Imatges de pàgina

cious minutes the fortune of the day. It was | templating the full extent of the calamity that into consideration. Aga Meer Fatha is conin vain; despair seemed to animate each party had befallen them." sidered by General Arristoff as the chief perwith superhuman strength; neither could con- We now, so far as Part XX., dismiss Con- sonage of the city. He has completely idenquer, neither would give way. The art of war stable's Miscellany-a real and existing Library tified himself with the Russians. Ahmed Khan, seemed to exhaust its powers in one point, of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge, neither the son of Futh Alli Khan Keshtee, governor only to unfold some new and untried master-puffed by an upstart pseudo monopoly, a junta of Tabreez, continues to act as his father's piece of skill in another. Night and darkness in a University Committee, nor a prostituted deputy. at last put a period to the battle, which the Review. fury of the combatants would willingly have prolonged; and the contest ceased, only because each could no longer find his antagonists. Both armies separated, as if by tacit agreement; the trumpets sounded, and each party claiming the victory quitted the field.


Journal of the Occupation of Tabreex by the

Tuesday, 30th. Strict search has been made this morning to recover the property taken from the palace. As many of the depredators were known, parties of Russian soldiers, attended by Persians, visited their houses: a considerable portion of the effects was found. Mirza [We this week complete the interesting picture of affairs Jaffer, one of the young men sent by the "More than 9000 men of both armies lay between Russia and Persia at Tabreez. The divisions prince to be educated in England, had been dead upon the field; the number of the wounded among the Persians themselves; the ambitious views of active during the pillage: property to a large several subjects of the Shah; and the actual condition was much greater, and among the Imperialists of the country occupied by the Russian army, afford amount was found in his house. I underscarcely a man escaped uninjured from the field. data for political reflections of the highest importance.] stand that Aga Meer Fatha waited upon The whole plain, from Lutzen to the Canal, SUNDAY, Oct. 28th.-I am informed this morn- Prince Arristoff this day, to apprise him that was covered with the wounded, the dead, anding, that the Maraud and Nukhsheewaun horse the citizens meditate a revolt and massacre the dying. Many of the principal nobility had who went in pursuit of the prince's family, of the Russians. It is certain that greater fallen on both sides. Even the abbot of Fulda, overtook them at the Sluttel pass: it was, precautions have been taken, arising probably who had mingled in the combat as a spectator, however, occupied by the Mazenderaun in- from this disclosure. The possibility of effectpaid for his curiosity and his ill-timed zeal with fantry forming a part of their escort. In at- ing such a design has frequently occurred; his life. History is silent as to prisoners; an tempting to force the defile, many of the pur- but neither do the inhabitants possess the additional proof of the fury of the combatants, suers were killed. They then broke off by spirit nor the unanimity requisite for its who neither gave nor took quarter. Pappen- other passages through the mountains, and execution. The small number of the Russians heim died of his wounds the next day at Leip-came in sight of the harem.-Banger-khan may have encouraged the idea. The chiefs of zig; an irreparable loss to the Imperial army, Chellebeunloo, with the horsemen of his tribe, the different divisions of the city have been which this consummate general had so often covered their retreat. He succeeded in repel- made responsible for the safety of the guards led on to conquest. The messenger ling the pursuers; they, however, got posses-placed within their precincts. was already on his way to him from Madrid sion of many loads of baggage belonging to two Wednesday, 31st.-General Paskewitch and with the order of the Golden Fleece, when of the prince's wives. The Russian officers staff yesterday evening reached Suhillaun with a death overtook him at Leipzig. Though Te declare that no party was authorised to follow light detachment from the main army. Being Deum was sung in honour of the victory in all the prince's family. The general had been anxious to see the troops, I went in the morning the Spanish and Austrian dominions, Wallen- pressed by the sons of Nuzzur Alli Khan to towards the bridge of the Augee; General P. stein himself, by the rapidity with which he send a detachment of cavalry; as their wives, was at the head of the line of march, surrounded left Leipzig, and, soon after, the whole of who had been taken as hostages, were supposed by the chief officers and his staff. On leaving Saxony, and by abandoning his intention of to have been carried off with the prince's. Yet the bridge, about three quarters of a mile, taking up his winter-quarters in that country, no men could be spared to effect the wishes of he was met by Aga Meer Fatha, attended openly confessed his defeat. It is true he made individuals, when on the morning Tabreez was by a deputation of the principal inhabitants a feeble attempt, even in his flight, to dispute to be attacked. The sons of Nuzzur Alli Khan of the city. The two parties remained a the palm of victory, by sending out his Croats were exceedingly vexed at the indifference short time in conversation. The column of next morning to the field; but the sight of the shewn to recover their women: notwithstand- troops was headed by three battalions of inSwedish army, which stood in battle array, ing the objections made with their own depend- fantry, then succeeded a regiment of draimmediately dispersed these flying bands; and ants, they set off to regain these pledges on the goons, two regiments of Uhlans, the artilDuke Bernard, by keeping possession of the evening of the 24th from Sahillaun.-The Rus-lery at intervals of about eighteen pieces, a field, and soon after by the capture of Leipzig, sian army changed their encampment to the regiment of Cossacks of the Don, and another retained the undisputed right to the title of level ground behind the prince's garden. Their of the Black Sea. The whole corps marched victor. But the triumph was a melancholy numbers cannot amount to more than 4000 to the cavalry encampment on the rising one, the victory dearly bought! Now first, infantry, 800 regular cavalry, 800 Cossacks, ground between the city and the Augee to when the fury of conflict was over, was felt and 1200 Russian irregular horse. The artil- the left of the road; General Arristoff's dithe full weight of the loss they had sustained, lery consists of eighteen field pieces of differ-vision was there assembled to receive the and the shout of triumph died away into the ent calibers. commander-in-chief, before whom the united gloomy and mournful tone of despair. He Monday, 29th.-Colonel Luzzeroff is ap- army passed in review order. All their movewho had led them forth to the fight returned pointed commandant of the city; he lodges at ments were executed with great regularity. not with them; he lay upon that field which the palace. Yesterday officers were employed The appearance of the troops, though by no he had gained, amidst the dead bodies of the in taking charge of what remained of the means brilliant, was exceedingly good, denoting common crowd. After a long, and, for a time, prince's property. The inhabitants of the city a high state of efficiency for actual service. The ineffectual search, the corpse of the king was begin to lament their pusillanimous conduct; regiments of infantry were about 700 bayonets discovered, not far from the great stone which, they loudly find fault with Aga Meer Fatha, each; the men healthy and robust; their march for a hundred years before, had stood between who is considered to be the person who acted was steady, firm, and in correct alignement. Lutzen and the Canal, and which, from the chiefly in favour of the Russians: on the other The cavalry displayed equal perfection in their memorable disaster of that day, still bears the hand, the heads of the ancient Tabreez families movements: the horses were, indeed, much rename of the Stone of the Swede. Covered with have solicited the protection of the Emperor duced in flesh, requiring some rest ere a march blood and wounds, so as to be scarcely recog- Nicolas; they have begged that their city of long duration could be undertaken, yet were nised, trampled beneath the hoofs of the cavalry, may not be restored on the conclusion of peace. still in condition for immediate employment. deprived of its ornaments and clothes by the There have not been wanting volunteers From the size and general good quality of the rude hands of the plunderers, his body was amongst them to conduct a detachment of horses, this body of cavalry would oppose with drawn from beneath a heap of dead, conveyed troops for the purpose of seizing the prince's success far superior numbers of the best Perto Weissenfels, and there delivered up to the person. The dissatisfaction towards his royal sian horse of the present day. The Don Coslamentations of the army, and the last embraces highness's government, and their desire to be sacks, in full uniform, have always a handsome of his queen. The first tribute was paid to relieved from the rule of kajars, are occasioned appearance. The Black-Sea Cossacks, though vengeance, and blood had atoned for the blood by the treatment they have for so many years of rougher exterior, are considered in every of the monarch; the next was due to affection, endured. They were deprived of power, re- respect the most active and brave soldiers. and tears of grief were now shed for the man. spectability, and emolument. The Arrauk The horses of both are small, clumsy animals, Individual griefs were lost in the universal servants of Abbas Mirza filled every situation capable of enduring great fatigue. The artil lamentation. The generals, still paralysed by under the government, whilst only a few of lery marched past in brigades, the twelvethe unexpected blow, stood speechless and mo- the natives of Tabreez held offices merely no-pounders drawn by six horses; those of inferior tionless around his bier, and shrunk from con-minal. By a change they expect again to rise caliber by four. Each gun was followed by

