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ing to bring it up By what he states, I imagine it to be two years old; and really the chances are fifty to one against his bringing it up. If he had a hundred of them, and two or three old willow trees in his garden, then it would be a different matter. It would be worth the trial. But even then they are always most troublesome and disappointing. They are most assuredly to be reared if attended to when quite young. I have taken the trouble to do this; but I must say they are exceedingly difficult and provoking; and considering the result (save as a matter of curiosity and satisfaction), most disheartening. If "Cerura" be really anxious to go through this three years' nursing, I could put him in the way to succeed, but this had better be a private communication through the medium of our Editor. It would occupy far too much space in OUR JOURNAL. The caterpillar lives three years. I shall be most happy to receive any eggs of the sphynx in question, and will endeavor to rear them joyfully and jovially The last point upon which "Cerura" requires information from me, is one of such a general character that I confess it is quite beyond the limits of an ordinary volume to contain. Now that May has arrived, the young foliage will be pretty generally advancing. Should the month be fine,Cerura" must not let anything escape him in the shape of an insect. The gardens, the forests, the fields, the hedges, the highways, and by-ways -all must be observed. The leaves, the bark, the trunk, the pith, the roots of the trees,-all must undergo the strictest scrutiny. The food you sometimes enjoy nicely grilled for your breakfast; nay, stare not, Cerura!"-the luscious fruit you offer to your ladye-fair; aye, the very dress she wears,may all contain a caterpillar! Positive hunting, positive practical, persevering hunting, by night, by day, and at early morn,-is requisite to become a thorough entomologist. New wonders, fresh delights, will very often reward your perseverance and your exertions. Never fear the silly twaddle of "John Gray, Esq., of Glasgow," but become a truly practical "dabbler" in nature's inexhaustible beauties. These, thank God, are open to ALL of us; and we need ask No person's permission" to stroll" out and enjoy them. If I can at all aid the youthful inquirer, how happy shall I be to do so!—BOMBYX ATLAS, Tottenham.

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Insects, Potatoria, &c.-In answer to the inquiry of Bombyx Atlas, as to my mode of feeding Potatoria, I may state that every morning and evening I give each caterpillar a few drops of water, which they drink freely. Of course it is understood that they are to have their usual food as well. I imagine that in a state of liberty they drink the dew; and as they abound in the lanes round Leytonstone, I shall endeavor during the present month to ascertain whether it is so. The caterpillars of this species survive the winter, and may be found, in the present month, on warm sunny mornings, stretched at full length on the stems of the couch grass, on the twigs of bushes, &c. I have now a goat moth in chrysalis, which I have reared entirely on cork. This caterpillar is of a carnivorous disposition. It devours larve of its own and other species that may be placed with it. Although I have had the caterpillar chrysalis,

and moth of this species, I never discovered the smell it is said to possess.-C. MILLER, Hackney.

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The Emperor Moth; Singular Fact.-Your very delightful correspondent, Bombyx Atlas, is entitled to my best thanks for so kindly answering my inquiry about the Ravages of Insects in Sutton Park. He, too noble-minded to feel a contempt for "dabblers," invites rather than repulses inquiry. To his better judgment I leave it, to decide whether the following circumstance is as singular as many entomologists have assured me it is. At one time, my interests and that of one or two more, was much engaged in the insect world; and their wonderful transformation particularly claimed attention. Boxes were contrived for feeding the larva; and as might naturally be expected, caterpillars were promiscuously picked up.' Amongst the rest, was a remarkably fine one of the Emperor moth. Somehow, this one caterpillar contrived to be treated with distinction, for he had a house and garden to himself (though small enough to be sure). A strong net was securely tied over the top at once, precluding the possibility of his going beyond the prescribed limits; and as effectually preventing any of his relations, or friends, calling upon him. Not that I ever observed any such little attentions on their part. In a few days, Grandpapa (as he was called) began to spin a web; a process we watched most narrowly, till he was so far encased as to be invisible. We then waited patiently till near the time when we expected to see the fly. And now a very sharp look-out was kept up. On removing the net one morning, twin moths had just emerged from the chrysalis. Their wings were not grown, and they were carefully placed to perfect their growth. Both were about the usual size of the Emperor moth when full grown, and both were perfect then. On examining the cocoon, the chrysalis only was there, and those entomologists who saw the fly and cocoons, say they never met with a similar circumstance.-Puss.

