Imatges de pàgina

Paris, June 9.

all plow after the Irish manner.' Again:- quess of Downshire, to whose servants' hall which even a country retreat does not exempt The plains and the borough of Boyle, in the the grandfather of Robert would have had a him.-Great good to society is expected to arise county of Roscommon, as called by the English, difficulty to gain admittance. This son of from les sociétés philanthropiques, of which M. are always written in Irish, Bocalac:' and, to Lord Londonderry was the famous Castle- le Duc Doudauville is president; more than conclude, let us remember the declaration of reagh; or, as he was jocosely called in the eight hundred persons have been inscribed since Sir Henry Wallop, when the family was just county Down, Castle-rag, in allusion to the the last ministry: but until some real advantages from the mint the impression legible that occupation of his grandfather, the dealer in are produced by these meetings, one must doubt Richard Boyle was an Irish Papist, not an old clothes. His appointment by the late oli- their use. Days, months, and years, are occuEnglish Protestant, for which he had given garchy to the prominent situation of manager pied in words; but projects are never realisedhimself out. All these circumstances leave no of the theatre of St. Stephen, proves what a suffering never ameliorated. At one of the room to doubt of their origin, rise, and pro- very small portion of talent is requisite for the last séances it was proposed to put the ques gress; but though it is established beyond office. His acts belong to the page of history: tion to concurrence-l'abolition des haines nadoubt, I understand the Irish are not very at present, they will, of course, be represented tionales: this project was not carried, but is to proud of them as kindred, because, though we favourably or unfavourably, according to the be again brought forward.-Saturday the Archare very poor, and for the most part very cor- peculiar opinions or prejudices of those who bishop of Paris held an ordination at Notre rupt, we have never forgotten how the great affect to judge them, and scarcely in any in- Dame: 233 persons renounced for ever the earl chased from their possessions all the Irish stance on record has party feeling been more pomps and vanities of this world, and the Catholic inhabitants on the lands he had pur- strongly expressed." charms of the beau sexe, for the calotte. They chased from Sir Walter Raleigh, to make room speak of introducing steam carriages, in imitafor Protestant English settlers." tion of English experiments; so that travelling, "Londonderry, Marquess. Stewart.-The WILLIAM TELL, at Le Théâtre de Gaieté, like la médecine, will be effected à force d'eau history of this family is curious, and merits is attracting immense houses, and producing chaude. French ladies say they are already particular notice. The real name is Gregor, strong political sensations. Pocket handker- sufficiently infected with English vapours! the first of whom, who figured in Ireland, was chiefs are waved in all directions. This melo- If we calculate the faithful of this metropolis one Rob Gregor, a Scotch pedlar, who had drame of Mr. Pixérécourt, with the words "la by the numbers of those who swell the ranks been in the practice of trading to the county patrie" and "la liberté," (the signals for loud of religious processions, Paris is indeed a chosen Down, in cast clothes; but having, in a broil acclamations) carries all before it. After wit-city, as for some hours yesterday its inhabitants at the fair of Dumbarton, knocked out a man's nessing it the other night, I was not a little seemed inspired with one spirit of devotion; eye, he fled his country altogether, and became glad to quit the heated and suffocating sphere and every street was transformed into a temple a pack-carrier through Ulster, in the service of the theatre to breathe the fresh air of the of praise. Honi soit qui mal y pense. Thoughts, of one Robinson, a shopkeeper in Newtown boulevards, which looked like a world of moving however, force their way against the will-and Ards, with whom, heretofore, he used to do lights, owing to the rapidity of equipages driv- mine, I own, were little charitable; for, nothis little traffic on his own account. After a ing in every direction. As I walked home, I withstanding appearances, the supposition came while, Robinson died childless, leaving his shop had an opportunity of witnessing those scenes into my mind, What would be the fate of this and a bishop's lease of a couple score pounds which, because they are real, excite little com-belle ville, if, like Sodom and Gomorrah, its a-year value, to his widow, who married Rob. miseration: misfortune contrasted with luxury safety should depend on finding seven righteThey had a son bred to the father's and mo- met my eyes at every step. Here lay an un-ous men? The resolving of the problem I ther's business, who grew up, and, in process fortunate child, fast asleep in the dust; there, a leave to wiser heads; and, en attendant, hope of time, paid his addresses to a girl of New-poor wretch packing together mouldy crusts she that good may exist otherwise than in long town Ards, of the name of Orr, a kind of had collected during the day, herself inspiring faces, knit eyebrows, stately walk, grave mien, mantua-maker, to whom the youth was at- disgust farther on, an old man, pale and gloomy countenances, fine phrases, and amens. tracted by a prospect she was said to have worn down, playing on a violin as a last effort The King, the Duchesses d'Angoulême and from a man of the name of Stewart, her ma- to excite pity from the passers by. In fact, de Berri, walked on foot, as is customary at ternal uncle, who had been gone some years the streets of Paris are a crève-cœur: turn the fête Dieu, from the chapel of St. Germain to seek his fortune in India, where, report which way one will, the slightest enjoyment is l'Auxerrois to St. Thomas de Louvres, presaid, he had been successful; and who, at length, ever counterbalanced by the sight of human ceded by priests, bishops, archbishops, young died abroad, and left his niece a considerable suffering, and the degradation of our species. virgins, and military-for bayonets are necesproperty, so much beyond Gregor's anticipa- A revolution has been threatened in the sary evils on all occasions, and cannot be distion that he even wanted assurance to con- republic of letters ever since the arrival of pensed with, even when guarded by the bon tinue his suit. The true-hearted girl ex- English actors: the epoch is favourable, still Dieu, of which an archbishop was the bearer, pressed to a mutual friend her surprise and I fear qu'on l'attendra long-tems; as those as being the purest of the congregation. Whatregret at her lover's absence, in terms which who hold the reins of dramatic government ever may be our ideas or prejudices with remodesty did not forbid, nor could decorum will make every effort to prevent innovations. gard to ceremonies which certainly savour censure. They were married, and Gregor, The entire monopoly of stage literature is in rather of heathenish than Christian times, thereupon, assumed the royal name of Stewart, the hands of a few, who, having once proved still the sight was imposing; and the music without license from the Herald's office,-not they possessed genius, are patented to write being divine, produced a temporary illusion on so much in respect to the memory of his wife's folly the rest of their lives. Serious thoughts, the senses-making people fancy themselves in benefactor, as to gratify a pride from which I hear, are entertained of permitting actresses purer regions. The young girls also being the poorest and meanest are often found not to be virtuous women, and to recall the ana- dressed in white, and veiled, were an interestto be exempt. They had a son, Rob, or Ro-thema against that class. Monsieur le Pape ing contrast to old, weather-beaten soldiers, bert, who was to be educated as a gentleman, must be consulted, however, ere the gates of with long beards and furrowed foreheads. now of a great name; and who, in process of Paradise are allowed to be accessible to them, Youth, too, not having had time to learn the time, was sent to the Temple, to study the he alone being in the secret of state affairs with utility of hypocrisy, is generally sincere in its law or rather to eat his way to the bar. regard to the soul. Peu-à-peu, it is to be devotion; therefore it must be hoped that their Stewart, the father, had purchased estates hoped reason will get the better of prejudice, offerings purified the incense of older offenders. with Miss Orr's money, and had gained some and ignorance no longer pass for wisdom. One The Dauphine was magnificently dressed, and footing in the borough of Newtown Ards. A would wish to accelerate the "march of in- looked most queen-like: she rather inspires great man of land in county Down, at that tellect;" but time, it appears, has its fixed fear at the first coup d'œil; but her smile is time, was the Earl of Hertford, an English periods for breaking down the barriers of ab- peculiarly benevolent and gracious; and relinobleman. To him our young Stewart be- surdity, and no pas de géant is admitted by him. gion is the home of her heart, whatever may came known, and actually obtained one of his On the 1st of the month the Bois de Boulogne was be the sentiments of her subjects, who are "all daughters in marriage. His father dying, he completely deserted for the Park of St. Cloud, things by turns, and nothing long." After was now a man of property, with a great al- which was crowded with foreigners of all na- the ceremony, the King returned to St. Cloud. liance,-owner of a borough;-in fact, one of tions; and as the court was there, much of The court there is rather of the serious order, us and at length being raised to the peerage, what is called the beau monde arrived at the society being very limited and chosen-owing, became of so much influence that, in the year hour of five o'clock. Though the least princely perhaps, to the profound piety of the princes, 1790, his son Robert was a candidate for the of the royal residences, it possesses the greatest who seem to have abandoned lighter pleasures. representation of the county Down, on what I know some who have the honour to be inis humorously called the popular interest; opvited au jeu du roi; and though for worlds posed even to the powerful leading of the Marthey would not renounce the privilege of being

