of the same quality, or which may be into which it has been poured. Every country person, fully estimating, and generally oversubstitutes for one another, can be imported to which France exported any of the money estimating, the loss to which the admission of from different quarters, a slight variation of she received from England, would to that ex- a rival would subject him, and if possible exprice will decide which shall be preferred. If tent have more money than her habitual state aggerating his own terrors in his expression of linen of the same quality can be imported into of prices could allow. It would flow from her them. Nothing but inquiry into the details South America indifferently from Germany either directly to England, or to those coun- of our commercial law will convince those and from France, and the cost of transport tries which were in want of money in con- among my hearers to whom the subject is not from each country is the same, while the price sequence of having previously exported it to familiar, how trifling may be the individual per yard is also the same, South America will England. It appears, therefore, that even in gain that is offered and admitted as an effecprobably import indifferently from each coun- the extravagant case which I have supposed, of tual counterpoise to a public loss. We submit try; but if the influx of money should raise an export of five millions in money, the loss, if to a loss exceeding probably a million sterling the price of linen of a given quality from two it can be called one, would be immediately re- every year, occasioned by the restriction on the shillings to two shillings and a farthing per paired. The only inconvenience that we should importation of Baltic timber, and voluntarily yard in France, while it remained at two shil-suffer from the refusal of France to take our inoculate our houses with dry rot, lest sawlings in Germany, South America would in- cottons and our hardware in return for her mills in Canada, and ships in the North Amestantly desert the French market, and confine silks, would be, that instead of the direct ex-rican timber-trade, the aggregate value of her linen trade to Germany. With every com- change of English for French commodities, we which does not amount to a million sterling, mercial rival with whom France was formerly should give to France money; France would should become less productive to their owners. on a par, she would now be at a disadvantage, export that money to Germany, Holland, and We prohibit sugar retined in the colonies, and and many would now meet her in markets Russia; and Germany, Holland, and Russia, consequently import it in a state more bulky from which she had formerly excluded them. would return us that money in exchange for and more perishable, lest the profits of a few The same consequences, though to a less ex- our manufactures; that our trade would, in sugar-refiners should be lessened. Other selfishtent, would follow even in the cases in which short, be circuitous, instead of direct. For the ness may be as intense, but none is so unblushFrance had exclusive powers of production. sake of illustration I have supposed a suddening, because none is so tolerated as that of a Every commodity has among its purchasers and great transmission of money: effects the monopolist claiming a vested interest in a pubsome whose desire for it, or at least for that same in kind, though less in degree, would of lic injury. The subject is still farther obscured variable quantity of it which they consume, course follow a more gradual one. If a balance by that powerful instrument of confusion, nainduces them to spend on it a given portion of of only 100,000 sovereigns a year were sent tional jealousy. Free trade is not only to detheir income, and no more. On the slightest to France, similar consequences, though less prive us of our money, it is also to carry it to rise of price they either discontinue or diminish palpable, would follow either immediately, or our neighbours; it is to do worse than impovertheir consumption. A very slight rise in the as soon as the annual efflux of money from the ish ourselves, it is to enrich them. The trade price of claret would occasion some to drink one country to the other amounted to a suf- with a country is likely to be advantageous in less, and others to drink none. Precisely the ficient sum to affect the prices of either proportion to its extent, productiveness, and same causes which would diminish the exports country, or of both. It would appear, there- proximity. The trade between Middlesex and of France, would increase her imports. How-fore, that the exchange between two countries Kent is more advantageous to both parties ever earnestly a nation may endeavour to se- can never long deviate from its commercial than that between Middlesex and Caithness. cure to its own productive classes the monopoly par." But those very circumstances are the causes of in what they respectively produce, it cannot This passage contains the whole theory of national jealousy. The trade between Great really protect them against foreign competition the transmission of gold from country to coun- Britain and France would be the most beby any measure short of the prohibition of all try; and, when properly applied, will be found neficial that either country could carry on: foreign commerce. The consumer cannot be to throw considerable light on the question of they are countries of great extent and powers 'forced to buy the dearer or inferior home-made a paper currency. of production; their respective wants and suparticle. If he is prohibited from importing In an essay like the present, which consists plies are happily adapted to each other; and precisely what he wants, he may still make of a string of concatenated propositions, it is the short sea which, for commercial purposes, his purchase abroad. The increased price in difficult to make extracts without doing in- rather unites than separates them, reduces the France of all home commodities would, of justice to the work, because by detaching a expense of carriage almost to nothing. The course, stimulate the consumption of foreign passage from the context, we at once deprive wines of the Garonne would naturally be ones. The bills on France in other countries it of the support which it derives from what cheaper in London than in Paris. The mineral would increase, those on other countries in preceded, and suppress the important con- treasures of Wales and Cornwall would find France would diminish, and the exchange would sequences to which it may lead. The follow- their way as easily to the Loire as to the be against France throughout the commercial ing extract, however, may be made with com- Thames. For these very reasons each nation world. It is impossible that, under such cir-parative impunity. The question asked is has always exercised her perverse ingenuity to

