Imatges de pàgina

earnestly take up this important propo-stored to fellowship. After the doxology sition. The Rev. E. Foster, of Wen- had been sung, and the minutes of the dover, will preach, D.V., in the evening, previous meeting read, the following at halfpast six o'clock. business was transacted:

J. BATEY, Secretary.

THE WARWICKSHIRE CONFERENCE was held at Longford First Church, May 9th. There was a public service in the morning, at which brother Cross, of Coventry, preached from John xii. 27, aud part of 28th verse.

Brother Allsop presided at the business meeting in the afternoon.

Reports were presented, either by letter or deputation, from all the churches except one. Since the last Conference twenty-seven persons have been baptized, and there are twenty-eight candidates.

1. The Easter Conference.-A large majority of the meeting voted in favour of continuing the Easter Conference as heretofore.

2. Case from Whitwick.-The friends at Whitwick stated that the chapel was in a very precarious condition, that £300 borrowed upon the chapel had been called in, and that they were in perplexity as to the way in which the call could be met. Resolved (1.) That we think it very desirable that the chapel property at Whitwick be retained by the denomination; that Messrs. Salisbury, of Hugglescote, and Goadby and Elliott of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, be requested to act as a Committee to advise with, and assist the friends at Whitwick in obtaining the money to pay off the mortgage. (2). That the members of At the close of the business a very the Conference sympathize with the interesting and profitable conversation friends at Whitwick in their intention to followed on "The secret of Christian raise £100 during the next twelve months usefulness." Brother Lees, of Walsall, to reduce the debt upon the chapel, and opened the subject by insisting on per-recommend the churches of the Confersonal holiness, distinctiveness of aim, ence to render them assistance for their earnest sympathy, practical wisdom and proposed bazaar. tact, and Divine power. These topics were afterwards referred to, and additional suggestions made by several brethren, in a spirit which manifested great interest in the subject.

The Secretary, whose term of office expired at this meeting, was thanked for his past services, and requested to resume them for three years.

In the evening brother Lees preached to a large congregation.

3. Village Churches.-Mr. Marshall, of Loughborough, had not prepared a paper on this subject, but gave a short address. A letter was read from the Rev. E. Bott declining to take the work assigned him. The subject of village churches was adjourned till the evening. The next Conference is appointed to The next Conference will be held at be held at Nuneaton, Sept. 12. Brother Barton-in-the-Beans, on Tuesday, Sept. Allsop, of Longford, to preach in the 20. Rev. G. Hester to preach; or, in morning. Should time permit in the case of failure, Rev. E. Stevenson, of afternoon, there will be a conversation Loughborough. on the subject of "Encouragements to Christian usefulness," to be opened by brother W. Crofts, of Wolvey.

J. HARRISON, Secretary.

The annual Whitsuntide collection for incidental Conference expenses amounted to £3 14s. 9d.

In the evening an interesting discussion took place in reference to village churches. Valuable suggestions were thrown out by various brethren, and a resolution passed.

J. C. PIKE, Sec. pro tem.


THE MIDLAND CONFERENCE met at Castle Donington on Whit Tuesday, May 17, 1864. Rev. E. J. Jackson, of Billesdon, preached in the morning from 2 Cor. iv. 6, "God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness," &c. Rev. W. Chapman, of Melbourne, pre- LOUTH, Northgate.-On Sunday, May sided at the afternoon meeting, and Rev. 22, two persons, mother and daughter, W. R. Stevenson, M.A., of Nottingham," put on Christ by baptism ;" and a little prayed. The reports from the churches while before, two others submitted to the were as follows: ninety-one baptized, same sacred rite, and were received into 129 candidates for baptism, and two re- the fellowship of the church.

Our Churches.

LENTON.-On the first Sabbath in April, five friends were baptized and added to the church; on the first Lord'sday in May, fourteen were baptized; and also on May 15 we had a baptism, when sixteen more put on Christ; and all were received into the church. We have had an unusual number of restoraL. R. W. tions. LEICESTER, Friar Lane.-On Lord'sday, May 1, after a sermon by our minister, five friends went through the waters of baptism, and in the afternoon of the same day they were admitted to the Lord's table. Our minister kindly gave to each a copy of "A Guide to Young Disciples."

E. H.

DERBY, Osmaston Road.-On Wednesday night, May 18, five persons were baptized by the Rev. W. Jones, pastor, three being connected with the Sunday


T. H. H.

BURNLEY.-On Lord's-day, Feb. 28, our pastor, the Rev. J. Alcorn, baptized five persons who professed to have found peace with God through cur Lord Jesus Christ.

VALE, near Todmorden.-On April 16th, nine persons put on Christ in baptism, of whom eight united with the church at Vale.

