Imatges de pàgina
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attest the vigorous resistance made, and the and in the public streets, multitudes were viving children vaccinated; and so has shewn, utter hopelessness of any further effort to caught and privately strangled in the houses in one instance at least, a disposition to adopt stop the torrent of barbarians that poured in where they were found; so that none of the European improvements in things not merely through them. The body of Constantine was large body assembled were supposed to have military. He is, moreover, a man well versed found in one of them, where he had placed escaped. All the officers, with the exception in oriental literature, writes and understands himself as the last, but ineffectual, barrier; of a few of high rank who had joined the Arabic well, and his hatasherifs, which he and a magnificent tree is now growing out sultan's party, were known to have perished; always dictates, and sometimes writes with his of it, to mark, as Clarke says, the sacred and the general opinion is, that 20,000 were own hand, are admired for their style and comspot where the last of the Palæologi fell.' sacrificed on the occasion. Arubas and other position. He is not a man of a morose or cruel As this is the side on which the machines were employed for several days in disposition in his own family: on the contrary, Russians threaten to approach Constantinople, dragging down the mangled bodies, and casting he has several daughters by different mothers, it is highly probable that this is the gate by them into the harbour and Bosphorus. Here to all of whom he is affectionately attached which they will enter; and the very same they lay till, becoming buoyant by corruption, and in his ordinary intercourse in private life passage that admitted the Crescent, will again they again rose to the top, and were floated he is urbane and affable. His public conduct, admit the Cross. It is very well known, that into the sea of Marmora, where the eddies however, has been marked by extraordinary this is an event which the Turks are expect- frequently carried them into still water, cover- fierceness and unrelenting rigour, not only to ing, and their anticipations of it are not ing the surface with large putrid masses, in Rajas, but to Turks themselves; and in this he confined to military preparations. Their great which boats and ships were sometimes en- has shewn an impartial disregard to human burying-ground lies on the Asiatic shore, and tangled and delayed; exhibiting, in nearly the life, and not a strict adherence to human obliis to be seen extending its dark cypress grove same place, the reality of that which the poet gations. But whatever his conduct has been for a considerable distance in the vicinity of only feigned of the vessel of Xerxes impeded to his own subjects, to those of other nations Scutari. This is, perhaps, the largest ceme- by the bodies of his own soldiers— he has afforded the most inviolable protection. tery in the world, being one hour, or three He has discontinued the barbarous practice of miles, in length; and it has increased to its Fluctibus, ac tarda per densa cadavera prora. his predecessors, in sending ambassadors to the present size in consequence of the extraordi- Since the destruction of the janissaries, a death- Seven Towers, instead of which, whenever nary predilection the Turks of Constantinople like tranquillity has reigned at Constantinople, they disagree, and are disposed to depart, he entertain for it. They are persuaded they will which no cause of excitement can disturb. affords them every facility, and those of their again be compelled to retire to Asia, whence Had the public mind been in that sensitive nation who please to remain are in security. they came; and they wish their bodies to be state when the first news of the battle of During the frenzied excitement of the populaid in a place where Christian infidels cannot Navarino arrived, which displayed itself at the lace, which took place at the breaking out of disturb them. The great majority, therefore, breaking out of the Greek rebellion, it is the Greek insurrection, the odium and preof those who die in Constantinople, are trans- highly probable that the whole of the Frank judice of the Turks extended to all Christians ported by their friends across the Bosphorus; population would have fallen victims to a po- yet the Franks were perfectly safe, while the and the stairs or slip at which they embark is pular frenzy, which no authority could control. Greeks were shot without mercy wherever called, for this reason, Meit-iskelli, or the But their spirits were subdued, and their cou- they were met by the mob; and notwithstandLadder of the Dead. This impression on rage broken down; and the ordinary causes of ing a few accidents which occurred to indivi. their minds is confirmed by ancient prophe- irritation were powerless to move them. Whe-duals in the confusion, we never hesitated to cies, which are current among them, and by ther the discipline of the new corps can supply walk abroad, either in the town or its vicinity, other causes equally slight, which, neverthe- the want of this undisciplined energy in future for business or amusement, though every Turk less, have a powerful influence on the weak encounters, remains to be tried. Had the new was armed with a yatagan and case of loaded and superstitious fancy of a Turk. Among system time to organise itself; had habit ren- pistols, which he was ready to use on the them is a coincidence of names which is rather dered the discipline agreeable to the Turkish slightest provocation. On more recent occacurious. Constantinople was taken and lost soldier, and practice made him expert,-no sions, where such real cause of complaint and at different times, by persons who bore the doubt it would have been a renovation which irritation existed, it is but justice to the presame name. The Latins, under a Baldwin, would have infused energy and vigour into a sent sultan to say, that his moderation and obtained possession of it; and under a Baldwin decaying system; but the Turkish empire good faith have afforded examples which the they were again driven out of it. The city seems just now in a perilous state of imbecility. best Christian nations in Europe might be was rebuilt, and made the seat of the Greek The old military destroyed, the new unor-proud to follow." empire, by a Constantine, the son of Helena, ganised; their courage subdued, their attach- As our countryman's adventures and obser. and in the patriarchate of a Gregory; it was ment alienated; and just at the critical mo-vations on his route are, though perhaps as taken, and the empire of the Greeks destroyed, ment threatened with a combination of force interesting, not so important as his ocular tesunder a Constantine, the son of Helena, and such as they never, in their highest state of timony is at this moment respecting greater in the patriarchate of a Gregory; the Turks power, had to encounter. The present sultan, national features, we shall beg leave to prefer obtained possession of it under a Mahomet, who has effected this perilous undertaking, in the latter to the former in our concluding and they are firmly persuaded they will lose which so many of his predecessors failed, is a extract :it under a Mahomet and that Mahomet man, not in the prime, but still in the vigour "As I was now in the centre of the scene of the present reigning sultan; and, to complete of life. He succeeded his brother Mustapha in action between the Turks and Russians, in this chain of names, at the time the Greek the year 1808, and so has been on the throne their last sanguinary campaign, perhaps you insurrection broke out, a Constantine was the twenty years. He is now the only survivor, I would think a local sketch of some of the heir-apparent to the Russian throne, and a believe, of thirty children-fifteen boys and events not uninteresting. In the year 1805 Gregory was the patriarch of Constantinople. fifteen girls-which his father left, and is the the Turks were in a state of great weakness, They hanged, at the time, one of these omi- last of the male race of Mahomet of an age fit under their amiable but feeble monarch, Selim; nous persons, and the other has since abdicated to reign; and it is to this circumstance, they their provinces in a state of insurrection the crown. Still they are persuaded that say, he is indebted for his inviolability. Had abroad; their people turbulent and disconevents will happen as they are decreed, and there been another of the sacred race old tented at home; and pressed and harassed the fatal combination of Mahomet, Gregory, enough to substitute in his place, the janis-by the conflicting and peremptory demands of and Constantine, will yet destroy their power saries would have long since deposed him. He the great European powers. They had conin Europe." had two sons, one about the age of ten, to ceded to Russia, by the treaty Yassi, 1792, an This remarkable prophecy, it is not impro- whom their eyes were turned as his successor, extraordinary right of interfering in the probable, may, like many others, tend to its own when he should arrive at competent years; vinces of Wallachia and Moldavia, that their fulfilment among a people so superstitious as and he knew, by experience, it was as easy for respective hospodars should be continued in the Turks. We pass a striking account of the them to do this as to say it; for both of his office seven years, and not removable but by death of Ali Pasha and his enemy Halet; and predecessors had been strangled, one of whom the consent of Russia. To this agreement, even the destruction of the Janissaries, though was his own brother. His son prematurely however, they did not adhere. The then the extermination of that corps must give an died; and it was reported that he had been reigning hospodars were deposed before their aspect to the approaching war very different made away with by his own father, lest he time; and when the Russians remonstrated, from any that has preceded it. Suffice it to should be set up in his place. It is known, the Bosphorus was closed against their ships. say, that "the number of janissaries destroyed however, that the boy died of the small-pox, Taking umbrage at these causes of complaint, on this occasion is variously reported. Besides and that his father has given an extraordinary General Michelson was despatched with an those who perished at the Etmeidan, barracks, example to his subjects, by having his sur-army of sixty thousand men, who crossed the

