Imatges de pàgina

Let us, however, not repine: there is a process of creation going on within our ken a creation as far transcending the production and arrangement of mere physical atoms, as mind transcends matter, for does not the poet well and truly say,

"Books, we know,

Are a substantial teorid, both pure and good." And have we not here, in the heart of our metropolis, the great manufactory where these worlds" are fabricated? Viewed in this light, Paternoster Row becomes a theme, duly to expatiate concerning which,

but its original form also; and we of these | gical education they receive? They have never the premium upon which I hereby engage and latter ages can only contemplate the five or six been able to encounter infidels on their own bind myself immediately to accept. thousandth edition through which it has passed, ground. Hume, for instance, though by no We cannot, say the economists, have enough with prodigious "alterations" indeed, but with means a profound scholar, was confessedly su-without a superfluity; and repletion is on all comparatively few "corrections" and "im-perior to nine-tenths (perhaps to the whole) of hands confessed to be better than starvation. provements." the ministers of the kirk in his time. With us, On this principle I advocate the multiplication the very reverse of this has been the case: our and redundancy of books, seeing they are not clergy have always occupied the highest ranks only, as the ancients called them, the physic of in learning and science; and the consequence the mind, but also its food-nutriment and is, that no one in England can avow himself medicine combined; and therefore the vendors an infidel, and retain a decent place in literary of them are cooks and apothecaries in one, or, society for his infidelity would be instantly to speak more elegantly, they unite the culiattributed to its true cause, ignorance. nary and pharmaceutic arts. As cooks have Let knowledge, therefore, be diffused over the latterly become literary characters and written earth as widely as the atmosphere. But it may books, let not this allusion be deemed disbe perverted: undoubtedly; but are we to be paraging; nor the former one, wherein bookdeceived by the trite sophism of arguing from sellers were likened to accoucheurs-for close the abuse against the use? It is to be re- and apt is the similitude. "Fer opem, Juno gretted that so many excellent men should Lucina," was the cry of the young ladies in "Would tire Briareus with his hundred hands." have employed so pointless and brittle a Rome; and "Fer opem, Murray vel LongI, therefore, who have but two, can only glance weapon. To read some late publications, one man," ," is the cry of the pregnant author in at a few scattered particulars. would suppose it to be the serious opinion of London. The straits to which unhappy bards Observe the names of the Row and its ad- not a few eminent individuals, that the increase were reduced in those times when publishers arencies: Paternoster, Ave Maria, Amen. and spreading of knowledge must be fatal to the did not exist, may be found most ludicrously This heathenish Latin may be thought to sa- Protestant faith and the British constitution; detailed in the dialogue concerning the causes vour of popery, therefore let us place ourselves and that the only sure and firm-set basis on of the corruption of eloquence, usually ascribed under the protecting shadow of Messrs. Bible- which they can rest is general ignorance. to Tacitus. The toil and trouble of an author and-Crown Rivingtons, the literary midwives Even if the first most preposterous assertion in collecting an audience to hear him recite half the establishment. The unpretending, were true, the last is decidedly erroneous; for his production, and the immense difficulty of anadorned appearance of the publications exhi. a state of utter ignorance is by no means a wringing a few sesterces out of them when bited in their windows is a striking type and state of security. Mr. Coleridge admirably the recitation was over, are very faithfully and assurance of quiet and sober orthodoxy. Turn observes" a bad government, if the people be very humorously depicted; though the writer now to the neighbouring head-quarters of educated, will fall by them; if they be not edu-of the dialogue by no means considers it as any schism, and contrast the plain but wholesome cated, it will fall with them."* joke, having probably been the suffering party

as their tenements.

Let us once more, as the Irish orator said, return to our subject before we leave it. The termination of Paternoster Row is as replete with moral as its beginning and middle; for when you emerge from its narrow and dusky precincts into the breadth and brightness of Cheapside, and, looking to your right and left, observe the toy-shop at one corner, and the quack (I beg pardon) patent medicine ware

viands of the church with the highly seasoned The transition is easy from these remarks to himself. But conceive the plan adopted now. messes of the tabernacle: not only the pen, Knight and Lacy's establishment: what a con-a-days: the bellman sent round to announce but the graver is enlisted in the cause of dis-trast between their light and slender pamphlets, that" Sir Walter Scott intends to read a new sent, and neither tract nor treatise lacks its and the ponderous, over-grown folios of Baynes novel at the Freemason's Tavern. Plates held appropriate wood-cut and engraving; and yet and Ogle. Judging from the difference in at the door to receive contributions!" Thanks this display is equalled, if not surpassed, by size between our volumes and those of our fore- to the press, an author has the whole world for that of the catholic bookseller at the very next fathers, we might suppose ourselves stunted an audience now! door. The witty biographer of the three bro- and degenerate. But the fact is not so; we thers informs us, that Jack, notwithstanding have not lost in absolute, for we have gained in all his efforts, was often mistaken for Peter; specific gravity. Our weight is as great, our and truly natural may the mistake be deemed, bulk only less; we are not diminished, but if their persons resembled each other as much condensed. We have learned the art of castMany a worthy methodist ing an aged father of the flock into a cauldron, has, I doubt not, found himself, before he was and there transmuting him into a young and ware, gazing intently on St. Peter firmly vigorous lamb. In the number, too, of our seated on a rock, and vainly assailed by the productions we completely outdo our ancestors. waves of heresy; and many a catholic has been The fecundity of the press is inconceivable; house at the other, you cannot fail to be betrayed into contemplating a fearful portrait but it must be acknowledged that many of her powerfully reminded by these repositories of of the Beast with seven heads, a hieroglyphic offspring are still-born, many die in the birth, infantine and adult imbecility, that all is which has lately been removed from the win- and many survive not their infancy. It is very vanity,-excepting, of course, the essay which dow, in consequence, it is said, of a malicious desirable that literary bills of mortality should concludes with this admonition. report, that it was a caricature of the greatest be compiled; so many books published last frm in the Row, with the other proprietors of year on such and such subjects; so many arthe Literary Gazette, added to make up "the rived at a second edition; so many at a third, Number." &c.; and so many expired in the first (causes THESE concerts commenced their annual series Bat this is a digression. The sacred appel- of decease need not be specified, lest repeated on Monday the 25th of February, upon the old lations of these streets are emblematical of the charges of murder should be brought against plan, with mostly the old performers and old dose alliance which should subsist between the Literary Gazette). If correct tables upon pieces. But as these things of old are eminently learning and religion. Knowledge confers this plan were to be drawn up for each of good, nothing disparaging is intended to be power, but power is twofold-it may be good, the last twenty years, I have no doubt that said of them, though they have not prompted it may likewise be evil, and infinite is the the results would approximate so nearly, as to our immediate notice. If it, however, be true, cerruption which ensues when splendid talent enable us, by means of the calculus of pro- as has been remarked, that the enthusiasm for wilfully forgets (alas, that we have seen ex-babilities, to compute the chance of any given these performances is rather on the decline, the amples in our own days !) that

"Spirits are finely touched But to fine issues."

