Shakespearean Power and Punishment: A Volume of EssaysGillian Murray Kendall Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press, 1998 - 219 pàgines The essays in this volume demonstrate how effectively different -- indeed seemingly contradictory -- theoretical paradigms can work with Shakespeare's plays to excavate issues of power and punishment. |
23 | |
Stabbing the Woman in Philaster and Cymbeline | 39 |
Seeing the Emblematic Woman in The Second Maidens Tragedy and The Winters Tale | 59 |
Power and Punishment in Measure for Measure | 89 |
Staging Punishment in Measure for Measure | 113 |
Measure for Measure | 130 |
Altres edicions - Mostra-ho tot
Shakespearean Power and Punishment: A Volume of Essays Gillian Murray Kendall Visualització de fragments - 1998 |
Shakespearean Power and Punishment: A Volume of Essays Gillian Kendall Murray Previsualització no disponible - 1998 |
Frases i termes més freqüents
Angelo Arethusa argues attempts audience authority Barnardine becomes body natural body politic Caliban characters chastity Claudio comedy comic critics Cymbeline death desire discourse disguise divine dramatic Duke Duke's Duncan Early Modern Elaine Scarry essay execution Falstaff fantasy female feminine final scene Flagellation flesh Foucault gender ghost Govianus grotesque grotesque body Hermione Hermione's human immortality Imogen Isabella Jacobean James James's Jonathan Goldberg kind King Lady Leontes London Lucio Macbeth male Malvolio Mariana marriage Measure for Measure Merry Wives metaphor Michel Foucault Mistress mortality overkill Paulina Philaster physical play's playwright Polixenes Pornography potentially power and punishment Problem Comedies Prospero's Queen reading Renaissance revenge says Second Maiden's Tragedy seems sexual Shakespeare Quarterly Shakespeare's plays Shakespearean Power speaking speech stabbing stage subjects suggests Swetnam Tempest theater thee tion treason truth Twelfth Night Tyrant University Press Vienna violence virgin Winter's Tale Wives of Windsor woman women York