Niester, took Bender and Chotzim with little mountains, well secured at the other side. of the other, invaded by the French, induced resistance, and entered Yassi, the capital of The feeble Selim, and his successor Mustapha, them to come to an accommodation; and the Moldavia. From hence he proceeded to Bu- had both been strangled; and Mahomed had peace of Bucharest, concluded in 1812, gave charest, the capital of Wallachia, where he been called to the throne, who even then dis- another accession of territory to the Russians, found a Turkish force, which had been sent played the vigour which since has distinguished extending their frontier from the Niester to against him by Mustapha Bairactar, the ener- him. He set up the standard of the prophet the Pruth, and assigning to them all the coungetic Ayan of Rutschuk. These, however, he at Daud Pasha, a large plain two miles from try that lay between the two rivers, Besssoon defeated; when his approach was known, Constantinople, and issued a hatasherif, that arabia, and a considerable part of Moldavia. the inhabitants rose upon the Turks, attacked all Mussulmen should rally round it. In The Russians withdrew from the provinces of them suddenly with all kinds of weapons; and, this way he assembled, in a short time, a large Wallachia and Moldavia, which they had oc with the aid of a small advanced guard of the army; appointed a new grand vizir, whom cupied for seven years, and have never since Russians, drove them out of the town, leaving he sent on with the troops; and returned to entered them. They are now, however, in fifteen hundred dead in the streets. He then the city. The new vizir, Ahmed Aga, was appearance, about to renew their desperate entered Bucharest, and took entire possession a man of the same energy as the sultan, and conflicts, and dye the Danube again with of the three provinces of Bessarabia, Moldavia, had distinguished himself by his defence of blood; and the general opinion is, that they and Wallachia; not leaving a Turkish corps Ibrail. He immediately descended from the will meet with no effectual opposition to their or fortress on the north side of the Danube, mountains, forced the detached corps of Rus- further progress; but certainly the events of with the exception of Giurdzio; and he pre- sians in Bulgaria to re-cross the Danube, and the last campaign should induce us to adopt a pared immediately to pass over to the other made a fierce attack upon Rutschuk, defended different opinion. They availed themselves of side. A tumultuary army was now hastily by the Russian general Kutosov. The Rus- a moment of their enemies' weakness, and collected at Adrianople, of troops from the pro- sians, hard pressed, transported the inhabitants advanced, with little opposition, to that river: vinces of Asia, and moved forward with the to the other side of the river, set fire to the here they stopped; and after a very sanguinary janissaries to the Danube; they mutinied, town in four quarters, and then retreated and persevering conflict of six years, we find however, on their march, massacred some of themselves. The Turks rushed into the burn- them, at the end of that period, still on its the officers who wished to introduce European ing town, put a stop to the conflagration, and shores. Whenever they attempted to proceed discipline among them, and when they at took up their position there. The grand vizir beyond it, they were driven back with carnage; length arrived at the scene of action, were so having thus driven the Russians to the oppo- and a single town, scarcely fortified, as condisorganised, that they effected nothing against site shore, was now determined to follow them; temptible in the eyes, as it would be weak in the. the Russians, who remained in almost undis- and he made the attempt in three places, hands, of European troops, effectually arrested turbed possession of the province till the year Widdin, Rutschûk, and Silistria. He suc- their career. Should they force this artificial 1810; when the armies on both sides were ceeded at Widdin, and established thirty thou- barrier, they have to encounter a natural one, augmented to two hundred thousand men, and sand men in Wallachia. He also succeeded infinitely more formidable, and that is, the a fierce and sanguinary contest ensued, which, at Rutschûk, took possession of a large island Balkan mountains. Over this great rampart perhaps, never was surpassed. The Russians in the river called Slobodsé, and, in perfect there are five practicable passes: one from passed the Danube in three places. Their confidence, passed the greater part of his army Sophia to Tartar Bazargic; two from Ternova, direct progress would have been from Giurdzio to the other side, and established them in an by Keisanlik and Selymnia; and two from to Rutschuk; but at this latter place the entrenched camp. Kutosov was not idle; he Shumla, by Carnabat and Haidhos. The three passage was impracticable, either at the town immediately availed himself of the vizir's first lead to Adrianople; the two last directly or near it, as the banks were steep and high, crossing over, and detached eight thousand to Constantinople, Of these, the roads by and defended with Turkish batteries. They men, under general Markof, to attack the Ternova are the most