The Scottish Presbytery have in their late Address deplored the growth of infidelity, and attributed it, without scruple, to the diffusion of literature. But supposing that literature has been the occasion (it never can be the

a) of the scepticism which they say prevails in Scotland, may we not ask whether this evil has not been mainly owing to the notorious deficiency of the Scottish clergy themselves in erudition, owing to the very superficial theolo


A. D.


work succeeding, without the slightest re- want of novelty just alluded to might well ac-
ference to its merits (a point upon which count for it. A complaint has also been raised
authors and readers sometimes differ); and against the directors, not quite unfounded, that
thus we might upon this basis easily found a they introduce performers and compositions
Literary Insurance Company. If any public- which ought to be beneath the notice of such
spirited and opulent individuals should take an institution. In the first of the three con-
the hint and establish one, they cannot do less certs already given, Haydn's sinfonia, No. 8,
than make me a present of at least 500 shares, in E flat, and Beethoven's in C, delighted every
ear. Madame Caradori's and Signora Bram-
billa's duet from Semiramide,
"Ebbene e te,"
was also charmingly executed. The next we
have to name, as deserving of high encomium,
is Mr. Oury, for his violin concerto, composed

Yet this highly gifted author talks elsewhere about learning being plebeified, if the populace should be educated. He might just as well have said that virtue would be plebeified, if the common people were all to turn honest and temperate.

by Kreutzer and De Beriot. He is a native of this country, a pupil of Kreutzer, Lafont, and the late Kiesewetter. As a solo performer he appeared here for the first time, and his success was complete. His playing reminded us strongly of Kiesewetter, even in a certain trickery of bowing, in which that great master indulged. In the second concert, on the 10th of March, the symphonies and overtures of Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven, were excellent; and the same must be said of Beethoven's violin quintett in C, by Messrs. Mori, Watts, Moralt, Lyon, and Lindley. Respecting Mr. J. B. Cramer's concerto on the pianoforte (strangely enough by himself and Mozart), there was not that unanimity of opinion which we have witnessed on former occasions. According to our judgment, he was as elegant as ever, but certainly less effective. A greater failure than the scena, "Per pietà," by Madame Klingner, a German lady, was perhaps never heard.

The third concert, on the 24th inst., opened with Beethoven's magnificent sinfonia in C minor; and the enthusiasm with which the whole audience expressed their delight, more than balanced the disappointment they had to endure from Onslow's quintett, played by Messrs. Weichsel, Watts, Oury, Lindley, and Dragonetti. Much of this disappointment is certainly to be charged to Mr. Onslow, other wise an excellent composer; but some part of it also to Messrs. Weichsel and Dragonetti, who were occasionally out of time. Miss Childe, from the Royal Academy of Music, was deservedly received with the most encouraging applause. Madame Puzzi gave less satisfaction, especially in the trio "Cruda sorte," with Miss Childe

and Mr. Braham.

Minstrel Knight, by Dussek, is one of the
prettiest things that can be imagined for the
instrument and voice, and will, we are sure,
become very popular.




his appearance until long after the time specified, his reception at first was far from cordial: however, Mr. Bishop having made his apology, by stating that Signor De Begnis had no intention of neglecting his duty, and that his tardiness on the present occasion was owing to some mistake, he was most enthusiastically hailed CHANGES of Otellos, Tancredis, Crociatos, and from Il Barbiere, and the third, and encored in three successive pieces,-two occasionally Clemenzas, which have formed the giving directions to the Orchestra," which he a Composer chief varieties of the past season here, offer little for criticism, and our notices have consequently Pasta and Mademoiselle Brambilla sang the duet sung with great spirit and animation. Madame been brief. The silly fuss made by the parti- of "Questo cor ti giura amore," by Rossini, into the discussion of the very important points sang, " Deeper and deeper still," from Jephtha, sans of Pasta and Velluti has not tempted us exquisitely, and were encored. Mr. Braham at issue between them: the public must, we with much pathos; and the popular song of think, be sick of the frivolous subject, which "Nelson" in such a spirited style, that it was The malignity of some of the many paragraphs, the ballad of O softly sleep, my baby boy," has absolutely filled many newspaper columns. enthusiastically encored. Miss Shirreff sang however, deserves reprobation; such, for in- with her usual sweetness and expression. At stance, as one which has gone the round of the the end of the first part of the performance, Journals, announcing that " Madame Pasta will Monsieur Vogt, from Paris, played a fantasia shortly appear in a new opera, La Sposa Infion the oboe, in which the air "Sweet home" dele, composed expressly for her by Richeraud," was introduced with great taste and execution. the insinuated slander of which must disgust every candid mind.

In the dancing department there has been a
very pretty divertissement produced: no grand
ballet, spectacle, or hallet d'action, however, to
gladden our eyes but pure French dancing;
so very French indeed, as to surpass our powers
of apprehension.

after Easter. Laporte is now at Paris con-
Every exertion is making to produce novelty
cluding his treaty with the ineffable Sontag,
who is to make her début in La Donna del Lago.
Pasta and she are to be brought out together.
De Begnis is to appear with Zuchelli. The
idea of bringing over Pisarme is, we are told,



here with success.


We must not forget to mention the orchestral performances, which, generally speaking, have gone very well at these concerts: the overture to Euryanthe and Romberg's overture had a remarkably fine effect on Wednesday.

GRIMALDI, senior, the best actor, perhaps, that ever contented himself with the name of last Monday week at Sadler's Wells. He was Clown upon the English stage, bade it farewell far superior to the best performers in his line that we ever saw; for, besides the extravagant powers of feature and muscle which are not uncommon in the tribe, he possessed a rich fund of genuine comic humour, and a ready wit to apply it. Such matters as the oyster crossed in love, were, in his hands, irresistibly

not years, is the cause of removing one from the dramatic scene, who has contributed so largely to the innocent amusement of the public.

THE MELODISTS CLUB This Musical Society, for the encouragement of native melody and ballad compositions, has announced a OBI, or Three-fingered Jack, has been revived laughable; and we regret to hear that ill health, grand concert for next month; and also the design of giving medals for the best productions in that style which it is its object to cultivate. On Thursday next, it is stated, the Duke of Sussex will attend the ordinary monthly meet ing, as a visitor. His Royal Highness's taste in music makes this compliment both an honour to the members, and an act of condescension well calculated to increase the prosperity of the Institution.