two two-wheeled light tumbrils, having a pair
or three horses abreast: the whole must have
amounted to thirty pieces of artillery. This
corps partook of the same character with the
other branches of the army, nothing splendid
or elegant, but very imposing and effective.
When the different corps had marched past,
General Paskewitch moved towards the city:
on his arrival at the gates, the guns from the
towers and bastions were discharged in rapid
succession; the salute must have been carried
twice round the walls. The light division had
marched from Eriwan in thirteen days, without
a halt: the distance is 180 miles. At night-
fall, the towers and the summit of the old
building of the Ark were brilliantly lighted up
with flambeaux.
Thursday, Nov. 1st.-The Cayim Mukum
arrived this evening at the village Kallamullay,
four miles distant from the city. He is not
permitted to enter the walls, as his popularity
with the inhabitants is great, which makes the
Russians apprehensive that his presence may
give rise to some tumult. He is empowered to
treat for peace.

1 regiment of dragoons

3 regiments of Uhlans, 400 men

52 pieces of artillery, 20 men







ingress into the city; nor have I heard that to celebrate a Te Deum; the envoy declined any affrays of consequence have taken place. being present at this ceremony, but accepted Some discontent has been caused by the public the opportunity of seeing the troops after its baths having been frequented, which renders performance. At mid-day, a captain of Uhlans, them, in the opinions of the Mahomedans, with a party of his regiment, arrived to conimpure. The civil government of the city re- duct the envoy. The army was drawn up in a mains under Aga Meer Fatha: at first an large square on the plain behind the prince's authority was constituted, at which four of garden: the infantry formed two faces of it; the principal inhabitants were ordered to pre- the regular cavalry, Cossacks, and artillery, the side: they were to report their proceedings to other sides. On reaching the ground, prayers Colonel Lazzuaff, without whose sanction no were just finished: the officers of the army, decisions were to be carried into effect. On who were assembled in the centre of the square the representation of Aga Meer Fatha, that to attend divine service, separated to their dif this tribunal tended to diminish his influence ferent posts; a salute of fifty guns was fired; over the inhabitants, the internal government we joined the suite of the commander-in-chief; of the city has been given completely to his su- the troops broke into column to march past the perintendence. This personage has in view to general: it was a most imposing sight,-all the become the chief authority of Azerbejaun: movements performed with the greatest prehe nourishes the most ambitious designs; has cision; orders given without any unnecessary already issued rukums to the local chiefs of the clamour, and quickly executed. There is a districts, directing them to espouse the cause certain degree of stiffness in the carriage and of Russia, with threats of punishment, and walk of a Russian soldier, owing to the tight exile to Siberia, if they do not immediately ligature of the waist, which produces an unattend to his injunctions. This proceeding, pleasant and awkward effect; but, either taken though beneficial in inducing others to follow individually or in a body, the appearance and Friday 2d. The Russian prisoners of war, his steps, has not been approved by General equipment of the Russian troops are highly chiefly officers, who were confined at Mau- Paskewitch. Meer Fatha forgets, that in di- military, and unite all that is required for rangha, have been released, and sent as a peace-vesting himself of the character of head priest, parade or actual service. The troops, after offering from that city to General Paskewitch. he entirely destroys the power he possesses over defiling, formed into a mass, with a front of Nearly the whole of the districts or divisions the minds of his fellow-citizens. On one oc- four battalions; General Paskewitch proceeded of Azerbejaun have followed the example of casion he became an uninvited guest to the at a quick gallop along the line, passed through Tabreez. The inhabitants of Khoeg have sent table of the commander-in-chief; he brought at intervals of the columns, and was received a deputation to General Paskewitch, requesting some dishes cooked at his own house, but at the by each corps with loud acclamations. I should that no troops may march against their town, same time partook of others of Russian com- thus roughly estimate the strength of the army: as they will deliver it up if the province is position. This behaviour, so contrary to the 12 battalions of infantry, 550 men........ 6600 retained by Russia. The district of Caradaugh prejudices of the Sceah sect of Mahomedans, 2 battalions absent on guard. · has submitted; Mahomed Kooli Beg, a de- has occasioned in the city a great sensation scendant of its former chiefs, has been placed to his detriment. Aga Mahomed Alli, the to govern it. The principal of Shah-Sawans prince's head armourer, has been