Imatges de pàgina

Other Congregational Churches.

BRAINTREE. The annual public meeting of the Baptist church and congregation, Braintree, took place on New Year'sday, when the spacious new school-room was well filled at the tea and the public meeting in the evening. The meeting was presided over by the pastor, the Rev. J. Mostyn, who, at the commencement, read a very interesting paper, connecting the history of this church with quotations found in Dr. Evans's "Early English Baptists," referring to the reign of Edward VI., 1547-1553. From the statements then made, the Baptist interest in Braintree has evidently had a history of upwards of three hundred years, and in all probability it is the oldest Nonconformist cause in existence. In reference to the present state of the cause, the paper concluded by stating that, during the last four years of Mr. Mostyn's ministry, no fewer than eighty-one members have been added to the church; that, within the last two years, the present commodious school-room has been erected, and other alterations effected, at an expense of £300; that the Sabbath-school, which numbers about 300 children, is flourishing; that the church, now numbering 180 members, is prosperous and peaceable, and the congregation large Interesting addresses were also delivered by Messrs. Adkins, Pluck, Benson, Tunbridge, Hunnable, and Collins.

|superintendent of the school, Mr. W. T. Posgate. The testimonial consisted of a very handsome silver inkstand, along with Macaulay's "History of England, complete in eight volumes, bound in calf; and the inscription in the books stated that they were presented" by the officers, teachers, and senior scholars of the schools, as a token of their high appreciation of his efficient and valuable services as superintendent during the past eight years." Mr. Posgate acknowledged the gift in kind and appropriate terms. Many interesting speeches were made during the evening, all bearing on the interests

of the Sabbath-school.

THE NUMBER OF CONGREGATIONAL MINISTERS in the United Kingdom, the Colonies, and heathen lands, is about 2,600. There are on the Continent, 148 Independent churches in Belgium, France, Switzerland, and Holland.

REV. JOHN GRAHAM, of Craven Chapel, London, has accepted an invitation to become the pastor of the leading Independent Church in Sydney.


RELIGIOUS LIBERTY IN AUSTRIA.-The within the last few years in Austria is progress which religious liberty has made most gratifying. To the credit of the Emperor be it said, the impulse to it is proceeding from him. At a review of the Austrian army, near Olmutz, by the Emperor Francis Joseph, he noticed a sergeant whose breast was decorated with NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE.-The an- several medals, which the bravery of nual meeting of the Berwick-street chapel this soldier in several battles, and notably was held, Rev. W. Walters, pastor, in the in Italy, had obtained him. The Emperor chair. The chapel is now too small for the called the colonel of the regiment and increasing congregation. There are 414 asked him why this sergeant, who apmembers in the church, 139 of whom peared to be an excellent soldier, was have been received during the present still a sous-officer. The colonel replied― pastorate. There are two Sabbath- "Sire, in our regiment there is not a schools, a good Tract Society, one preach- single Jewish officer; this soldier is a ing station, and the church supports a Jew, and wishes to pass as such, and misionary in East Prussia in connection this is why he cannot advance." The with the German Baptist Union. Speeches Emperor replied "In my army I were delivered by the pastor, Revs. R. know neither Jew nor Christian: I know Brown, G. Stewart, and R. Thompson. only soldiers;" and he appointed on the HALIFAX, Trinity-road.-On Christ-spot the sergeant as an officer in his guard. mas-day the teachers and senior scholars Again, in the University of Vienna there of the Baptist Sabbath-school, Halifax, are now four Jewish professors. When, held their annual tea-party, after which some few years ago, a liberal member a meeting of a very interesting character ventured to suggest in the Imperial took place, the large school-room being Council the appointment of an eminent nearly full. During the evening Mr. Jewish physician as professor of some Lockhead made a presentation to the medical branch in which he had par


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we need not find any difficulty in the