charm; and a king might have the pleasure of
fancying himself un simple particulier, were it
not for his guards, and the ceremonies from

To the Editor of the Literary Gazette.

person as yourself.

You assert, that in my Commentaries on the Life and Reign of Charles the First, "my sentiments are determinedly Jacobite, Royalist, and High-church."

received, yet they always complain of the mobeen liberally contributed to its stores; such, notony of these soirées. Politics are never SIR,-There are extreme cases which may re- in fact, as extend the sphere of science far brought forward in conversation by the royal quire an author to acknowledge his own mis-beyond what could have been anticipated in so family; neither do theatrical subjects interest conceptions, or his critic's, however reluctant short a period as that during which it has been them so that it becomes no easy matter to he may be to enter into a public discussion established-we had almost said in any de find topics to talk away time. As for the King, with anonymous writers. This duty I cheer-finite period. From Fernando Po, in particular, his amiability lui reste toujours, and his de- fully perform to so respectable and useful a the zoological specimens are possessed of revouement to the church has by no means markable interest: they seem to embrace anidiminished either the charm or politeness of mals of the New World, of the Malayan peninhis manners. Were the officers of his housesula, and, in short, of almost every quarter of hold, and gentlemen in waiting, to take exam the globe. It is curious to conjecture how the ple in this respect by their royal master, ladies animals of so many climes have come to be would not so often lament that the age of "A Jacobite" I conceive to be a non-entity. naturalised in this island. Among others, the Troubadours is past. A brave colonel evinced, Can you reproach an English historian for Malay Porcupine (fasciculatus) is quite com. a short time ago, his ignorance of the laws of being "a Royalist ?" I do not perceive how I mon; and there are a variety of monkeys courtesy to the fair sex, by desiring an English could be a constitutional writer without being clude one of the species, a creature with whishitherto unknown,-though we can hardly in. lady, somewhat roughly, to go out of the way, a Royalist. as his majesty was about to pass through the You ascribe to me "High-church senti. kers and hair round his jaws and chin, pregallery of the Tuileries, where she stood with ments." It has been my fortune, in a long cisely resembling that class of our captivating her little girl: but when about to retire, the career, to have been accused of very opposite fashionables who sport their ursine honours in king, who had overheard what had happened, opinions: yet on this subject I am not senstopped, kissed the child, and bowed graciously sible of any change. Whatever religion is to the mother, who was sufficiently revenged of inimical to civil freedom, is the religion I proM. le Colonel. test against.

contradistinction to the other effeminate-looking class with curled hair over their cheeks, as if they had been meant by nature for girls, but were made males by some mistake. But com, parisons are odious; and this monkey is a very respectable monkey:* we mean no disparage.


