Imatges de pàgina

General View of the Present State of Lu natics, and Lunatic Asylums, in Great Bri. tain and Ireland, and in some other Kings doms. By Sir Andrew Halliday, M. Ď. and K.H., &c. 8vo. pp. 101. London, 1828. T. and G. Underwood.

There are indeed few subjects of a deeper and more affecting interest than insanity; and all inquiries and labours, the tendency of which is either to diminish its frequency or to suggest the best means of alleviating its horrors, are entitled to the most serious consideration of the country.

resels slinking down with the stream, and messmate, my shipmate for years past, Tom, | A Ight-up abreast of the camp, letting fly a who never shrank from his duty, Tom, who Inadside at the same time among the sogers at halved his last dollar with me,-Tom lies at upper, while Jackson and his men came upon the bottom of the lake! He was shot in seven them from the land-side. They dropped their places, in the advance to storm the fort, and grub, and handled their muskets, shewed their his right leg was terribly mangled by grapesteel, and gave the Jonathans such a rally, that shot. We had four wounded men besides him- Ir is and has been our constant wish to mix lark they went with a shower of Salamanca self in the stern-sheets of our boat, and had up inquiries into subjects of utility and importpills after them, to make another reckoning. got into the broad part of the lake, on our way ance to our fellow-creatures with the more di. Over-night a battery was thrown up abreast towards the fleet by nightfall; but none of the versified themes of polite literature and amuseof the vessels, and at daybreak our artillerymen small craft stationed to receive the boats were ment: thus we recently called public attention shewed how well they could bore holes at water- in sight, as the weather was thick and misty. to the abominable nuisance which, under the mark, and the craft went no more back to Presently the fog was blown away by a strong name of pure water, supplies liquid filth to the the city. Another squad of men arrived, and breeze, which, before the first watch was over, inhabitants of London; and we now take up a another general, who took the command. freshened into a gale right in our teeth, ac-question of no less humane concernment, and one Greater preparations were made; but as we companied by drifting rain. Soon we were wet upon which, in like manner, the wisdom of let time, the Yankees gained strength. But and weary, and began to lag at our oars; not parliament is at this period employed. you are no soger, Gunner, stand facing me freshened, you may be sure, Wad, by the with your arms stretched out. The broad groaning of the poor wounded fellows near river is running like a sluice past the end of us, lying flat on their backs, and covered over your right hand towards mine, as I am hold- with a drenched sail. We were at last coming it out; on the other side of the river is a pelled to pull towards the swampy shores for battery, pointing towards your nose, which smooth water, and there let go our grapnel. se is the centre of the Yankee lines. Your None of us were in a humour for talk; and left hand is a swampy wood, thicker and more as the boat jerked in the short seas, throwing In his Introduction, Sir Andrew Halliday fangled than a jungle, and not less fordable the spray over her bows, we sat silent, cold, says that it is now incontrovertibly established, than the river, with a battery at the edge, cramped, and wet, watching for daylight. I that madness proceeds in all cases from some fun which a canal runs athwart to the river. never went through such a night in all my real tangible bodily complaint; that it can be Behind this canal is a strong earthen fence, born days, Gunner. I sat aft, close by Tom treated according to the known rules of prac sufed, as they said, with cotton bags, behind Smith; he did not speak. We heard nothing tice; made amenable to the ordinary discipline ch lay the Nathans. My arms are the but the sweep and rustle of the waves, and the of the apothecary's shop; and often more easily English lines; they are not so long or strong plash, plash, plash, of the big drops of rain removed than less important diseases that have yours, and we are just out of shot of each that now fell on and about us. The middle effected a temporary lodgement in the human her. Near my right hand are some bat- watch came; Smith groaned heavily. Give frame. He observes, that the remote causes of ve threw up with casks of sugar, which me your hand,' said he, and he raised himself insanity may be as numerous and complicated at readier than sand, though they are on his wounded arm; Tom,' said he again, as the passions of the soul, or the injuries or great shakes in rainy weather. A good be kind to my poor mother; give her my maladies of the body are known to be undefined way behind my left hand is a canal we cut pay and my watch-here, here, here-bid and countless; but that the proximate cause, the creek to the river, for the boats to go bid-bid-God bless her!' He then sank on or, in fact, the disease itself, will always be bruh. Well, Gunner, behold us, the night the plank, and his cold and wet hand fell away found to arise from a deranged or diseased wire the battle, in front of each other: the from mine. Daylight came; the boat shipped state of the structure of the brain; and that, Jathans bands playing Yankee Doodle; and so much water that one man was kept con- whether it proceed from deranged organs or God save the King! Well, I say, follow stantly baling. Tom Smith was dead. The diseased structure, the mind, quà mind, is to mud-larking, and rousing the boats young officer, noble fellow as he was, looked neither injured nor impaired; but, not having gh the slush into the river all night at him. Poor soul!' said he, he's gone! the means of making itself known, or of giving Now jump aboard the boats at daylight, we must bury him,-prepare a few double- its ideas form and utterance, except through the medium of instruments no longer fit for the purpose we discover, in proportion to the degree of that unfitness, more or less of the phenomena which constitute madness.