ticularly distinguished himself, the proposer was reminded that this was a permitted alternative of baptizing by Catholic university," in which no Jew dipping or pouring;" and "that if any could be permitted to teach. The appoint- one insists on perceiving any theological ment, of course, did not take place. But difference between the two practices, we the best proof of the thorough change say at once the Church of England docin policy which Austria has lately under- trine is most completely represented by gone in this respect will be perceived immersion." from the following incident, which lately DEATH OF PASTEUR FREDERIC Monod. occurred at Verona, and which we find -Our readers will learn without surprise described in these terms:-There is that Pasteur Frederic Monod has entered nothing remarkable in it that a court at into his rest. The nature of his wearingVerona should have severely punished out and painful malady rendered recovery some individuals who insulted, and even hopeless, but his mind was stayed upon assaulted, a Jewish gentleman for no God, and he was supported by the proother reason than because he was a Jew. mises of that gracious Master whom he In Austria's most bigoted days the Gov- had faithfully served in the Gospel from ernment did not permit any other insults his entrance into the ministry in 1818. to be offered to Jews than those sanc- M. F. Monod was one of the very first tioned by her fanatical laws. But what fruits of the Revival in Geneva, in 1817, is indicative of a radical change of policy and acted as the interpreter of the late in this respect, are the remarks made by Robert Haldane in his discussions with the Judge when pronouncing sentence the students of Divinity, who assembled on the ruffians, who in the most brutal in his apartments in the Promenade St. manner possible evinced their aversion Antoine, during the winter session of to unbelieving Jews. The judge on the that year. Mr. Frederic Monod was the occasion said: "By outraging the religi- first of his family to preach the true ous rites of the Israelites, the prisoners doctrines of the Gospel, and for many have misconceived the conditions of years was a pastor in the Reformed modern civilisation, and have not recog- National Protestant Church at Paris. In nised, or do not wish to recognise, 1845 he became the pastor of the Free that the time is gone by-and gone Church. by for ever-when a man was despised solely because he was of a faith different to our own. They do not understand, son to believe that the state of the or do not wish to understand, that society Queen's health will not yet permit her to has at last arrived at the recognition that resume the ostensible and prominent it is itself responsible for the faults im-functions which, though by no means the puted to the Israelites, by having bani- highest, are popularily considered among shed them from its midst for so many duties. the most indispensible of her public centuries."-Jewish Chronicle. Her reappearance, whenever she is capable of the effort, will be welcomed with universal sympathy and respect.


THE QUEEN.-There is, we fear, rea

ISLINGTON, Crow-street Chapel.-Rev. A. C. Thomas has been compelled to resign his pastorate through ill-health. This the church very reluctantly accepted. The eight years of Mr. Thomas's labours at Cross Street have been a season of unbroken prosperity of the church. His illness arises from over-taxing his strength.

BAPTISM. The Rev. Llewelyn Davies, Rector of Christ Church, Marylebone, and a disciple of Maurice, thus speaks, in a recent pamphlet intended for "Parochial use":"The person to be baptized is called upon to make a confession of his faith in the terms of the oldest and simplest of the Church's creeds, and also to undertake certain engagements corresponding to the privileges conferred upon him;" that "the case of adult baptism being exceptional in a Christian country, A STATUE TO OLIVER GOLDSMITH, this confession is commonly made through placed before Trinity College, Dublin, was sponsors;" that sponsorship, however, completed and "inaugurated" recently, "is not included in what Christ himself in presence of a large assemblage. ordained, and in the eyes of the whole The Lord Lieutenant, in terms graceful Christian Church a baptism without and eloquent, made the opening speech sponsors is a complete baptism;" that at the ceremony.


(Continued from page 30.)

and at first there was an apparent improvement. During this visit his only surviving sister, who had been languishing for some time, died of consumption. This bereavement, in his extremely debilitated state, was a great trial. Moreover the cold keen air of that part of the country brought on a severe attack of pleurisy which still more prostrated our brother's strength; so that on his return he was feeble, and looking thinner than he had ever done before.

REV. J. HOLROYD.-In the autumn of 1861, Mr. H. was seized with gastric fever, caught whilst visiting one of his members. Probably his previous decline of health and vigour increased his susceptibility to infection. The fever continued for several weeks, though he did not have it in its most virulent form. As the symptoms of fever declined, those of consumption appeared; and it became evident to all who were not biassed by strong affection and In November he had another attack of sanguine hope, that there was not much pleurisy. Towards the latter end of ground to expect his recovery. Our dear December, the symptoms of disease inbrother always looked on the bright side. creased, and he began to decline more In the beginning of the year, notwith- rapidly. Yet, ill as he was, on Christmas standing a cough and continued hoarseness, Day, our brother attended the annual for some weeks he resumed the exercises meeting of the Mutual Improvement of the pulpit, but before the end of Feb- Society-a society in Barlestone that he ruary was obliged to give up preaching had been the means of organizing, and in altogether. Through the advice of anxious which he took great interest. Though friends, early in March our brother visited quite unfit to deliver an address, he evithe Isle of Wight, to try effect of a change dently felt urged to it, under the conviction of air and a warmer climate; but nearly that it was probably the last time that he all the time he stayed there the weather should have the opportunity. The few was very cold and wet; and being a stranger solemn earnest words that he uttered were in a strange neighbourhood, he got low- deeply felt, and will be long remembered. spirited and nervous, and soon returned, He spoke most affectionately, as in the very little, if any, better. Shortly after-sight of God, and on the verge of eternity. wards, the expressed opinion of a physician As death drew near, his conceptions of the he had repeatedly consulted-that if he should be restored to a considerable degree of health and strength, he would never be able to preach again-much depressed and troubled him. But his spirits quickly recovered their buoyancy, and but rarely afterwards were his ordinary liveliness and hopefulness disturbed. It would have On the Saturday before his death, his been gratifying to my friendship, and co-pastor brother Bott, and Mr. Haddon, probably useful to some of our readers, an Independent minister who lives in the if I felt myself at liberty to make liberal neighbourhood, called to see him, and he quotations from his correspondence about was able to converse freely. That evening, this time and onward to the close of his on being asked the state of his mind, be life; but I am held back by the apprehen- replied that he was perfectly peaceful. He sion that it would take up a larger space added-" I have not the shadow of a doubt than is apportioned to contributions of now, but I have no raptures; and I think this class. I will therefore content myself it is better so." In the course of the next with stating that during his long and try-day he exclaimed, " Holy, holy, holy. ing affliction, our brother exercised the No sin there!" At another time-" I long graces and manifested the spirit that he to gaze on a pure likeness, and to see Him had been accustomed to urge on others in as He is." It became evident, in the night, similar circumstances, He was commonly that he was about to die. He himself was very cheerful, and though often sanguine fully conscious of it, and even noticed the under the disappointment of his hopes, progress of dissolution. The last words was submissive and resigned. Towards he could articulate were, "No sin there!" the latter end of June, some of his friends At about seven o'clock on Monday morning, in Yorkshire expressed a desire that our January 5th, 1863, his ransomed spirit brother would try the effect of his native passed from a state of suffering into the air. With this in view, he ventured to presence and joy of his Lord. attend the Association at Halifax, and stayed in the neighbourhood a few weeks;