A Mr. Pentland has also brought from Peru some extraordinary animals, whose habitat was chiefly near, or in, a lake at a high mountain elevation above the sea. Several of them are quite monstrous, and look more like the different parts of different creatures put together, than individuals of a real order. Some of those from Fernando Po are equally grotesque, and than distinct animals. seem to be patchwork of heads and tails, rather

A few days since, a brilliant dinner was given In a word, allow me to remark, that in at the house of a soi-disant great man, to the writing these Commentaries, as a supplement literati and the beaux esprits of Paris. Toasts to the history of their period, I was not unwere proposed, as is usual, during the dessert; mindful that I should subject myself to many and a young author gave" La Jolie Fille de misconceptions, as well as many intentional Perth," who is the grand subject of conversa- misrepresentations. He who is of no party tion. Les belles dames de Paris pardon, how-will, in general, be agreeable to no party; for ever, this rivalship, in admiration of Walter he tells the truth, which parties cannot afford Scott; of whom a French lady of known wit to love. Yet, in a country which has suffered and beauty observed, "Plus l'homme vieillit, so much from party as England, it is not, I plus l'auteur rajeunit." Indeed, if genius be trust, a chimerical supposition to conceive, that accessible to flattery, the Scottish Bard must the time may yet arrive, when a majority may often feel the effects of foreign adulation. Not maintain the principles of rational freedom, to have read him not to admire him is a pure as our infirmities can permit-alike safe péché mortel, from which there is no redemp- from the passive obedience of Tories, the fac-visitors to the gardens and museum of the tious intrigues of Whigs, and the disorganising The French were enchanted with the En-malignity of Levellers. I remain, &c. glish theatrical piece, played by Kean, entitled, A New Way to Pay Old Debts, I mean with the title: such a secret is much wanting in this capital, where usurers play a most gaining game, and are not easily the dupes of stage tricks.

tion on this side the water.

I know not what will become of our journeaux non-politiques, if ever the English theatricals leave us; as they furnish long columns to editors, who make money by having the talent to persuade their readers that they give them news. The widow of the great Talma has taken new vows to honour, love, and obey; and is become Countess de Chalan, to the great indignity of Melpomene's muses, who cannot forgive her having so soon drank of the river Lethe.

June 10, 1823.




On Friday the 30th ult. Mr. Curtis delivered
a lecture on the structure of the ear. In this he
compared the membranum tympani (or drum)
to the strings of a violin, liable to minute mo-
difications of sound, produced by the contrac-
tion or relaxation of the muscles or keys.

By a new regulation, we observe that the

Zoological Society are to pay a shilling each, besides having an order from a member. We are sorry for this, though it may be expedient; -and would rather we could see something national and free, than corporate, and obliged to be supported in so paltry a way.

CURE OF CONSUMPTIVE DISEASES.NO. II. IN our last we opened an interesting inquiry into the cure of consumptive diseases, a discovery claimed by Mr. St. John Long, and vouched for by most respectable individuals, who have experienced the restoration of health from his Friday, June 6th, Mr. Gilbert Burnet extreatment. As our wish is simply to elicit plained to the members of the Institution the the truth,-to remove prejudice, if prejudice nature of the experimental researches made by unjustly exists, to destroy pretension, if not himself and Mr. Mayo on the irritability of the supported by evidence, and, at all events, to sensitive plant, and exhibited several of the disseminate the knowledge of this remedy,sensitive plants on which the experiments de- we shall proceed, as we proposed, to state the I know not whether anecdotes at the expense tailed in the Journal of Science of last October facts concerning it which have been brought of the nation of blunders can afford you amuse- had been performed, and also several others under our own observation, and the grounds ment. Yesterday, an Irishman, fresh from the which had not then been devised. The general on which we attach importance to this new land of botheration, not finding his conscience train of experiments and reasonings was il-method of combating the most subtle and fatal lightened from crossing the seas, sought a con- lustrated by enlarged sketches and models; enemy of the human race. In the first place, fessor, and was recommended to the curate of and not only the irritability of the sensitive however doubtful the question, we should be St. Thomas d'Aquin. Accordingly, with a disposed to try any tolerably authenticated well-stored purse and a long catalogue of sins, specific for a disease which is abandoned by he set out in quest of his reverence: but unthe faculty as incurable: our argument would fortunately the way was long and memory be, we may be in a better, we cannot be in a short, so that the latter part of the address THIS Society has not only taken firm root, but given to him was but faintly recollected. Be- is rapidly spreading its branches far and wide. worse, condition, than that of being told, the ing, however, of a ready genius, he quickly Its number of members is not only largely in-healing art can do nothing for you. With this principle in view, we directed our investigafound a substitute for the word d'Aquin, and creasing, but its collections of every kind are asked the concierge, with much sang froid, for daily acquiring important additions. We have tion, in the first instance, to the negative Le Curé de St. Thomas PArlequin; which ap- lately had great pleasure in examining the point, whether, if Mr. Long's practice failed parent mauvaise plaisanterie was nearly costing many novelties in natural history which have in producing a sanative effect, it could be ac cused of having any injurious tendency. And the traveller dear:-happily, it was proved that he belonged to the Green Isle, the inhabitants of which are considered the Gascons of England.

plants dwelt upon, but the motions of plants
generally stated and considered.