difficult, as they pass therefore crossed over above it, at Ostrova, camp he had left behind. A Turkish camp over the highest and most inaccessible hills of near Widdin, and below it at Hirsova and is formed without any regularity. The grand the chain; that by Haidos is the most freToutourkay, and laid siege to Rutschûk. vizir's tent is always conspicuous in the centre, quented, the chasm in the face of the moun The town was vigorously defended; and the and becomes the nucleus round which all the tain affording a greater facility of ascent than Russians were repulsed in a desperate attack, rest are pitched, as every man chooses to place elsewhere. Any of the passes, however, do in which they lost six thousand men. Kamin- them. It is, however, their strong-hold, to not appear to be impracticable for Turkish sky made also a similar assault on the en- which they always retire, as a wild animal to spahis. These are a kind of feudal cavalry, trenched camp at Shumla; but here, too, he its lair; and they defend it with the same possessing hereditary lands, on the tenure of was driven back with great carnage. The fierceness and obstinacy. On this occasion appearing in the field when called on. If they Turks, though unacquainted with regular dis- they were completely surprised; the whole of have no male children, the lands devolve to cipline in the field, make a fierce and san. the camp, including the general's tent, fell the commander, who assigns them to others on guinary resistance when attacked behind their into the hands of the Russians, and the fugi- the same terms, and so the corps is kept up. ramparts. On these occasions they issued tive Turks crowded into Rutschûk. Here It consists of sixteen legions, who are perhaps their memorable bulletin That they had they were cannonaded by the artillery of their the best mountain horsemen in the world, taken such a number of infidels' heads, that own abandoned camp, and General Langeron, though nothing can seem more unfavourable they would serve as a bridge by which the from the other side, directed one hundred to their firm seat and rapid evolutions than faithful might pass over to the other world.' pieces of cannon to bear upon them. The their whole equipment. Their saddles are It is to the vigorous defence of these two vizir having heard of this misfortune, threw heavy masses of wood, like pack-saddles, places, and the losses sustained before them, himself into a little boat, and availing himself peaked before and behind, and are the most that the derangement of the Russian plans, of a storm of wind and rain, he pushed across, awkward and uneasy in the way they use them. and the final failure of the campaign, are and landed in safety; but the Russians now Their stirrups are very short, and their stirrup generally attributed. In the month of Sep- brought up their flotilla, and intercepted all irons very cumbrous, resembling the blade of tember, Kaminsky left Langeron before Ruts- communication between the divided portions a fire-shovel, the handle of which they use to chuk, and with his disposable force suddenly of the Turkish army. They next attacked goad on the horse, as they have no spurs: this attacked the Turks at Bayne. They defended and carried the island, and turned the guns heavy apparatus is not secured on the horse by themselves with desperate valour; but were on the entrenched camp of the Turks, who regular girths, but tied with thongs of leather, at length defeated, with the loss of twelve were thus cut off from all communication or which are continually breaking and out of thousand men in killed and wounded; and supply. In this state they endured the order. On this awkward and insecure seat Rutschuk was compelled to surrender, with severest privations; and after feeding on the the Turk sits, with his knees approaching to all the Turkish flotilla lying before it, and flesh of their horses, and giving up all hope his chin; yet I never saw more bold and dexGiardzio on the other side. In order to of relief, they were compelled to surrender, terous horsemen, in the most difficult and create a diversion, the Turks now sent a fleet having lost 10,000 men in the different as- dangerous places. When formed into cavalry into the Black Sea, and threatened an attack saults made on them. This was the last effort they observe little order; yet they act together on the Crimea: notwithstanding this, the of the combatants. The Turks, who had with surprising regularity and effect: but it is Russians concentrated their forces in Bulgaria, entered Wallachia, at Widdin, retired to the in broken ground and mountain passes they and the grand vizir was obliged to retreat other side, and the grand vizir, having received are most serviceable, where the surface seems before them, recross the Balcan, and take up a great reinforcements, concentrated them at impracticable for European horsemen. They position at Adrianople; leaving, however, the Rutschuk; but while the combatants were pre-drive at full speed through ravines and mounarong and impregnable fortresses of Varna on paring to renew the sanguinary conflicts, the tain torrents, and up and down steep acclivihe sea-coast, and Shumla on the ascent of the exhausted state of the one, and the critical state ties, and suddenly appear on the flanks or in