directed to and Shaggangrees are in arms against the forge keys for the gates of Tabreez (although prince Jehan Geer Khan: the hereditary khan no locks are in existence), which are to be of the latter tribe has openly joined the Rus-presented to the emperor. Four guns are sians, and acknowledges their supremacy: he also to be cast in commemoration of the is the son of the famous Azad Khan, who dis- capture of Abbasabad, Surderabad, Eriwan, puted the throne with the present king. The and Tabreez. Each piece of artillery is Paris, April 5. town-people of Mauraugha have been the most to be inscribed with the name of these places. THE fête of Longchamp being the conversaviolent in their proceedings. This city has been The towns-people have not hitherto suffered in tion of the day, I presume it would be quite for some years under the rule of Fath Álli Khan, their property from the presence of the Russian out of rule to send a letter from Paris without the elder brother of the Assuff, whose sister army; the case of the adjoining villages has, dedicating at least a few lines to the brilliant is the head wife of the prince. On quit- however, been far different. The provisional equipages, les jolies femmes, et les élégants, ting Tabreez, thither one of Abbas Mirza's government issued orders on them to afford who graced the Champs Elysées on that ocdaughters, his own sister, and the wife of forage for the cavalry and draft cattle of the casion. This apparently gay scene brings Mahomed Mirza, sought refuge: they had not army. These have been enforced without any always to my mind Montesquieu's description been there long, when the house of the go- regularity-quadruple the quantity specified of a country party, where fits of yawning were rernor Fath Alli Khan was broken into by has been taken away, no payments of any kind only interrupted by the mutual question, the populace, who completely pillaged it, and made, and the villagers complain most bitterly" n'est ce pas charmant?" for, in truth, the entering the women's apartments, continued to of being thus deprived of the provender laid business of life seems to be that of appearing, commit similar outrages. It is said that the aside to support their live stock during the not of being, happy. The weather during the younger sons of Ahmed Khan, the late chief of winter. three days of public exhibition was most unMauragha, were the principal promoters of Sunday 4th. The expected division, com-favourable to ladies' beauty and to spring this confusion. Fortunately, Jaffer Kooli Khan, posed of the regiment of disgraced Moscow dresses; but as no duties are so imperative as an elder brother, interposed his authority, guards, one battalion of the new guards, regi- those of fashion, many fair dames shivered and rescued these much-to-be-pitied females. ment of Sheerwan grenadiers, regiment of Tiflis, beneath gauzes and crapes, whilst others, The jewels and valuables of this portion of ten pieces of artillery, and some companies of more wisely, kept up the memory of old the prince's family are reported to have fallen Cossacks, arrived this morning. The rear-guard winter, and remained wrapt in their furs. As into the hands of the plunderers. The next of the army remains stationary at Maraud. The usual, barouches, gigs, landaus, cabriolets, chamorning, Jaffer Kooli Khan escorted them to battering train has likewise been ordered to re-rabancs, tilburies, and hackney coaches, moved Meandaub, a place twenty miles from the city. main there. Yesterday evening the Russian ple- pêle-mêle in dirge-like motion; whilst the Even to this spot the rabble pursued Fath Alli nipotentiary, General d'Obriscaff, went to Kal- gens d'armes, with drawn swords, lined the Khan and the harem: they meditated further lamellug to meet the Cayim Mukum; the con- way to keep messieurs les cochers in due molestation, but were dispersed by some dis- ference concluded by the general furnishing order. This, indeed, is a most necessary precharges of grape from the artillery under the Persian minister with a draft of the bases caution, otherwise the esprit of rivalship which Eusofe Khan, who had been previously sent on which a peace might be obtained. The governs those lords of the whip would prove there to afford them protection. Cayim Mukum has returned to the prince's of most fatal consequences to the foot pasSaturday, 3d. The city has been very tran- camp at Salmass, whose assent to the conditions sengers. There were several splendid turnsquil, considering the circumstances, since the must be transmitted to the commander-in-out (as the English say); and these, generally arrival of the Russian army. The conduct of chief at the expiration of six days. speaking, were occupied, not by the wives, but their troops has been such as to deserve every Monday, 5th.-Colonel Macdonald was in- by the favourites of great men, sympathising, praise; very few men are seen about the streets vited by General Paskewitch to attend at a no doubt, with the neglected spouse, who Intoxicated, though they appear to have free review of the Russian army. It was ordered either remained at home, or filled the ranks in