On Lord's-day,
May 1, one candidate was baptized by
Mr. Barrass, and received into the




LOUTH. Opening of New General
Baptist Chapel.-The church and con-
gregation gathered under the ministry of
the late Rev. J. Kiddall, and which has
hitherto worshipped in a rented chapel
in Walker Gate, opened their new and
In the morning
very comfortable place of worship on
Thursday, April 21.
the Rev. W. Brock, D.D., of London,
preached a most effective and eloquent
sermon from Matt. xxvi. 7. A choice
selection of articles was offered for sale
in the school-room after the morning
service, the sale of which was resumed
at noon on Friday, and continued during
the evening. A collation was served in
the school-room. The chair was taken
by Mr. W. Newman. At the close the
health of Her Majesty was proposed,
addresses delivered by Rev. W. Brock,
and heartily responded to, and short
and Rev. T. Horsfield the pastor of the
church. The afternoon service was con-

ducted by Rev. R. Ingham, of Vale, The public tea meeting was numerously near Todmorden, from Acts xxiv. 20. attended-probably about four hundred persons present. The evening meeting was presided over by John Crossley, Esq., of Halifax, who expressed his gratification with the general appearance of the building, and his opinion that the work was well done, and that premises so comfortable and extensive were rarely built without a larger expenditure. He earnestly recommended that a debt should not be allowed to remain long upon the building, and enThe meeting WALSALL.-The fourth anniversary of couraged the friends to continue their the pastorate of the Rev. W. Lees was efforts for its removal. commemorated by a public tea-meeting was afterwards addressed by Revs. R. on Monday, the 18th of April. A large Ingham, W. Orton, W. Herbert, H. company sat down to tea in the school- Richardson, G. Shaw, W. T. Symons, room and chapel, after which the public J. Taylor, and Mr. W. Newman. It meeting commenced. The pastor occu- was very gratifying to observe in the pied the chair, and stated in his opening congregations representatives from all remarks that more than 240 persons had the religious bodies in the town, and been received into church-membership many friends from the surrounding vilduring his four years' ministry-64 of lages. The collections during the day whom had joined the church during the amounted to £147; this amount was Good practical addresses increased to £215 by a donation of £50 past year. were delivered by the Revds. C. Beadle, from the worthy chairman, and £20 A. Major, J. Dixon, and J. Harrison. from a Wesleyan friend from Bacup. The meeting was enlivened by the choir The opening services were continued on singing several pieces, accompanied by Lord's-day, April 24, when the Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A., of Nottingham, the piano. preached morning and evening. In the afternoon the Lord's supper was celebrated, and five persons who had been

REV. E. BOTT, of Barton Fabis, terminates his pastorate of that church in the middle of July.

recently baptized were welcomed to the | £31. Through the energy and zeal of fellowship of the church. Collections one of the friends £150 have also been during the day £59. On Lord's-day, collected. The plans, &c., of the schoolMay 1, the opening services were room, were kindly furnished by Mr. brought to a close by Rev. J. T. Barker, Salisbury, of Ashby, free of charge. of Harwich, preaching two excellent sermons. Collections, £63. In the afternoon the minister of the place preached from Psalm lxxxvii. 5-6. The neat and comfortable chapel and spacious school-rooms and class-rooms have cost, including the land, about £1,700, and have been built from plans and specifications made by the pastor of the church. The total proceeds of the opening services, including the bazaar, &c., amount to nearly £400; this, with £650 previously obtained, will leave the church in as easy a position as it was in occupying a rented chapel.

LONG EATON, Derbyshire.—On Monday, May, 2nd, the foundation-stone of a new Baptist chapel was laid about a mile from the Trent station, by R. Birkin, Esq., Nottingham, one of the directors of the Midland Railway. In addition to the villagers, many friends from the neighbourhood were present. Prayers were offered by the Revs. E. Stevenson, Loughborough, and H. Hunter, Nottingham, and a brief address was delivered by the Rev. W. Underwood, president of Chilwell College. In the evening, after a public tea, a meeting was held in the room hitherto used for worship, at which R. Birkin, Esq., presided, when addresses were delivered by the Revs. H. Hunter, E. Stevenson, J. Lewitt, W. Underwood, and several of the students at Chilwell College.