Canaries in the Open Air.-Knowing how very much interested you and your readers are in the domestication of canaries in the open air, I send you particulars up to this date (April 5). You will no doubt feel surprised to learn that, notwithstanding the cold weather we had about ten days since (when the thermometer at my south window was at 17, and, nearer the earth, as low as 15.), I have a brood of four young canaries hatched in a Cypress tree. I discovered another on Sunday last. Watching the hen off, (when she went to feed), I peeped into her nest. There, sure enough, were four more young ones! I have three other nests in the open grounds; in one of them I have ascertained that eggs have been already laid. I had fully expected the first brood would have proved a failure; but am delighted to find it otherwise. I send this at once, not waiting for any further additions.-H. S. H. WOLLASTON, Welling, Kent.

[This is proof positive of the justice of our former remarks (see our FIRST and SECOND Volumes). Mr. Wollaston is fast developing what can be done (for it is done), in the way of breed. ing canaries, as regularly as any other of our

birds, in the open air. We hope, ere long, to pay Mr. W. another visit. We will then report further progress. We never enter his delightful domain, without feeling that we are in an earthly paradise.]

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The World" Artificial.”—The remarks of your youthful correspondent at Oxford, Mr. Editor, at page 188, have caused a world of mirth all over the country. It is very well known why you gave them adinission; for they pointed a "noble moral" whilst they adorned a "curious tale." If the women do not become more natural in their mode of apparel, the fault will certainly never rest with the Editor of OUR JOURNAL. This reminds me that I may assist in the same good cause. Shakspeare has said—"Men should be what they seem." We say, "Women," too, "should be what they seem. Shall we ever live to see this? Question!" I was in London last week, when my attention was arrested by some "remarkable objects" exhibited at the shop window of SYKES and Co., 280, Regent Street (a few doors west of Oxford Street). "What can they be?" thought I. I looked, and looked, and looked! Lo, and behold! they were the "casings" of a modern female. To describe them fully would be impossible. They were of course, hollow-the world is hollow. They were made in the form of a sugar loaf, the small end upwards. At this small end was an opening-thus allowing the machine to be placed over the head of the petite female previous to her incarceration. When this opening had given admission to the figure within, it found "a rest ing place,' as described by your Oxford correspondent, on the centre of the person. Here it threw out, on every side, fearful shoots; forming a projection of immense proportions--the wearer being a complete specimen, under another name, of "Jack in the Green on May-day. The circumference of this starched engine of destruction can only be guessed at. The "object" of this "fiction," I am told, is to convert the sex into fine, showy women; and to give them a dashing air. It must be good fun to see them emerge into chrysalids! No insect transforma tion certainly could be more curious! The best of the joke is, the large window I speak of admits only three of these modern deceptions; their amplitude filling all space! Two of them were ornamented." A card, pinned on the bottom of each skirt, had printed on it :

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"Apartments to Let!"

* Of course "Jack" does not show his head. With the exception of the head, our modern females, thus habited, do look, when dancing or sailing about, just as our correspondent describes them. Our fair friends, if we may be allowed to add a word, are like the nest of magic lemons we give to a child to play with. The outer lemon is of large proportions. We open it. Within, there is another. We open that, and lo! a third meets the eye. We pursue our search through twelve rinds. At last, we find a minikin lemon! Parturit mons. nascitur ridiculus mus. The mountain's in labor, and out' creeps-a mouse!"-ED. K. J.