Reckoning absentees on duty and sick, the Russian force at Tabreez may possibly amount to fourteen thousand men..

close carriages. Those who appeared the most merit of the work be what it may, the dramatic although very concise, in the absence of the satisfied with themselves and others were some censor will never allow those dreadful repre- official report, which will be sent to the Indian English and French indescribables, elegantly sentations of the Inquisition, or of a king so government, so that some time must elapse mounted on handsome and well-caparisoned cruel and superstitious as Philip the Second, before it reaches Europe, is very interesting steeds; and, probably, more than one rich to appear on the stage. Apropos of thea- and important.



dowager became the victim of the graceful bowtricals Mademoiselle Mars is generally con- The above-mentioned arms are those of and skilful horsemanship of these fashionables; demned, behind the scenes, for her prose- M. de Colignon, botanist on board La Bous. and many a gamester repaired the losses of the cution of Mulon and his wife. This delight-sole; and as the crew of the ship, which went past by the tender interest he excited in the ful actress is not accused of much sensibility: down in deep water, all perished, we may breasts of susceptible females; for, on the cut diamonds, however, are not to be purchased conclude that every article also went down of a coat, the putting-on of a cravat, the every day; and it is necessary to punish se- with her: we may also take it for proven, that prancing of a horse, often depends the fortune verely the ignorant, to fill up the measure of it was the Boussole, commanded by M. la Pe of years; and le Vendredi Saint is not a day justice, and thus compensate for the lenity rouse himself, which was thrown on the ridge, of reparation of sin, but a reparation of prodi- generally shewn to rank and fortune-in fact, as M. Colignon was attached to that ship. gality. However, as religion mixes more or to those who come under the title of great A very mutilated and mis-printed statement less with education, abstinence from flesh-meat men. The report that Mr. Murray has given having appeared in the newspapers and in some is strictly observed; and though the morning Mr. Moore 4000 guineas for his Life of Lord of our contemporaries, we made application is passed in a display of luxury, to eat a piece Byron creates a strong sensation. Such a to Sir W. Betham, who has supplied us with of roast-beef in the evening would be an unpar- book will be read here with avidity. The cu- the foregoing corrected statement. donable crime: it would appear that habit riosity of the public is much excited as to this But in order to put the point in à clear destroys the faculty of thinking, and renders work. light, and shew that the fate of the intrepid us mere machines, otherwise could we be caand enterprising La Perouse is at last, after pable of such contradictions? Our Englishthe mystery and conjecture of forty years, no men make no exception to general rule here; longer uncertain, we made a drawing of the they retain all their national prejudices, but arms, as described by Mr. Russell. On releave their religious ones on their native Ar length information has been received of the ferring to a standard work of French heshore. Were the Pope the head of the Pro- fate of the above unfortunate navigator, which raldry, we discovered that these were the arms testant church, one would be induced to think has so long been involved in doubt and obscurity. of Colignon; and we also found, by consulting that our islanders, ere they crossed the seas, A Captain Dillon having heard that two large the published account of this unfortunate expurchased a large stock of indulgences-for vessels had been wrecked on one of the islands pedition, that Colignon was, as we have ob. Paris abounds in Englishmen of liberal morals, of the group called the Friendly or Navigator's served, the name of the naturalist in the who think it only necessary for their wives Islands, the Indian government fitted out and Boussole. These facts afford conclusive eviand daughters to persevere in old customs despatched a vessel called the Research, for the dence that the vessels whose wrecks have and principles. With regard to wives, seve-purpose of making every possible inquiry and been traced could be no other than M. de la ral Englishmen of rank have received severe investigation. Very unpleasant altercations Perouse's ships; and the crescent or in the lessons: their calculation of the force of virtue took place on board the Research between Cap-base of the shield, the sign of affiliation, indiin the weaker sex has proved erroneous-as tain Dillon and Dr. Tittler, who was sent (we cates that M. Colignon was a second son or British dames here begin to think that the laws believe) on board as a naturalist, which it is branch of the noble family of that name. Our of retaliation are just, and that the cold and not requisite for us to detail. contemporaries in Paris will, no doubt, make distant respect of their lords and masters is not further inquiries into this matter, which has equivalent to the assiduities and delicate attenso long excited the curiosity, and engaged the tions of tender suitors. Much scandal is, of sympathy, of Europe. course, on the tapis; and loud are the complaints of husbands, who meet but little sympathy, when they neglect even the appearance of kindness towards those whom they require to love, honour, and obey them.