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ON Saturday an apology was made for Mr. Kean in Othello, and the part was undertaken by Mr. C. Kemble, whose conception and execution of it as a whole, from beginning to end, gave the crowded audience no cause to regret their cheerful acceptation of him as a substiThe play-bill for Thursday is a droll example of hotch-potch. It announces, in the usual way, Othello to be acted (" to-morrow"), Thalia: a Selection of Favourite Pieces for the and gives the list of the dramatis personæ,Spanish Guitar, by the most eminent Com-Othello, Mr. Kean; Iago, Mr. Young; Cassio, posers. Selected and Fingered by T. Eulen- Mr. C. Kemble;" but, as if this were not suffistein. Nos. I. to VI. W. Davis. cient, there appears on the same bill, after the MR. EULENSTEIN's extraordinary perform-characters of the farce, a reiteration of the ances on the Guimbard, or Jew's-harp, have ex-leading part, viz. "The public is most recited very general admiration; but though his spectfully informed, that Othello will positively exquisite tones and modulations of sound on be repeated to-morrow. Othello, Mr. Kean; that instrument shewed that his ear was fine, lago, Mr. Young; Cassio, Mr. C. Kemble." his taste perfect, and his skill in music great, Assurance being thus made doubly sure, it it was not so manifest that he was a sweet really happened that the public did not meet composer of original pieces, as well as an ele- with any disappointment. gant arranger of the ideas of others. The present publication, however, of which six monthly parts have appeared, affords abundant On Friday last, Madame Caradori Allan graced proof of the latter: we have never heard any the oratorio of the evening; and between the selections better adapted to the guitar (of first and second part, Mons. Labarre played which instrument Mr. E. is an accomplished a fantasia on the harp, in which he introduced teacher), fitter for the hand of learners, or the airs, " My lodging is on the cold ground," more pleasing in themselves. Their variety is and "St. Patrick's Day;" the variations upon at once considerable and delightful: Guiliani, Carulli, Diabelli, Dussek, and Weber, are the principal contributors; and they shine in all the changes of march, anthem, air, romance, waltz, ballad, minuet, rondo, and country dance, excellently arranged. The



Geognosy. Professor Engelhardt, of the University of Dorpat, has lately made a geognostic journey among the Oural Mountains, during which he has examined with the greatest care the various and extensive mines of iron, copper, gold, &c. with which that lofty and extensive range of hills abounds.

Hippopotamus.-The head of one of these mighty animals, well preserved, with the skin upon it, is to be seen in St. James's Street. Though curious as an article in a museum of natural history, we are afraid it is insufficient for an exhibition. The forms of the teeth and tusks, however, by which the food is submitted to an operation like grinding, are worthy of remark.

Costume of 1828.-The First Lord of the Treasury and Premier attended the levee on Thursday, in the dress of a Colonel of the Guards, with white duck trowsers!!

We observe, from the Bristol Mirror, that a new Altar-piece has been painted by Mr. King for St. Thomas's church in that city. The subject is the conviction of St. Thomas; and the moment of time which the painter has embodied is that of the incredulous apostle expressing his belief in the identity of Christ, by the energetic exclamation of, " My Lord and my God!" The picture is very large, and contains twelve figures, arranged in three groups. "We On Wednesday, Signor De Begnis was an- hope," says the editor, after describing the work, nounced in the bills; but as he did not makel" that the example thus given by the vestry of

which he performed with astonishing execution
and spirit, particularly in St. Patrick's Day,"
which he gave in true Irish style, and which
was encored.

St. Thomas will influence other parishes, so | cannot elucidate this proposition; but as soon
that there may be no longer any cause for com- as we see any body taking an aerial excursion
plaining that our city is deficient in affording of this kind, we shall not fail to describe it
encouragement to works of art."
accurately, for the benefit of our pedestrian and
equestrian readers.

Rumours are abroad of another illustrious bonfire in

Hebrews, Vol. 1. 8vo. 148. bds.-The Barn and the Steeple, Part 1. royal 4to. 17. 118. 6d.; coloured, 21. 2s.-Soane's 12mo. 4s. 6d. bds. Horsfield's Lepidopterous Insects, Designs for Public and Private Buildings, royal folio, 31. 38.; India, 57. 58. bds.-Twenty Plain and Practical Sermons, 12mo. 58. 6d. bds.-Dying Sayings of Eminent Christians, 12mo. 68. bds.-Practical Survey of the Faculties of the Human Mind, 12mo. 2s. 6d. bds.-Appendix to Churchill on Acupuncturation, 12mo. 3s. 6d. sewed.Earl of Shrewsbury's Reasons for Not. Taking the Test, &c. 8vo. 98. bds.


Thursday. 20

Friday 21
Saturday.. 22
Sunday.... 23
Monday 24
Tuesday 25
Wednesday 26



From 34. to 53. 29.45 to 29.14


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[blocks in formation]

Natural Vitrifications. It is well known, that on the highest mountains tubes of vitrified matter have been found, the exact mode of the production of which has hitherto been undiscovered; but which natural philosophers have the world of letters. It is said that the elegant author of in general ascribed to the effects of lightning many popular works had recently amused himself with METEOROLOGICAL JOURNAL, 1828. falling on a sandy soil, and melting and vitrify writing a small volume entitled Familiar Epistles from ing the sand to a greater or less depth. All Captain Rock to his Majesty the King; that this volume was printed; and that the whole impression (5000 copies) doubt on the subject is now removed, by similar was put into the flames on the eve of publication, in contubes having been seen instantly formed in sequence of a legal opinion signed by a certain eminent barrister and statesman, to this effect: "there is libel in places where lightning has fallen. M. Fiedler, every sentence, and sedition in every page:"--no, not the a young German philosopher, has collected whole impression; for, strange to say, this story comes to us several in Germany, which he has presented, copy now in the possession of an eminent wit and critic of from Edinburgh, where our informant saw and perused a through M. Arago, to the French Academy." the north countrie." Our friend adds, that the supThey are remarkably large: one is above nine-pressed work is as remarkable for its wit as for its wickedteen feet long. It is difficult to conceive how late cabinet excited, in particular, his highest admiration, ness. Captain Rock's account of the breaking-up of the the discharge of an electrical cloud can melt and that chapter, he says, might be, and ought to be, given and vitrify a mass of sand so dense. A similar to the public. effect could scarcely be produced by the most intense furnaces.

Prevailing wind N. and S. W.

Generally clear; frequent hail storms.
Rain fallen 15 of an inch.


Longitude... 0 3 51 W. of Greenwich.
Latitude.............. 51° 37′ 32′′ N.