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a party of sogers and marines, land them headed shots. Stand up, men-pull off your the other side, pull up along-shore-see the hats; and, as the rain and wind whistled wild stery taken by storm-look at a rocket flying about our heads in this dark and dreary mornhair-then mark the flashes glimmering ing, he said, Commit his body to the deep; the line now hear the rolling sounds of God be merciful to his soul!' 'Oh, Gunner! baketry and rumbling of the cannon; — had you seen the look of agony of the poor your oars, Wad-strain your eyes. limbless souls that lay next to him, when the the sogers have gained the Yankee lines, corpse was plunged into the water, you would will think as I did. Look, now, at a never have forgotten it! Will you believe it, despatch-boat slashing towards us; hear Wad? some of their wounds fairly putrefied Er say, Embark the troops!' and you before we got them to the fleet; and many and asure the length of our mugs. Back many a brave fellow died on the way, and was , save those who were killed in taking thrown overboard. My heart bled to see the ery. It was all up: the troops with poor legless men lying bleeding in the sterntheir lines, cut up at a precious rate. sheets of the boats, and the rain pelting upon Zadranced like heroes to the ditch, few them; and then for the broiling sun's rays and peber, and many were left there. The the bitter freezing nights. Men are men, all mug behind their fence, worked the world over, Gunner, and have their turns des in them at every crack, till they of good and bad luck; but those who know Oh, they say it was a gallant sight nothing but victory, know nothing of war, rew the brave generals, who saw the day Wad. I never wore a pea-jacket till I had *g wrong, gallop in front with their been thoroughly soaked, and was often shoving rallying their men; but it was sor-in my oar where there was no rullock, till time to use them fall, without being able to and experience just prevented my fluster, and shot through the fence among their told me what I could do. England has nothing It was the fortune of war, Wad; to fear from the Yankees, nor all the nations worst of all was to come-to get the of the earth put together, in the way of fight, mangled souls back to the ships, down that's certain; she has stood it out against internal creeks, and in such weather. them all, and will stand it out again.'” arsye, Wad!' (the boatswain here To this we say Amen; and finis. 1 his heart was full) hark ye, again he said, and turned his face

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The body of the work may be considered as being divided into two parts. The first part contains a brief but interesting history of what has been done for the benefit of the insane in such countries as, during the devotion of five. and-twenty years to the subject, Sir Andrew has had an opportunity of visiting himself, or from which he has received official and authentic information; and the second part briefly points out what in his opinion remains to be done, and particularly in England, for the safe custody, humane treatment, and proper care, of all such helpless sufferers.

The details in the early part of the volume are curious; but we can give only a very few of the principal facts. In this country the first act of parliament that was passed on the subject was in 1774; and although the inadequacy of it has long been ascer tained, it is still the only law by which mad houses are licensed and regulated in England and Wales. In 1807 another act was passed, authorising the magistrates of the several counties to erect asylums for their insane poor. Twenty years have since elapsed, and yet only ten out of the fifty-two counties of which England and Wales are composed have opened such asylums. Sir Andrew gives it, as the result of the information which he has ob. tained, that the aggregate number of persons



We cannot leave upon the minds of our readers a more favourable impression of the amiable character of the author of this interesting little work than by the following extract:

at present in confinement, in public and private "It is certainly highly necessary that the giving their whole time to this duty; and it is asylums, and with their relations, or with in-various acts enumerated in their report should not of much consequence whether they are dividual keepers, in England and Wales, ex-be repealed, and consolidated into one act; and physicians or civilians, or even military men, ceeds 8000; more than two-thirds of whom are that measures should be taken to facilitate the as appears to be the case in the sister kingdom. curable, and, under proper medical and moral erection of county asylums; and also that some The committee have said that they did not contreatment, might speedily be restored to the efficient general measure for regulating all sider it necessary to enter into any consideraenjoyments and the comforts of social life. It asylums (I except none) should be adopted. It tion of the fines or fees for licenses, &c. This, is also his opinion (and a frightful opinion it is not, perhaps, required that this measure however, is a very important part of the subis), that of this number it is very possible that should be so very complicated, as the act ori-ject, and I consider it highly proper that the individuals may have been sent into seclusion, ginally proposed by Mr. Rose was by many patients or their friends should bear a proporand may be retained prisoners for life, who, in thought to be. It will be sufficient to give tion of the expenses which must necessarily be fact, were never afflicted with insanity at all! his majesty's principal secretary of state for the incurred in carrying into effect such an imThe disease, it appears, is most prevalent in home department a controlling power over all proved system of superintendence. Every order, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Wiltshire, Stafford, such establishments, with authority to issue therefore, for the admission of a lunatic patient Durham, and Gloucester; and the best-regu- such orders and directions as may seem ex- into any asylum or house of confinement, exlated public asylums are those for the West pedient for their better regulation and govern- cept in the case of paupers, should be written Riding of York, at Wakefield, and for Lan- ment. This would be in accordance with what upon stamped paper of the value of two guineas. caster. In Scotland a better system and better we find is the law in almost all the other king- This order ought not to be, as in Scotland, relaws prevail than formerly existed in that doms in Europe. It is also necessary that there newable annually, but ought certainly to be country. At present there are about 3,700 should be a board of general control established required on every fresh admission. An ad ininsane persons and idiots in Scotland; but in the metropolis, whose duties might ex- terim order might be allowed upon common there is still not one asylum which can be tend to the licensing and visiting of all asylums paper in cases of great urgency; but the regucalled a public or national establishment.-Ire. within London and Westminster, and within lar stamped order may always be procured land, Sir Andrew Halliday says, is the only seven miles of the same, and in the county of within forty-eight hours; and these regulaportion of the British empire where just views Middlesex; but I decidedly object to police tions should be enforced under a heavy penalty. have been entertained of what was necessary magistrates forming any part of this board. These, with the remaining suggestions of Mr. for the comfort and cure of the insane popula- These gentlemen have already enough upon Gordon's committee, which are all good, will tion, and where those views have been carried their hands; and if magistrates should be form a bill such as is wanted to complete the into effect; and he ascribes the beneficial deemed necessary, as a component part of any arrangements for England and Wales. Scotmeasures on the subject which have been such board, let them be selected from such land requires an act for the establishment of, adopted in that country, to the indefatigable justices as have leisure to attend to the subject. at least, four distinct public asylums for pauper exertions and persevering zeal of Mr. Spring But the number which the committee recom-lunatics and idiots; and there ought to be two Rice. It is probable that the actual number mend, ten, is too great. Two magistrates and inspectors-general for that kingdom. As to of insane persons and idiots in Ireland is about three physicians, are perfectly equal to do all Ireland, I have not one additional regulation to There is no country in the world the duty, and are more likely to do it well than suggest." where more attention has been paid to the any greater number. That, with regard to comforts of the unhappy beings who are the granting licenses, the board of control ought to subjects of this notice than in the kingdom of have a discretionary power of granting or not the Netherlands. Every city or town of any granting them to the persons applying; while note has a distinct hospital for lunatics. In- such applicants should have a right to appeal "Every madman is affected by kindness, and sanity is not so prevalent in France; the to the secretary of state in every case where a pleased with confidence; but if he once detects greatest number of lunatics in which, are in license is refused. In other parts of England us in any attempt to deceive or impose upon the northern provinces.-In Bavaria and in and Wales, the magistrates assembled in quarter him, he will never forgive or forget it; and, the Saxon kingdom and duchies, the governing sessions should have the same power as the what is somewhat singular, though it would powers have paid great attention to the wants board of control in London; but in no case be almost madness itself to attempt to reason of their insane subjects.--Of the dominions of should a license be granted by either until a him out of the delusion, if I may so speak, Hesse, Sir Andrew cannot speak so favourably; plan of the premises, for which the license is which has got possession of his mind, yet in and he observes, that he would willingly blot sought, has been seen, inspected, and approved all other matters he will be perfectly amenable from his memory all recollections of Hanover, of by the said board of control, or by the in- to reason, and may easily be convinced of where the madman and the idiot are shut up spectors general, hereafter to be mentioned; the propriety of any judicious restraint or with the thief and the murderer.-In Prussia and the premises themselves actually seen and change of place that may be necessary for the public asylums for lunatics are governed by compared with the said plan. The regulations his self-preservation, or the security of those regulations that provide alike for the safe cus- with regard to the application for licenses and around him. Deal honourably, but firmly, tody of the individual, and the proper treat- the delivery of plans which the committee have with a madman, and even in the most furious ment of his disease. In Sweden much has suggested, are, in my opinion, indispensable. paroxysm your presence will calm him in a been done of late to improve her hospitals, and I also approve of their suggestions with regard moment. Under a steady gaze his eye will provide for the comfort of her lunatic popula- to the naming of every person concerned in the fall, and his conduct seem to say- I know tion. In Denmark they are still farther ad-license, and the residence of one of the persons I am wrong, and not acting as I ought to vanced on the subject. Insanity is by no so named in the house. But, besides the local do.' I have said it would be madness itself means a prevalent disease in either Spain or visitors which they have recommended, the to attempt to cure an insane person by reaPortugal; but a diseased state or malformation secretary of state should be authorised to no-soning on the subject that forms his disease, of the brain is very common ;—and hence the minate and appoint, at least, four persons as and yet that on all other points he will listen number of idiots that are constantly met with general inspectors for England and Wales, who to reason; and I would add, that this fact, in both countries. It is gratifying to be able should have all the powers proposed to be given which is incontrovertible, goes far in establishto conclude by observing that the Court of to the local inspectors or visitors; and who ing the true nature of insanity. A certain Directors of the East India Company have should be obliged to report, annually, to par- part or portion of the instruments of the paid great attention to this interesting subject liament, as is done by the inspectors-general in mind are thrown from their natural position, in the states under their superintendence; and Ireland; and there ought to be no exceptions, and have, consequently, become unfit to perthat the local authorities have evinced much either of habitations, establishments, or houses form their regular duties. We have two eyes, zeal in carrying into effect the humane and all should be alike open to the visits of the yet we only see objects single; but let one of judicious regulations of the court. inspectors-general, and all subject to the re- the eyes be pulled or pushed from its parallel With respect to the second part of the work, marks and observations they may think proper movement with the other, and we immediately namely, the view which Sir Andrew Halliday to make in their annual reports. It is not ne- see the object double. In this case the other takes of the measures that it may be ad- cessary to give such inspectors-general any con- external senses correct the defect of vision, visable to adopt in the British empire, we will trolling power over the local authorities. The and assure us that the order of nature, as quote his own words. After eulogising, as right of visiting and examining the patients to vision, has been interfered with, and that they deserve to be eulogised, the Select Com-and servants will be quite sufficient for all the the impression made upon the mind is not mittee of the House of Commons on the sub-purposes of a general superintendence. These correct; for we can feel that there is only ject, and especially their able chairman, Mr. inspectors-general should have such an allow-one candle upon the table, though we see Robert Gordon, Sir Andrew saysLance from government as shall admit of their distinctly that there are two But with re

priated for their reception, will accomplish
wonders for their comfort, and results dear to
the heart of every man and Christian.