• We cheerfully insert this letter from our respected we have been perfectly satisfied that no objec-
correspondent, in explanation of his own sentiments,
though he has completely mistaken ours, in fancying we *We are sorry to say that it is dead-only a stuffed
employed the terms commented upon, as a reproach to skin; but we trust that a living specimen will soon be
him. On the contrary, we meant them in compliment.-imported, from which the said Fashionables may study
the natural habits and manners of their prototype.



JUNE 5th, a paper was read, entitled Descrip-
tion of a Sounding-Board in Attercliffe Church,
near Sheffield. By the Rev. John Blackburn,
Minister of Attercliffe.

tion whatever can exist against it on the score | Exhibitioner, Brasennose College; Rev. S. Lane, W. D. those which occupy the centre, and other porof its by possibility hurting the constitution or Dick, Exeter College; Rev. R. J. W. Wright, Trinity tions of the room. They are, for the most College. aggravating the disorder. It is, indeed, a sin- Bachelors of Arts.-E. Auriol, Christ Church, A. Hussey, part, of general interest; and to them, there gular quality of this system, that it is perfectly Balliol College, J. C. Eggington, Exeter College, Grand fore, we shall direct our attention. And among Compounders; J. Emra, Scholar, Balliol College; R. innocent, that it produces not the slightest Holden, J. W. Warter, J. Wood, Christ Church; R. the first in novelty and character, is effect where there is no malady-and that its Skipsey, J. J. Jervis, Queen's College; J. M. Longmire, No. 1180. The Shield of Eneas; to be exeoperation is only visible and notorious where St. Edmund Hall; H. Ware, W. H. Braund, W. F. Wal-cuted in gold, after the style of Benvenuto Celker, Magdalen Hall; J. Blackwell, H. B. Williams, Jesus disease is seated. Thus, a gentleman of College; J. Birchall, Brasennose College; T. W. Lynne, lini. W. Pitts. This is the young artist great intelligence and information (whose Worcester College; W. Young, C. E. Henry, Oriel Col- whose fine outlines from Virgil we some time name, if given, would be of much weight College; W. D. Bernard, Wadham College. lege; J. Kay, Lincoln College; W. Hellington, Pembroke ago mentioned, with the commendation due to with the public,) assured us, that he had gone In a convocation, holden the same day, two schools them. His present production is a model of through an entire course of Mr. Long's treat- of geometry and medicine were permanently annexed to the Shield of Eneas, as described in the the Bodleian Library. ment, in common with a class of patients; but Eighth Book of the Æneid; and is three feet that he was not at all affected by the process six inches in diameter. The Wellington Shield, as they were. His parental feelings induced from designs by Mr. Stothard, and the Shield him to make this experiment, before he comof Achilles, from designs and a model by the mitted a beloved child to the care of one who late Mr. Flaxman, are, we believe, the only had not been educated professionally, and performances of the kind, possessing any high whose skill he, as a man of experience and The church of Attercliffe had long been re- character, which have been executed in this judgment, had therefore, primâ facie, the usual markable for the difficulty and the indistinct- country; and the variety of invention and reason to doubt. The result was, that the ness with which the voice from the pulpit was classical beauty of form and composition disobject of his deep solicitude became a patient heard: these defects have been completely re- played by Mr. Pitts in this model for the of Mr. Long's; and, though a case of fearful medied by the erection of a concave sounding- Shield of Eneas, promise to render it a anxiety, it has hitherto been attended with board, having the form resulting from half a worthy companion of those magnificent and favourable symptoms, which, if fulfilled to the revolution of one branch of a parabola on its valuable works. The model consists of a utmost of their promise, must establish the axis. It is made of pine-wood; its axis is in- centre, and of inner and outer circles.The powers and reputation of this discovery, to an clined forwards to the plane of the floor at an centre is composed of Catiline, surrounded by extent hardly credible. In other cases, gen-angle of about 10 or 15o; it is elevated, so the Furies, Cerberus, and the Harpies. The tlemen have declared to us, that even in their that the speaker's mouth may be in the focus; Ghost of Cato, bearing a tablet of laws, atown persons the remedy was efficacious in the and a small curvilinear portion is removed on tended by Mercy, Peace, Truth, and Justice. localities of their disorders; while elsewhere, if each side from beneath, so that the view of the Above are represented the assembled deities. experimentally applied, it was utterly unpro- preacher from the side galleries may not be in- The inner circle exhibits the naval engageductive of any effect. tercepted. A curtain is suspended from the ment between Marc Antony and Octavius We mention these things as curious illus- lower edge, for about eighteen inches on each Cæsar, as fully described in the poem.The trations of our subject; and though, as we have side. The effect of this sounding-board has been first compartment of the outer circles consists said, they only refer to the negative point, they to increase the volume of the sound to nearly of Faustulus discovering Romulus and Remus. are not, perhaps, the less worthy of serious five times what it was before; so that the On the right is shewn the rape of the Sabines. consideration. When an individual intrudes voice is now audible, with perfect distinctness, In the back ground is seen Romulus folding (we do not use the word in an offensive even in the remotest part of the church; and his robe about him, which was the signal for way) into any learned or scientific profes- more especially in those places, however dis- carrying off the women; also the altar and sion to which he does not belong, it is a good tant they may be, which are situated in the sacrifice in honour of Neptune. On the left, common-sense question to ask and to deter- prolongation of the axis of the paraboloid. But the interposition of the Sabine women; Hermine, If his method does no good, does the side galleries are also benefited, probably silia throwing herself between Romulus and it do any harm? Assuredly, according to the from the increase of the secondary vibrations Tatius. In the back ground, Peace uniting incontrovertible testimony to which we have excited in a lateral direction. Several experi- the Sabines and Romans. A Sabine woman alluded, this branch of the inquiry must be ments are related illustrative of these effects; lamenting over the dead body of her husband, answered most favourably for Mr. Long. But among which the most striking was one in who had fallen in the conflict. The second he stands upon much higher grounds; and as which a person placed so as to have one ear in compartment consists of a confirmation of the we have set out with his practice, we shall, in the focus of the paraboloid, and the other peace between the Romans and Sabines, shewour next paper, discuss some of his claims to towards a person speaking from the remote ing Romulus and Tatius at the altar of Jupositive success; though we can only say now, end of the church, heard the voice in a direc- piter, swearing their alliance. In the back that some of the strongest cases we ever met tion the reverse of that from which it really ground, the Romans and Sabine women lookwith, support him in this extraordinary posi- proceeded. The superior distinctness of sounds tion "the cure of consumption." proceeding from the focus, is accounted for by their all arriving at the same moment of time, at a plane perpendicular to the axis, after reflection from the surface of the paraboloid: which is a consequence of the equality of the paths which they have described.