Mr. Lockhart has nearly completed his Life of Robert Burns, for Constable's Miscellany; and for those who are At the conclusion of the first quarter of 1828, we already in possession of the best editions of the poet's beg particularly to suggest to our new subscribers the exMonument to the Memory of George III.-style, is also preparing. Both editions are to be embel- year, if they wish to preserve perfect volumes of the works, a small impression in octavo, in Ballantyne's best pediency of making good their preceding Nos. for the A meeting of the subscribers to this monument lished with a full-length portrait of Burns, engraved by Literary Gazette. The constant increase of its circulation has been summoned to the Thatched House, for Miller after Naysmith. soon absorbs the extra provision made by the publisher in The proprietor of Robson's Views of English Cities has anticipation of that demand; and to avoid disappointnext Wednesday; when it is proposed to ap- announced his intention of destroying some of the copper-ments to our friends on the one hand, and the great expropriate the fund which has been realised. plates, after 800 impressions on small paper are worked. pense of many reprints on the other, is the object of the Though not adequate to the grand original value of the whole work, protect the property of the ori- occasionally (once or twice in a twelvemonth, perhaps) a This is certainly a laudable procedure to preserve the present notice. We observe from advertisements, that design, it is sufficient, we understand, for an ginal subscribers, and secure the credit of the artists and complete set of the Gazette gets into the market at an adernament to the metropolis, and a grateful proprietor. vanced price; and that volumes from the earliest period tribute to our revered king. at which they can be got, are always in request; and under these circumstances we are desirous to impress upon our recent subscribers the advantage of securing what they want as early as possible.

Mr. Britton announces a continuation of this publica-
tion, or rather a new one, to illustrate the Picturesque
Antiquities of the English Cities, consisting of Views of
Castles, Bars or Gates, old Houses, Street Views, &c.
Arabic Literature.-A very complete French and Ara-
bic Dictionary, by Ellius Bocthor, late Professor of
Arabic in the Ecole Royale des Langues Orientales at
Paris, is now publishing, under the patronage of Clermont
This work, it is
Tonnère, by Coussin de Perceval.
The divisions, stated, will surpass every ancient and modern Arabic
Dictionary extant.

Steelyard.—A new steelyard has been invented in France, which is said to possess greater accuracy than the description of that machine hitherto in use. One of the improvements in the new invention, is the ease with which it can be verified. which are marked on the long arm of the beam, begin from a zero point; that is, from a point at which the travelling weight places the machine in exact equilibrium, when no weight is attached to the short arm of the beam. This enables the most ignorant persons to judge at once of the correctness of its con


the subject is very trite.

The Manchester Lines to an Infant are pleasing, but The work alluded to by a Constant Reader, dated "India House," was reviewed in our No. 558.

Melton Mowbray.-L. L. D. is either very ignorant of the actual state of affairs at the Melton," or he is attempting to mislead us. We do not say that many men of fair repute have not joined in these sports; but we assert, that the general bearing of the system is one of notorious profligacy and base gambling. How well this is understood by the best informed may be surmised, In the Press. A Narrative of Memorable Events in when we find the Bench refusing to relieve a husband Paris, during the approach of the Allied Armies, and from his frail wife, because his Meltonian career has their occupancy of that city, being extracts from the placed him out of the pale of legal redress. But Melton is not the only source of the corruption which disgraces so Journal of an English Détenu, who made notes of every day's occurrences: also an Account of Napoleon's Journey many in the upper classes of society: the common laxity, to, Residence at, and Return from, Elba.-Knight's Mo- not merely in morals, but in honour, is fed by many dern and Antique Gems, from drawings by C. Vining, &c. causes, and prevails over a circle far too wide for one with appropriate Mottos and Quotations to each subject. poison-spring. We should, from our observations on life -The first part of the Bibliographer's Manual, being an and passing manners, be tempted to assert, that truly Account of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, published in gentleman-like feeling is rarely to be found except in the Travels. The celebrated traveller Edward or relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the Inven- middle ranks-in individuals of good descent, though of Rippel is on the point of setting out for Abys-tices, Collations of the rarer articles, and the Prices at fessions. If the nicer sense of honour reigned in the tion of Printing; with Bibliographical and Critical No-small fortunes, in the army and navy, and in some prosinia, with the purpose of exploring those parts which they have sold in the present century. By William higher ranks, we should have fewer examples of men which have not hitherto been visited by any Thomas Lowndes.-The Theocratist, a monthly publica- submitting to parliamentary insults, and other similar tion, whose object is to maintain the essential Relation evasions, which souls, lowered by a familiarity with the European. The senate of Frankfort, by an which subsists between Religion and Politics. The turf, the hell, and the effeminacy and vice of fashion, Well might unanimous resolution, has granted him 1000 Boarding-school and Teacher's Directory; or the Ad- bear with such contemptible fortitude. forins of annual income for the ensuing seven dresses of the best London Masters in every department Burke say, "The age of chivalry is gone!" but it was not of Education, and of the principal Finishing and Prepa- till now that the age of swindling and truckling so fully or eight years, as well in acknowledgment of ratory Seminaries for Young Ladies and Gentlemen in superseded it. his former services, as to enable him, agreeably and near the Metropolis.-Country Stories, Scenes, and to his wish, to continue his scientific travels Characters, forming a third series of Our Village: by Mary Russell Mitford.-Foscari, and Julian, Tragedies: and researches. by the same.-A new edition of Kitchiner's Art of InviTo the Editor of the Literary Gazette. gorating and Prolonging Life.-A new edition, with additions, of a Dissertation on the Passage of Hannibal over SIR,-It was only on Friday that we were informed of, the Alps, by the Rev. J. A. Cramer, M.A., and H. L. Wick- and late on Saturday evening, before we saw, your Notice ham, Esq.-A Work, in parts, under the general title of to Correspondents in the Literary Gazette of the 15th India, and embracing the most important topics con- instant, accusing us of" impudent imposition" in giving nected with that country, by Mr. Rickards.-A Complete an extract as from the Literary Gazette of the 2d of History of an Action at Law, with Observations, proving February, concerning the Novel of Uncle Peregrine's the present Practice of the Courts of Law to be Absurd, Heiress." We plead guilty to the mistake of printing dent of Lincoln's Inn. -Moral and Sacred Poetry, se- the paper we meant to refer to, and which paper we enclose Expensive, and Unjust, &c. &c.: by T. Mayhew, Stu- Literary Gazette instead of Literary Chronicle, which was lected from the Works of the most admired Authors, to you, marking the critique from which we made the Ancient and Modern, by Thomas Willcocks and Thomas extract: but we totally disclaim any idea of imposition Horton.-The Harp of Judah; a Selection of Pieces re- indeed, we should be very weak to attempt it, as it could lating to the Jews: with other Poems on the subject of be contradicted immediately. The concluding paragraph different Religious Societies. A Volume of Miscellaneous of your notice, if referring to us, we totally deny, in the Prose Tales, and Sketches of Society and Manners; to be most explicit terms. entitled Waifs and Strays; or, Scenes of Life and Shades We are, Sir, your most obedient servants, of Character. A. K. NEWMAN and Co. Leadenhall Street, 24th March, 1828. * It gave us great pleasure to receive the foregoing statement, especially as our original impression had been strengthened by meeting with a repetition of the advertisement in question in the Globe and Traveller. although, as it respects ourselves, Messrs. Newman and Co.'s explanation is perfectly satisfactory; we confess that we doubt whether it will be thought so by those who may have purchased Uncle Peregrine's Heiress, in consequence of being, however unintentionally, led into the error of believing that it was a work which had been favourably noticed in the Literary Gazette.