La Fiancée de Lammermoor of Walter Scott, arranged as a drama by Victor Ducange, has met with deserved success at the theatre of the Porte St. Martin. Of course, by reducing so beautiful a work to the limits of stage scenes, much of the charm of the original is lost. M. Ducange is the only dramatic author who seems to have understood Walter Scott, or to know how to cull the beauties with which he abounds.

The different theatres at Paris are threatened with four William Tells, by four authors of merit: to whom will be adjudged the palm, is as yet undecided; but in private circles opinion has already taken a bias.

Mr. John Russell, an officer on board the Research, wrote to his uncle, Sir W. Betham, of Dublin, a letter, dated Nov. 7, 1827, which was received in Dublin on the 9th March, 1828, of which the following is an extract :

"New Zealand, Nov. 7, 1827. "We are just arrived here after a voyage in search of La Perouse; and I think we have been successful. Both his ships were wrecked the same night on a reef off the Manicolo Island, which is situate in lat. 11 min. 40 deg. south, long. 170 deg. east. One ship sunk in deep water immediately after striking, and all on board perished; the other was thrown on the reef, and some of the crew escaped, who saved sufficient materials from the wreck to build a small vessel, in which, with the exception of two men who continued on the island, Sidney Hall's New General Atlas. Part VI. and those who were killed by the natives, they In a style of similar clearness and excellence left the place about five months after their with the preceding Parts, the present Part shipwreck: their ultimate fate is still unknown contains Peru, New South Wales, and Spain Of the two men who remained, one quitted and Portugal; the island in a canoe, the other died about The map of New South Wales appears to us to

- the new world and the old.


proof that the ships wrecked were French, hav-be particularly valuable, as it embraces all the
ing found and secured many pieces of silver recent surveys, &c. of that rising colony.
and copper stamped with the fleur-de-lis. We
have also two bells, one having on it an inscrip- Ir is gratifying to learn that our government,
tion-BAZIN M'A FAIT; on the other are the with a perseverance worthy of an enlightened
royal arms of France. We have also found a nation, continues to direct scientific inquiry to-
part of a plated candlestick, on which is en-wards the ill-known, or unknown, parts of the
graved a shield with the following arms: coasts of Africa, as well as towards other quar-
Azure a saltire; in chief a mullet; and in ters of the globe where correct investigation
base a crescent or. Supporters two lions ram- is required. Captain Boteler, who served
pant regardant. The shield is surmounted with much distinction under Captain Owen
with a viscount's coronet. We have searched in his extensive survey of Africa, chiefly on the
all the neighbouring islands, to ascertain the Eastern coast and Madagascar, which occupied
fate of the small vessel and her crew, if per-between five and six years, is now appointed
chance any of them might still exist; but
without success."

Monday evening Miss Smithson and Mr. three years since. We have obtained clear Macready are to appear in Macbeth. The French are beginning to cede the victory to us in point of tragedy. They allow we excel in horrors, and die admirably!-but that they, and they alone, know how to live; and consequently in comedy we cannot ap proach them. Here I believe they are right. Miss Smithson is a great favourite, and her charms of person and beauty of face are often the topic of conversation. Mademoiselle Mimi Dupuis is on her way to London, where it is predicted that she is to turn the steady heads of Messieurs les Anglais. There is at present a tragedy, attributed to the pen of a M. Soumet, entitled Elizabeth de France, rehearsing at the Théâtre Français: it is said the author has copied Schiller, in his Don Carlos. Let the

Such is the statement of Mr. Russell, which,

Of this Survey, it is mentioned to us, Captain Boteler has written a detailed and interesting account for publication; but it still remains in manuscript.

to complete the survey of the Western Coast | (to which the king had invited the whole of the | nevertheless; and Mr. Crome has the high from the Straits of Gibraltar to the Cape de literary visitors,) two ministers of state pre-authority of some of the best of Vanderneer's Verd Islands; and will, we understand, pro-sided; and after the company rose from table, moonlights for the tone. Be that as it may, ceed on this expedition in Captain Parry's old it is mentioned as a special mark of favour, Mr. Crome's talents are sufficiently conspicuous ship the Hecla, in a few days, from Ports- that his majesty spoke a few words to every one in the management of the composition, and in mouth. of his guests; so that they parted full of the the whole performance. In connexion with Captain Mudge, another officer who served warmest admiration for, as they termed him, this picture, we are happy to notice No. 431, under Captain Owen, has also been appointed the king of the learned. The next meeting Sluice Gate, on the River Wensum, by A. Stanto proceed to Ireland to complete the coast part is to be held in Berlin, in September next: nard; as, with others of the same class, they of the Ordnance survey of that kingdom. Cap- Alexander von Humboldt president, and Pro- shew the close resemblance of character and tain Mudge is accompanied by Lieutenant fessor Lichtenstein, the African traveller, se- execution between the works of some of our Frazer, who was assistant to Captain Bayfield cretary. The number of subjects that came artists and the best pictures of the Flemish in his laborious survey of the Lakes of Canada, under discussion, during the sittings of nearly school. It is not that the pure English style which has been recently finished. a whole week, cannot be here detailed. of landscape painting is not equally estimable; but it so seldom happens that a due value is set upon what is domestic and within reach, that our artists, to obtain attention, are frequently obliged to assume a foreign mask. This preju dice, however, on the part of our amateurs, seems to be rapidly declining. Where indeed, in any school, or at any time, can be found greater excellence in execution, and without any particular resemblance to foreign art, than is manifested in most of the works of Lance, Pidding, Stevens, Blake, &c. ?