exclude the commodities. of her neighbour. | bute the greatest of all human follies-the some of the most wonderful scenes and situaAnd so well have they succeeded, that the im-existence of war between civilised nations." tions which the world has produced, the ports of Great Britain from France, instead of These are sufficient specimens of Mr. Se- stately and sustained diction of these volumes forming, as they naturally would do, a third or nior's style of writing and exposition. We corresponds with the dignity of the theme. fourth of all our imports, do not exceed a have already quoted the passage in which he The brief introduction develops the scheme fiftieth. The mercantile system seems to have has stated that the question of free trade is, on which the story is constructed. proclaimed, and national jealousy to have re- next to the question of free religion, the most echoed momentous that has ever been submitted to human decision. That sentence is followed by these observations:

Nequicquam Deus abscidit
Prudens oceano dissociabili
Terras, si tamen impia


"There has appeared from time to time in Europe, during the last thousand years, a mysterious individual, a sojourner in all lands, yet a citizen of none; professing the pro"If the unhappy prejudices that now exist foundest secrets of opulence, yet generally Non tangenda rates transillunt vada. on this subject should continue, and if the ex- living in a state of poverty; astonishing every Another most efficient fallacy consists in a use tension of representative governments should one by the vigour of his recollections, and the of the word independent.' To be independ- increase the power of public opinion over the evidence of his close and living intercourse ent of foreign supply, in consequence of the policy of nations, I fear that commerce may with the eminent characters and events of abundance of our own, is unquestionably a not long be enabled to retain even that degree every age, yet connected with none-without benefit. If we could give to our soil and of freedom which she now enjoys. Much, per- lineage, or possession, or pursuit on earthclimate the productive powers of the richest haps every thing, depends on the example to a wanderer and unhappy. A number of hisplains in Mexico, and instead of eight or ten, be set by this country. I have perfect reliance tories have been invented for him; some obtain a return of ninety or one hundred, for on the knowledge and good intentions of our purely fictitious, others founded on ill-underevery grain of wheat committed to the earth, present ministers; but very little on the know- stood records. Germany, the land of mystiwe should be independent of foreign grain; ledge possessed by the country at large.' cism, where men labour to think all facts but the benefit would consist not in the in- In this place there is either a mistatement, imaginary, and turn all imaginations into dependence, but in the abundance. The in- or Mr. S. has propounded what amounts to a facts, has toiled most in this idle perversion dependence of the mercantile system is ac- condemnation of representative governments; of truth. Yet those narratives have been companied not by abundance, but by privation; until-Heaven help us !—until the community in general but a few pages, feebly founded it arises not from the extent, but from the mis- shall have attained to the same degree of on the single, fatal sentence of his punishmanagement of our resources; not from our economical knowledge as the Oxford professor. ment for an indignity offered to the Great riches, but from our self-inflicted poverty. It We do not mean to fasten a proposition so Author of the Christian faith. That exile is the independence of Swift, who deprived untenable as this upon the author of these lives; that most afflicted of the people of afflichimself, during the last years of his sanity, of lectures; the words, however, are not only tion yet walks this earth, bearing the sorrows the power of reading, by an obstinate resolu- capable of such a meaning, but require, as we of eighteen centuries on his brow,-withering tion never to use glasses. It is the independ- think, a little twisting to be forced into any in soul with remorse for the guilt of an hour ence of my supposed trader in blacking his better interpretation. A people, be their trade of madness. He has long borne the scoff in own shoes. It is to be independent of the foot-free as the air, may yet, without a representa- silence; he has heard his princely rank depath, by walking in the kennel. Independence tive constitution, be misgoverned to the con- graded to that of a menial, and heard without of our neighbours has, however, sometimes been tent of a Turkish sultan: but can they ever a murmur; he has heard his unhappy offence recommended, not as a means of wealth, but of be brought to acquiesce in sound commercial charged to deliberate malice and cruelty, when security. This view of the subject is not principles, unless under the enlightening in- it was but the misfortune of a zeal blinded and within the scope of political economy. If Ifluence of such a constitution? And without inflamed by the prejudices of his nation; and might venture to travel somewhat beyond my their acquiescence, of what use are the "good he has bowed to the calumny as a portion of sphere, I should reply, that it seems forgotten intentions of a ministry"? Mr. Senior wrote his punishment. But the time for his forbearthat dependence as well as independence must a year ago; a year ago he expressed the fullest ance is no more. He feels himself at last wearbe mutual; that we cannot be habitually de- confidence in our enlightened ministers." ing away; and feels, with a sensation like that pendent on another nation for a large portion Does that confidence survive the death of one, of returning to the common fates of mankind, of our annual supplies, without that nation's and the retirement of others, of those en. a desire to stand clear with his fellow-men. being equally dependent upon us. That if lightened persons; or is he not convinced that, In their presence he will never move again. such a mutual dependence should increase the in affairs of this moment, the minister must To their justice, or their mercy, he will never inconveniences of war to the one, it would rely on the people as his only efficient auxi-again appeal. The wound of his soul rests, equally increase them to the other. That if liaries in any project of useful reformation? the supposed intercourse were one in which England received raw produce in return for her manufactures, or even her gold, (and such and the Future. Colburn. are the cases in which this argument is chiefly [Second notice.] used,) such an intercourse would bind to her the foreign country in question by the THIS extraordinary story, the production of a strongest of all possible ties, the immediate interest of man of great genius, cannot be classed with any the owners of the soil, the most powerful class of the works of imagination which have been in every community, and the only class pos- put forth in these times so fertile in romance: sessing power in a poor country. I should and as our first notice of it appeared after the illustrate the argument by our relations with perusal of an early copy, a short while previous the Baltic states. I should observe, that our to publication, we feel ourselves called upon plicable conviction of his crime, are most powerdependence on them for the principal materials to complete our review, now that Salathiel fully depicted. Then come the more open and of our navy,—a dependence carrying a peculiar has been sometime published. It is perfectly awful visitations of the earthquake and darkappearance of insecurity,-never seemed to di- original in the general conception, as well ness which attended the crucifixion. Salathiel, minish our strength during war, while the as in its splendid and powerful eloquence. attempting to fly with his wife and child in dependence on England of the Russian land- The most striking peculiarity is the com- the hour of terror, is overpowered in the whirlholders for their rents, made peace with us bination of lofty thought, expressed in a style wind of dust and ashes; and the story thus absolutely essential to them; and actually en-which, for its richness, copiousness, and vigour, proceeds: is almost unrivalled. forced it by means of the unpunished murder alted could not be judiciously used, if the much changed round me, that I could scarcely "When I recovered my senses, all was so of one sovereign, and unresisted menaces to another. And I should infer from all this, subject were not far above those which are be persuaded that either the past or the present that an attempt at commercial independence usually selected for works of fiction. was not a dream. I had no consciousness of