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Thy throne-whereon, for thrice five hundred years,
In splendour undisturbed, and awful power,
Thy fathers sat-the prize proclaimed now
For which with rebels thou must stoop to strive?
And when the insolent soldier his base sword
Against thy crowned and anointed head-
Whereto earth's mightiest would have bent the knee,
And deemed it honour-bravingly doth lift,
Scoffing, perchance, with vulgar speech, thy state-
What saith thy proud heart then, Assyria's king?

A stern school hast thou now to learn how false
The praise of sycophants: yet, with strong heart,
From thy foul, sensual bed thou has uprisen,
And girt thee to the task; that praise be thine,
For little can I give. Oh! turn not back
Into the miry slough: then may the past,
Like a foul corse, be buried from my sight;
And a new glorious future,-how I dream!-
Even now, perchance, the weapon of a slave
May leave to him no future! Dreadful sight!
How many myriads must this night be stiff
Upon their gory beds, that with the sun
Rose joyously! how many wives will wail!
How many children will be fatherless!
Kind Heaven! Oh! comfort them!"


"Ten thousand deeds heroic then were done,
Whereof no record tells; yet endless fame
Not less deserving than the vaunted acts
Of kings and conquerors, in song renowned,
Or lying history, that praises still
Worst deeds of men, for bloody victories
Misnamed great; their gentler acts untold,
Or blamed for weakness. But eternal fame
Each hoped for now, and to the battle leaped;
Greedy of death with honour; for their king,
And for Assyria's power and glory these;
Those for their country's freedom, and their own;
And to hurl down th' oppressor from his height,
And break his rod for ever."

These short examples will suffice to shew the spirit of the poem. We might perhaps add, that the battles are described at rather too much length, after the manner of the Grecian Homer; and the councils and speeches have the same fault, after the manner of the Homer of England. Still, however, we cannot with. hold the meed of high praise from the Fall of Nineveh; though we fear it is deficient in popular qualities for this light and superficial reading age.

the rear of their enemies, after passing rapidly last town they possessed at the extremity of through places where it was supposed impos- their empire. When I contemplated the exsible that horsemen could move. Some of their tent of the territory, the fertility of the soil, troops are called, for their headlong and reck- the abundance of the resources, the cattle and less impetuosity, delhis, or madmen; and the corn it produced, and the interminable capability desperate enterprises they undertake justify it possessed of producing more; the large cities the name. Such cavalry, in the passes of the of Adrianople, Shumla, Rutschûk, and the mulBalkan, must oppose a formidable resistance to titude of villages scattered over the country ;— the most effective and best-disciplined troops; when I considered the despotic government and no doubt the Russians, if they ever attempt that had absolute power over all these rethis barrier, will find it so. Another obstacle sources, to direct them in whatever manner will be afforded by the season of the year. The and to whatever extent it pleased, and that only time for operation is the spring: the this was but a small portion of the vast empire country is then exceedingly beautiful and which extended over three parts of the globe, healthful, the rivers are full of sweet water, it seemed as if the Turkish power was a sleepthe grass and fodder abundant, and the air ing lion, which had only to rouse itself and elastic and salubrious; but as the summer ad-crush its opponents. But when, on the other vances, the rivers dry up, vegetables disappear, hand, I saw the actual state of this fine counand nothing is presented but an arid, burning try, -its resources neglected, its fields lying soil, intolerable from the glare of the sun by waste, its towns in ruins, its population deday, and dangerous from the cold and the caying, and not only the traces of human damp of the heavy dews by night; and the labour, but of human existence, every day bemorbid effects of these, every army has expe- coming obliterated; -in fine, when I saw all rienced, campaigning in those countries at that the people about them advancing in the arts of season, both in ancient and modern times. To civilised life, while they alone were stationary, pass this chain in winter, with an army, seems and the European Turk of this day differing a still more hopeless attempt: the morasses little from his Asiatic ancestor, except only in saturated with rain, incapable of supporting having lost the fierce energy which then pushed the heavy burden of waggons or artillery; him on :-when I considered this, I was led to the ravines filled with snow or mountain tor- conclude that the lion did not sleep, but was rents, and passed over by tottering bridges of dying, and after a few fierce convulsions would wood, so retten as to break with the smallest never rise again." pressure; the numerous defiles, which a few Dr. Walsh animadverts on the obvious decan defend against a multitude, affording so population of the Turkish empire, and its many natural fortresses, behind which the decreased and decreasing means of resistance; Turks fight with such energy and effect; the but we cannot afford to follow him further in scattered villages, which can afford neither this No. of our Journal, having, indeed, we shelter nor supplies;-all these present ob- trust, executed our purpose of condensing the stacles, of which the Russians themselves most material lights which he throws over seem very conscious. In their last campaign coming events, in which all Europe is so deeply they were in possession of the whole of the interested. country, from the Balkan to the Danube, with the exception of Varna, Nyssa, and Shumla, The Picture of Scotland. By Robert Chambers, in which the Turks were shut up; and they Author of the "Traditions of Edinburgh." had nearly 100,000 men in the plain below, pp. 288. London, Baldwin and Cradock. Post 8vo. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1828. W. Tait. completely equipped, and were at the very base THE fall of the Assyrian empire is a subject WE can do but imperfect justice to this misof the mountain and the entrance to the passes; worthy of the historical epic; and Mr. Ather-cellaneous and agreeable work; one of the yet they never attempted to ascend, with the stone has genius to ensure its treatment in a best lounging books we have perused for a very exception of a few straggling Cossacks, who grand and striking manner. We find it, ac- long while. It is quite impossible to dip into made a dash across the ridge, and returned as cordingly, though heavy in parts, abounding any part of it without having the attention speedily back again. The Turks seem to have in noble poetry, grand conceptions, and vivid rivetted and the fancy pleased; so that, in no apprehension of an approach to the capital descriptions. The commencement is formed truth, our only charge against it is, that it has on this side relying on the natural strength on the model of Milton, whose immortal muse, often detained us longer than was expedient of this chain of mountains, they have not for- indeed, seems throughout to be the source of from other volumes and other affairs. "Withtified any of the passes, nor do I recollect a his follower's aspirations: yet his style is not out alluding," says the writer in his preface, single fortress from Shumla to Constantinople. a servile imitation; nor can it be justly said of which is a modest and becoming one; "withTheir great apprehension is, that the invasion him, in any respect, that he is a copyist. On out alluding to previous historical studies, I will be made by sea; and in this persuasion, the contrary, much original talent is displayed may be permitted to state, that after employing not only the Dardanelles, but the Bosphorus, in this composition, of which two or three several months of the last year in the perusal resembles one continued fortress, from the Sea short examples will convince our readers as of former topographical publications and maof Marmora to the Black Sea. In the year fully as if we quoted a hundred pages. 1821, when a rupture was apprehended with Night. First, nuscripts, I began, in the early part of summer, to make a round of deliberate pedestrian Russia, all the castles were completely repaired, tours through the country. Instead of the and additional batteries were erected on every pilgrim's scallop in my hat, I took for motto point of land which bore advantageously on the the glowing expression of Burns; I have no channel, so as to present a most formidable dearer aim than to make leisurely journeys obstruction to any approach by water. These through Caledonia; to sit on the fields of her batteries, however, were altogether untenable battles; to wander on the romantic banks of if attacked on the land side, the high ground her streams; and to muse by the stately above the shores of the Bosphorus every where commanding them; and if a landing were abodes of her heroes.' In order to secure an towers of venerable ruins, once the honoured effected any where in the rear, which it was acquaintance with every remarkable locality, at that time said was the plan of the Russians, and with its popular legends, I carried letters they must be immediately abandoned. But it seems as if the Turkish power in Europe was from my city friends, giving me a claim upon the best offices of the most intelligent persons fast hastening to ruin, which the few conresident in the districts which I was to visit. vulsive efforts they occasionally make cannot I was thus generally successful in eliciting, avert or long delay. I had now travelled more over and above the kindness of many a worthy than three hundred miles through the Turkish and true-hearted Scot, the best information dominions in Europe, from their capital to the that was to be bad regarding all the more