holiness of God seemed at first to unnerve him; but the precious declaration, 1 John i. 9, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness," was applied with sweet power to his mind, and gave him comfort and confidence.

On the following Thursday noon he was interred in the Barton burial ground. The

Mrs. Crabtree-Samuel Feber.

service was conducted by the Revs. E. Bott, and T. Stevenson, of Leicester, in the presence of a deeply-affected audience. Public reference was subsequently made to this bereavement at Barton, by the surviving pastor, from the text that had been chosen by our late lamented brother.

The highly esteemed minister whose memory we record, was a young man of modest manners, of an affectionate, social spirit, and much energy of character. As a preacher, he was very fluent, earnest, and sometimes eloquent. Though acceptable wherever he preached, probably his popularity was affected by deficiency of control over the shrillness and tones of his voice. The ministrations of our late brother were more indicative of mental fertility, than great effort or research. His subjects were diversified, and well chosen; and his sermons were characterised by catholicity, pathos, and a liberal infusion of evangelic truth. As a friend and pastor, brother Holroyd was much respected; and if it had pleased God to spare his life and health, there is no doubt he would have been a great blessing to the church generally, and especially to that branch of it in the neighbourhood in which he lived.

A short time before our late brother's decline of health, the Home Missionary Society had requested him to become one of its secretaries. The willingness and aptitude he evinced to serve the Connexion, at the next meeting of the Committee, will be remembered with painful interest by several of our readers.

After the lapse of nearly twelve months, we cannot reflect on this bereavement with out deep sorrow. Our young friend seemed eminently fitted for usefulness, and we regarded his settlement in the venerable Barton district with much pleasure and confidence. Our expectation is cut off but we, with the bereaved church and denomination, must bear with submission to the will of the All-wise and the Infinite, and solace ourselves with the remembrance that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, to day, and for ever."

Leicester, Nov. 21, 1863.

MRS. CRABTREE.-"The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance." On the 14th of Nov., 1863, and in the 80th year of her age, died Mrs. Crabtree, of Hurst Wood. About forty-four years ago she united with the church at Shore, Todmorden, Yorkshire. On the formation of the church at Vale, she became a member there. At the time of uniting with the church at S., she lived three to four miles from the chapel, and during her connection with the church at Vale she has resided five



or six miles from the chapel. attendance on the means of grace, whilst so distant from them as to her place of residence, and during all kinds of weather, has often excited the astonishment and admiration of those who lived near the sanctuary. Vigorous in body and mind, deeply sensible of her unworthiness and obligations, trusting only in Christ, and thoroughly consecrated to the service of her Saviour, she earnestly, perseveringly, prayerfully, and successfully sought the conversion of her whole family. Looking well to her household, diligent and economical in her worldly concerns, a lover of home and of peace, warmly attached to the cause of Christ, and giving practical and satisfactory evidence thereof, she lived and died in the affections and praise of her family, her Christian friends and neighbours. Her husband, about twelve years ago, died in the faith of the gospel. Apparently as a recompence for her lengthened and remarkable attendance on the house of God, which continued for years after she had attained to "threescore years and ten," during the last year of her life, when unable longer to walk to her beloved sanctuary, she had, through the kind arrangements of providence, a portion of her own large house made into a chapel, in which the worship of God was regularly conducted, and the Lord's Supper occasionally administered. A Sunday School has been taught, meetings for prayer and the relation of Christian experience, and other meetings of a benevolent character, have been held therein. In some of these the departed took great interest, and derived from them such consolation as to make her last days her best days. She often spoke of her unworthiness, but she trusted only in Jesus. In her last affliction she said that her Saviour had come to her and told her not to doubt. Assured that Jesus would keep what she had committed unto Him, and desiring all survivors to consider their latter end, she departed hence, we doubt not, to enjoy the blessedness of those who die in the Lord. May her children and children's children, with an innumerable number, meet her in heaven.