"Boucher, who, erst, at Paddington retir'd,
A chosen few with bright instruction fir'd;
At home, the patron of the tuneful Nine;
At church, the grave, yet eloquent, divine;
Who long, unrivall'd, taught admiring youth
Poetic fiction and celestial truth;
Pursued the task a mother's care began,
And rear'd the lisping infant into man:
Now sunk in Epsom's muse-inviting shades,
Inconstant suitor, quits th' Aonian maids.
Whilst some their native country's praise rehearse
In sober annals or majestic verse,

He, Cumbrian born, finds no inspiring gale
In Kelsick's feh, or Bromfield's miry vale;
In cloud-capt Skiddaw no Parnassian hill;
In Mungo's well no Heliconian rill:
('Tis all Beotian air)-Yet, firmly bent
To raise to learning some vast monument,
With true glossarial skill each word dissects,
Each antique form of northen dialects;
Explains the jargon of th' unletter'd boor
From Dalecarlia's Mines to Alston Moor;
Proves it, though banish'd from each southern clime,
More pure in prose, more dignified in rhyme,

Than Addison's smooth phrase, and Milton's verse

gard to the intellectual faculties, whether the | Aversa, near Naples (Literary Gazette, No. 74, | plement to Dr. Johnson's great work. Of this impressions are conveyed to the mind from June 20, 1818*) which we extracted from an important undertaking, only one fasciculus has external objects, or are conveyed from the unpublished Tour of the Two Sicilies, and been given to the world; but this was evidence mind to the external world, we have not the which is by far the most valuable and inter-sufficient of the high capabilities of the author, same means of ascertaining that the organs esting account of an institution of this nature and served to establish his reputation as one or instruments that form the connexion be- that ever was written. The system is hu- amongst the most erudite of our philologists. tween matter and mind have become disor- manity itself, and the effects produced by con- Death suspended his labours, but not, however, dered or deranged; therefore our ideas are stant kindness on the inmates of this abode are until nigh the period of their completion, and expressed in the form or manner in which astonishing; absolutely converting that which we trust we shall yet reap their fruits. the mind beholds them. We may suppose an is too often horrible to contemplate, into a scene The poem, to which we must revert, is, by a individual, who, by a slight paralysis of the which may be looked at with satisfaction and playful ruse, supposed to be addressed to its muscles of one eye, occurring in the dark, pleasurable feelings. Good order, quiet, ur- actual author, by the late Sir Frederic Morton will see two candles, when only one is brought banity, and decorum, reign throughout Aversa, Eden, Mr. Boucher's intimate friend. It cominto the room; and that, being unconscious at meals, in general meetings, and even at mences with a felicitous description of the reof what had taken place, he would maintain games and sports which not unfrequently lead tirement and pursuits of the "Archæological that what he saw was correct, until he had to noise and intemperance among the sane of Lexiphanes," as he is afterwards, by a happy explained to him the cause of such double mankind. In Massachussets, we believe, there conceit, termed. The versification is melodious vision, and had ascertained, by actual ex-is an establishment of a similar kind; but we to a degree. amination, that the fact was as so explained. have not the details: only we were assured, in So the insane person, receiving his impres- a correspondence from that State, that the sions through a diseased or disordered me- mode of treatment had produced results the dium, has them actually conveyed to the most gratifying to every sensible mind. Here, mind in the form in which they are ex- then, are examples for us to copy; and wherpressed; but there being no means of proving, ever the still better resource of individual by any other faculty, that the impression is retirement, and the watchful kindness of relaincorrect or improper, he believes himself tives, cannot be attained, we are convinced perfectly correct in what he expresses, and, that a proper regard to the mental and corpoindeed, is only expressing what he actually real treatment of lunatics, in the places approfeels; in the same manner as the person who aw double, without being aware of the cause, insisted that there were two objects when there was only one, because he actually saw two. Except in the case of dementia or idiocy, where the whole instruments are SO diseased as scarcely to be able to transmit or develop one intellectual ray of the mind, we do not find that even the most furious ma niac is insane on more points than one. fact, that only one small portion of the brain has been injured or disordered. Hence the propriety of treating the madman as a human being, and the necessity of being upon honour, and reasonable with him, on all other The Rev. Jonathan Boucher, Vicar of Eppoints. Hence, too, the facility with which som, and author of this pleasant jeu d'esprit, the disordered portion is restored to order was a man of particularly amiable and interestagain, by acting rationally upon what is sounding character; and we cannot but regret that and healthy: and the proof that the brain the editor (the Rev. Barton Boucher) has not gains health and strength by following the carried his original intention into effect, and ordinary rules and regulations, the exercises accompanied the poem with a short biographical and employments that are prescribed for in-memoir of his father. His memoirs, we are vigorating the body." told by the editor, in a very feeling and affectionate notice, prefixed to the volume, "would indeed form a subject of high and intense interest. His early difficulties in life, and victorious perseverance his adventures in America, almost bordering on romance-his loyal struggles in support of his king-his active and undaunted intrepidity in behalf of his slighted church his soul-stirring eloquence, when proSo long ago as the 17th June, 1820, in hibited to pray for his king-his proscription as No. 178 of the Literary Gazette, we published a traitor, and his doom to leave the fruits of a translation of Dr. Esquirol's admirable me- nearly twenty years' ceaseless labour, and fly in morial to the French minister of the interior, nakedness and poverty to his native land, there in which he threw a comprehensive glance over to begin the task and toil of life afresh; the condition and treatment of lunatics in these proffer points on which a biographer France, as well as other countries, and offered might dilate with energy, and a reader dwell his excellent suggestions for improving the with interest." With such admirable matériel, condition of these unhappy sufferers, and espe- and such an interesting character to work upon, cialty of those in private receptacles and public why, may we ask, has the design been abanestablishments: to this paper we beg to recall doned? for we do not hold the plea of "anothe attention of all parties who are prosecuting malous remuneration," urged against its exethe same benevolent design in England, where cution, to be legitimate. the receptacles for the deranged require no less reform than they do elsewhere.


