Imatges de pàgina

additional weight is necessary, and no Guņa is then possible (see 28. b); but in place of Guna, the root or base sometimes remains unmutilated before the light terminations, while mutilation takes place before the heavy. The same holds good in roots ending in á: thus dá and dhá suppress their final vowels before the heavy terminations, and preserve them before the light; see 335, 336. Similarly, as, 'to be,' which by 28. b. cannot be guṇated, drops its initial vowel before the heavy terminations, retaining it before the light; see 32 and compare 320.

294. Another source of difficulty is, that in the second group (viz. the 2d, 3d, and 7th) the verbal base will generally end in a consonant, as most of the roots in these classes end in consonants, and there is no provision for the interposition of a vowel between the root and the terminations. This group of verbal bases, therefore, will resemble the last four classes of nominal bases; and the combination of the final consonant of a base with the initial t, th, dh, or s, of a termination in the conjugational tenses of these three classes requires a knowledge of the laws of Sandhi already propounded, as well as of the following additional rules.

a. Remember, that as regards the initial m, v, y, or vowel of a termination, a hard consonant at the end of a root is not made soft before these letters, but remains unchanged: thus, vać + mi = vaćmi, tekship + vas tekshipvas, and vać + yám = vatyám. See r. 41. C.


295. Observe-The following rules will also apply in forming the conjugational tenses of the Parasmai-frequentative (see 514), and in forming the base of the non-conjugational tenses of all the class except the 10th, and in some of the participles; for although in most roots ending in consonants provision is made for the insertion of the voweli (see 391) before the terminations of these tenses, yet there is a large class of common roots which reject this inserted vowel, leaving the final of the base to coalesce with the initial consonant of the termination. It will be convenient, therefore, in the following pages to introduce by anticipation examples from the non-conjugational tenses and participles.

Combination of final ◄ ć, ☎ ćh, a j, jh, with at, ■ th, ч dh, ʼn s. 296. Final and j, before t, th, dh, and s, are changed tok (compare 43. d), the k blending with s into ☎ ksh by 70, and becoming g before dh: thus, vać + ti = vakti; vać + thas = vakthas ; vać sivakshi; moć + syámi mokshyámi; muć +ta = mukta;


tyaj +ta=tyakta; tyaj + syámi =tyakshyámi. The same applies to final jh, but this is not likely to occur.

a. Similarly, finalch before s; as, prach + syámi = prakshyámi. 297. But a final ch and jare sometimes changed to sh before at, th; and at, th, then become z, 3: thus, Я+ti=afê ; qu + thas = मृष्ठस्; सृज् + ta = सृष्ट ; प्रच्छ् + tá = प्रष्टा.

a. Similarly, a final j may be changed to 3d before v dh, which then becomes dh.

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b. 'to fry,' ■to be immersed,' and a 'to cut,' reject their last consonant, and the first two are treated as if ending in, the last as if ending in . See 632, 633, 630.

Combination of final


dh, bh, with a t, th, 8.

298. Final y dh and bh, before a t and th, are changed, the one tod, the other to b, and both t and th then become dh: thus, rundh with tas or thas becomes equally runddhas; labh+táhe

[blocks in formation]


Note-A similar rule applies to final gh, which must be changed tong, but this can rarely occur.


a. Observe When final dh is preceded by a conjunctn, as in rundh, then the final dh, which has become d (before t and th changed to dh), may optionally be rejected; so that rundh + tas= रुन्द्वस् or रुन्धस्; rundh + tam = रुन्द्वं or रुन्धं.

299. Final dh and bh, before tot, the other top: thus, runatsi; sedh + syámi = setsyámi;

s, are changed by 42, the one

y ruṇadh + fa si becomes Tufa labh + sye = lapsye.

a. If the initial of the syllable containing the final aspirate be g, d, b, or d, then the aspirate, which has been rejected in the final, is thrown back on the initial; as, बोध् bodh + स्ये sye = भोत्स्ये bhotsye; दध् dadh + sva = dhatsva: and in the case of the same applies before See 336, 664. Cf. Opé↓w from τρépw.

t and th, against 298.

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b. The aspirate is also thrown back on the initial, when final dh is changed to d, before the terminations dhve and dhvam. See 336, 664.