The Fall of Nineveh: a Poem. By Edwin
Atherstone. The first Six Books.


"Twas midnight now: the melancholy moon,
With wasted face, unwillingly arose
To walk her weary course: upon the plains
Gleamed faintly the moist herbage: shadows drear
And long, from lofty and umbrageous trees,
Slept on the earth; pale light and dreamy shade
Covered the silent city; her huge towers,
Like a Titanic watch, all standing mute;
And in the centre, like the spectre-form
Of perished Saturn, or some elder god,
The dim vast mound. Within their tents the hosts,
Or on the earth, in heavy slumber lay;
Some of the battle dreaming-some of love-
Of home and smiling wives and infants some,--
The chase some urged-some at the wine-board sat,
Secondly, Sardanapalus after a defeat.
And drank unmeasured draughts, and thirsted still."

"Oh! ever hath he in a flatterer's breath

Found music! Hapless! sensual! fallen! and lost!
That in thy unstained youth didst seem a thing
For common men to worship as a God!
What thoughts are in thy fiery bosom now?
How feelest thou,-thy name and power defied

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attractive localities of my native land. Gold-therefore, and has ever since been denomi- "Marchmont House is a modern edifice, smith speaks with just contempt of the tra-nated the Coldstream Guards. The third surrounded by an extensive park, most of vellers who are whirled through Europe in a house east from the market-place of Cold- which is planted, and is approached by an post-chaise. I sedulously eschewed this prac-stream is said to have formerly been the inn. avenue about a mile and a quarter long, and tical absurdity. Except in cases where stage- It is an old thatched edifice of two stories, but an hundred yards broad, the most imposing coaches could convey me over a desolate and might have at one time been the best house in thing of the kind I ever saw. The house is uninteresting tract, I constantly adopted the the town. In this house many personages of plain externally, but is well furnished, and more deliberate and independent mode of loco- distinction, including kings and queens of possesses many paintings. On some person motion which nature suggests. I had thus an Scotland, are enumerated by tradition as taking the liberty to represent to the last Earl opportunity of becoming familiarly acquainted having resided, and that occasionally for se- of Marchmont, who built it, that ruble-work at once with the face of the country and the veral days at a time, while waiting till the fall was unworthy of so fine a mansion, the ectraditions of the people; I could move fast or of the waters of Tweed permitted them to centric and witty old peer said that he inslow as I pleased, and make such digressions cross at the ford. It would be worth a tra- tended to live in the inside, not the outside of from the main route as seemed necessary. I veller's while to inspect the humble apartments his house; a consideration but too little attraversed almost every vale in the lowlands of in which the royalty of former days found tended to in Scotland. The rooms are full of Scotland, and a great proportion of those in shelter and accommodation. old family portraits, and others, which cannot the more northerly region. I saw all the "Hume Castle was the station of one of the fail to delight any dabbler in family history. towns except three or four. My peregrina- beacons erected during the last war, for the There are no fewer than five of Patrick, the tions occupied upwards of nineteen weeks, and alarm of the country in case of invasion; and first earl, whose sufferings for conscience' sake, extended to the sum of two thousand and it partook in the mistake by which the militia immediately before the revolution, have entwenty-six miles." of a great part of the south of Scotland were deared his memory to the Whigs. In one This extract fully explains the nature of the roused and collected in the course of a single original he is represented with a long beard, work; and a few paragraphs, taken almost at night. The false alarm is supposed a cowl upon his head, and a psalm-book in his hazard, may suffice to indicate its entertaining to have arisen from what is termed a house- hand, as he appeared after his concealment for and interesting character. First, as to the heating. Hownamlaw, in Roxburghshire, mis- several weeks in the sepulchral vault under general shape and appearance of Scotland. took the festive blaze which proceeded from neath Polwarth church. One of the best "Scotland is neither triangular like Eng-the windows of a house in the neighbour-portraits in the house is a fine full-length of land, square like France, leviathan-like like hood of Dunse, for the beacon of Dunslaw. Charles the Twelfth. There is still preserved Russia, nor boot-like like Italy. There is, Dunslaw, in turn, lighted up at sight of the in the house an old chair, which has no doubt however, one object in nature which it re- blaze on Hownamlaw. Owing to some delay been once very fine, though now in ruins→ sembles, and by comparing it with which, it or negligence, Blackcastle did not take up the the last relic of a suite of furniture presented may almost be possible to communicate an idea alarm, otherwise the whole of the Lothians by King William to the earl, as a mark of his of its real figure and proportions. This object would have poured forth their patriot steel. friendship. There is likewise, framed and is an old woman,-one who has a hunchback, The Berwickshire yeomanry came to Dunbar, glazed, a holograph letter of Queen Anne, in and who may be supposed to sit upon her and the Haddington volunteers went over to which she thanks the earl for his useful ser hams, while she holds out and expands her Dunse; those of Teviotdale assembled at Jed- vices in carrying through the Union. In the palms at a fire. The knees of this novel and burgh. The emphatic prayer of an old wo- cellar of the house is preserved the trunk of somewhat startling personification of Caledonia man, when the yeomanry were marching the original Polwarth thorn, so celebrated in are formed by the county of Wigton. Kirk-through Dunse, was worthy of a Grecian Scottish song. cudbright, Dumfries, Roxburgh, Selkirk, and matron, Lord, grant that they may return Berwick, represent the lower part of her limbs, victorious, or return no more.'†


"Polwarth is not the only village of the Merse which modern times have seen fall into upon which the whole figure is incumbent. "The village of Hume was once much more decay. There is, for instance, in its neigh Ayr, Renfrew, Lanark, Peebles, and the Lo-extensive than now, stretching to a consider-bourhood a place called Fogo, that once could thians, represent the upper part of the limbs. able distance all round the castle, and inha- boast of some importance; but is now reduced Fife (including Kinross) stands, or rather sits,bited by the numerous retainers of the Earl of almost to the condition of a mere farm-stead. for the sitting part of the old lady. Argyll Home. The bow-butts are yet to be seen Fogo used to be distinguished for the excelhangs in pieces from a lap formed by Dum- where the men were exercised; and there is a lence of its cooper, or rather for the probarton and Stirling. Perth is the abdomen. field in the neighbourhood, called the post-rig, gressive improvement and increasing dexterity Angus and the Mearns make the back. Aber- from having been the dulcia arva of the earl's of a long race of coopers; every successive deen, Banff, Moray, and Nairn, constitute the running-footman, a personage of whom a sin- member of which displaying greater skill than prodigious hump. Inverness is the chest. gular anecdote has been preserved by the tra- his father, gave occasion to the proverbial Ross looks like a voluminous kerchief en-dition of Hume. He was once commissioned saying, 'Ye're just the cooper o' Fogo,' mean. closing the neck. Sutherland is the face, ears, by the earl to carry to Edinburgh a message ing that you are a better man than your and brow. And Caithness is a little nightcap which concerned a matter of the utmost con- father. Alas! both Fogo and its coopers are surmounting all. To complete the idea: the sequence to his lordship. It was night; but now alike non-existent. The same fate has isle of Skye is the right palm turned upwards; the poor fellow did not hesitate instantly to overtaken a place called Sisterpathmill, where that of Mull the left inclining downwards. take his departure for the capital, a distance of tradition records that there were once no The fire must be understood, unless the dis- at least thirty-five miles. He was so expe- fewer than five houses for the entertainment tant archipelago of Lewis be held as un- ditious that he returned before morning; of the public, though there are not now half towardly representing something of the kind: when, the earl not being a-stir to receive in- so many houses at the spot altogether of any and the islands of Orkney and Shetland may telligence of his despatch, he threw himself sort. Sisterpathmill was truly a merry place be pressed into service by a similar stretch of upon a bench in the hall, and sought some in days of yore;' for it is at the same time fancy, in the capacity of a rock or distaff, repose. By and by Lord Home rose, and recorded, that a convivial party, having met in which the figure bears over her head, after the coming into the hall, found his footman lying manner of a flag-staff."* snoring upon the bench, instead of being engaged in the performance of his pressing errand; which so enraged him, that he drew his sword, and was on the point of killing his faithful vassal, when providentially the man awoke, and explained the cause of his seeming negligence. Perhaps, the post-rig was a donation in reward of his meritorious expedition."