Major Laing. In a recent Number of the Literary Gazette we mentioned the statement to the French Academy by M. Jomard, founded on letters from London, of the British government having received news of Major Laing through Morocco. M. Jomard has since communicated the letters to the Academy: they are dated the 19th of January; but we fear there is nothing recent concerning our enterprising countrymen (Laing and Clapperton) that is calculated to assuage our uneasiness as to their now too probable fate.

LITERARY AND LEARNED. OLFORD, April 5.-On Saturday, the 29th ult. being the last day of Lent Term, the following degrees were con


Bachelors in Divinity.-Rev. T. Arnold, late Fellow of

Oriel College, Head Master of Rugby School; Rev. G.

Dineley, Worcester College.

Bachelor in Civil Law. Rev. H. J. Ellman, Wadham


Master of Arts-Rev. W. L. Neville, Queen's College. Bachelor of Arts.-W. J. Trower, Christ Church; Lord E. Thynne, Oriel College.

CAMBRIDGE, April 5.-The following gentlemen were on Friday last admitted Bachelors of Arts



No. 325. The Enthusiast. Theodore Lane.-
Surely this is carrying enthusiasm as far as it
can go. We have seen the ruling passion,"
in most of its varieties, caricatured and ridi-
culed: but it remained for Mr. Lane to exhibit
a superannuated Izaak Walton, sitting by the
fire-side in his chamber, and angling in a large
bathing-tub! In treating this strange and
whimsical subject, the artist has shewn some of
the best qualities of the art-expression, execu-
tion, and appropriate colouring.

No. 228. Girl with a Jewel-Casket. F. Y. G. Goldsmith, St. Peter's College: T. J. Theobald, Hurlstone.-Every body knows the picture by Christ College: R. Catton, R. R. Toke, Corpus Christi Titian which has suggested the present perCollege: W. H. Tuer, Magdalene College. The Vice-Chancellor and other official electors of Tyr-formance. This is a fair and legitimate mode whitt's Hebrew scholarships have given notice, in purmuance of the thirteenth regulation of the senate, bearing date the 14th of March, 1826, that a premium of 50%. will be given for the best dissertation on the nature and extent of the Herriams found in the writings of St. Paul, including

the Eputic to the Hebrows.


of competition, and has been practised by the
most eminent artists, We would not, however,
recommend the effort to tyros, as they will
seldom produce more than a sort of varied copy;
while the more advanced painter will commu-
nicate, always originality, and sometimes im-
provement to his work. The talents of Mr.
Hurlstone have enabled him, retaining much
of his great prototype, to paint a very fascinating

The room appropriated to drawings, miniatures, and prints, and that appropriated to sculpture, are admirably adapted to their respective purposes. They abound in good works. Among the miniatures, the frame containing No. 421. Portrait of a Lady. W. Boxall. the pictures of Mrs. James Robertson deservedly This example of simplicity in tone and colour-occupies a distinguished place. There are se ing shews at once what may be done without veral beautiful copies in miniature from the the gaud of art. No judicious observer can works of various painters in oil. No. 595. look at it without being reminded of Sir Joshua Juliet, after a Sketch by Opie, by W. Bone, is Reynolds' style of painting when his aim ap- exquisitely finished, but hung too high for its peared to be to represent nature as she was, worth. No. 569. A Portrait (after Cotes) of rather than as what, at a later period of his life, the late Paul Sandby, Esq., by Miss Ordeshe thought she ought to be. worth, which, for fidelity of resemblance and beauty of execution, would do credit to our best miniature-painters, is, on the other hand, hung too low for its merits. By the side of this is No. 575; a bold and masterly copy, by T. H. Bischoff, of Sir Joshua's Infant Jupiter. Many other miniatures of great merit, our limits will not allow us to enumerate.-Among the drawings are various admirable specimens of the art. No. 738. The Gleaner, by J. Holmes; beautiful both in character and in execution. No. THE three meetings of the German Literati, 724. Shrimpers near Hastings, J. M. Ince; a especially natural philosophers and physicians, clear and excellent drawing. No. 722. Juliet, that have taken place within the last three after Opie; C. R. Bone: a faithful copy of the years at Frankfort, Dresden, and Munich, for master. No. 699 and 708. Vignettes to C. Crothe express purpose of promoting experimental No. 226. Portraits of a Lady and Child.ker's Fairy Legends; W. H. Brooke. Whether philosophy in all its branches, by communi- Mrs. Pearson. Among the very clever portraits among fairies and flowers, where taste and cating and discussing the various discoveries sprinkled throughout the present exhibition, fancy go hand in hand, or delineating the broad and experiments made by different individuals, we are happy to notice this lady's performance, humours of Irish eccentricity, we always find from all parts of Germany, have excited such as evincing her steady and progressive improve. this artist eminently successful. No. 732. universal attention, that they are justly said ment in art. We are glad to observe the good Island of Innisfallen; No. 746. The Dargle, to form a new epoch in the history of German taste which Mrs. Pearson and (with a single and other drawings by Glover, are in his usual Literature. The great merit of having origi- exception) every other portrait-painter whose style of excellence. No. 773. Fishing Boats in nated these beneficial assemblies is due to Pro- works decorate the walls of this gallery have the Monsoon, Bombay Harbour, C. Stanfield, fensor Oken of Jena, and now of Munich. The shewn, in avoiding the Medusa-like monstrosi- contributes to give great interest to this departlast meeting took place in September, at Mu- ties to which we have before alluded, in the ment of art.--On the print side of the room are nich; and no fewer than 152 professors of natural mode of dressing the hair of our fashionable some equally valuable examples of engraving in philosophy, besides many other learned indivi- countrywomen, and by which that which ought line, mezzotinto, chalk, wood, and lithography. duals from Dresden, Berlin, Frankfort, Weimar, to be one of the greatest ornaments of beauty, Among the principal, are No. 847. Duncan Bonn, Ulm, Stuttgardt, &c., assembled in this is perverted into the most injurious deformity. Gray, after Wilkie, by F. Engleheart; No. daily rising capital. The first sitting, on the No. 202. A Cattle Ferry. J. Dearman.- 820. The Wreck of the Medusa, by S. W. Rey18th of September, under the special patronage There is much more than promise in the paint-nolds; a most admirable print, No. 822. Trial of the king and all his ministers, was attended ings of this young artist; but he should avoid a of Lord W. Russell, by J. Bromley; No. 842. by several hundred visitors, and held in the something of sameness both in subject and in Filippo Lippi, after De La Roche, by S. W. magnificent saloon of the town-hall, which was colouring. The latter approximates to what Reynolds; No. 839. A Frame of Engravings decorated for the occasion with exotic trees and may be termed brassy; the appearance of which on Wood, by J. Thompson, &c. In the chalk plants from the botanical garden. Public din- is much increased by the light and fluttering department, Woolnoth and Kennerley present es, concerts, excursions into the vicinity of touches on the objects in his foregrounds. some excellent specimens ; and in that of lithothe capital, and other amusements, took place No. 426. View in the Environs of Rotterdam;graphy, the talents of T. and W. Fairland, M. in the afternoon of that and every succeeding Moonlight. J. B. Crome.-We fairly confess Gauci, and F. Ross, are highly distinguished. day, in order to relieve the more serious occu- that we have never seen moonlight clouds simi- There is, in short, in this room abundance to pations of the morning. At the last dinner, lar in colour to these; but there may be such, engage the attention of the judicious visitor,