Combination of final ś, a sh, ■s, with at, th, s, v dh. 300. Final §, before ♬t and th, is changed to sh; and the t, th, take the cerebral form, thus,+te; and + thás

[blocks in formation]


301. Similarly, final sh, before ☎t and th, requires the change of t, th, to, thus, q+tife; and f+thas = द्विष्टस्. 302. Finals or ash, before us, is changed to ak by 43. e, the then becoming ash by 70: thus, an+si=afa;

द्रश् + syámi = द्रक्ष्यामि .


a. Final ksh is also changed to k; as, ☎ +7=v&. चक्षे. 303. Final sorsh, before dh, is changed to d, the dh becoming dh by 51: thus, fa+dhi = fgfa. Similarly, fa+ dhvam=fs. A final j may also follow this rule; see 632,651, 22. a. Final ksh also becomes 3, k being dropped; as,+= TEG. 304. Finals, before v dh, is either dropped or changed to a d: thus, ćakás+dhi = either fu takádhi or takáddhi; ma + dhi = शाधि; हिंस् + dhi = हिन्धि or हिन्डि, see 658, 673.

a. Before as it is changed to t; as, vas + syámi = vatsyámi. So optionally in 2d sing. impf. of, aśás +3=aśáts = aśát (or aśás).

Combination of final eh with πt, wth, ws, dh.

305. In roots beginning with d, like


duh, 'to milk,' final

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is treated as if it were gh, and is and both t and th then become becomes equally

[blocks in formation]

dh: thus,


Note-In the root

duh + tas or thas

dah + tásmi = dagdhásmi.

the final h is treated as if it were dh, and

becomes d, after which t and th both become dh. See 624.

a. But if a root begin with any other letter than dorn, then its final his dropped, and both the t andth of the termination become dh. Moreover, to compensate for the rejection of the final h, a radical vowel (except ri), if not guņated, is lengthened, and in the roots sah and vah, 'to bear,' changed to o; as, +ta सह् रुह् + ta = रूढ ; लेह् leh + ti = लेढि ledhi; रोह् + tásmi = रोढास्मि ; sah + tá=ǹ; vah+tá =. But +7=7☎ (Pán. VI. 3, 111).


b. 'to injure,' 'to be foolish,' f'to love,' 'to vomit,' optionally follow either 305 or 305. a.



306. Final h, before s, follows the analogy of final sh, and is changed tok, which blends with s into thus, लेह् leh with si becomes लेशि; रोह् + syámi = रोट्र्यामि. Similarly, in Latin, final h becomes k before s; as, veksit (vexit) from veho. a. And if the initial of the syllable ending in h bed, g, ab,

150 GROUP II. (C. 2.)—FORMATION OF BASE OF PRIMITIVE VERBS. ord (the two latter, however, are not likely to occur), then the final is still changed to before s; but the initial d and g are aspirated according to the analogy of 42. C; thus, doh + si=

wyci. धोक्षि ; दह् dah + syámi = धक्ष्यामि ; सगुह aguh+sam =

b. In the root nah final his treated as if it were dh, and becomes before. Compare 182. e, and see 624.



becomes g before dh; i. e. before the dhi of the 2d sing. imperative, c. In roots beginning with ad, like duh and fe dih, final h and before the terminations dhve and dhvam (see d. below): thus, duh+dhifu dugdhi. And in a root beginning with n, like nah, final h becomes d before these terminations.


But if the root begin with any other letter than adorn, then final is dropped, and they dh of the termination becomes dh, the radical vowel (except ri) being lengthened: thus, f lih + dhi affe; lih +dhvam. An option, however, is allowed in the case of the roots at 305. b.

d. And 306. a. applies before dhve and dhvam, when final h becomesg or is dropped, although not before dhi of the imperative: thus, duh + dhve = à dhugdhve; and aguh + dhvam =

अघूदम् aghidhram.

(GROUP II.)-Second class, containing 70 primitive verbs.

(See rr. 290, 291, 292.)

307. Rule for forming the base in the four conjugational tenses. Gunate the vowel of the root (except when debarred by 28. b) in the strong forms, or before those terminations only which are marked with P in the memorial scheme at 246. Before all the other terminations the original vowel of the root must be retained by 293. a.

