Imatges de pàgina

Simple and Compound Interest; Discount, and Annuities for

terms of years.

Simple and Quadratic Equations, and Questions producing them.
The nature and use of Logarithms.


The First Book of Euclid.

The principal properties of triangles, squares, and parallelograms,
treated geometrically.

The principal properties of the circle treated geometrically.
The relations of similar figures.

The Eleventh Book of Euclid to Prop. 21.

The equation to the straight line, and the equation to the circle referred to rectangular co-ordinates.

The equations to the Conic Sections referred to rectangular coordinates.


Plane Trigonometry as far as to enable the Candidate to solve all

the cases of Plane triangles.

The following propositions:

sin (A+B)

cos (A+B)

tan (A+B) =

sin A cos B+ cos A sin B
cos A cos B

tan Atan B

sin A sin B

1tan A tan B

The expression for the area of a triangle in terms of its sides.


The composition and Resolution of Forces.

The Mechanical Powers.

The centre of Gravity.

The general laws of Motion.

The motion of falling bodies in free space and down inclined planes.


The pressure of fluids is equally diffused and varies as the depth.
The surface of a fluid at rest is horizontal.

Specific gravity.

A floating body displaces exactly its weight of the fluid, and is supported as if by a force equal to its weight pressing upwards at the centre of gravity of the displaced fluid.

The Common Pump and the Forcing-Pump.

The Barometer.

The Air-Pump.

The Steam-Engine.


The apparent motion of the heavens round the earth.
The apparent motion of the sun through the fixed stars.

The phenomena of eclipses.

The regression of the planets.
Proofs of the Copernican system.



The Atmosphere. Its general nature and condition; its component parts. Oxygen; its general properties; how procured. Nitrogen; its properties; how procured. Water and carbonic acid in the air. Proportions of these substances; deteriorating influences; renovating processes.

Aquafortis. Its nature; how procured; its composition; proofs of
its acidity and powerful action.

Other negatively electric bodies than Oxygen. Chlorine, Iodine,

Water. Its general relation to the atmosphere and earth; its
natural states and relative purity. Sea-water, river-water,
spring-water, rain-water. Pure water; effects of heat and
cold on it; its compound nature; its elements.

Hydrogen. How procured; its nature; proportion in water; its
presence in most ordinary fuels; its product when burnt.
Other combustible bodies. Sulphur, Phosphorus, Carbon, Se-
lenium, Boron.

Oxyacids. Sulphuric acid, Phosphoric acid, Carbonic acid.
Hydracids, Hydrochloric or Muriatic acid.

Ammonia. Its preparation, properties, composition.
Alkalies, Earths, Oxides generally.

Salts, their nature. Sulphates, Nitrates, Carbonates.

Metals generally. Iron, Copper, Lead, Tin, Zinc, Gold, Silver,
Platinum, Mercury.

Powers of Matter. Aggregation, crystallization, chemical affinity,
definite equivalents.

Combustion. Flame; nature of ordinary fuel: results of com-
bustion, i. e. the bodies produced.

Heat natural and artificial sources; its effects. Expansion;
solids, liquids, gases.
Thermometer: conduction; radiation;

capacity; change of form; liquefaction; steam.

Relation of chemical affinity in the voltaic pile; ordinary electricity; its excitement and effects.

General elements of vegetable bodies; of animal bodies.


The mechanical, chemical, and vital properties of the several
elementary animal textures.

General principles of Animal Mechanics.
Outline of the processes subservient to the nutrition of the body;
and general plan of structure of the organs of assimilation.
Nature of Digestion; course of the Lacteal Absorbents.
Structure of the Organs of Circulation. Principal varieties
in the plan of circulation in the great divisions of the animal
kingdom: viz. Mammalia, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, Mollusca,
Articulated and Radiated Animals.

Mechanism of Respiration in the several classes of animals; chemical effects of Respiration in the several classes of animals. Chemical properties of the secretions; structure of secreting


Functions of the nervous system.

The sensorial functions, comprehending the physiology of the external senses, especially Vision and Hearing.


Elementary structure. Cellular and vascular tissues; their properties, modifications, especially those which are more or less characteristic of the larger natural groups.

The axis of a plant. Its anatomy; the principal modifications of internal structure and external form.

Leaves. Their venous and parenchymatous structures. Inflo-
rescence. The relation of its modifications to each other.
Floral envelopes. Their principal modifications; the relation
borne to each other by their different series; the theory of

Stamens. Their structural analogy; modification; use; the
theory of their order of development and suppression.
Pistil. Theory of structure; modifications; organic analogies;
changes it undergoes while it ripens into fruit.