Now as to a few particulars. Berwickshire." It was at Coldstream that General Monk resided at the time when he only waited for a favourable opportunity to spring into England, and effect the restoration. During the winter of 1659-60, which he spent here, he raised that regiment, which was,

That this resemblance really holds good, is proved "The Teviotdale yeomanry marched into Jedburgh by an anecdote which I have since been told by a Perth-early in the morning of the alarm, playing the spiritshire clergyman. An old purblind Highland woman, stirring old tune, Wha daur meddle wi' me? On this visiting the manse one day, was shewn into the study, being told to Leyden in India, he is said to have started where there was a large map of Scotland hanging against up from his sick-bed on which he was reclining, and, the wall. The whole was highly coloured, and Caithness shouting Wha daur meddle wi' me? Wha daur meddle happened to be pretty strongly marked with scarlet. wi' me? at the top of his voice, rushed out of the apart Eh cried the old woman, who had never seen a map in ment to give vent to his feelings. Intense nationality her life before, what a braw carline, sitting on her seems to have been one of the most remarkable charachunkers, wi' a red nightcap, and a pipe in her cheek!'" teristics of this wonderful man."


one of the hostleries precisely as the landlady was setting a hen,-that is, placing it upon its eggs,—did not rise to depart until the chickens were running about the house!"

With these scanty examples, from one of the southern shires, we must be content this week; but the publication is filled with similar matter from every part of Scotland,—a land rich in local and interesting traditions. In such a work we have no right to criticise the Scotticisms, of which there are an abundance.

The Croppy: a Tale of 1798. By the Authors of " the O'Hara Tales," &c. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1828. Colburn.

WE have already alluded to these volumes in our Sights of Books," but we cannot allow