KNIPTON.-On Lord's-day, May 1, the anniversary services in connection with this place were held, and with great success. Our much esteemed friend, Mr. F. Mantle, of Hose, preached two sermons to large and very attentive BURNLEY.-On Lord's-day, March 13, hearers. The little chapel was crowded the chapel anniversary sermons were to excess. On Monday a good tea was preached by the Right Hon. Lord provided, of which upwards of a hun- Teynham; and on the following Tuesdred partook; and in the evening ad- day evening a sermon was preached by dresses were delivered by Messrs. Pike, the Rev. H. Dowson, of Bradford. On of Grantham; Smith and Mantle, of Good-Friday, March 25, a tea meeting Hose; Silverwood, of Redmile. At the was held in the school-room, and the commencement of this year the friends trays were gratuitously furnished by the established a Sabbath school. We are friends. After tea, appropriate adthankful to state that it is in a very dresses were delivered by the chairmau, flourishing condition. Truly the Lord the Rev. J. Alcorn, and by Messrs. is in our midst. We are led to think the T. Booth, W. Jackson, W. B. Venn, place will soon be too strait for us. The J. Crabtree, D. Farrar, D. Burrows, teachers are earnest and hopeful. The and J. Taylor. The proceeds of the tea chapel was beautifully decorated, through and collections amounted to the sum the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Clare, who of £43. furnished us with choice plants in pots and cut flowers. The proceeds of the anniversary were about £7.

ROCHDALE.-On Lord's-day, May 8, two sermons were preached in this chapel by the Rev. C. Springthorpe, of Heptonstall Slack. Collections were made on behalf of the Sabbath school, which, with a few contributions since received, amount to £14 13s. 6d.

COALVILLE-The annual sermons in behalf of the Sabbath School were preached on Lord's-day, April 17, by the Rev. J. Lewitt, of Nottingham, the congregations were large, and the col

SHEEPSHEAD.-New school-rooms having been erected in connexion with the General Baptist chapel, and the chapel itself enlarged, opening services were held on Tuesday, May 10, Rev. J. Salisbury, of Hugglescote, preached; collections £10. On the following Lord's-day, Mr. F. Mantle, of Hose, preached; collections £10. On Monday, May 18, a public tea-meeting was held. Ad-lections were £19 6s. 6d. dresses were given by Revs. T. Brom- HINCKLEY.-On Sunday, May 15, wich, G. Hester, H. Tilley, Esq., and two sermons were preached in the Messrs. Marshall, Baldwin, Lacey, Mantle, and Coddington. Total profits of the opening services and the tea were

General Baptist chapel, Hinckley, on behalf of the schools, by Rev. W. Lees, of Walsall; collections nearly £12.

Other Congregational Churches.


FLECKNEY.-On Whit Tuesday, May | already obtained some slight hold in the 17, we held our annual scholars' tea district. Accordingly the necessary armeeting in the afternoon. About sixty rangements were made, and on Thursfriends afterwards took tea in the chapel and school-rooms. In the evening a public meeting was held. Mr. S. Reeve, of Leicester, presided. Suitable addresses were delivered by the chairman, Messrs. John Harris, jun., and T. Collins, Wesleyans, of Kibworth Beauchamp; Messrs. J. Bramley, and W. Fidler, of Leicester. The profit of the tea will be applied to the liquidation of the debt incurred last year. G. C.

day evening, after the Second Lesson, she was engrafted into the body of Christ's Church, by dipping in the name of the Blessed Trinity. The only alteration necessary in the usual service was the postponement of the exhortation to the newly baptized person and her witnesses until after the close of evening prayer. A sermon was afterwards preached by the Rev. W. Chalmers, from Acts xxii. 16; in which the necessity, the blessings, HEPTONSTALL SLACK, Yorkshire.-On and the responsibilities of this great Lord's-day, May 15, two sermons were Christian sacrament were plainly and preached by Rev. J. J. Goadby, of earnestly set forth. We would commend Leicester, on behalf of the Sabbath school. The day was very favourable, the attendance large, and the collections £43 Os. 1d.

Other Congregational Churches.


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this example of compliance with the Church's more ancient custom of immersion to the consideration of the clergy of the diocese, as we think a return to this primitive order might be made subservient to the interests of the Church, particularly in districts where Anabaptists are busily engaged in disturbing the minds of the unstable as to the scriptural authority for pouring on the water. This is (we believe) the fourth adult baptism THE "AUSTRALIAN CHURCH GAZETTE" which has taken place in this parochial AND THE BAPTISTS.-We take the fol- district during the last eighteen months." lowing paragraph from the Church Australian Evangelist. Gazette of December 1st. We did not BERWICK-ON-TWEED. - The annual expect to find a Church of England tea-meeting in connection with Walkerclergyman using opprobrious language. gate Lane Baptist chapel was held on How would the editor of the Gazette feel Tuesday evening, April 24, in the Red if the Evangelist wrote of the proselytis- Lion Assembly Room-the Rev. L. B. ing sect of the Episcopalians. We leave Brown presiding. The attendance was our readers to decide whether the follow-large. After tea, speeches were deliing is in accordance with the apostolic vered by the chairman; the Rev. J. G. injunction, "Be courteous."-"Tarnagulla. A somewhat unusual event occurred in the place of worship in this parish on the evening of November 12th inst., viz.:-the baptism of an adult by immersion. A young person, educated in the Anabaptist opinions, was desirous of conforming to the Church, and applied for baptism. Having been duly examined and approved, she desired that the Rubric, which requires the officiating priest to 'dip' those who come to be baptized in the water,' might be carried out in her case. The parochial clergyman at once acceded to her request, and the more readily, because he feared if he opposed it her mind might afterwards be disturbed as to the lawfulness of the ordinary method by some of the adherents of the proselytizing sect of Anabaptists, which has