never again to be disclosed, until that day when all things shall be summoned and be known. In his final retreat he has collected

Salathiel: a Story of the Past, the Present, these memorials. He has concealed nothing,

Indeed a strain so ex


where the story is that of a being supposed
to be under the immediate and constant in-
fliction of the Divine wrath, driven through

must infinitely increase the chances of a war
to a nation, by diminishing the motives in
other nations to remain at peace with her, and,
by impoverishing her, must make her less able
The author is understood to be the Rev. G. Croly.
to support the wars to which it inevitably Indeed, not merely the eloquence, but the profound and
leads. To the mercantile system, besides its extensive learning displayed in these volumes afford in
ternal evidence that they proceed from the author of the
own peculiar follies, we may in general attri.New Interpretation of the Apocalypse.

he has dissembled nothing; the picture of his hopes and fears, his weaknesses and his sorrows, is stamped here with sacred sincerity." After this explanation, Salathiel, the Wandering Jew, proceeds with his story from the moment when the memorable curse was pronounced upon him, "Tarry thou till I come."

The horrors of this infliction, and the inex

any interval between them, more than that of having closed my eyes at one instant, to open them at the next. Yet the curtains of a tent

waved round me in a breeze fragrant with the breath of roses and the balsam-tree. Beyond the gardens and meadows, from which those odours sprang, a river shone, like a path of