and to deserve the encouragement of every | tails of his original, with which the critics, in (who are by it constituted members of the corlover and patron of the fine arts, and of native this mode of translating the imitative art of the poration. talent.


painter, can scarcely fail to be highly gratified." Sir John Swinburne was in the chair; and the Vice-Presidents, Council, and Committee, Six Views of Gibraltar; from Drawings by for the ensuing year, were duly elected. H. A. West, 12th Infantry. Ackermann. We were gratified to find the name of the THESE views, which are neatly drawn on stone Right Hon. Robert Peel at the head of the by T. M. Baynes, give as good an idea of this list of Vice-Presidents,—an additional distincimpregnable fortress, and of its various de- tion, to which his well-known knowledge of fences, as can be comprehended in so small a the Arts, and patronage of artists, so justly compass.

The Phlebotomist. Drawn on stone by J. D.
Harding, from an original picture by Edward
Bristowe. T. Flint.

entitle him.

The Trial of William, Lord Russell. 1683.
Engraved by John Bromley, from a picture
by George Hayter, Esq. Bowyer and Parkes.
THIS is a print which deserves much more
than the slight notice that we have given of it
in our account of the present Exhibition in Suf-
folk Street. It is a work tending strongly to
confirm the claims of our artists to the possession
of historical talent, and to shew that encou-
ragement alone is wanting to its display. The ANOTHER very clever composition, and well
commission for the very fine picture from which treated both by Mr. Bristowe and by Mr. It
this masterly engraving has been taken, was Harding. We must, however, repeat our
given to Mr. Hayter by the Duke of Bedford; regret to see so much talent wasted upon such
under whose patronage the print also is published. monkey subjects.
Let other men of rank and fortune follow his
Grace's example, and we shall soon have reason
to be still more proud of the genius of our
countrymen. The print is accompanied by a
brief but well-written memoir by Mr. Landseer,
than whom no man is more capable of appre-
ciating such a production. After describing
the composition of the picture, and the moment
of time chosen; and after dwelling on the
varied and appropriate expression of the judges,
the counsel, the witnesses, the spectators, and
the illustrious and self-collected nobleman
whose political conduct was the subject of
investigation, Mr. Landseer thus beautifully
proceeds :-


Views of Windsor Castle and its adjoining
Scenery. Drawn from Nature, and on stone,
by William Gauci. Engelmann.
HALF-A-DOZEN slight but tasteful representa-
tions of this truly regal residence and its pic-
turesque neighbourhood.