Russia. — The University formerly at Abo has been transferred to the new capital of Finland, Helsingfors; and is to bear the name Alexander's University."

Greek Coining. There are at Hydra and Spezzia between twenty and thirty regular manufactories of false money, which are not only tolerated, but supported by the members of the government. They coin Spanish dollars, as well as paras, and all kinds of Turkish money; and this false coin is made an object of traffic with the Maltese and the Ionians, who carry it into Egypt and Turkey, there to sell it again, or to circulate it fraudulently by means of their agents. Foreign Journal.

Flying-A writer in the last Number of the Mechanic's Magazine has given a curious paper on the means of flying, through the agency of machinery. He proposes to give men the power of impelling rotatory wings, and imitating beetles, rather than birds, in their means of flight. Without the diagrams, we


Literary Gems, 8vo. 8. bds.-The Hebrew, a Sketch, fep. bs. 6d. bds.-Paguierre on the Wines of Bordeaux, fep. 58. bds.-Hymns and Sacred Lyrics, by Constantius, 12mo. 88. bds.--Arran, a Poem, 12mo. 58. bds.-Phillpotts on the Coronation Oath, 8vo. 9s. 6d. bds.-Wolfe's Journal, Vol. II. 8vo. 8s. bds.-Fisher's Sermons, 12mo. 2s. 6d. bds.-Public Characters, Vol. I. with 27 Portraits, 18mo. 8. bds.—Ears of Wheat, 12mo. 28. 6d. bds.—Stuart on the

• An immense Tory, we suspect.-Ed.



Connected with Literature and the Arts.


HE Subscribers to the proposed Monumental
Trophy to his late Majesty, are requested to meet the
Committee and the Sub-Committee at the Thatched-House
Tavern, St. James's Street, on Wednesday the 2d of April next,
at Two o'clock precisely; for the purpose of settling outstanding
Claims, appropriating the Subscriptions, and other Business.
By Order of the Sub-Committee,
C. BLEADEN, Hon. Sec.


of British Artists is open Daily, from Ten in the Morning till
Five in the Evening.
Admission, 18.-Catalogue, ls.


In 4to. with a separate Atlas of Maps and coloured Plates,
31. 38. boards,

This day, in 1 vol. price 14s. boards,


TRAL FRANCE; including the Volcanic Formations
of Auvergne, the Velay, and Vivarais.

"Mr. Scrope's work on the Geology and extinct Volcanoes of
Auvergne, Velay, and Vivarais, will, we are persuaded, have the
effect of attracting in future to those provinces a portion of our
countrymen who are now continually crossing and recrossing
France along the same beaten tracks, and returning home with
complaints of the absence of all grandeur and picturesque fea-
tures in the scenery."-Quarterly Review, No. 73.
Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London.
In 8vo. with Seven plain and Two coloured Plates,
price 188. boards,

and Pathology; including Observations on the Nature and Treatment of Local Diseases. Delivered at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. "This volume is not only valuable to the student and practitioner, but is most useful as a book of consultation and reference in families." J. Bulcock, 163, Strand. Where may be had,

The Portrait of J. Abernethy, Esq.

To be continued Monthly, price 2s. 6d.
No. XIII. will be published on the 1st of April; and
continue, for the future, to be published on the 1st of every
Vols. I. II. and III. may be had complete in

of the MEDICAL and Month.

Part II.
Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London.
By an arrangement made with the Council, the pub

and FRENCH LAN-lishers will supply such Members of the Society as may be de-

inform the Nobility and Gentry, and particularly his Friends and Patrons, that he has just removed from Hadlow Street, to 33, East Street, Lamb's Conduit Street; and intends to continue teaching the above, at home and abroad.


Mr. Ebers' British and Foreign Library, 27, Old Bond Street.

MR. EBERS has just

published the

ADDENDA to the CATALOGUE of his extensive BRITISH and FOREIGN LIBRARY, in which will be found all the recent and most important Books of History, Voyages and Travels, Memoirs, &c. (however voluminous and expensive); together with the lighter Works of Fiction, of which fashionable productions of the day a very ample supply is secured, in order that the numerous subscribers to this institution should experience no delay, however short, in perusing them.

The splendid and unique illustrative Library, consisting of the finest Engravings, Plates of Costume, costly Maps, &c. &c. is now included in the Catalogue, for the general benefit of the Nobility and Gentry who subscribe to Mr. Ebers' Establishment.


a Scale of Prices which may be had of Longman and Co. or any
of their correspondents.

Vol. XIV. Part 1, is in the Press.

Steam Engine. 2d edition.

This day is published, in 12mo. with 12 Plates, and a beautiful
engraving of the Statue of Mr. Watt, price 7a. 6d. boards,


ENGINE; in which its Construction and Operation are
familiarly Explained: with an Historical Sketch of its Invention
and progressive Improvement.
Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in the
University of London.
Printed for John Taylor, Waterloo Place, Bookseller and Pub.
lisher to the University of London; and sold by James Duncan,
Paternoster Row; J. A. Hessey, Fleet Street; and Hatchard and
Son, Piccadilly.

In 8vo. price 18. boards,

boards, price 91. 2s. 6d.