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Gluttony of a Rat.-In the autumn of 1848, "W. C." a highly respectable gardener, happened to be at work in a garden (not a mile distant from my house). It adjoined that of an old lady (Mrs.F.), and the two gardens were separated by a low wall. He was accidentally looking over the wall, when his attention was arrested by a large rat, who was leisurely walking along close to the bottom of the opposite wall. Curiosity prompted him to watch the animal. Stealthily sneaking along till he arrived at the foot of a fine espalier greengage tree, he quietly mounted the stock, scrambled along the branches, seized a fine green-gage, and descended the tree just as he had mounted it. Then with the green-gage in his mouth, he sneaked along the side of the wall till he disappeared behind a heap of brick-rubbish in a corner at the bottom of the garden. After a short time he reappeared; the same operation was repeated; and the rat returned, loaded as before. Well, thought "W. C.," this is strange! who knows whether Mrs. F., missing her fruit, may not suspect one of her servants? An honest but innocent young wolose a good situation through the "gluttony" of this black fellow. No, no; this shall not be if I can help it. Thus musing, he slightly turned; when Mrs. F., who was in the garden, caught his eye. The opportunity of addressing the old lady was not lost. In a few words "W.C." craved pardon for his apparent rudeness in staring so intently into the lady's garden. He also explained the cause, and the honest, benevolent motive which occasioned his abrupt and prompt address to a strange old lady. He added, I should not be surprised, madam, if you soon had an opportunity of seeing the thief with your own eyes, Scarcely had the old lady turned round and slowly approached the green-gage tree, before she had herself the singular satisfaction of seeing Mr. Rat walk off with a third green-gage. "Well, this is really too bad!" said the old lady. "I certainly had missed a few green-gages, but I should never have guessed who was the thief. Now pray, "W. Č.," do come in and try to catch this animal." He went in, and traced him to his nest as carefully as he could; but as he had two places he escaped for that time. Nine green-gages were found, which he had doubtless put by for his own private eating. Towards nightfall, "W. C." prepared a trap for him. It was baited with a rasher of most delicious bacon, and the thief paid the forfeit of his gluttony. From that very day till the day of her death, "W. C." regularly worked in the garden of Mrs. F. This period of time extended

over four years. He and his son now work in my garden, Mr. Editor, and the whole family are much respected. Is not this a curious case of "gourmandise" in a rat-of kind thoughtful feeling in a gardener, as well as of grateful feeling in the old lady; and may it not teach a lesson to all of us-never to judge rashly by putting too much faith in external appearances? We may sometimes condemn a fellow-creature for a theft committed by a rat! BOMBYX ATLAS.

The Family of Rooks, domesticated at Dover. -It is not one of the least remarkable circumstances connected with Dover, Mr. Editor, that a number of rooks have for a few years past taken up their quarters among the trees in the grounds attached to the large house belonging to E. R. Rice, Esq., situated at the rear of the Marine Parade. Occupying the position that this spot does, in the centre of a bustling town, the fact occasioned universal surprise; and the " "cawing" of the rooks soon became interesting. The inhabitants of the neighborhood have, on their parts, conceived quite a regard for these sable-feathered friends; so much so, that the vagabonds who have essayed to scare them have received instantaneous and condign punishment. It is not, therefore, surprising, that a report that a rookery was about to be destroyed should have occasioned a strong expression of feeling on the part of those residing near. This has emanated in the form of a petition to Mr. Rice, signed by between thirty and forty householders, requesting that he will not permit the rooks to be disturbed. So that it is hoped the colony will yet be allowed to live in peace.-E., Sandwich, Kent.

[Turn which way we will, we find the heart of the savage peeping out. How is it that the English, with all their boasted civilisation, cannot bear to see any living creature" happy ?" Of all animals, rooks are the most friendly. They must indeed have a mean opinion of mankind, for so returning their proffered hospitality!]

The Dormouse-A "Tail" of Mystery.-In your last, Mr. Editor, was a pleasing episode in the life of a "Happy Mouse." I want to address a note to her. Permit me to do so through the channel of OUR JOURNAL. Will you so far oblige me?-LITTLE BO-PEEP, Worcester.

[We cannot do less, Little Bo-peep, seeing that your communication involves a curious inquiry. Subjoined, therefore, is your letter. We have referred it to "Downy " in the first instance, and her "reply" (just received) shall be given, pro bono publico.]