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them to pass through our hands with so brief | down! down!' But Bill Nale did not shout kin. There is something truly terrific in the a notice. Against Mr. Banim's orthography, Down!' but remained quietly seated on his blood-thirsty way in which these wretches however, we, on behalf of all English readers, charger with the fair prize still asleep in his quarrel for their victim. must protest. We have arl for earl; arly for arms. 'Come down, Bill Nale,' added the "Stop, Delouchery!' he said, in a deep, early; uv for of; iv for if; square for squire; personage who had before addressed him impressive voice; and before the smith could and a thousand other words equally distant you must come down, at least ;'-and Bill express his astonishment or rage at the interfrom the meaning which we in this country found himself standing on the road; but still ruption, stop!' he said again, in higher acare in the habit of assigning to them. The he held the lady close. Give her to me, cents; this man,'-scowling as he used the plan which Mr. Banim appears to have fol-now,' continued the same individual. 'Give term of contempt- this man must be given lowed in relating Irish conversations, is to spell her to you, is id ?' asked Bill. Yes; she is into my hands I must kill him;'-he contieach word as it sounds to the ear. This may my sweetheart.' To the seventeen duouls wid nued in a whisper close at Shawn's ear-‘I do very well occasionally, but when made a you!' said Bill; I have a likin' for her my-must kill him myself.' Why so?' growled general practice of, it becomes very tiresome; self, and never as much as a finger will you the smith. He is the murderer of my fatherand, besides, it is very absurd, as any one may lay on her.' 'Give her up, Bill Nale, or rue in-law.' 'People here has just as good a right perceive who will apply the same rule to any it!' exclaimed his enraged rival. Give her to him,' answered Shawn-a-Gow surlily, much even the most polished conversation in this up, give her up, or we'll cripple you !' shouted vexed at the interruption he had experienced, country. his friends. Bother!' shouted Bill, in re- and scarce able to stay his hand from its imNanny, the Knitter, is the best character in turn; d'ye think, ye sheeogs [fairies] o' the pulse: here's Pat Murphy, an' he hung the these volumes; but she says a little too much. divil, that it's a bosthoon ye have to talk to? only born brother iv him; and Murphy must The mixture of sense and superstition, cunning I know how to match ye! an' let ye only have a pike through Talbot: I had one through and credulity, is well portrayed. Bill Nale, daare to come widin arum's length, an' see if I Whaley.' And he shall. But, Delouchery, or Rattling Bill, a dice-player or conjuror, also don't pelt ye, by dozens, over Donard Hill, listen farther: Talbot has forced off my wife occupies a very important place. The way in into the sey! Aha! I'm the boy for ye! Give has her concealed from me-Sir Thomas Hartwhich this gentleman becomes acquainted with her up, inagh? Och, ay; give ye what's my ley's daughter: after murdering the father, he his wife is thus described: own arnin? We'll make you out a store of would destroy the child-and that child my "Bill was universally known to be a fellow riches, Bill Nale, if you yield possession of my wife. Before he dies, I must force him to conof daring, bravado humour, which feared neither sweetheart,' said the most interested personage fess where she is to be found-and then, Murman, devil, nor angel. And he was going of the throng. That's more o' the yarn,' phy and I for it, between us.' I'll soon force along, of a starry night, still more humorously answered Bill: arragh, go spake to them out iv him, for you, where the wife is.' and bravely inclined by the aid of whisky, and that doesn't know ye! Riches? Ay; ye'd Delouchery-he will tell nothing here.' singing and shouting as loudly as he could, fill me a bag full o' slates, lookin' like goold where will you bring him to make him tell?' when suddenly he heard strange voices about guineas, bud they'd be nothing bud slates in Only to yonder field, at the bottom of the him. He stopped and listened. A horse for the mornin'. Make off, I tell ye! I have a hill.' The smith paused, and seemed resolving me!' said a voice. He turned briskly to the charm here in my pocket; an' if ye don't, I'll the proposition in all its points. He cast his quarter whence it came, but could see no one. shake id at ye-hah!'