Remember, that no vowel is interposed between the root and the terminations. Compare Greek verbs like eiui, nui, &c. 258. a, 294.


308. Thus, from fa vid, to know' (Greek edo, idov, Lat. video), is formed the base of the singular present ved (1. ved + mi = àfa vedmi, &c.), and the base of the dual and plural vid (Du. 1. vid +vas= fag vidvas, &c.; Pl. 1. vid + mas = fa vidmas, &c.). So also the base of the imperfect aved and avid (1. aved + amavedam, 2. aved +8=avet or aves by 43. a. and 292); the base of the potential vid (1. vid + yám = fan vidyám, &c.); and the base of the imperative

ved and vid (1. ved + áni = vedáni, 2. vid + dhi = viddhi 291, ved + tu vettu; Du. 1. ved + áva=vedáva, &c. *). See the table at 583.

a. A contracted form of the perfect of vid (365) is sometimes used for the present: thus, Sing. veda, vettha, veda; Du. vidva, vidathus, vidatus; Pl. vidma, vida, vidus; see 168. a. Compare the Greek olda or Folda from the root Fid (ed), also used with a present signification; and the Latin vidi, vidisti, &c. Cf. also the present vidmas with "duer (loμev), vittha with lote, and viddhi with . Compare also the old English verb 'to wit.'

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309. Similarly, from fa, to hate,' come the bases dvesh and dvish (Pres. 1. f; Du. 1. fa, &c.; see 657).

310. So also, from i, 'to go,' come the bases e and i (Pres. 1. efa emi, cf. eiμɩ, 2. efa by 70, 3. efa; Pl. 1. 3, "μev, see 645).

a. to awake' makes, in the same way, jágar and jágri (Pres. I. जागर्मि, &c.; Du. 1. जागृवस्; Pl. 3. जाग्रति ; Impf. 2, 3. अजागर् or बजाग: ; Du. 3. अजागृतां ; Pl. 3. अजागरुस् ; Pot. 1. 3. अजागरुस् ; Pot. 1. जागृयां; Impv. 3. जागर्तु; Pl. 3. जाग्रतु 290.6).

311. The preposition fadhi, 'over,' prefixed to the root i, 'to go,' gives the sense of 'to read' (Atmane-pada only): then becomes iy (compare 123) and blends with adhi into adhty before the vowel-terminations of the pres., impf., and pot. Before the consonantal terminations it becomes adhí. (Hence the Pres. 1., 2. tù, 3. wtà; Du. 1., &c.; Pl. 3. ; Impf. 1. quà; adhi+a+iy+i= अध्यैयि by 260. a, 2. अध्यैथास्, 3. सध्यैत; Du. 1. चध्यैवहि, 2. अध्यैयाथां, &c.; Pot. 1. अधीयीय, अधीयीथास्, &c. ; Impv. 1. adhi+e+ai=अध्ययै by 36.a, 2. t, &c.)

a. The preposition W á is prefixed to the root i, according to the usual rules of Sandhi, and gives the sense of 'to come:' thus, Pres. èfa, fa, èfa; gaa, &c.; Impf. आयं, ऐस्, &c. ; Pot. एयां, एयास्, &c. ; Impr. आयानि, एहि, ऐतु, &c. Again, the prep. apa prefixed gives the sense of 'to go away;' thus, Pres. wf, &c.: and the prep. gives the sense of 'to know;' as, Pres. afa. 312. So also other roots in í and 3 u or Jú change these vowels to iy and uv (compare 123 and 125. a) before the vowel-terminations; as, from ví, 'to go,' come ve, ví, and viy (Pres. 1., &c.; Du. 1.; Pl. 3. fauft. Similarly, to bring forth' (Atmane only), makes in Pres. S. Du. Pl. 3. Hà, gain, सुवते ; and in Impv. S. Du. Pl. 1. सुवै, सुवावहै, सुवामहै, Guna being suppressed.

* The imperative of vid is optionally formed with the syllable ám and the auxiliary verb kri (compare 384): thus, S. 3. facinùg or façı gig. Pánini III. 1, 41. And this root may optionally insert in the 3d pl. Atm. of the pres., impf., and impv.: thus, faca or faça, ufaen or façn, fazni or façni.

† According to some the 3d pl. impf. of वी is सव्यन् as well as सवियन्.

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