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lapis lazuli, in the calm effulgence of the dulgence, and I laid it on the table. 'Here's of the human monster before me were mild, western sun. Tents were pitched, from which long life and glory to Nero Claudius Cæsar, and almost handsome: a heavy eye and a I heard the sounds of pastoral instruments; our pious, merciful, and invincible emperor,' figure tending to fulness gave the impression camels were drinking and grazing along the cried Florus; and only when he had drunk to of a quiet mind; and but for an occasional river side; and turbaned men and maidens the bottom of the goblet, found leisure to look restlessness of brow, and a brief glance from were ranging over the fields, or sitting on the upon his prisoner. He either felt or affected under it, in which the leaden eye darted susbanks to enjoy the cool of the delicious even- surprise, and turning to his young companion, picion, I should have pronounced Nero one of ing. While I tried to collect my senses, and said, 'By Hercules, boy, what grand fellows the most indolently tranquil of mankind. He discover whether this was more than one of those Jews make! The helmet is nothing to remanded the parrot to its perch, took up his those sports of a wayward fancy which tanta- the turban, after all. What magnificence of lyre, and throwing a not unskilful hand over lise the bed of the sick mind, I heard a low beard! no Italian chin has the vigour to grow the strings, in the intervals of the performance hymn, and listened to the sounds with breath- any thing so superb; then the neck, like the languidly addressed a broken sentence to me. less anxiety. The voice I knew at once-it bull of Milo; and those blazing eyes! If I You have come, I understand, from Judea; was Miriam's. But in the disorder of my brain, had but a legion of such spearsmen'-I grew they tell me that you have been, or are to be, and the strange circumstances which had filled impatient, and said, 'I stand here, procurator, a general of the insurrection ;-you must be the late days, in that total feebleness too in in your bonds. I demand why? I have put to death;-your countrymen give us a which I could not move a limb or utter a word, business that requires my instant attention; great deal of trouble, and I always regret to be a persuasion seized me that I was already be- and I desire to be gone.” “Now, have I treated troubled with them. But to send you back yond the final boundary of mortals. All before you so inhospitably,' said he, laughing, that would only be encouragement to them; and to me was like that paradise from which the crime you expect I shall finish by shutting my doors keep you here among strangers would only be of our great forefather bad driven man into upon you at this time of night?' He glanced cruelty to you. I am charged with cruelty ;banishment." upon his tablets, and read my name. 'Ay,' you see the charge is not true. I am lamThe rich and glorious landscape thus ex-said he, and after I have been so long wish-pooned every day; I know the scribblers, but quisitely placed before us, is the country of ing for the honour of your company. Jew, they must lampoon or starve. I leave them to Samaria, whither Salathiel had been borne by take your wine, and sit down upon that couch, do both.-Have you brought any news from his kinsmen, who had fled in those hours of and tell me what brought you to Cæsarea." Judea? They have not had a true prince terror from the holy city. I told him briefly the circumstances. He roared there since the first Herod; and he was quite But we cannot attempt to trace the progress with laughter, desired me to repeat them, and a Greek, a cut-throat, and a man of taste. He of this wild and wonderful tale, which from its swore that by all the gods, it was the very understood the arts. I sent for you, to see manner defies all compression. We can only best piece of pleasantry he had heard since he what sort of animal a Jewish rebel was.-Your extract, almost at random, the following pass- set foot in Judea.' I stood up in irrepressible dress is handsome, but too light for our winters. ages. The first shews us Salathiel unexpect- indignation. What!' said he, will you go-You cannot die before sun-set, as till then I edly dragged before Florus, the Roman gover-without hearing my story in return?' He filled am engaged with my music-master. We all nor of Judea, a picture remarkable not only his goblet again to the brim, buried his purple must die when our time comes.-Farewell-till for the brilliancy and power of its colouring, visage in a vase of roses, and having inhaled sun-set, may Jupiter protect you!'" but for its perfect accuracy. the fragrance, and chosen an easy posture, These passages may convey some notion, but "By extraordinary speed, I reached the said, coldly, Jew, you have told me a most ex-not an adequate one, of this powerful work. gates just as the trumpet was sounding for cellent story; and it is only fair that I should The only faults which can be attributed to it their close. My attendant went forth to obtain tell you one in return; not half so amusing, I proceed from the unabated loftiness and sweepinformation; and I was left pacing my chamber admit, but to the full as true. Jew, you are a ing style which is continued throughout. It is in feverish suspense. I did not suffer it long. traitor!' I started back. Jew,' said he, you true this is consistent with the elevation of the The door opened, and a group of soldiers or- must in common civili.y hear me out. The subject; but we could almost have wished for dered me to follow them. Resistance was use- truth is, that your visit, has been so often an- occasional parts in a more simple, smooth, less. They led me to the palace. There I was ticipated and so long delayed, that I cannot and easy strain. It is astonishing that, withdelivered from guard to guard, through a long bear to part with you yet. You are an apos-out the relief of any such parts, there is succession of apartments, until we reached the tate; you encourage those Christian dogs. nothing to complain of in the shape of rididoor of a banqueting-room. The festivity Why does the man stare ?-you are in com- culous pompousness or affectation. In this within was high; and if I could have then munication with rebels; and I might have respect, indeed-in his power over the English sympathised with singing and laughter, I might had the honour of meeting you in the field, language in the richness and vigour of his have had full indulgence during the immeasur- if you had not been in my hands in Cæsarea. imagination-Mr. Croly is hitherto unrivalled: able hour that I lingered out, a broken wretch, He pronounced those words of death in the and as these volumes are only to be considered exhausted by desperate effort, sick at heart, most tranquil tone; not a muscle moved: the as the first portion of a more extended plan, and of course not unanxious for the result of cup which he held brimful in his hand never we may perhaps hope, as the author descends an interview with the Roman procurator; a overflowed." with the stream of time to "the present," that he will delight us with touches of pathos and nature, in addition to his loftier and more magnificent strains.


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man whose name was equivalent to vice, ex- We are sorry we cannot conclude this scene: tortion, and love of blood, throughout Judea. and must finish with the following vivid porAt length the feast was at an end. I was sum-trait of Nero at Rome.

LITERARY AND LEARNED. OXFORD, July 12.-On Saturday last, the following degrees were conferred :

Grand Compounder.
Doctor in Divinity.-Rev. W. Fawssett, Magdalen Hall,

Masters of Arts.-Rev. R. Sherson, St. Mary Hall;
Rev. C. J. Gooch, Christ Church; Rev. J. W. Birch,
Magdalen Hall.