The Death of Ananias. Drawn on stone by George Foggo, after Raphael. Engelmann. THIS is the first of a lithographic series of the Cartoons. There is no good collection of these celebrated pictures that can be purchased at a reasonable price. Holloway's, which are the most finished, (so much finished, indeed, as, in Perhaps,-I write it with diffidence and with our opinion, to have lost much of the character deference, upon a public occasion where all do of the originals,) were sold as high as ten not sympathise alike; but-perhaps the acme of guineas each print. The present set will be the pathos in the present case, and that which very moderate. Mr. Foggo has executed his principally contributes to render this tragical difficult task with great ability; and, with occurrence so peculiarly fit to be commemo- some slight exceptions, has faithfully preserved rated by the arts of painting and engraving, the various expressions in this beautiful work resides in that beautiful conjugal endearment, of art.

which, blending itself with the sentiment of


patriotism, induced Lady Russell to forego the To the Panorama of the Battle of Navarin
natural timidities (not the delicacies) of her
sex, and publicly step forward to assist her of St. Peter's at Rome; so that a visitor to
has just been added a Diorama of the Interior
beloved husband in his hour of trial, when as- the Bazar may now pass in a few moments
sailed by all the power that tyranny and its from an animated scene of desperate and san-
satellites could array against him. There she
sits, with true conjugal devotion, looking the temple of the God of peace. This new
guinary warfare, to the solemn tranquillity of
anxiously toward Lord Russell, all conscious- view is ably and deceptively painted, and is
ness of public observation being absorbed in his worth seeing. The changes of light are skil
peril and her own sense of duty :-there she sits, fully managed. If the effect of distance could
on one of those picturesque ebony chairs which be given to the tones of the organ, it would be
were the fashion of the age, at a small table
within the bar, and with her apparatus for
a material improvement.
writing duly placed before her: and there she
will now sit for centuries,-in the view and
in the grateful recollection of her admiring



OUR readers are probably aware that an In

stitution was formed in 1810 for the Relief We have scarcely ever met with a passage of Artists and their Widows and Orphans. It which conveys a more just idea of the real consisted of two branches, entitled the Anvalue and dignity of the fine arts than that nuity Fund, and the Benevolent Fund; the which concludes the foregoing quotation. We former supported by the private subscriptions perfectly agree with Mr. Landseer, that the of the artists, the latter by contributions and picture is the chef-d'œuvre of Mr. Hayter; and we also agree with him in the following character of the print.

subscriptions from the public.


Believed not to be generally known, and written by Thomas
appears (says the correspondent to whom we are in-
debted for this Song) on the fly-leaf of a book once in the
possession of the unfortunate Earl of Strafford, when Lord
Lieutenant of Ireland, and in that nobleman's writing.
The heading is "A ryghte pythie Songe by T. C.
probably the earl's own opinion, his literary disposition
being well known. There is (continues the writer), I
believe, however, no other reason, besides the initials,
for attributing it to Carew, than its similarity to the
above-mentioned lyric in tone and feeling: it might
have been the production of Thomas Churchyard, an
earlier poet. At all events it is manifestly a very old
song. The spelling is a little altered to make it readable.
Ir is not beautie I demande,

Carew, the author of " He that loves a Rosie Checke."

A christalle browe, the moone's despaire,
Nor the snowe's daughter, a whyte hand,
Nor mermaide's yellowe pryde of haire.
Tell mee not of youre starrie eies,

Your lips that seeme on roses fedde,
Your breastes where Cupide tombling lyes,
Nor sleepes for kissing of his bedde.
A bloomie paire of vermeil cheekes
Like Hebe's in her roddiest houres,
A breath that softer musicke speakes

Than summer windes a-wooing floures.
These are but gawdes: nay, what are lips?
Corall beneathe the ocean-streame,
Whose brinke when youre adventurer lips,
Full oft hee perisheth on themme.
And what are cheekes but ensignes ofte

That wave hot youthe to fieldes of bloode ?
Did Helene's breaste, though ere* so softe,
Do Greece or Ilium anie goode ?

Eies can with balefulle ardoure burne,

Poison can breath that erste perfumede,
There's manie a whyte hande holdes an urne
With lovers' hearts to duste consumede.
For christalle browes, there's nought within,
They are but emptie cells for pryde;
Hee who the syrenne's haire woulde winne
Is mostlie stranglede in the tyde.
Give mee, insteade of beautie's buste,
A tender heart, a loyale minde,
Which with temptation I coulde truste,
Yet never linkde with erroure finde.
One in whose gentle bosome, I

Coulde poure mie secrete heart of woes,
Like the care-burthenede honie flie

That hides his murmurrst in the rose.
Mie earthlie comfortoure! whose love
So indefeisible might bee,
That when mie spirite wonne above,
Hers coulde not staye for sympathie.


About four years since, his Majesty was graciously pleased to take this excellent Fund "The mezzotinto engraving from this pic- under his patronage, and has since become an ture, which Mr. Bowyer now produces to the annual donor of one hundred guineas. His public, will, if we mistake not, be found to be Majesty has, in addition to his protection, not less the master-piece of Mr. John Bromley. recently granted a royal charter of incorpora- THE Theatres Royal have, as usual, produced By a judicious and spirited admixture of etch-tion, for the purpose of giving importance and each their Easter-piece; but we are sorry to ing with the work of his mezzotinto tools, he stability to so laudable an Institution. has produced an effect of deep-toned bright- This charter, declaring Sir John Swinburne, say, neither of them with extraordinary effect. ness,* united with clear and rich shadows, and Bart., the President of the Benevolent Fund Mr. Barrymore, at Drury Lane, has brought a very carefully reduced delineation of the de- branch, and Mr. Mulready, R.A., the Pre-forward a one-act melo-drama, called The sident of the Annuity branch, was read on Dumb Savoyard and his Monkey, which, by Tuesday evening last, at the Freemasons' Tavern, to a large meeting of the subscribers,

• We believe that Sir Joshua Reynolds was the inventor of this phrase. It is singularly expressive.-Ed.

"Neere" in MS.: perhaps meant for " ne'er.” ↑ Sic in MS.

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