Before concluding this notice, we may be permitted to recall to the memory of our early readers, that we have always considered the bject of Insanity to be one of the highest importance to humanity, and have often done our endeavour to awaken a strong interest in the public for the amelioration of its unfortunate victims.

Epsom; a Vision. 4to. pp. 44. Ainsworth.
Or this rare and racy production, an impres-
sion limited to one hundred copies has been
the surviving friends of its gifted and lamented
taken off, for the purpose of distribution amongst
After further description, equally excellent
author. It is, therefore, greatly to our satis-and characteristic of the vicar's habits, we are
faction that we are enabled to present our
readers with a taste of a work at once so amus-
ing and recherché as the present.

told that,

"Lately, spent with toil,
He, Boucher, slumber'd o'er his midnight ofl:
Let no invidious critic mock my theme;
Homer will nod, and glossarists may dream."
His slumbers, however, are not unfruitful.
A vision is presented to his view. Several con-
genial spirits appear and colloquise. Amongst
the first, the jovial Walter Mapes (of all ghosts,
we should think, most agreeable) appears, and
addresses Jonathan in monkish Latina speech
which, by the by, contains a very ingenious
double acrostic, and which we would transfer
to our columns, but for its difficult typography
being better suited to the quarto page than to
our tri-columnar form. He ceases: and

"Next rose of Scotia's royal line
Two scepter'd monarchs, kings by right divine;
He, who for Christ Kirk's Green, and gentle Jane,
And Peeble's Play, attun'd his Doric strain;
And he who sang the Gaberlunzie Man;
Both James by name."

The first of the royal pair having finished his
peroration, the second treats his listener with a
capital burlesque, to the tune of the "Jollie

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It is well known, that the Rev. Jonathan Boucher had commenced the publication of an But with the view of legislating on this sub-" Archæological and Provincial Dictionary," , we still more particularly beg to point out upon a very extensive scale; intended as a supto the cmsideration of the House of Commons a Description of the Hospital for the Insane at

Followed up by further papers on the same subject, 77-443, 473, 12, 619, and 698.

As this distant No. is difficult to be found for reference, we will cheerfully, if it is thought advisable for promoting the benevolent object in contemplation, reprint the paper in question at our own expense, and distribute a thousand copies to members of parliament, &c.

"There was a jollie persone, quho wantid gret renoun,
He likid not the humble life he led in landart toun:
And we'll write a cliver buke,
To mend auld England's diction:
And we'll write a buke or twa, boys,
And publish by subscription.

He wad neither preche in kirk, ne yet wad pray at

But vowid he wad write a buke, to win him mickle fame.
And we'll write, &c.

It chancid as this jollie persone romid on a day,
Thinking quhat he mocht endite:-o Dool quhat mocht
he say!

And we'll write, &c.

An auld gude-wyf with buke in hand he saw at cottage

And round her mony bairnis wer ystonding on the floor.
And we'll write, &c.

Quo he, quhat is that prettie buke? Gude wyf, tell me


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[blocks in formation]

He tuik the gude-wyf in his arms, and gae her kisses three,

And four and twenty merks o' gold the buke o' horn to


And we'll write, &c.

He tuik the horn-buke fra the dame, and lernedly he


The four and twenty letters au from A to cruikid Z.

And we'll write, &c.

Then he tuik up a little pen, to write upon the wall:
And we'll write, &c.

By Cock, quo he, I'll gin wi A the brawest o' them all.
The persone was a clevir loun, his buke he gan to


O may he writen sik ane buke as he gat yesternicht:
And we'll write, &c."

must conclude, repeating what we have before
asserted, that it is" a singularly original and
very clever production."

Worcester Field; or, the Cavalier. By Agnes
Strickland. Longman and Co.

terials together, we discovered to be too much for our space in one No. of our Journal.