The First Number of Loudon's Magazine of
Natural History will be published May 1 next, price 2s. 6d.
Published by Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green,
Reece's Medical Guide Improved.
New edition, being the 15th, considerably enlarged,
price 19s. boards,
THE MEDICAL GUIDE; for the Use of



By RICHARD REECE, M.D. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, &c. This edition, which has been nearly rewritten, is divided into two parts. The first, a Modern Dispensatory, embraces, besides the Medicines ordinarily employed in the Treatment of Diseases, all the new Remedies which experience has proved to possess valuable medicinal virtues, with a selection of about One Hundred Prescriptions of approved efficacy; the best known means of treating cases of emergency-as poisons, suspended animation, burns, scalds, fits, &c.; a Dissertation on Diet; a Description of several new Apparatus employed in Medicine, &c. &c. The second part comprises a practical Treatise on the Diseases incidental to the human race; with the distinguishing symptoms, and the most effectual means of Prevention and Treatment, adapted to different temperaments and stages of the Malady, Appendix on the Management of Children, as to Diet, Clothing, Exercise, &c. and the Prevention and Treatment of Infantile Diseases. Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green. To Agriculturists. Price 44. embellished with a descriptive Etching of the Root, on a reduced scale,

to the Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends in general. AN INTRODUCTION to GEOLOGY; interspersed with Cautionary Remarks: to which is added, an

R. J. MOSCHELES begs to announce that his EVENING CONCERT will take place on Monday, April 21, at the Argyle Rooms.

The Scheme will shortly appear.

On the 31st will be published, LACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH


Contents: I. Sir Henry Steuart's Theory of TransplantationII. Letters from the Peninsula, No. 3.; Depôt at the Isle of Wight-III. The Siege of Bhurtpore-IV. War between Persia and Russia-V. Second Letter from a Whig-Hater-VI. Anatomy of Drunkenness-VII. The Calm Sea-VIII. To a Child-IX. Lines Sacred to the Memory of the Rev. Edward William Barnard, by the very Rev. Archdeacon Wrangham-X. Blue Stockings over the Border-XI. Six Sonnets by Delta-XII. The Causes of the late Change of Ministry-XIII. The Shepherd's Calendar, Class 9; Fairies, Deils, and Witches; by the Ettrick Shepherd-XIV. Public Men and Parties.. Printed for William Blackwood, Edinburgh; and T. Cadell, Strand, London.


This day is published,

I. On Useful and Ornamental Planting-II. On the Salmon
Fisheries of the United Kingdom-III. The Public and Private
Correspondence of Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood-IV. Lord
Byron and some of his Contemporaries-V. Corn, Wages, and
Rent-VI. A Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and
Bloody River-VII. Irish Education Inquiry; Roman Catholic
College of Maynooth-VIII. On the Expediency of attaching a
Museum of Antiquities to the Society of Antiquaries-IX. On
the Increase of Crime, and the Improvement of Prison Discipline
-X. Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New
Orleans-XI. Attempt to reach the North Pole, by Capt. William
Edward Parry-XII. On Emigration.

Printed for John Murray, Albemarle Street.

On the 31st will be published, price 6s. the Sixth Number of

comprising the Elements of the Science in its present
advanced State, and all the recent Discoveries. With an Outline
of the Geology of England and Wales. The 3d edition, entirely
recomposed and greatly enlarged, with new Plates, a coloured
Map, and Cuts.
Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green.
Of whom may be had, by the same Author,
Travels in Savoy, &c. In 2 vols. 8vo. 17. 6s.



The extensive circulation of this Journal, which has just com-
menced its Sixth Year, having proved its general utility, the
editor, as well from a wish to render it more deserving of such
distinguished success, as from the accumulation of fresh mate-
rials in various departments of the work, has been encouraged to
enlarge it in these branches.

The object of the "Bulletin Universel" is to furnish to Ma-
thematicians, Natural and Experimental Philosophers, Chemists,
turers, Engineers, Military Men, Historians, and Philologists, a
Geologists, Naturalists, Medical Men, Agriculturists, Manufac-
fair Analysis of all the Works, and an Epitome of the different
Academical Memoirs and Periodical Collections, published in
every part of the world, connected with the branches of Science
to which they are attached, forming a Monthly Methodical Re-
pertory of the successive efforts of the human mind in every

It may furnish some idea of the multifarious contents of the
Bulletin to state, that the number of distinct notices of new
works and articles of intelligence in the volumes of the past years
amounts to nearly six thousand.
Subscription price for the work, in its present improved state,
complete, 61. 12. yearly.

Published by Treuttel, Würtz, and Co. 30, Soho Square; where
Prospectuses may be had. The work is divided into Eight Sec-
tions, each of which may be had separately, as follows:-



Contents: Hug's Introduction; Chronology of St. PaulEwing's Greek and English Dictionary-Grinfield's Christian Dispensation with reference to the Salvability of the HeathenLord Clarendon-Russell's Connexion of Sacred and Profane History-The Celtic Druids-Catholics and Dissenters-Morgan on Marriage; Dissenters' Marriage Bill-London UniversityState of the Dioceses in England and Wales-Proceedings of the Universities.

Printed for C. and J. Rivington, St. Paul's Churchyard, and Waterloo Place, Pall Mall; and the Executors of J, Mawman, Ludgate Hill.

The First and Second Volumes may now be

had complete, price 12s. each, in boards.

[blocks in formation]

1. Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, and
Contributors-Messrs. Ampère, Dupin, Lacroix, Prony, Pois-
son, Francœur, Chaptal, Thénard, Hachette, &c. Price of
12 Nos. per Annum 15s.

2. Natural Sciences and Geology.
cépède, Lamouroux, Latreille, &c. Price of 12 Nos. per Annum
Contributors-Messrs. Cuvier, Ferussac, Jussieu, Kunth, La-
11. 68.

3. Medical Sciences.

Majendie, Laennec, Orfila, Pinel, &c. Price of 12 Nos. per An-
Contributors-Messrs. Béclard, Breschet, Cloquet, Dumas,
num 11. 2s.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Composer of the Sacred Hymn of " Our Blessed Saviour on the Cross." Published by Preston, 71, Dean Street, Soho, for the Author. Mr. Billington now most gratefully feels it a pleasing and respectful duty in returning his heartfelt acknowledgments to the whole musical English empire, and particularly to his native Devon and Exeter patrons, for above fifty years of warm encouragement and inspiring countenance in his delectable studies of the divine science of music, under whose kind auspices he was Maria's Evening Service to the Virgin, Young's Night Thoughts, Eloisa to Abelard, Prior's Garland, Children of the Wood, and of the Organ Adaptation of Correlli's Concertos, as edited by Preston's House.

4. Agriculture, Rural and Domestic Eco- formerly known as the composer of the music of Gray's Elegs, nomy, Horticulture, Fishing and Hunting.

Contributors-Messrs. Bosc, Count Chaptal, Du Petit Thouars, Hachette, Hazard, Count Lasteyrie, Tessier, &c. Price of 12 Nos. per Annum 158.