Scott, on "Memory;" the Rev. J. Ashmead, on "Church Grumblers;" the Rev. J. Forbes, on "Domestic Worship;" and the Rev. J. Hirst, on "Christian Giving." The choir during the evening sang several anthems.

HARROW.-The foundation-stone of the new Baptist chapel, Harrow, was laid on Saturday, April 16, by Sir S. Morton Peto, Bart., M.P. After the Rev. C. Bailhache had read the Scriptures and prayed, the pastor gave a deeply interesting sketch of the history of the church, and the Rev. J. A. Spurgeon delivered an excellent address, as did also the Rev. Dr. Steane. The Rev. W. W. Evans, the Rev. Joseph Simson, of Edgeware, the Rev. W. Fisk, of Chipperfield, and other ministers and friends, took part in the service.

Notes of the Month.


meetings. Two especially affecting ourTHE Pope is dangerously ill. Who is to selves we must not overlook-the Baptist succeed him? One rumour says that he Union and the Bible Translation Society. is likely to be the last of the line, and Rev. J. P. Mursell was chairman of the that this is the French Tiberius's solution Union, and gave an admirable address. of the Roman question; another whispers The attendance was larger than usual, and that the name of his successor has already the interest much greater. We hope the been determined upon by the College of suggestions of Rev. C. Vince on the exCardinals. Feeble and sickly as he un- tension of the basis of the Building doubtedly is, the Pope-or more properly Society will not be lost. The address of the Cardinals, for they are the ruling Baptist Noel on the state of our churches power, and the Pope is a mere puppet in produced a powerful impression. The their hands-has threatened to put Italy earnest piety and apostolic fervour of the under an interdiction because a Romish speaker won all hearts. We earnestly Cardinal has been put in prison. Let ask that increasing attention may be him. The grass will grow and the mul- given to the Baptist Union. It is a rallyberries flourish in spite of him. The days ing point for all Baptists, and may yet be are gone by when Italians can be scared made the means of great good to the like children with a "bogie." The noto- denomination at large. The chairman of rious Father Ignatius has been in trouble. the Bible Translation Society was Mr. His so-called Benedictine monastery at Marshman, the son of the celebrated misNorwich does not prosper over much. The sionary. He defended the course purlocal journals say that during his absence sued by the Society. It seems incredible recently two "brethren" ran off with the that the British and Foreign Bible Society habiliments of the order, and two others should still be willing to circulate the imhave since made their escape by a back perfect translations of the Papists, and yet window! The Papist newspapers tell us refuse to aid our brethren in their work that old Oliver Cromwell's county is the because they honestly translate the word only county in England where mass is not baptize, to immerse. The Society has celebrated. Some Protestant periodicals aided our brethren in Orissa very liberally. are, on the other hand, taking alarm at We are glad to find that the secretary was the spread of Popery in various portions | able to show a small balance in favour of of the metropolis.-There has been a large the Bible Translation Society. gathering of Episcopal divines at Lambeth palace to present the Oxford Declaration. The new bishop of Peterborough is Dr. Jeune, formerly Dean of Lincoln; and the new bishop of Ely, Dr. Harold Browne. Dean Stanley has once more been blackballed! It was proposed at the Council of the University of Cambridge by the public orator, Mr. Clark, and Professor Thomp-culation respecting the difficulties thrown son, that the Dean should be admitted to by the Queen in the way of her ministers the honorary degree of D.D., but owing to on the Germano-Danish question, and the strong opposition of Dr. Corrie, Master some go so far as to say that Her Majesty of Jesus College, and others, the proposi- threatened to retire to Germany if war tion was withdrawn.-The Baptist anni- were declared with Prussia. An armistice versary meetings this year were more than has been proclaimed, and the Conference usually attractive. We have noticed else- on the Danish question is again sitting. where the annual meeting of the Mis- No satisfactory results have yet come out sionary Society, and should like, if our of it. Whether the alleged violation of space permitted it, to refer to the other the armistice by the Prussian soldiers in


THE Queen, and the younger members of the Royal Family, are at Balmoral, where they will remain till the 10th of June. It appears from the Court Journal that Her Majesty is not intending to visit Germany this year. Many reports have been in cir

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