Remarks upon an Egyptian History, in Egyptian Characters, in the Royal Museum at Turin, with reference to an Article in the Edinburgh Review. By Dr. G. Seyffarth, Frofessor of Oriental Literature in the University of Leipzig.

moned, and for the first time saw Gessius "A few steps onward, and I stood in the Florus, a little bloated figure, with a counte-presence of the most formidable being on earth. nance that to the casual observer was the Yet, whatever might have been the natural model of gross good-nature, a twinkling eye, agitation of the time, I could scarcely restrain and a lip on the perpetual laugh. His bald a smile at the first sight of Nero. I saw a forehead wore a wreath of flowers, and his pale, under-sized, light-haired young man sittunic and the couch on which he lay breathed ting before a table with a lyre on it, a few copies perfume. The table before him was a long of verses and drawings, and a parrot's cage, to vista of sculptured cups, and golden vases and whose inmate he was teaching Greek with great candelabra. I am sorry to have detained assiduity. But for the regal furniture of the you so long,' said he; but this was the em- cabinet, I should have supposed myself led by peror's birth-day, and, as good subjects, we mistake into an interview with some struggling have kept it accordingly.' During this speech, poet. He shot round one quick glance on the he was engaged in contemplating the wine- opening of the door, and then proceeded to give bubbles as they sparkled above the brim of a lessons to his bird. I had leisure to gaze on ALTHOUGH a vast number of papyri and large amethystine goblet. A pale and delicate the tyrant and the parricide. Physiognomy is a other inscriptions have been found in modern Italian boy, sumptuously dressed, the only one true science. The man of profound thought, times among the ruins of Egypt, and brought of the guests who remained, perceiving that I the man of active ability, and above all, the to the museums of Europe, no person has yet was fatigued, filled a cup, and presented it. man of genius, has his character stamped on succeeded in discovering a proper Egyptian Right, Septimius,' said the debauchee, make his countenance by nature; the man of violent history. Of this nature is a large papyrus in the Jew drink the emperor's health.' The passions and the voluptuary have it stamped the Egyptian Museum at Turin, recomposed youth bowed gracefully before me, and again by habit. But the science has its limits: it by me from a quantity of fragments, during my offered the cup; but the time was not for in-has no stamp for mere cruelty. The features residence in that town. This remarkable ma

[blocks in formation]

Of these names the shortest is that of Pi, viewer: for matters of fact never can be

the other side; and each of these contains being written thus:-
from twenty to thirty lines, particularly near
the end, where the text is more cramped and
comprehensive. Sometimes there are small

stripes of papyri fastened with gum upon the
sheets, in order, perhaps, to correct errors.

My System,

who appears, however, under his name in a French translation of the essay in the Edinburgh Review, had in view, nor what are the secret motives of his frequent articles against us. It is not at all necessary to refute this rewholly suppressed; and a hieroglyphical system cannot as yet be really condemned, as every body will allow, but by such a one as has exclusively applied himself to hieroglyphical studies, and examined a vast number of Egyptian monuments. Any other person, however learned, may certainly pronounce an opinion upon a system; but his judgment, however positive, will never be considered as decisive. Notwithstanding, I will shew in what way Sphon and myself have been proceeded against.