Part XVII. is a story of strange adventures in Central America and its east coast, told by one Roberts, many years a trader in these countries, respecting which he gives us much

The Seven Ages of Woman. By Agnes Strick-curious information. land. Hurst, Chance, and Co. Parts XVIII. and XIX. contain the historical PERHAPS none of our critical sins form in the works of Schiller, excellently rendered from long-run so large an aggregate as those of lator of Wallenstein. This portion of the pub the German by Mr. George Moir, the trans. poetical omission. Never yet was a frequent lication reflects great credit on the whole. The of poems escapes notice week after week :-there Thirty Years' War, with the trial of Counts fault without its ready excuse: a little volume are matters of more pressing moment, and a communicated some recent discoveries in our Egmont and Horn, (respecting whom we poetical review is not always a popular one. No. 582), and the Siege of Antwerp, form There never was an age in which so much Gavin Douglas now rises, speaks to some not always a reading one. Still, however, we poetry has been written; but a writing age is altogether a narrative of uncommon interest. purpose, and disappears : Every reader of taste must, we think, be des plead guilty to neglect of many a low, sweet lenstein with his own history of the same lighted to compare Schiller's Tragedy of Wal. chord; and these pretty little volumes ought before now to have received the tribute we can death of the hero is nobler in the prose account events; and it will perhaps be felt that the offer to their young and accomplished writer. The first is a tale of gallant deed and gentle The whole description of the battle of Lutzen than when wrought up into poetry for the scene. love; the next, one of much variety. The first is a fair and feminine picture, in which the is admirable; the death of Gustavus equal to escape of the queen of James II. is very spi- any thing in Thucydides; and Mr. Moir's rited; but the little tale of Charles II. and version does ample justice to the theme as the Cavalier's Daughter is our favourite. The following is very fanciful :— the annexed example will testify.

"And now a merry pair arriv'd from hell,
The laureat Skelton and the ale-wife Nell;
And whilst the thirsty dame survey'd the cellar,
The jovial bard thus cheer'd the drooping fellow:
I mayster Skelton,

By heavenes injunction,

Am com from blacke Pluton,

Ab inferis, to Epsom toun:

I crossed botumles Acheron,

With helles ferryman Charon;
And with me I bring

Dame Elynour Rumming."
Skelton, after enumerating some of the new
offices to which Elynour has turned her atten-
tion in hades, proceeds:

Cum in Tartara tendes,

You will see your old friendes.

There is Somner,

And Skinner,

German Wachter,

And Celt Pelloutier,


And Wormius,


And Schrevelius,

Lihudd, Shaw, and Obryen

Gebelin, and Rostrenen;

There Du Cange and Ihre

Maketh helle-fire

One great bonfire:

Thither led by mayster Skelton,

Your boke shall join the blazing beltane.

You shall make your abode in

The fyry hall of Odin;

And Elynour your neighbour

Shall reward your labour

With a dull

Reviewer's skull,

Instead of glasse,

Fill'd with meid and ypocrasse."

The shade of Drummond of Hawthornden "hovers round the vicar's motley brain." Perhaps this exquisite imitation of the "Polemo-Middinian strain" of this facetious bard is the very happiest in the volume. We must perforce extract a little snatch, though our limits are pressing.

"O vicar, Epsomi qui nunc studiosus in umbra
Monstrosam fillis cum queint etymology bookam,
Mongrelasque studes voces quas amphibiosi
Isle-manni bletherant, (nunquam vísurus Agrestes
Qui parvam mediis Islandam habitantur in undis,)
Quamque olim Welshy spekat cornubia jargon;
Et quam cole-heughus Kingswodus Bristoliensis;
Et Zoomerzetti et Welshmanni; quamque loquuntur
Yorkshire-folki homines, et Lancashiri, dialectum;
Et Cumberlandi, proles montana, coloni;

Et qui, Fingalium, cum Shaw, interprete, Galic,
Et laigha qui gabbis Lochlini idiomata Dani,
Et leedam Dalecarlensem, guttralque Alemannum,
Ausus Teutonicum Juni conscendere currum:
Siste pedem."

Milton concludes the line of phantoms; and with another admirable travestie the poem finishes the dreamer being aroused from his 66 skiey influences" by a terrestrial summons to supper.

"The Enfranchised.

Thou hast burst from thy prison,
Bright child of the air,
Like a spirit just risen

From its mansion of care.

Thou art joyously winging
Thy first ardent flight,
Where the gay lark is singing
Her notes of delight;

Where the sunbeams are throwing
Their glories on thine,
Till thy colours are glowing
With tints more divine.

Then tasting new pleasure
In Summer's green bowers,
Reposing at leisure

Ön fresh-opened flowers;

Or delighted to hover

Around them, to see
Whose charms, airy rover!
Bloom sweetest for thee;
And fondly exhaling

Their fragrance, till day
From thy bright eye is failing
And fading away.

Then seeking some blossom
Which looks to the west,
Thou dost find in its bosom
Sweet shelter and rest ;
And there dost betake thee
Till darkness is o'er,
And the sunbeams awake thee
To pleasure once more."
One sonnet as a contrast.

"The Vision.
She rose before him in the loveliness
And light of days long vanished; but her air
Was marked with tender sadness, as if Care
Had left his traces written, though distress
Was felt no longer.-Through her shadowy dress,
And the dark ringlets of her flowing hair,
Trembled the silvery moonbeams, as she there
Stood, midst their weeping glory, motionless,
And pale as marble statue on a tomb.

But there were traits more heavenly in her face,
Than when her cheek was radiant with the bloom
Which his false love had blighted-and she now
Came like some angel messenger of grace,
And looked forgiveness of his broken vow."

