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" Some heavenly music (which even now I do), To work mine end upon their senses, that This airy charm is for, I'll break my staff, Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And, deeper than did ever plummet sound, I'll drown my book. "
The Dramatic Works and Poems of William Shakespeare, with Notes, Original ... - Pągina 52
per William Shakespeare - 1831
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text ..., Volum 1

William Shakespeare - 1803 - 494 pągines
...potent art : But this rough magick I here abjure : and, when I have requir'd Some heavenly musick, (which even now I do,) To work mine end upon their...I'll break my staff. Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And, deeper than did ever plummet sound, I'll drown my book. [Solemn maskk. Re-enter ARIEL :...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare ...: With the Corrections and ..., Volum 2

William Shakespeare - 1805 - 392 pągines
...magick, Sec.] This speech of Prospero I here abjure: and, when I have requir'd Some heavenly musick, (which even now I do,) To work mine end upon their...I'll break my staff, Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And, deeper than did ever plummet sound, I'll drown my book. [Solemn musick. Re-enter ARIEL:...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With Notes of Various Commentators, Volum 1

William Shakespeare - 1806 - 394 pągines
...potent art : But this rough magick I here abjure : and, when I have requir'd Some heavenly musick, (which even now I do,) To work mine end upon their...I'll break my staff, Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And, deeper than did ever plummet sound, I'll drown my book. [Salemn musick. Re-enter ARIEL...
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The Plays of Shakspeare: Printed from the Text of Samuel Johnson ..., Volum 12

William Shakespeare - 1807 - 344 pągines
...pine and cedar : graves, at my command, Have waked their sleepers; oped, and let them forth By my so potent art : But this rough magic I here abjure: and,...I'll break my staff, Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And, deeper than did ever plummet sound, I'll drown my book. [Solemn music. Re-enter ARIEL:...
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The Works of William Shakespeare, Volum 1

William Shakespeare - 1810 - 444 pągines
...pine and cedar : graves, at my command, Have wak'd their sleepers ; op'd, and let them forth By my so potent art : But this rough magic I here abjure :...I'll break my staff, Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And, deeper than did ever plummet sound, I'll drown my book. [Solemn music. Re-enter ARIEL :...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare: Sketch of the life of Shakspeare. Tempest ...

William Shakespeare - 1811 - 454 pągines
...pine and cedar : graves, at my command, Have waked their sleepers ; oped, and let them forth By my so potent art : But this rough magic , I here abjure...I'll break my staff, Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And, deeper than did ever plummet sound, I'll drown my book. [Solemn mttrie. Re-enter Ariel...
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Historical and critical matter The tempest. Two gentlemen of Verona. Merry ...

William Shakespeare - 1811 - 510 pągines
...potent art : But this rough magick" I here abjure : and, when I have requir'd Some heavenly musick, (which even now I do,) To work mine end upon their...I'll break my staff, Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And, deeper than did ever plummet sound, I'll drown my booL [Solemn mutiek. 1 ( Weak masters...
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The Works of William Shakespeare: In Nine Volumes, Volum 1

William Shakespeare - 1810 - 436 pągines
...their sleepers ; op'd, and let them forth By my so potent art : But this rough magic I here abjure -J and, when I have requir'd Some heavenly 'music, (which...I'll break my staff, Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And, deeper than did ever plummet sound, I'll drown my book. « [Solemn music. Re-enter ARIEL...
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The dramatic works of William Shakspeare. Whittingham's ed, Volum 1

William Shakespeare - 1814 - 532 pągines
...command, Have wak'd their sleepers; oped, and let them forth By my so potent art : But this rough magin I here abjure : and, when I have requir'd Some heavenly...I'll break my staff, Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And, deeper than did ever plummet sound, I'll drown my book. [Solemn Music. •Re-enter ARIEL...
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The dramatic works of William Shakspeare, Volum 1

William Shakespeare - 1814 - 470 pągines
...command, Have wak'd their sleepers; oped, and let them forth Bv my so potent art : But this rough nmgin 1 here abjure : and, when I have requir'd Some heavenly...senses, that This airy charm is for, I'll break my stair', . Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And, deeper than did ever plummet sound, I'll drown...
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