The said twelve columns furnish, besides other Now let us try, even by these hieroglyphs, things, a catalogue of the Egyptian regents, Spohn's system and Champollion's. According perfectly coinciding with Manetho's history. to Champollion, representing a fence, It begins with the government of the deities, or Klo in Coptic, signifies K; O signifies T, demigods, heroes, and other divine regents. and III signifies P; and I think it is impossiThis is the fabulous part of the Egyptian ble for Champollion's system to pronounce this The reviewer asserts, that, according to the history, like that of the Chinese and other name otherwise than KeTeP, or KaTaP, &c. principles of our system, the Egyptians have people therefore it need not be wondered But in my system I have said, that fil and used 650,000 arbitrary characters of letters; at, that the Egyptian mythologist gives 19,918 together signify only one sound, namely, I; and he takes this axiom to be the basis of our years as the government of the first gods, and and is a form of the letter P, system. There are whole pages which he 23,22(?)0 years as that of all the divine regents which furnish PI, or Plos, adding the Greek wastes for the sake of proving, that Egyptian together. Each of the gods, which follow in termination. The aforesaid name must there-brains were not capable of retaining more than this order-Hephaestos (?), Helios (?), Aga- fore be read, according to half a million of distinct characters; and that thodaemon (?), Kronos, Osiris, Typhon, Orus, Champollion's System, Greek Text, it is impossible for human understanding to deKeTePos. Phios. Thoouth, Anubis, Orus II., have reigned cipher an inscription written in such characters; several hundred years, and Thoouth alone This is a fact which must be admitted, and and that consequently our system is downright governed Egypt 3926 years. After this follow I could produce a thousand such proofs. One nonsense. But neither I nor Spohn ever asthe human dynasties, commencing with Menes, more example may as well be added here. In serted so strange a paradox. There is indeed Athothis I., Athothis II., &c. Each dynasty the name preceding that of Plos, in the afore- in one of the annotations to my system a commences with the indication of that town or said dynasty, we find the letter O expressed number 675,000, and an analytical calculation, country where it originated, and finishes with by shewing plainly the mutual relation of the dean article concerning the number of Pharaohs motical, hieratical, and the hieroglyphical letin that dynasty, and the time of their governters; but in the same annotation I have exment, &c. The commencement of these notes pressly conjectured, that the forms of the Egypis distinguished by red letters: immediately tian letters, in the three manners of writing, following the name of each Pharaoh, the num- That is FT according to Champollion, and O altogether do not exceed the number of a few ber of years, months, and days, of his reign is according to my system. Therefore, Cham- thousands. It is impossible that our critic remarked, with other notices. It is a great pollion's system will pronounce here, per- has seen or understood our system. I do not pity that this manuscript, consisting of seven haps, FeTeTeFeTEs, or literally, FTTFTEs, know where that gross mistake originates; but large sheets of papyrus, which in its original instead of OTOES; while my system literally I think a pamphlet, published by Champollion, condition contained about 300 names of Pha- and strictly pronounces OTOES, like the Greek which attacks it with nearly the same assertions raohs, is in many, and indeed in essential text. These two examples may suffice for the as his, has led him into the same error; and parts very incomplete. It remains, however, present, and enable every one to come to a perhaps he had not then seen my refutation of an important monument of Egyptian literature, decision between Champollion and us, and to Champollion's pamphlet.+ Besides this, a and furnishes much remarkably illustrative of contradict every sentence like this in the conjecture concerning the number of the Egypthe history and the manner of the sacred Caledonian Mercury: "Spohn's system is tian forms of letters is not a principle, or an writing of the ancient Egyptians: therefore I considered as one of the most perfect specimens essential point, of any hieroglyphical system. shall as soon as possible publish it. Besides of cimmerian mystifications," &e. &c. After the Rosetta-stone, and all the innumer. this, we having a Greek translation of this The particular circumstances under which able inscriptions and papyri brought to Eurohistory and that of Manetho, by Eusebius and the hieroglyphical pursuits of Spohn and my pean museums, had reanimated the study of others, this manuscript, like the Rosetta stone, self were published, admitted of no doubt that Egyptian literature, it remained to determine affords a bilinguous inscription, and serves, our system would meet with rash censure by what rules these monuments were inscribed. by its considerable number of proper names, and unfounded disapprobation; but I confess The question was, therefore, What may we more than any other, to decide upon Champol. I did not expect that our discoveries would presume, and what course pursue, that we lion's hieroglyphical system, and that of Spohn be exhibited in such a light as they were and myself. On this subject I shall add a few made to appear in the articles to which may so far succeed as to understand those inscriptions? According to this question, it will have alluded. Indeed, it is astonishing that be easy to determine the material points in There are some articles in the Edinburgh men who pretend to politeness and character, every hieroglyphical system. Here are our Review, as also in the Caledonian Mercury, so far as pursuing truth, are not ashamed principles, which I will compare with Chamapparently from the same writer, which, while of defending in such a manner, and by such pollion's they approve of Champollion's system, con- means, a fallacious opinion. I do not comdemn ours in extravagant terms.* The said plain of the extravagant expressions against papyrus completely contradicts this decision. Spohn and myself, nor of the condemnation of For instance, like the original text of Manetho, our Egyptian exertions, by a person wholly after Julius Africanus, it gives the following ignorant, or most imperfectly acquainted with regents as the fifth of the Egyptian dynasties: the Egyptian museums and libraries of Italy, France, Germany, and perhaps with those of See Edinburgh Review, Vol. XLV. p. 328; Cale- England itself; but I deplore the assurance donian Mercury, No. XVI. p. 612, April 24, 1828; and self-conceit with which a person would Asiatic Journal, October 1827, p. 528. I determined to forestall the decision of competent judges; the overlook the said articles, and not to give publicity to my boldness with which he denies matters of fact; disapprobation of such attacks upon Spohn and myself; and therefore, some time ago, addressed similar remarks to and the facility with which he misrepresents the author himself, in order to convince him privately of the statements of others. But it is not yet his erroneous statements against us, and of his unbecoming style in literary matters. I have, however, since then, been induced to publish some remarks upon the said articles, in order to check the growth and progress of pre- * See Rudimenta Hieroglyphices, tab. xxxvi. letter I, judices; and although I am quite averse to every kind of in the column x. No. 17; and letter P, columns v. and literary cavilling, I cannot but deviate from my former(xii. No. 2. resolution, particularly as it is more in favour of my deceased friend than myself.


known what objects the anonymous author,

See Rudimenta Hieroglyphices, tab. xxxvi. letter O, column vi. No. 7.