LITERARY AND LEARNED. OXFORD, June 7.-The prizes for the year 1828 were this day adjudged to the following gentlemen:→→→ CHANCELLOR'S PRIZES.


Latin Verse.-Machine vi vaporis impulse. Legh Claughton, Scholar of Trinity College. Latin Essay-Unde evenit, ut in artium liberalium studiis præstantissimus quisque apud singulas civitates eodem ferè sæculo floruerit? George Anthony Denison, B.A. Fellow of Oriel College.

English Essay-The domestic virtues and habits of the ancient Greeks and Romans, compared with those of the more refined nations of modern Europe. William Sewell, B.A. Fellow of Exeter College.


ing with joy at the ceremony. On the left, Metius dragged by horses. On the right, Tarquin on his way to Rome, with Tanaquil his wife. The third compartment consists, in the centre, of the combat of the Horatii and Curiatii. On the left, the combat of Brutus and Aruns. In the back ground the lictors bearing away the dead bodies of Brutus's sons. On the right, Mutius thrusting his arm into the fire before Porsena. In the back ground, ROYAL ACADEMY: SCULPTURE ROOM. the tents, with the assassinated secretary. Or the busts below, as of the portraits above, The fourth compartment: in the centre, Cocles we must observe, that the leading artists in defending the bridge. On the left, Cloelia enthis department of sculpture have acquitted couraging her fellow-captives to swim across themselves with great success; and that their the Tiber. On the right, the Salian priests, productions (like the representations of in- with the sacred shields. The fifth compart dividuals, on canvass, in the Great Room) ment: Manlius defending the capitol. In the occupy the best situations and the best lights back ground, the geese alarming the state. that the miserable apartment in which they On the left, the procession of matrons to the are huddled can furnish. Thus the perform- temple of Juno. On the right, the lupercal ances in this way of Chantrey, Baily, Behnes, dance. Such is a sketch of the details of this F. C. Smith, &c. afford an opportunity of gra- elaborate performance: they are full of taste tifying the curiosity of those visitors who ima- and beauty; and their general effect is sinAs public Journalists, delicacy restrains us from gine, and in many instances not without good gularly striking. As the Shield itself is to be giving the names of the parties alluded to in these remarks; but it ought in fairness to be stated, that Mr. cause, that distinguished persons must possess executed by Mr. Pitts (who possesses a knowLong himself is (as they unanimously assured us) at per-something remarkable in feature or expres-ledge of the peculiar part of the goldsmith's fect liberty to refer individuals to them, and that they sion. Such works, however, are more fit for art, necessary to its completion), he will have consider it to be only grateful and just to furnish all the information in their power.-Ed. private than for public comment. Not so with an opportunity of doing justice to the merits


⚫ Student of Christ Church.

English Verse-Richard Cour de Lion. Joseph Anstice,
Thursday last the following degrees were conferred :-
Doctor in Medicine (by incorporation from Dublin).-D.
C. Macright, Magdalen Hall.
Masters of Arts.-W. Palmer, St. Mary Hall, Grand
Compounder: Hon. and Rev. E. R. B. Fielding, Oriel
College, Grand Compounder; Rev. S. Tudor, St. Ed-
mund Hall; Rev. W. M. Williams, Balliol College; Rev.
J. B. Birtwhistle, Lincoln College; C. Morrall, Hulme

No. 1213. Statue, in marble, of the Right Hon. Warren Hastings: part of a Monument to be erected in Calcutta. R. Westmacott, R.A. What a theme for reflection! The object of a seven years' impeachment by the House of Commons of Great Britain, pursued with persevering rancour by men of the most splendid talents and eloquence, and charged with every crime, in mass and in detail, that can disgrace human nature, dies,-and presently public monuments are raised to perpetuate the memory of his wisdom, of his moderation, of his justice, and of the numerous benefits which he conferred upon the very country that he had been accused of mis-governing and oppressing!