"BO-PEEP" to "DowNY." "Dear, Happy Downy.-I am an aspiring little Dormouse, young and inexperienced; but seeking at all risks to better my present condition. Pray lend me your aid to further my wishes. The truth is, I desire to enter a family wherein one of our kindred lived most happily. By my winning little ways-being young, sprightly, and gentleI should not fear to win the affection of all. Now, between one member of that family and myself, there seems to exist a feeling of sympathy. She desires to make me her pet, I long to become her darling. One thing sadly stands in my way. My predecessor had the misfortune to lose his tail

when about three years old. Some wise-heads assert, that this detriment to our beauty regularly takes place about that age. Now, as you are a mouse of experience, and the mother of so large a family, due credit would attach to your testimony. I therefore entreat that, at an early day, you will kindly inform me whether you can still "a tail unfold?" Meantime, my heart beating with hope, believe me yours ever affectionately, LITTLE BOPEEP.-P.S.-If, as I begin to fear, you do not belong to our family, perhaps you can contrive to throw some little light upon my question."

"DownY" to "BO-PEEP."

I regret

"My dear little Cousin.-I hasten to reply to your very affectionate letter, received this morning from the Editor of our JOURNAL. that I am unable to speak from actual experience, or observation, in reply to your query. That not only myself, but also every one of my family can

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a tail unfold "—and a pretty long one too! I can honestly affirm. Now, without presuming to contradict your wise-heads, I will venture to doubt their statements. I have consulted my little mistress, my old master Bombyx Atlas, and his sapient dog FINO. Annexed is the result of our consultation; or, as we say in Hebrew, 'Hereby hangs a tail." They all confess their inability to speak from positive practical experience; but I have referred to the "Museum of Animated Nature"(a most valuable work), “LeDictionaire Universale d'Histoire Naturelle" (a work above all praise), Blumenbach (whose name speaks for itself), and four other works on natural history. I have also carefully perused the minute descriptions of the manners and habits of one hundred and fourteen of the genus "Mouse," and ten of the "Dormouse; "but neither I nor Bombyx genus can find any allusion to the alarming and disagreeable prospect for dormice, or any other mice, at the third year of their a r age. Indeed Bombyx perfectly recollects talking with a man who deals in fancy birds, fishes, mice, &c., &c., upon the subject of the age which mice, properly taken care of, might expect to reach ; and the man showed him a mouse which he affirmed he had reared himself, and which he said was upwards of eight years old. It certainly had as fine a caudal appendage, Bombyx tells me, as any mouse could wish to produce. For these reasons, my dear little Bo-peep, endeavor to redouble your efforts to win the affection of your wavering protectress. Tell her that you would rather die before the arrival of the doomed third year, than become a tailless mouse. Tell her that I do not believe one word about her wise heads. The great Creator would never have formed us with such a beautiful ornament as our fine tail, if it were to be taken clean off when we had attained the third year of our existence! Bombyx Atlas does not believe it; neither does FINO; nor do I. My little mistress quite ridicules the idea. Most happy shall I be, to know that I have been any way instrumental in promoting your welfare. May you become as happy as I am, and never forget to show your gratitude to your mistress, if you should succeed in persuading her to take you under her fostering care! As for the contemplated loss of your tail, it will be time enough to talk about that when it occurs; and it is my belief you will never have occasion to refer to that subject

from natural causes. That such a thing might happen from accident is possible, but only possible. So now, my dear little Bo-peep, make yourself as pretty as you can, and as winning too; and I think you will succeed in becoming the pet of the family. My brother, sister, and all my family, unite in sympathetic love to you; and believe me ever most affectionately yours, DOWNY.

Notes on the Singularities of Birds.-It is very amusing, Mr. Editor, to watch the "expanding intellects" of young birds, who show at a very early age that they will learn something. I once had half a dozen nests of young birds in one cage-consisting of missel thrushes, linnets, greenfinches, chaf finches, and blackbirds. Not one of them could peck save a young thrush, whom I put in when about a week older than the others. On feeding them one morning, this bird carried off a piece of food and dropped it near a chaffinch. The latter caught at it and swallowed it. This rather "queered" the thrush; but he obtained another piece, and conveyed it to the same spot. It shared the same fate as the last; this must have tickled his fancy, for he deliberately brought it some more food and offered it; persevering till it was crammed. You can judge how astonished I felt, when, on the young bird refusing to have any more, he brought food to another one, and then to all the rest! He continued to perform the self-imposed duty every day, occupying the whole of his time, and seeming quite distressed when none of them would eat. He taught them too to peck, in "no time." It was quite ludicrous to observe how puzzled he was to understand why the linnets should refuse a long worm, which to him seemed an especial delicacy. But he was a true philosopher; and after the worm had gone a-begging all round, he took up something else, and indeed everything in the form of food that he could get. -R. B., Winchester.