5. Technology, the Arts and Manufactures. Contributors-Messrs. Berthier, Chaptal, Darcet, Deyeux, Heron de Villefosse, Molard, Navier, Prony, &c. Price of 12 Nos. per Annum 18s.

2d edition, in 2 pocket vols. price 15s.

6. Geography, Statistics, Political Economy, THE

and Voyages and Travels,

Contributors-Messrs. Barbié du Bocage, Champollion Figeac, Freycinet, Jomard, Count Laborde, Walkenaer, &c. Price of 12 Nos. per Annum 11. 28.

7. History, Antiquities, and Philology.

Ase, Klaproth, Letronne, Abel Remusat, St. Martin, &c. Price
Contributors-Messrs. Chezy, Dureau de la Malle, Jaubert,
of 12 Nos. per Annum 18s.

8. Art of War.

Contributors-Messrs. Lieutenant-Generals Count Damas,

Maxims for Locomotion.

By Dr. KITCHINER. "These two volumes abound in practical instruction of a rare and useful kind." "We recommend the Traveller's Oracle' as a very amusing and instructive publication-it is worth buying and reading, and will become, we doubt not, a popular book."-Atlas. Printed for Henry Colburn, 8, New Burlington Street.

In a few days, in 3 vols. post 8vo.

HE QUARTERLY REVIEW, Count de la Roche Aymot, Count Vedel, Colonels Marion, de LATHIEL; a Story of the Past, the


No. LXXIV. was published on Tuesday.

[blocks in formation]

In I vol. 8vo. Vol. I. price 150. boards, TRANSLATION of the SECOND


martaken in concert with the Author,

By the Rev. JULIUS CHARLES HARE, M.A. and CONNOP THIRLWALL, M.A. Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge. The author writes to a friend in England, " that he is anxious eshond be known as early as possible, that this new edition is not a reprint of the old work, with additions and improvements, baty a new work, in which few passages of the former have been retained.”

red for Jahn Taylor, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, Bookwer and Publisher to the London University; and sold by James Pas. I, Paternoster Row; J. A. Hessey, Fleet Street; hand and Son, Piccadilly; J. and J. J. Deighton, Cammage; and Parker, Oxford

[blocks in formation]

In 8vo. 204.

Dedicated (by permission) to the Right Hon. Robert Peel, in
2 vols. 4to. with a Portrait by Finden, price 31. 12s. boards,

A HISTORY of the Right Hon. WILLIAM

PITT, EARL of CHATHAM; containing his Speeches
in Parliament; a considerable Portion of his Correspondence
when Secretary of State, upon French, Spanish, and American
Affairs, never before published: with an Account of the Princi-
pal Events and Persons connected with his Life, Sentiments, and
London: Printed for C. and J. Rivington, Booksellers Extra-
ordinary to His Majesty, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, and St.
Paul's Churchyard.


In 1 vol. 8vo. price 16s. boards, GRAMMAR of the HEBREW LAN GUAGE; comprised in a Series of Lectures, compiled from the best Authorities, and augmented with much Original Matter, drawn principally from Oriental Sources; designed for the Use of Students in the Universities. Dedicated, by permission, to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge.

By the Rev. S. LEE, A.M. D.D.

Of the University of Halle; Honorary Member of the Asiatic
Society of Paris; Honorary Associate and F.R.S.L. and M.R.A.S.
&c. &c.; and Professor of Arabic in the University of Cam-
Printed for James Duncan, 37, Paternoster Row.
Family Sermons.
Dedicated, by permission, to the Lord Bishop of London,
in 2 vols. 8vo. price 21s. boards,
the YEAR; containing two for each Sunday, and one


THE PAROCHIAL HISTORY of BREM- for each Holiday: abridged from the most eminent Divines of the

EILL, in the County of Wilts, including a Dissertation Established Church, and adapted to the Service of the Day; inthe ngin and Designation of the vast Celtic Monuments intended for the Use of Families and Schools. the unity, and the Progress of Parochial Establishments. By the Rev. W. L. BOWLES, A.M. Potmdary of Sarum, and Endowed Vicar of the said Parish. Printed for John Murray, Albemarle Street.

[blocks in formation]


By the Rev. J. R. PITMAN, A.M.
Alternate Morning Preacher of Belgrave and Berkeley Chapels,
and Alternate Evening Preacher of the Foundling and Magdalen
London: Printed for James Duncan, 37, Paternoster Row.
"There is no question which the clergy are more frequently
asked, and to which they find it more difficult to give a satisfac-
tory reply, than this: What sermons would they recommend
for the use of a private family? We really think that Mr. Pit-
man's work bids fair to supply the deficiency which has been so
much regretted."-Quarterly Theological Review.

A Second Edition of the First Course is just


In 4 vols. 8vo. with a Portrait engraved by Warren,
price 358. boards,

Handsomely printed, in 1 very thick vol. crown 8vo. with upwards of 1500 Engravings of the Arms, &c. &c. a new edition, price

17. 118. 6d. of


URKE'S PEERAGE and BARONETAGE of ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, and IRELAND. It is presumed that this work will be found the most accurate, comprehensive, and concise, which has hitherto appeared upon the subject; an unprecedented mass of information having been obtained from the highest sources. The lineage of almost every house is deduced from the earliest era, and the genealogical details are interspersed with many interesting anecdotes of the various families. The Baronets of Scotland and Ireland, with their armorial bearings, &c. form a new feature in this edition; and an Essay on the Origin of Titles of Honour in England, with Engravings of the various Orders of Nobility and Knighthood, considerably augment the interest of the whole. Printed for Henry Colburn, 8, New Burlington Street.

In 8vo. price 158. with Portrait,


with Memoirs of his late Father and Friends, from 1755 to 1827: including numerous Original Anecdotes and Curious Traits of the most celebrated Personages that have flourished during the last eighty years. This work abounds not only in piquant matter relating to persons of rank, but of talent also for the elder Angelo's intimacy with Englishmen, as well as foreigners, professors of all the fine arts, &c. made his house, in Carlisle Street, for many years, the rendezvous of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Garrick, the Sheridans, the Linleys, Gainsborough, Foot, Bach, Abel, &c.

Printed for Henry Colburn, 8, New Burlington Street.

In 1 vol. post 8vo. 10s. 6d.



of JOHN LEDYARD, the African Traveller. Now first published from his Journals and Correspondence. Printed for Henry Colburn, 8, New Burlington Street. In 4to. price 11. 11s. 6d. boards, RAVELS and ADVENTURES on the SHORE of the CASPIAN SEA; with some Account of the Trade, Commerce, and Resources of those Countries. By JAMES B. FRASER, Esq. Author of a Tour in the Himala Mountains," &c. Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green. Of whom may be had, by the same Author, Narrative of a Journey into Khorasan; including some Account of the Countries to the North-East of

Persia. In 1 vol. 4to. with a new Map, 31. 3s. boards.