-a cock crew-d'ye eyes around. Mollony, come here-Farrell, A horse for me!' said another voice; and hear that? run for your lives now, or the cock come here,' he said. Two men advanced from "A horse for me!' A horse for me!' was 'ill ate ye!' Whether in despair of succeeding the interior of the prison. Where's the rope repeated in quick succession at every point against him, or that the cock-crow was indeed that tied the Orangemen that cum into the around him. And a horse for me, too!' cried a thing they could not withstand, the discom- camp from Benclody?' It's to the good for Bill, giving a shout and a jump. The words fited rout, with a low, wild wailing, that another job, Capt'n.' Without farther explawere scarcely uttered, when he found himself gradually died along the midnight blast, disap-nation, he forced Captain Talbot backward on the back of a steed that capered and curveted peared in a trice. And the lady thus won into the prison; reappeared with him, his in great style :'-he heard a 'huzza!' from a was, the neighbours said, the same he brought hands tied behind his back; gave the end of hundred tiny throats; away galloped his courser, home to his cabin, and with whom he shortly the rope into Sir William Judkin's hand; then like the north wind over a hill-side in winter; after left the country, that is, the south of the he called Murphy aside, and, in a whisper of and as he swept along, he could not be ignorant county of Wexford, never again to appear few words, directed him to accompany Curnel that, before him and behind him, and at each in it." Judkin,' an' give him a helping hand, or watch side of him, other horses were racing just as A story is told, by Rattling Bill, of a mouse-him close, as the case might seem to demand: fiercely. Away, away, over hedge, ditch, and trap-maker and a bishop, which we must insert and then turning to the baronet, There he's brook, through thick and thin, Bill and his here. for you now; an' have a care an' do the busicomrades galloped, until of a sudden, and of "There was a mouse-thrap-maker, an' heness well.'" its own accord, his spirited steed stopped before lived by his thrade; an' he'd make a rat-thrap a large house, situated heaven knows where! just as handy. An'-(no help for id, I hear !) And all the attendant horsemen stopped too; his lordship's reverance was very round, an' and Bill, looking round him, now saw the smooth, an' comfortable to look at. 'Have riders; and from amongst them one melan-you your prayers, my good man?' says he to choly-looking wight came to his side and the rat-thrap-maker. A neighbour's share,' addressed him.Bill Nale,' said he, speaking says the other. Repate 'em for me.' The in a brogue of tiny cadence, stand upon the mouse-thrap-maker done his best; but he went back of your horse, and climb in through asthray, an' made bud a middlin' offer enough; yonder window.' For what rason ?' asked an' morebetoken, he put in a curse in the Bill. Upon a sofa, in the chamber into which middle, becase his work went wrong wid him, it leads, you'll find a beautiful young lady from minding two things at the same time. sleeping: take her softly in your arms, and I'm ashamed o' my life o' you, for one ould bear her down to us: we cannot assist you, sinner,' says the bishop, ' to come to this time because there is a certain spaniel dog, also o' life, an' not to have your prayers.' 'Will asleep, at her feet,-so in with you.' Never you answer me a foolish sort iv a question ?' WE rejoice to see this excellent biography of a say it again, ma-bouchal,' answered Bill; an' says the mouse-thrap-maker. 'By coorse,' most amiable and virtuous man, in a form betglad am I o' the offer;' and he climbed in at says the bishop, making answer. Well, as- ter suited to general readers than the first the window as desired, found the lady just as thore: what's the length o' this wire, that 'ill quarto. The character of this esteemed person had been foretold to him, took her in his arms go to make a mouse-thrap?' 'I'm sartin I is summed up by his no less esteemed and estiwithout ever awaking her, descended with her can't tell,' says the bishop again. Well, mable friend, Mr. Hoare, as combining the from the window, placed her before him on his then, every man to his thrade,' says the other; high qualities of the meek Christian-the inhorse, and Well done, Bill Nale!' was the an' so do you mind yours, an' I'll mind mine, trepid champion of freedom-the unwearied general cry; and the whole cavalcade set off and there'll be no jostlin' on the road betwuxt vindicator of his country's laws, her constituover the ground they had come at even a us." " tion, and her church the foe to error-and wilder pace than before, until they reached the We can only afford space for one more ex- the friend to man. His bright example is here spot where Bill first mounted his steed; and tract. The Insurgents, or Croppies, are on fairly set forth for imitation; and, with a phinow there was a second halt, and they all sur- the point of killing Captain Talbot, but are lanthropy like his own, the profits of the pubrounded Bill and the lady, shouting, Down! interrupted by Talbot's rival, Sir William Jud-lication are assigned to the African Institution.

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We must leave our readers to guess at what follows, having only left ourselves room to say, that these volumes are fully equal, if not superior, to any thing Mr. Banim has as yet written, and that we have no doubt they will be generally read with very great interest, notwithstanding the barbarous mode of spelling, of which we have complained.


Memoirs of Granville Sharp, Esq. &c. &c. By
Prince Hoare. With Observations on Mr.
Sharp's Biblical Criticisms. By the Bishop
of Salisbury. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo.
London, Colburn.

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