The Cuckoo-Do, please, just announce the fact of the cuckoo being heard in our neighborhood to-day, for the first time. His refreshing notes have made us all so joyful in anticipation of the coming season!-Sweetbriar, Worcester.

[His arrival at this date has been pretty general, we are told, in those places which he usually glad dens with his presence. We agree with you, that his musical notes are refreshing. Our garden is his home.]

The Cricket.-I am so delighted, Mr. Editor, with the tone of your charming periodical, that I think it a duty to contribute whatever may tend to amuse and instruct your readers. Some may smile at the idea of a tame cricket; but we have had two tame ones. The first was a solitary bachelor, who came out regularly at night to be fed; retiring with sufficient crumbs for his morning meal. Find ing himself noticed, he soon grew very familiar, and became our constant guest. In due time he fell in love; and in the natural course of events, united his fate-not to a fair partner, but to one of a caste dark as his own. Both grew quite familiar, and visited us constantly. If I were to relate to you half their contrivances to carry away what they could not eat, you would scarcely credit my tale. However, true it is, there was a mutual friendship established

between us all. I should remark that "Tom's wife," as we christened the female cricket, grew jealous, and eloped. Whether "Tom" pined or not I cannot say; but his sudden disappearance led to the belief that he might have died brokenhearted!-F. B., Liverpool.

[Are we personally known to this contributor? Our mind seems to incline towards that belief; although it is not her hand-writing that induces us to ask the question. We do not recognise the caligraphy; but we do the sentiment.]

On Teming Birds.-I much prefer your method of taming birds to that adopted and recommended by your correspondent, "Alpha." The starving of birds to make them "love" you is heterodox, and quite foreign to the amiable principles which rule OUR JOURNAL. As you say-to "love for love's sake" is Heaven upon earth. The starvation system is unnatural, and therefore objectionable; so let us, if you please, keep true to our principles. -Puss.

[You are quite right, Puss-y; but as we are liberal, we never muzzle our contributors. Bechstein gave "Alpha" the hint. We do not like Bechstein's book,-never did,-never shall. The woodcuts it contains of birds and cages are well enough; but it is not at all adapted for the use of people who love birds. Neither is it practically useful. It has circulated, simply because there was no other competitor. Children have it in the nursery, as "a picture-book of Birds." It amuses them, and keeps them out of mischief. Beyond this, it has no real value.]

The Stereoscope, as applied to Miniatures.—In your number for January, you gave some very interesting particulars about the Miniature Likenesses taken "in relief," by Mr. Mayall, of 224, Regent Street; resembling, when so taken, cameo busts. May I ask if the cost is moderate ?— REBECCA J., Dundee.

[The whole apparatus, including the portrait, may be had from forty-two shillings upwards. You say in your note that you are coming shortly to London. You will then be able to see a variety of specimens, and their effects.]

The Piranha Fish.—This fish, which contends for the dominion of the waters of the Brazilian portion of South America, is one of terrible voracity; there is hardly any animal that ventures into the water but what suffers from its attacks. The victim of the piranha is generally surrounded by large shoals or swarms of them; they may be justly compared to a nest of water hornets. Horses and cattle do not venture to drink of the water below the surface, lest their snout should be bitten off-an accident which, however, sometimes befalls them. The cayman himself is forced to fly before this terrible enemy, and turns his unprotected belly towards the top of the water: the otter alone, whose hairy skin deadens the force of the bite, is proof against their attacks.-WILSON.

A LITTLE SECRET.-If you would " overcome mountains " (we have done so)-work hard; trust to Providence; and reckon NOTHING to be impossible.


A LETTER from my Love! Come let me bless
The paper that her hand has travell'd o'er,
And her eyes looked on. Then her inward thoughts;
See! how amid the words of love they're traced
Like glow-worms amid buds of flowers!