At the present juncture, when an event so important and interesting to all Europe, as the impending conflict between Russia and Turkey, occupies the public attention; and when Persia is threatening to throw her force into the scale against the former,

vos lying a prodigious increase of fame. The novelty of fact THE WHOLE WORKS, ROBERT LEIGH. for end vigorous attack upon her old enemy, it may be pre

TON, D.D. Archbishop of Glasgow. To which is prefixed, an
entire new Life of the Author.
By the Rev. J. N. PEARSON, M.A.

ted will command wander, only to be explained by the cirstances which have given the author access to public as well #rate archives, hitherto a fountain shut up, and a book ' The chaste and nervous elegance of the style, and the theral and truly philosophical cast of thought and sentiment, are Of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Chaplain to the Most Noble the Marquess of Wellesley. That se one need be surprised with, who has read some of his Printed for James Duncan, 37, Paternoster Row. veroes writings; but this performance is every way a more saborate one than any of those, and of higher pretensions,-pre-Works at the head of this article; and as Mr. Coleridge has neg"We have placed a new edition of Archbishop Leighton's seoskoms which we have no doubt the world will pronounce to be lected to furnish the biographical notice he had promised, we Littled in the revalt. To throw an air of total novelty on a shall endeavour to supply its place by a few particulars of his life memoir prefixed to the new edition, by the Rev. Norman Pearson. It is a reproach to the present age, that his valuable writings, breathing as they do the sublimest and purest spirit of piety, rich in beautiful images and classical learning, throughout abounding in practical reflections, and all expressed with the sweetest and simplest eloquence, should have been neglected among us."-British Critic, October 1826.

[blocks in formation]

Seme of ancient interest to write a history, where previously and writings, principally extracted from a spirited and eloquent mission, Report, and Evidence, and on the Means of Improving

[blocks in formation]

by George Thompson, Esq. Comprising Observations made
Grag an Eight Years Residence at the Cape, on the Progress
Papects of British Emigrants. The 2d edition, in 2 vols.
Forty Engravings, price 11. 11a. 6d. boards.

is the completest book on the subject of this interesting ne of the world, and contains the best and most rational of the important colony of the Cape."-Atlas.

OCRATES; a Dramatic Poem.

E. M. GROVER, Author of " Anne Boleyn." Fined for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London; and by W. Clarke, 42, New Bond Street. 8. 6d. boards.

In 4 vols. 8vo. with Plates, 21. 168.


Member in the Parliaments of the Protectors, Oliver and mwell, from 1656 to 1659, now first published from tegia Autograph Manuscript, in the possession of William * of the London Institution. Interspersed with several karsta Casaments and Notices, Historical and Biographical. By JOHN TOWILL RUTT, Esq. The work serves to fill up the chasm so long existing in our Tatessary history; the new facts and arguments containedarty develop the project of Cromwell for the assumption dignity: the real extent of his power as Protector; cer of has administration; and the rapid decline and y extactics of that power under the short Protectorate of Printed for Henry Colborn, 8, New Burlington Street.

In 2 vols. post 8vo. price 278.


[ocr errors]

-The novel of Blue-Stocking Hall' forms an agreeable tax to the generality of works of fiction. It is designed to in the shape of a pleasing fiction, the various duties of be, and interspersed with many judicious remarks * un, nerage, education, celibacy, establishment in the VEL. DEZA, and manners. It appears to have been the ea of the authoress to produce a work which every mother fari pamers, sad which every daughter should read." Found for Beary Colburn, 8, New Burlington Street,

Printed for Henry Colburn, 8, New Burlington Street.
In post 8vo. s. 6d.


REBELLION in 1798.

Printed for Henry Colburn, 8, New Burlington Street.

[blocks in formation]

In 8vo. 5. 6d.

HE MAN of TON; a Satire.

Here's the Great World! which being interpreted
Meaneth the West or worst end of a city,
And about twice two thousand people, bred

By no means to be very wise or witty;

But to sit up while others lie in bed,

And look down on the Universe with pity.-Byron.
Printed for Henry Colburn, 8, New Burlington Street.

In 3 vols. post 8vo. 818. 6d.

TALES of an ANTIQUARY, illustrative


of the Manners, Traditions, and Localities of ancien
Printed for Henry Colburn, 8, New Burlington Street.
In 2 vols. post 8vo.
ALES of the WEST.


By the Author of "Letters from the East," &c.
Printed for Henry Colburn, 8, New Burlington Street.

LEMENZA; or, the Tuscan Orphan: a
Tragic Drama, in Five Acts.


To which are added, Lithographic Impressions of the Chief
Scene, the Costumes of the Peasants, and the Music of the Songs;

OF SHAKSPEARE; or, together with ExPower, &, New

Sketches of his Character and Genius. By various
Collected and Edited, with a Preface and Notes,
Printed for Henry Colburn, 8, New Burlington Street.

3d edition, in 3 vols. post 8vo.
A Novel.


"Flirtation' is not merely the title, but the prevailing genius of this novel; as, indeed, it ought to be. The noble authoress follows her subject, and never wanders from it; every incident is metamorphosed into it. How redolent of flirtation is every chapter! What an entireness of subject pervades every line! Flirtation on the part of men; flirtation on the part of women; flirtation abroad; flirtation at home; flirtation in low life, and in high life; flirtation among the single, and among the married; private flirtation, and public flirtation; and many phases more than we have room to enumerate of the same vice. If this picture should fail in reforming the male coquettes who indulge in it, we entertain confident hopes that the fair will listen to her ladyship's exhortations, and be taught to renounce so dangerous a pastime."-New Monthly Magazine,

Printed for Henry Colburn, 8, New Burlington Street,

Rodwell, 46, New Bond Street.

The scene is laid on the banks of the Lake of Geneva-ground made classical by the pens of Rousseau and Byron.

"This is a better Tragedy than any we have lately seen, and ought not to be allowed to sink into neglect; with some few alterations, it would make a good acting play-and that is merit which is not common among the dramas of the present day: the story is interesting and well put together, and the characters so far above common-place as to induce an audience to sympathise with their feelings."-Westminster Review, Jan. 1825.

"Nous reconnaisons, que la lecture de ce drame nous a fort attaché; que les malheurs de l'Orphelin de Florence inspirent un vif intérêt; que l'auteur a su répandre un certain charm mélancholique même sur les rôles sécondaires de ces amies et contidentes; et que le caractère de la dame Florentine nous a paru parfaitement conçu et bien esquissé."-Revue Encyclopé dique pour Mars 1826.

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