Our System.

The Egyptian inscriptions

Champollion's System. The Egyptian inscriptions ticularly the hieroglyphical.

are in general alphabetic, are in general symbolic, parparticularly the demotical.


The basis of the Egyp tian writing is an alphabet twenty-five letters, as Plutarch and Eusebius themselves testify, of which three were invented by the priest Isiris; the others are the twenty-two Phoenician let


Ordinarily, many signs express but one word.

The basis of the Egyptian writing is a number of

about eight hundred and fifry hieroglyphs, and each of these, not being symbolical, signifies the sound by which the name of that hieroglyphical figure cominences.

Ordinarily, each sign expresses a word or an idea.

* See Rudimenta Hieroglyphices, p. 8, not. 44. + Brevis Defensio Hieroglyphices invente à F. A. G. Spohn et G. Seyffarth. Lipsia, 1827. An Italian and a French translation of it have been published at Turin and at Paris. Difesa del Sistema Geroglífico dei Signori Spohn e Seyffarth, da C. Sylva. Réplique contre les Objections de M. Champollion contre le Système, &c. Chez Ponthieu.

Frequently, two or more signs denote only one letter. Frequently, the same sign denotes two or more letters.

The language of the ancient Egyptians used on

their monuments is the ancient Coptic.

Two or more signs must
always express an equal
The same sign can never
denote any other sound than
that by which the name of
that sign commences.
The language of the an-
cient Egyptians used on
their monuments is the mo-
dern Coptic.

number of letters.



The Beggar's Petition. Engraved by A. W.
Warren, from a Picture by W. F. Wither-

Vessels off Eddystone
Light-House ・・・・

B. Blake

John Lynn



Scene on Medway.. T. W. Dagnall....Ditto.
Landscape, &c..... John Dearman....Ditto.
Alnwick Castle.... {T. M. Richard-R. A. Thorpe, Esq


Idleness punished.. H. H. Watts......J.Townshend, Esq.
Boy and Donkeys.. Wm. Shayer......John Brown, Esq.
A. J. Oliver Geo. Walker, Esq
Badger-Baiters.... L. Marshall ......Ditto.
View at Clifton ... P. Nasmyth......Countess de Grey.
An Overshot Mill.. F. R. Lee Walter Boyd, Esq.
John Wood ......Ditto.
May Morning
The Children in the Mrs. Wm. Car-
Ochill Hills Alex. Nasmyth Dr. Penrose.



[ocr errors]


These thirty-two, added to the preceding seventy-six,

make the whole number sold reach one hundred and eight-a very fair and satisfactory proportion of more

than a fifth part of the Exhibition.


observed in his hieroglyphical pursuits any thing | Interior, with Dead but what supported his opinion, passing over every thing opposed to it, I think it will be conceded that other resources must be used in such a disquisition. Egyptian inscriptions, of which we have a Greek or Latin translation, still remain, as we have seen, the best tests for trying any hieroglyphical system. It is certain that I must suppose the reviewer proceeded the said manuscript, as also many other simiagainst us upon the opinion that I would not lar monuments, have been found subsequent to admit the merits of Dr. Young and Champol- the publication of my system, as well as that of lion. He has charged me with so doing. In- Champollion; and it is incontrovertible, that deed, I could not approve of Champollion's Champollion's system, when applied to inscripsystem; and I am still of the same persuasion, tions with translations, produces pronunciabelieving that only that hieroglyphical system tions and significations very different from can be true, which (1) corresponds with the ex- what the accompanying text supplies, while press assertions of the ancient authors, which ours invariably renders them perfectly similar. (2) is in itself satisfactory, and which (3), when While this fact exists, so long will our system tried by Egyptian texts with a translation, remain unshaken; and, sooner or later, it WE have lately seen specimens of a most ingedoes not exhibit any thing different from what must be universally acknowledged, in defiance nious invention by Mr. Shepherd, bookseller the translation furnishes. Notwithstanding, of every attack to which it may be exposed. and binder, of Charles Street, Middlesex Hos. in the same paragraph, I have duly appre pital, for mounting and inlaying prints. It far ciated Young and Champollion's exertions, I surpasses any process hitherto discovered; and am quite averse to denying or diminishing the no one can have any idea of its beauty and excellence without ocular observation. If the merits of others; but I confess I claim, and, according to suum cuique, I dare claim, that print be cut down, Mr. Shepherd can mount it others respect the property of Spohn and myto have the appearance of being printed on self. Champollion's hieroglyphical works, it is the paper. If it have a margin, he can give already known, were published after Spohn's it the resemblance of an India-paper proof. discoveries; but I do not repeat this fact for If required, he can place several prints on the the purpose of diminishing Champollion's mesame piece of paper. If the print be torn, he rits, but to mention that what is true in can repair it; or, if mildewed, inked, or other. Champollion's system confirms Spohn's. It wise stained, he can, in most cases, remove the is therefore rather curious that the reviewer blemish. We have been favoured by Mr. Shepshould forget, that in condemning our sysherd with an account of his process; but only tem he condemns that of Champollion, which feel ourselves authorised to vouch for its extrahe advocates. Besides this, in the contiordinary effects. Print collectors, and the ilnuation of Spohn's work, I will give, with THESE are prints from a few of the numerous lustrators of books, will find it to be of invaluperfect impartiality, and with all necessary portraits painted by Mr. Dawe during his able use to them; and indeed the whole circle exactness, the history of the restoration of residence at St. Petersburg. They carry with of art is deeply interested in this invention. Egyptian literature. In this account I will them the proofs of strong resemblance. Admi- For the information of all, we have, therefore, tell (I.) what scholars have contributed to the ral Shishkoff, especially, is a highly character-given this laudatory, but well-merited, notice. deciphering of the Egyptian literature since istic old head. There is something very pleathe exposition of the Rosetta stone; (II.) what sing in the composition of the Empress and discoveries each of them has made concern- her Children. Mr. Wright has engraved the ing (1) the tongue of the ancient Egyptians, plates in a very broad and bold style of art. (2) the rules of their writings, (3) their glossary, (4) their grammar, (5) their alphabets, &c.; (III.) at what time the various discoveries have been effected. I hope by this distinguishing history to satisfy all parties, and to silence all the conflicts which in later times the hieroglyphical exertions in England, Germany, France, and Italy, or the envy and ignorance of reviewers, have occasioned. But perhaps it is easy to explain why this particular reviewer should so hastily and so positively condemn our hieroglyphical system. Champollion's system, certainly, appears on a superficial examination to be thoroughly exact and perfect; therefore he did not suppose that any other system different from Champollion's could be true. However, it would have been as well if he had considered that