SAMUEL FEBER.-Some of the disappointed hopes in the domestic circle and in the church during the year 1863 have been occasioned by the removal of the esteemed young friend whose name is at the head of this brief notice. He was born at the Frieldhurst, near Shore, Todmorden, Yorkshire, in December, 1844. Carefully trained under the care of a pious mother, he was accustomed to attend the Sabbath School and house of prayer from a very early age. Almost literally it might

circle, and among all his Christian friends, he was highly esteemed and sincerely loved. Always somewhat delicate, his bodily health was especially fluctuating during the last three years of his life. But notwithstanding this, until a few months before his death, he was a regular attendant at the public and social means of grace, an attentive listener to the preached word, and a diligent reader. Evidence of this is found in his diary left behind, in which for years he regularly recorded exercises of mind, characteristics of public and social gatherings, incidents in Christian intercourse, notes of sermons heard, with a great variety of appropriate strictures and observations-a record which will form an affecting memento to his bereaved parents, relatives and friends.

be said, "He was born and nourished the pastor's Bible class, in the domestic there." Some of the earliest exercises of his mind had reference to religion and its claims on his personal attention. Before he was ten years old he was anxious to go with his mother to the "experience meeting." In an autobiography left from which many interesting facts and paragraphs might be given, he says:-"When about ten years of age I had a strong desire to enjoy religion and become the Lord's, and shortly after that period was enabled to cast myself by faith as a poor sinner on Jesus as my Saviour. It is true I did not then possess much knowledge, but had sufficient, I trust, to enable me, with childlike simplicity, to rely on Him. By degrees a clear sense of acceptance was imparted to me-but the light dawned, and the darkness was chased away as when "The morning light

Drives away the night,

With the sun so bright and full." Having given satisfactory evidence of renewal in the spirit of his mind, he was baptized with four others, March 21, 1856, and united with the Shore church. From that time to the day of his death he gradually advanced in knowledge; and, as he had opportunity humbly and earnestly laboured in the service of Christ. Though diffident and unassuming, he was ready to every good work, and manifested a degree of thoughtfulness and wisdom far beyond his years. There was something so amiable in his spirit and so attractive in his simple piety, that the church felt she might take special notice of him, without either fostering pride in his own heart, or exciting the envy of his older brethren. Hence he was early engaged as a teacher in the Sabbath school, in conducting public prayer meetings, and in addressing his fellow-men on the great themes of the gospel, and in all these was acceptable and useful. As a fellow-worker in the kingdom and patience of Christ, as a member and secretary of

In his last affliction his mind was calm and thoughtful, and generally cheerful and hopeful. Many of his friends found in their visits to him a profitable means of grace. The full use of his mental faculties were mercifully preserved to the last. He calmly watched and talked about the approach of death, was firm in his faith in Jesus, informed his sympathising friends when the last messenger was at hand, and not two minutes before he ceased to breathe could clearly articulate and assure them that "all was right and well." Then respiration ceased, and the redeemed and happy spirit was borne hence.

"So fades the summer cloud away,
So gently shuts the eye of day;

So sinks the gale when storms are o'er,
So dies the wave along the shore."

S. Feber died at Lineholme, Todmor-
den, April 10, 1863, aged 18 years. And
on Lord's-day, April 26, 1863, the Shore
chapel was crowded in every part, when
his removal was improved by the pastor of
the church from 1 Thess. iv. 14. "Even
so them also that sleep in Jesus will God
bring with him."
T. G. S.

Notes of the Month.


-The boldness of Puseyism in the EngPAPISTS keep true to their ancient super-lish Church is increasing, as the following stitions. The other day the Queen of advertisement in a recent number of the Spain, being somewhat indisposed, ordered the right arm of St. John to be transferred from one of the churches of Catalonia to her private chapel! The relic, so say the Madrid papers, will not be sent back till after her Majesty's accouchement.-The Bishop of Tréves, Arnoldi, of holy coat celebrity, died of apoplexy early in January.

Church Times will show: "Wanted, a Priest, with some experience in receiving confessions, and an earnest preacher (extempore preferred), for the senior curacy of a London church. He would be one of four clergy, and must be able to sing the services, including the office of Holy Communion." Bishop Colenso has been

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