The Battle of Lutzen.“ The expectations of Europe, disappointed before Nuremberg, were now to be fulfilled on the plains of Lutzen. Two generals so equal in importance, in renown, and ability, had not yet been op posed to each other during the whole course of the war. Courage had not yet been startled by so awful a hazard, or hope animated by so glorious a prize. Europe was next day to know who was its greatest general; the leader, who had hitherto been invincible, to acknow ledge a victor. This morning was to decide whether the victories of Gustavus at Leipzig and on the Lech, were owing to his own genius, or the incompetency of his opponent: whether the services of Friedland were to vindicate the emperor's choice, and to justify the high price at which they had been purchased. The vic tory was doubtful, but certain the labour and the bloodshed by which it must be earned. Each army knew the enemy to which it was to be opposed; and the anxiety which each in vain attempted to conceal, afforded a convin cing proof of their reciprocal strength. At last the dreaded morning dawned; but an impene trable fog, which brooded over the field of battle, delayed the attack till noon. The king, kneeling in front of his army, offered up his devotions; while the whole army, also on their knees, joined in a moving hymn, accompanied by martial music. The king then mounted his horse, and clad only in a leathern doublet and surtout (for a wound he had formerly received would not allow him to wear armour), rode along the ranks, to animate the bosoms of the soldiers with a courage and confidence which the foreboding presentiment of his own heart contradicted. God with us!' was the word

on the part of the Swedes; Jesus Maria!' on that of the Imperialists. About eleven the fog began to clear up, and the enemy became visi ble. At the same moment Lutzen was distomes, and well deserving kindly encourage-order of the duke, to prevent his being out Altogether, these are two very graceful little covered in flames, having been set on fire by


This amusing and ingenious jeu d'esprit is accompanied by many curious illustrations Constable's Miscellany. Edinburgh, Constable and fac-similes: not the least amusing of which is the droll imitation of an old plate, wherein We had to apologise in our last Gazette for the and Co.; London, Hurst, Chance, and Co. Skelton, Elynour Rumming, and the rev. an- omission of the following portion of a Review thor, are personified: it is exquisite. But we of this publication, which, on putting our ma

flanked on that side. The charge was sounded: Received by a terrible fire of musketry and the cavalry rushed against the enemy, and the infantry marched forward against the trenches. tained the attack, till the enemy's musketeers abandoned their posts, the trenches were passed. heavy artillery, these intrepid battalions main. the battery carried, and the cannon turned