of his model; and we have no doubt will is more general, and may be said to belong a carriage built for the convenience of the produce a work in the highest degree creditable more to the public, than that of any other wearer of the odious deformity. "Ignorance to his talents. branch of the fine arts. It is for this latter is bliss," is capital. Two fat, lazy rascals, in reason that we have always reprobated the prac-livery, are lolling at the door of a rich mansion. tice of shutting up, for mercenary purposes, in One of them, picking his teeth with a pen, St. Paul's, in Westminster Abbey, and in other drawls out to the other, "What is taxes, buildings, works intended to honour the dead, Thomas?" To which, Thomas, with the utand to stimulate the living;-works executed most nonchalance, answers," I'm sure I don't at the public expense; and to which the public know." In one, all kinds of practices" at the ought to have at all times unrestricted access. bar" are most whimsically illustrated, from the We repeat it, that by such an unwarrantable crow-bar in burglary to the bar at the Old exclusion, the influential character of sculpture Bailey; including the head of "a gentleman is in a great measure lost in this country. intended for the bar ;"- -a face and expression never to be forgotten. In another plate, the various conveniences and advantages of having The Duke of Wellington. From a Sketch by a wooden leg are illustrated with singular feli J. Jackson, R.A. Being Plate VIII. of city. A drunken and roaring negro, in partiLithographic Imitations of Sketches by Mo-cular, who, impatient "to hab tea," thrusts dern Artists. By Richard J. Lane, A.R.A. his ligneous supporter into the fire, to make "the kettle bile," has thrown us into such a convulsion that we can write no more; and can only just ejaculate to our readers, “Bye! buy!"

No. 1209. The Pugilist, a Statue in marble. C. Rossi, R.A.-Without any reference to the character of the subject, we may with truth say that this is one of the most striking figures

in the room.

It deserves to be admired as a fine specimen of manly strength and just proportion;-the rest we must leave to the critics of the Fives-Court.



J. Dickinson.

EXCEEDINGLY like his Grace. Nothing can
surpass the masterly manner in which Mr. Lane
handles his lithographic chalk.
Queen Elizabeth and Lady Paget. H. Fra-

delle. R. Ackermann.

THIS is a fine mezzotint engraving by Mr. W. No. 1214. Group, in marble, of a Nymph Say, of Mr. Fradelle's pleasing historical imaand Zephyr, from the Gallery of Earl Gros-gination, which represents Queen Bess pointR. Westmacott, R.A.-This group ing out to Lady Paget the ambitious lines comes in apt contrast with the last-mentioned inscribed by Raleigh on her window: statue. Light and playful in its character, "Fain would I climb, but that I fear to fall." Mr. Westmacott has, in our opinion, very successfully availed himself of those forms of grace and symmetry, the union of which constitutes

the beau ideal in art.

No. 1193. A Monument in marble. E. H. Baily, R.A. Like the rest of Mr. Baily's works, distinguished by its unaffected simplicity. The attitude and expression of the figure are those of that manly grief which has reached pensive melancholy, and ought to end in resignation. The whole is an admirable piece of ornamental sculpture.

No. 1212. A Group; Affection. To be executed in marble. H. W. Sievier.--The quotation in the Catalogue demands a third figure; which, in our opinion, while it would have given more interest to the subject, would have assisted the composition.

Her Majesty is much indebted to both artists
for beautiful looks. The lights are well ma-
naged, and the whole scene of a very agreeable



BEFORE going abroad, Byron took leave of
his mother at Southwell, and slept that night
at Newark. She was much grieved at his de-
parture. Here, again, the Poet and the Pil-
grim have been confounded, and Byron accused
of want of affection and feeling; Canto I. open-

"Childe Harold had a mother, not forgot,

Though parting from that mother he did shun;

If friends he had, he bade adieu to none.'