Seed. Its origin as an ovule; original modifications; maturation;
albumen; embryo; germination.

Irritability and stimulants.

Processes subordinate to the functions of nutrition, especially those termed Absorption, Digestion, Exhalation, Respiration. Motions of contained fluids; circulation, rotation.

Results of secretions, especially those useful in medicine. Processes subordinate to the function of reproduction, especially the fertilization of the ovule and its maturation.



One Greek and one Latin Book, to be selected two years previously by the Committee of the Faculty of Arts from the works of the under-mentioned authors:

Homer.....Six Books.

Sophocles... One Play.

Euripides.. One Play.

Herodotus.. One Book.

Thucydides.One Book.

Xenophon.. Two Books, from any of his larger works.

Demosthenes.One of the longer, or three of the shorter public

Orations; or two of the private Orations.

Plato...... Apology of Socrates and Crito.


....The Eclogues and six Books of the Æneid; or the Georgics and the Sixth Book of the Æneid. Horace....The Odes and Ars Poetica, and either the Satires or

the Epistles.

Cæsar.....The Civil Wars and the Fifth and Sixth Books of the Gallic War.

Cicero..... The Somnium Scipionis, and two of the shorter and one of the longer Orations.

Livy.. Three Books.

Tacitus....The Agricola, Germania, and one Book of either the
Annals or of the Histories.


History of Greece to the death of Alexander.

History of Rome to the death of Augustus.

History of England to the end of the Seventeenth century.


Translation into English.

Translation from English into French or German.



Whateley's Elements of Logic, fifth edition, the Introduction, 1st
Book, and the 2nd Book to the end of Chap. III.


The First, Third, and Fourth Books of Paley's Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy, and Butler's Three Sermons on Human Nature.

The papers in Classics shall consist of passages to be translated, accompanied by questions in Grammar, History, and Geography.

Until the year 1841, Candidates who show a competent knowledge in Classics, and in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy shall be approved by the Examiners.

After the year 1840, Candidates shall not be approved by the Examiners, unless they show a competent knowledge in the four branches of Examination.

1. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy.

2. Chemistry, Animal Physiology, Vegetable Physiology, and Structural Botany.

3. Classics.

4. Logic and Moral Philosophy.

In the first week of examination the Examinations shall be conducted in the following order:

[blocks in formation]

Monday.....Chemistry, Animal and Vegetable Physiology.
Tuesday.... Logic and Moral Philosophy.

Wednesday.. History.

Thursday....French. German.

On the Monday morning in the following week the Examiners shall arrange in two divisions, each in alphabetical order, such of the Candidates as have passed.'

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We have said that if the modifications so often spoken of were effected, a much larger number of our students might take their degree than can be expected to do so at present. Under no circumstances, however, could the bulk of them aspire to this distinction. If there were no other obstacle, the expense* (of course somewhat considerably increased, when the college is at a distance from the metropolis) would form an insurmountable obstacle. 'It is not perhaps very probable,' we quote from the report of Spring Hill College, that were this privilege 'granted to the college, our students (or indeed those of any 'other college similarly situated) would very generally avail 'themselves of it, seeing that the expense of repairing to Lon'don, and remaining there during the examinations for matricu'lation and degrees, added to the customary fees attending 'both, would be by no means inconsiderable, and would form in 'many cases an insuperable bar. But as there would be many 'who would be well able to take their degrees if it were not for 'the expense, so there would certainly be some to whom this 'would be no obstacle, and it would perhaps hardly be fair to 'deprive those students of the opportunity of obtaining such 'honorable certificates of proficiency as they might be justly

'entitled to.'

Though the university is empowered only to grant degrees in arts, law, or medicine, it has instituted, we think wisely, a voluntary examination in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, in the Greek text of the New, in the evidences of Christianity, and in Scripture history; awarding to the successful candidate a certificate of proficiency. Only those can present themselves for this examination, however, who have already taken the Bachelor of Arts degree. We think it would be better to allow any of the students of the colleges recognized by the university to present themselves for this examination, whether they have taken the Bachelor of Arts degree or not, provided they have matriculated. There are many theological

* The matriculation fee is two pounds; that for the B.A. is ten; that for the M.A. ten. These must of course be usually supplied out of the student's own funds. They could not with any show of propriety be supplied out of those of the colleges themselves, even where there was wealth enough; that wealth having been bequeathed or collected for a specific purpose, and that purpose a very different one.

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