against the enemy. They pressed forward and covered with blood, announced to the tained, and inferior in numbers, were overwith irresistible impetuosity; the first of the Swedish cavalry the fall of their king. They powered by this new host of enemies, after a five Imperial brigades was routed, the second rushed madly forward to rescue his remains noble resistance. The unexpected appearance thrown into confusion, and the third was from the hands of the enemy. A murderous of Pappenheim re-animated the expiring coualready preparing for flight. But here Wallen- conflict took place above the corpse, till the rage of the Imperialists, and the Duke of stein's presence of mind exerted itself. He inanimate body was covered with a heap of Friedland rapidly availed himself of this faflew with the rapidity of lightning to the spot, slain. The dreadful intelligence soon ran vourable moment to form his line again. The to restore order among the troops; and his through the Swedish army; but instead of close-ranged battalions of the Swedes were, powerful word was itself sufficient to stop the dispiriting these brave soldiers, it only excited after a tremendous conflict, again repulsed Sight of the fugitives. Supported by three them to a new, a wilder, and more destructive across the trenches, and the battery, which regiments of cavalry, the vanquished brigades fury. Life seemed to have lost its value, now had been twice captured, rescued from their formed anew, faced the enemy, and attacked that the most sacred life of all had fled; death hands. The whole yellow regiment, the the broken ranks of the Swedes. A murderous had no terrors for the lowly, since the monarch finest of all which distinguished themselves in conflict ensued. The nearness of the enemy had fallen beneath his hand." this dreadful day, lay dead upon the spot, left no room for fire-arms, the fury of the The fluctuating fortunes of the battle are covering the field almost in the same order attack no time for loading; man fought against narrated with a masterly spirit; and the opera- which they had so nobly maintained while ; the useless musket was exchanged for tions of Horn, Pappenheim, Piccolomini, and alive. Another regiment, in blue, shared the the sword and the pike, and art gave place to Wallenstein, are as clearly placed before the same fate, which Count Piccolomini attacked the reckless energy of despair. Overpowered reader as if he were a spectator of the fight. with the Imperial cavalry, and overcame after by numbers, the wearied Swedes at last retired "The regiments of Upland, Smäland, Fin-a desperate contest. Seven times did this inbeyond the trenches; and the battery which land, East and West Gothland, rushed like trepid general renew the attack; seven horses they had captured was again lost by their re-lions a second time against the left wing of the were shot under him, and he himself was treat. A thousand mangled bodies already enemy, which had offered but a feeble resist-pierced with six musket-balls. Yet he would strewed the field, and yet no step of ground ance to General Horn, and was now entirely not leave the field, until compelled by the had been gained. Meantime, the king's right beaten out of the field. Bernard, duke of general retreat of the whole army. Wallenwing, led on by himself, had attacked the left Saxe-Weimar, gave to the bereaved Swedes a stein himself was seen riding through his ranks of the enemy. The first impetuous shock of noble leader in his own person; and the spirit with cool intrepidity, amidst a shower of balls, the Finland cuirassiers scattered the lightly of Gustavus seemed anew to animate his victo-assisting the distressed, animating the brave mounted Polanders and Croats who were rious squadrons. The left wing was speedily by his example, and intimidating the wavering placed upon this wing, and their disorderly rallied, and pressed hard against the right of by his frown. His men were falling thick fight spread terror and confusion among the the Imperialists. The artillery at the wind-around him, and his own mantle was pierced rest of the cavalry. At this moment the king mills, which had kept up such a murderous fire with several balls. But destiny this day proreceived the intelligence that his infantry were against the Swedes, fell into their hands, and tected that breast, for which another weapon retiring across the trenches, and also that his its thunders were directed against the enemy. was reserved; on the same field where the noble left wing was severely annoyed, and already The centre of the Swedish infantry, under the Gustavus expired, Wallenstein was not to terwavering from the fire of the artillery at the command of Bernard and Knipphausen, ad- minate his guilty career. Less fortunate was windmills. With rapid decision, he left to vanced a second time against the trenches, Pappenheim, the Telamon of the army, the General Horn the task of pursuing the van- which they successfully passed, and a second bravest soldier of the church and of the house quished left of the enemy, while he flew, at time they made themselves masters of the bat- of Austria. An ardent desire to encounter the the head of the regiment of Steinbock, to repair tery of seven cannons. The attack was now king carried this daring leader into the thickthe disorder of his right wing. His horse renewed with redoubled vehemence upon the est of the fight, where he thought he was bore him, with the speed of light, across the heavy battalions of the enemy's centre; their most likely to find his noble opponent. Gustrenches; but the passage was more difficult for resistance gradually became less and less; and tavus had also expressed his wish to meet his the squadrons that followed, and only a few chance itself seemed to conspire with the ef- brave antagonist, but these hostile desires rehorsemen, among whom was Francis Albert, forts of the Swedes to complete their defeat.mained ungratified; the heroes, for the first duke of Saxe Lauenburg, were able to keep up The Imperial powder-waggons took fire, and time, met in death. Two musket-balls pierced with the king. He spurred directly towards the grenades and bombs were blown with a the heart of Pappenheim: and he was forthe place where his infantry were most closely tremendous explosion into the air. The enemy, cibly carried, by his soldiers, out of the field. pressed, and while he gazed around in search now in confusion, thought they were attacked While they were engaged in conveying him to of an opening in the enemy's line for attack, in the rear, while the Swedish brigades pressed the rear, a murmur reached his ear, that he has shortness of sight unfortunately led him too them in front. Their courage failed. They whom he had sought lay dead upon the plain. stone to their ranks. An Imperial gefreyter, saw their left wing defeated, their right on When assured of the truth of this intelligence, remarking that every one respectfully made the point of giving way, their artillery in his look became brighter, his dying eye sparkled vay for him, immediately ordered a musketeer the enemy's hands. The battle seemed to be with a gleam of joy. Tell the Duke of Friedto take aim at him. Fire at that man,' said almost decided; the fate of the day depended land,' said he, that I am mortally wounded he, that must be a person of distinction.' The on a single moment; and in that moment but that I die happy, since I know that the imer fired, and the king's left arm was shat- Pappenheim appeared on the field with his placable enemy of my faith has fallen on the tered. At that moment his squadrons came cuirassiers and dragoons; every advantage was same day.' With Pappenheim vanished the burrving up, and a confused cry of, The king lost, and the battle was begun anew. The good fortune of the Imperialists. No sooner did beds: the king is shot!' spread terror and order which recalled that general to Lutzen the cavalry of the right wing, already beaten, consternation among the troop. It is nothing had reached him in Halle, while his troops and only rallied by his exertions, miss their me,' cried the king, collecting his whole were still engaged in plundering that town. victorious leader, than they gave up every rength; but overcome by pain, and nearly It was impossible to collect the scattered in-thing for lost, and abandoned the field of battle fututing, be requested of the duke of Lauenburg fantry with that rapidity which the pressing in despair. The right wing fell into similar in French to lead him secretly out of the tumult. urgency of the order, and the impatience of confusion, with the exception of a few regiWhile the latter was moving towards the right Pappenheim himself required. Without wait-ments, which the bravery of their colonels, ng with the king, and making a long circuiting for them, therefore, he ordered eight regi- Gotz, Terzky, Colleredo, and Piccolomini, com conceal this discouraging sight from the dis-ments of cavalry to mount, and at their head pelled to keep their ground. The Swedish indered infantry, the king received a second he advanced at full gallop to Lutzen, to share fantry, with great promptitude, availed themct through the back, which deprived him of in the battle. He arrived just in time to wit-selves of the enemy's confusion. To fill up all remaining strength. Brother,' said ness the flight of the Imperial right wing the gaps which death had made in these ranks, with a dying voice, I am gone; look to before Gustavus Horn, and to find himself at they formed both lines into one, and made a your own life. At the same moment he sank first involved in their rout. But with rapid last decisive charge. A third time they crossed from his horse; pierced by several shots, and, presence of mind he rallied the fugitives, and the trenches, and a third time they captured andoned by all his attendants, he breathed led them anew against the enemy. Carried the artillery behind them. The sun was sethas last amidst the hands of the Croatian plun-away by his impetuous bravery, and impatient ting when the hostile lines met. The battle d. His charger, flying without its rider, to encounter the king, whom he expected to seemed to grow more desperate as it drew tofind at the head of this wing, he burst fu-wards its close; the last efforts of strength riously into the Swedish ranks, which, ex-were mutually exerted, and daring and address Gefiester, a person exempt from watching duty,hausted by the victory they had already ob. did their utmost to repair in these last pres

my oxcropaling to the corporal."

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