GEORGE CRUIKSHANKS. Of graphic humourists, certes George Cruikshanks is George On the contrary, Byron took a kind farewell the first. We have just looked over six pages,' of his friends. All of his friends, however, with half a dozen subjects on each, of carica- seem not to have been quite so well disposed tures if such playful and characteristic satires towards him; for he mentions with just indigon the follies of the day can be so called—which | nation, in the Notes to Canto II. of Childe are designed, etched, and published, by that Harold, the refusal of one of his noble and No. 1201. Figure of Henry, son of the Hon. able artist. If there be any truth in the old intimate associates to take leave of him, "beThomas Kenyon, in a sleeping attitude peculiar adage, “Laugh and grow fat," Mr. Cruik-cause he had to attend a relation to a millito the Child. T. Carline. There is no invent- shanks is the person to make this a corpulent ner's." Besides his own servants, B. took a ing any thing like this. It is one of those nation. His drollery seems inexhaustible. We courier with him to Lisbon, at which place he accidental hints, which the artist to whom have here some of the most amusing specimens engaged another, named Sanguinetti, to accomthey are presented ought never to forget. of it. One of his fancies struck us prodi- pany him to Gibraltar. He travelled in great Study may produce fine combinations of form giously. It is called, "the Pursuit of Let- haste; stopping at Seville only two nights and grace; but Nature frequently throws off, ters." In the foreground three or four in- and a day, and at Cadiz three or four. The at a single stroke, what years of labour can fantile monsters, in go-carts, are scrambling servants, Murray and Fletcher, and baggage, never equal. This beautiful figure well de-after A, B, C, who are scampering off as fast were sent round from Cadiz to Gibraltar by serves to be perpetuated in marble. as possible. In the back-ground, a whole pack sea. At Seville, where it is well known they is in chase of "Literature;" the letters of lodged in a house kept by two unmarried lawhich word, being furnished with nice little dies, both young and beautiful, they all slept legs for the purpose, are in full gallop. We in one small room on the ground floor, with never before had a distinct conception of what pistols at their heads. At this time there was is called "a running hand." Another sketch, a strong feeling against the English, who were in the same plate," the Age of Intellect," is often butchered: Lord B. mentions, in the Notes No. 1139. Cupid and Psyche. C. Smith.- admirable. A precocious brat, of five or six to Canto I. of Childe Harold, having had a speciThere are few subjects of a classical nature years old, mounted upon a stool, is teaching its men of it one night at Lisbon as he was going which have so frequently been treated by the grandmother how to suck an egg. "You see, to the theatre. Unlike most Englishmen, and sculptor as this exquisite fable; and, indeed, gran-ma, before you suck this egg, or more especially noblemen, Byron seems to have been there are few which afford a finer opportunity properly before you extract the matter con-well adapted for a traveller, for he accustomed for the display of taste and talent. In the tained within this shell by suction, you must himself from the first to rough it. At Seville, elegant group under our notice, Mr. Smith make an incision at the apex, and a corre- the great Poet and his companion were to be seems to us to have very happily expressed the sponding aperture at the base." "Eh, dear!" seen before the fire frying a piece of bacon, tender sentiment which belongs to the story. replies the old lady, “how very clever! They poaching eggs, or peeling the onions for dinner. Besides the works already mentioned, the only used to make a hole at each end in my Mr. Hobhouse soon found out how useless a Sculpture-room contains others of considerable time." A table, covered with philosophical thing an English servant is in foreign travels, merit; such as No. 1208, Reconciliation of apparatus, and a toy-basket filled with such and congratulated himself on not having taken Adam and Eve, after the Fall; S. Nixon: No. trifling works as Newton, Euclid, Shakespeare, one (see his Travels). B. was invited by one of 1211, Grecian Archer; G. Rennie: No. 1185, Milton, Gibbon, &c. complete the idea. The the fair ladies to take his night's rest up stairs, Part of a Monument; J. E. Hinchliff: No. enormous and detestable bonnets at present but declined, and said, “A d-d good joke, to 1195, Psyche; W. Butlin ; &c. Some of these, worn by the ladies, are happily ridiculed. Half go and sleep in a room at the top of the house, however, although they exhibit the talents of a dozen milliners, with the assistance of lad- and get our throats cut in the night!" From the artist, do not come within the range of ders, pulleys, &c. are constructing one of the Gibraltar they went to Malta; and thenceforwhat may be considered the legitimate subjects size of a hay-stack; and there is a section of ward, up to the time of his quitting Byron to of sculpture; the influential character of which | Scraps and Sketches, published by J. Robins. return to England, Hobhouse gives an account

of their peregrinations. Once more alone, Byron gave himself up to meditation and writing, and composed his immortal poem of Childe Harold. Circumstances that occurred between this period and his arrival in England in 1811 have, for the most part, been related by himself and others; excepting the identities of Childe Harold, which may possibly be noticed in another place. His mother (who, during his absence, had taken up her abode at Newstead) was over-joyed at his safe return: her great anxiety to see him again probably hastened a complaint which, it is well known, carried her off very shortly after his arrival, and before he had seen her. Byron was informed when in London of her being unwell; but the surgeon did not at first perceive any danger, and his departure for Newstead was not, therefore, so speedy as it might have been. The surgeon afterwards became alarmed, and requested B. might be hastened down. A servant was despatched from the Abbey for this purpose; but shortly after, her ladyship died; and Rushton (who was then at the Abbey) was sent on horseback after him with the information, and overtook him near Nottingham; so that B. knew of her death before he left London. She was forty-six years of age. Byron was for some time after his return at an hotel in St. James's Street; then at one Dolby's, a hatter; then he took a house, No. 4, Bennett Street; whence he removed into the Albany, on the ground floor of the mansion. All his

Till I forget a false fair face,

I ne'er shall find a resting place:
My own dark thoughts I cannot shun,
But ever love, and love but one.
The poorest, veriest wretch on earth
Still finds some hospitable hearth,
Where friendship's or love's softer glow
May smile in joy or soothe in wo;
But friend or lover I have none,
Because I cannot love but one.
I go! but wheresoe'er I flee
There's not an eye will weep for me,
There's not a kind congenial heart
Where I can claim the meanest part;
Nor thou, who hast my hopes undone,
Wilt sigh, although I love but one.
To think of every early scene-
Of what we are, and what we've been-
Would whelm some softer hearts with wo:
But mine, alas! has stood the blow,
Yet still beats on as it begun,
And never truly loves but one.
And who that dear, loved one may be
Is not for vulgar eyes to see;-
And why that love was early crost,
Thou knowest the best-I feel the most:
But few that dwell beneath the sun
Have loved so long, and loved but one.
I've tried another's fetters, too,
With charms, perchance, as fair to view;
And I would fain have loved as well—
But some unconquerable spell
Forbade my bleeding breast to own
A kindred care for aught but one.
"Twould soothe to take one lingering view,
And bless thee in my last adieu;
Yet wish I not those eyes to weep
For him who wanders o'er the deep,-
Though wheresoe'er my bark may run,
I love but thee-I love but one.



THE Haymarket Theatre is announced to open on Monday, with a new piece, of a light, summer construction, and a well-selected company. The house has been, we hear, judiciously altered; the inconvenient boxes having been converted into a circular form, and the whole newly ornamented in a tasteful style.


The Magnetic Equator.-An examination of the observations made by Captain Duperrey shews, 1st, that the magnetic equator is not fixed; 2dly, that it has no regular motion, whether from the west to the east, or in any other direction; 3dly, that it moves in a manner irregular, changing its form according to laws which it is important to ascertain.