A PLEASING print, from a pleasing picture,
and likely to be of much popular acceptation.
Portraits of the late Emperor Alexander; of
the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and
Children; of General Yermoloff; of Admi-
ral Shishkoff; and of General Benkendorf.
Engraved by T. Wright, from Paintings by
G. Dawe, R.A.


Extract of a Letter from an Artist at Rome. AMONGST the many works of painters, as well as sculptors, which I have seen in Rome, is a colossal horse, now completed by a British artist, Mr. Thomas Campbell, which is part of On the principle that good example is better than pre- a group for a monument about to be erected at cept for the encouragement of the Fine Arts, and that the Edinburgh, in memory of that distinguished publication of the names of those of our native school who found patrons and friends in consequence of the soldier, the late Lord Hopetown. In this exhibition of their works, is not only an act of justice, work, which certainly merits the attention of but a stimulus to further exertions, both in them and in the cognoscenti, the artist has deviated from annexed, of the pictures sold at the British Institution, the ordinary paths of other sculptors, who in to the date of March 22d, amounting to seventy-six sub-executing a monument of this description have jects, and about £2,500 in price. The Exhibition has since closed, to make room for the noble collection of always kept in view the celebrated Marcus ancient masters which now adorn the Gallery; but for Aurelius, or other equestrian statues. complete our statement by adding the following list of the reasons assigned, we consider it to be only fair to pictures disposed of after the end of March.

[blocks in formation]

Champollion's system has not yet been tho- Fish, Vegetables, N. Chantry.. G. H. Errington, larly the head, which, being inclined down

[blocks in formation]

roughly investigated by a person versed in
such matters, and acquainted with those mo-
numents which have furnished the proofs in
support of it. I repeat here, that in the next
Number of my Egyptian Review I shall take
the opportunity of illustrating and demonstrat-
ing our own system, to exhibit that of Cham-
pollion in its true light. Supposing for a mo-Young Crab-Catch-
ment that the latter had been exhibited in a most
Wm. Shayer. Ditto.
convincing manner, and that the author had not
Geo. Richard-
Returning from La-
son S
The Cottage Door, Robt. Brown...Ditto.

See my Vita Spohnii, Lipsia, 1825, p. 21; and my edition of Spohn's work, De Linguâ et Literis Vet. Egypt. pars i. p. xv.

f Beltraege zur Kenntniss der Altaegyptischen Literatur, &c., Leipzig, bei J. A. Barth, I Heft, 1826.

lace Ditto



[blocks in formation]

wards towards the foot, gives a line of the greatest beauty, although difficult to execute; and in this instance performed with surprising truth and spirit. The artist has received great applause, not from the lovers of the fine arts alone, but also from the most distinguished artists at Rome.

I have seen another of his productions—a statue of the Princess Pauline Borghese, sister of Napoleon, which is equally perfect in the style as in the beauty of the design. The princess is seated, looking on a medallion of the emperor, which she holds in her hand. The figure is admirably expressed, and displays the utmost softness and grace. As a specimen of

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