NOWING, -VERY KNOWING MUST HE HAVE BEEN, who first taught people to converse through the medium of hieroglyphics,- for such must letters have been in their early infancy. He has conferred a gift on mankind which they can never sufficiently estimate, and for which they can never be sufficiently grateful. Men, women, and children, rich and poor, gentle and simple, the prince, the peasant, and the beggar,-all share in the benefit, more or less.

But for the power we possess of conversing with our friends at a distance, what miserable people we should be! Of all the most innocent and exquisite pleasures of this life, surely that of hearing from an absent friend is the greatest. It is Heaven upon earth. When we are suddenly reminded, by a letter, of one who is dear to us, and see our name in the well-known hand on the direction, does not a flash of delight pervade the whole frame; the heart beat with expectation while the seal is being broken; and, as the sheet is unfolded, go forth in full benevolence to meet the heart of the writer in the perusal of its contents? Surely yes.

How welcome is the postman's knock! How we do love that man! How cheerfully do we give him his Christmas-box! In his hands are daily, hourly placed, secrets dear to us as our life. He seems to know it, as he presents us with the letters,- beginning "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight -and one more, Sir,-nine!" He then smiles significantly, after recognising certain handwritings, and looking at certain mottoes attached to certain letters in wax; and bowing, he gradually backs out into the street. We repeat it, we love these messengers of peace, whilst we deplore the miserable parsimony that pays them wages insufficient to keep them alive. Talk about post-office robberies, the post office deserves to be robbed! We detest the crime, but we mar

vel not at the circumstance.

Most sweetly does Montgomery write about letters, and those who indite them. His remarks are not, we admit, for the many; but every reader of THIS JOURNAL will appreciate them at their full value.

An epistolary correspondence, he says, between intimate, endeared connections, is a spiritual communion, in which minds alone seem to mingle, and, unembarrassed by the bodily presence, converse with a freedom,

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and fervor, and an eloquence rarely excited and perhaps never more felicitously indulged in personal intercourse. Hence the chief charm of a letter, if the term may be so applied, is its individuality; as a message from one whom we love or esteem, according to the degree of kin or congeniality between us, sent expressly on an errand of kindness to ourselves. The consciousness that it was written to and for him, gives the receiver a paramount interest in its existence, as well as in its disclosures. To him, therefore, it becomes an object of affection; and none but himself (however some others may sympathise with the feelings) can enter into it with the same degree of ineffable emotion: that, indeed, is " a joy with which a stranger intermeddleth not.'

In letter-writing, when the heart is earnestly engaged, the first thoughts in the first words are usually the best; for it is thoughts, not words, that are to be communicated; and meaning, not manner, which is mainly to be aimed at. The ideas that rise, and thicken as they rise, in a mind full and overflowing with its subject, voluntarily embody themselves in language the most easy and appropriate; yet are they so delicate and evanescent, that, unless caught in the first forms, they soon lose their character and distinctness, blend with each other, and from being strikingly simple in succession, become inextricably complex in association, on account of their multiplicity and affinity.

The thoughts that occur in letter-writing will not stay to be questioned; they must be taken at their word, or instantly dismissed. They are like odors from "a bank of violets" -a breath-and away. He that would revel on the fragrance, by scenting it hard and long, will feel that its deliciousness has eluded him. He may taste it again and again, and for a moment; but he might as well attempt to catch the rainbow, and hold it, as long to inhale and detain the subtle and volatile sweetness. He who once hesitates amidst the flow of fresh feelings and their spontaneous expression, becomes, unawares, bewildered; and must either resolutely disengage himself by darting right forward through the throng of materials, to recover the freedom of his pen, or he must patiently select, arrange, and array them, as in a premeditated exercise of his mind on a given theme.

The great beauty of letter-writing, either with man or woman, consists in the freshness with which ideas flow from the heart. But to enjoy this, two minds must be united in one. There must be one heart, one community of feeling. Tastes must be similar, thoughts similar. In no other way can sympathy exist.

We have had, during the conduct of this Journal, some very remarkable opportunities

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