Geographical Society of Paris.-At a late sitting of the French Geographical Society, letters were read from M. César Moreau, communicating information from London respecting the death of Captain Clapperton, the colonisation of Fernando Po, and the formation of a Russian scientific expedition to the north-east parts of Siberia, to determine, if possible, the place of the magnetic poles. This intelligence was entirely derived from the Literary Gazette, of preceding weeks, to which it might, perhaps, be as well for the Society, or its correspondent, to refer. It looks silly to be giving that as original which has run the gauntlet of the press. At the same sitting,

It was transmitted from

establishment there was Fletcher and Rushton, ON Friday, the 6th, Mr. Pio Cianchettini had M. Jomard communicated an original letter and a female servant. From this time till his marriage, it is well his annual concert at the Argyll Rooms; which written by a moor who had arrived in Senegal we notice not so much for the purpose of de- from Timbuctoo, confirming the assassination known that Byron entered into all the amuseguished character in society. In D'Israeli's work and excellent, as for the sake of naming one of St. Louis on the 18th of February, by M. ments of fashionable life, and became a distin-tailing the entertainments, which were various of Major Laing. the most respectable and meritorious (as well Prosper Gérardin, who, however, says, that on the Literary Character-where it is observed, that Byron, as well as Alfieri, was rarely seen in London who practise the musical profession. that they have recent letters in the handas ingenious and able) of the class of foreigners the English established on the Gambia declare in his own brilliant circle he himself makes We could wish that private character, like that writing of Major Laing himself. a MS. note, that "this was not the case: 1 have been but too much in that circle; especi- consideration of the public patrons of this fine with a prospectus of a work of engravings from of M. Cianchettini, were always taken into the National Gallery. We have been favoured ally in 1812-13-14."

Here we leave him till that unfortunate period of his life, when he married; and shall attempt, in the next Number, to throw some light upon a separation, round which so much mystery has been woven, and of which so many false and absurd reports have been spread.

science, but still more especially into the con-
sideration of parents and teachers. Much of
danger and contamination would thus be


ON Monday Mr. Sedlatzek, the famous fluteplayer, announces his morning concert, with some fine instrumental music.


Upon his departure from England, Byron wrote the following beautiful and tender verses, which may well stand in comparison with the celebrated lines on a similar subsequent occa-'Tis the Spot where we parted. Words from sion," Fare thee well, and if for ever."

'Tis done! and shivering in the gale
The bark unfurls her snowy sail;
And whistling o'er the bending mast,
Loud sings on high the fresh'ning blast-
And I must from this land be gone,
Because I cannot love but one.
But could I be what I have been,
And could I see what I have seen-
Could I repose upon the breast
Which once my warmest wishes blest,
I should not seek another zone,
Because I cannot love but one.
'Tis long since I beheld that eye
Which gave me bliss or misery;
And I have striven, but in vain,
Never to think of it again;
For though I fly from Albion,
I still can only love but one.
As some lone bird without a mate,
My weary heart is desolate;

I look around, and cannot trace
One friendly smile or welcome face:
And even in crowds I'm still alone,
Because I cannot love but one.
And I will cross the whitening foam,
And I will seek a foreign home:

These particulars are stated thus minutely, as an incorrect account has gone forth on this matter; and the writer conceives, that every thing relating to Byron is of sufficient importance to be determined with accuracy.

"Songs of a Stranger," by L. S. Costello:
Masic by J. L. P. Essex. S. Chapell.
THIS simple and pretty air is the composition
of a young lady who has certainly an hereditary
title to musical talents, and who shews that she
is most likely to grace her inheritance.

How sweet are the Joys of the Table!
C. M. Sola. Willis and Co.

the pictures in the National Gallery, to which we take pleasure in giving publicity, being confident, from the distinguished names of the artists engaged, that it will be highly beneficial to the art of engraving in this country, and honourable to the parties concerned. The design is to engrave the best pictures in the National Gallery, one of the first is our countryman Wilkie's Village Festival, with a Rembrandt, Claude, and Vandyke;-and with his Majesty's name in the front of its patronage, there can be no doubt of its meeting with preeminent encouragement from the amateurs of engraving.

Monument to Lord Byron.-A monumental statue to the memory of Lord Byron, to be erected by public subscription, has at length been determined upon. A committee of fifty noblemen and gentlemen have placed themTHE day of Anacreontic composition and sing-selves at the head of this undertaking, and ing, like the day of Anacreontic poetry, is so have, we understand, subscribed, en masse, nearly gone by, that we are " quite refreshed" 1000l. towards its completion: but however we with so spirited a chant as the present. When given by its able composer, with all his good taste and expression, it has completely the proper effect on convivial souls.

'Tis that dear Song. The Same. Clementi. VERY, very sweet music to an uncommon rhythm.

applaud their purpose, as "personal acquaintance or correspondents" of the noble Bard, we certainly cannot praise this device of lumping a subscription, so that it can neither serve for an example to others, nor be pleasant to the parties concerned. It must be painful to any private individual of moderate fortune on the committee, to feel that he ought either to pay as much as the Duke of Devonshire, Lord Dudley, Lord Lansdowne, or other noblemen

'Tis best to part. The Poetry by a Lady.
P. Vereni. T. Boosey and Co.
THIS is a simple and pathetic ballad, which
well deserves a place in the well-selected port- Goodall, J. Le Keux, H. Le Keux, J. Pye, and J. H,
folio of sweet music

J. Burnet, G. Cooke, G. T. Doo, W. Finden, E.


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