insanity of such fancies, is the fact of the odd fellow at last leaving his property to those very relations whom he has thus sedulously shunned! There are odd fellows who cannot endure an attorney; and whom it is impossible to get to sign their name, even to the lease of a house; and there are some who would rather die than take a dose of physic. A very frequent trait of oddity, is a restless impatience when any one interferes with the management of the fire; or a no less manifest uneasiness if a guest should venture to open and read the newspaper, when it comes from the post-even though the gentleman himself should not be in the house to take the benefit of precedence. I have known some persons, sane in all the ordinary relations of life, who insist on keeping a particular room, or "glory hole," for their own use; into which they will suffer no one to intrude; and they would fall into a paroxysm of absolute fury, if the housemaid, in the spirit of her calling, should presume to dust and arrange it. his own generation for excellencies, and he throve accordingly. They would not be tolerated now. In the last generation, flourished the long celebrated Doctor Van Butchell; whose reputation as an odd fellow would have stood at the highest, could the world have had assurance of his eccentricities being genuine. Who is there living that remembers his low, roundcrowned hat, his bushy beard, and his grey pony with its painted spots; or who visited his pickled wife--and has not been tempted to think so odd a fish downright mad? Yet was he only mad north-north-west; and, when the wind was southerly, he had good reason for these absurdities, which were neither better nor worse than professional advertisements, and very slight exaggerations of the solemn fopperies of the great Doctoror the queer-colored carriage of the fashionable Doctor If This spurious kind of oddity is an everyday sin of professional life. Half the surgeons and physicians of London "dabble" in it, as far as is consistent with a decent Oddity is not peculiar to any one class in self-respect-well knowing that a plain, sensociety; but churchmen, whether it be from sible, this-world-looking man, who trusts the seclusion of their college-life, or from merely to talent and learning, for the goodtheir habitual indulgence in dictation among will of the public, has no chance of a patient, their parishioners, contribute to the list of except it be either in formâ pauperis or a odd fellows in rather a greater proportion thorn, takes physic "to oblige them." country cousin, who, like Daddy Hawthan that of their relative numbers in society. the lawyers are less given to oddity than At the head of clerical oddities, every one their medical compeers, it is because their will at once place the celebrated Dean Swift, clients are not to be "done" in the same way; whose vagaries fill the pages of many a collection of anecdotes. His insisting upon pay-positive, to admit of a man's getting on at The tests of legal merit are too tangible and ing Pope and Gay for the supper which they the bar by monkey tricks; and, therefore, would not allow him to order, on some evening when they dropped in upon him unex- what oddity out of Bedlam could, in point of monkey tricks are not resorted to. Besides, pectedly, would alone entitle him to the the effect, come up to the wig and gown, distinction, if his humorous sense of the absurdity of a Protestant church without which is common to them all? Protestant parishioners had not broken forth in the well-known "dearly beloved Roger," and established his claim on still higher ground. The melancholy termination of Swift's career as an "idiot and a show," may be regarded merely as the full development of the malady which governed his early life; but it may be some comfort to the odd fellows at present upon town, to know, that their hallucinations seldom go further; and that it is not every whimsiculo who has the wit to become thoroughly mad. The claims of Dr. Parr to the character of an odd fellow, were too strong to admit of controversy; but the memory of his wig, his Greek, and his eyebrows, are gone with the occasion which gave them utility. Though no clergyman, the leviathan of this class of odd fellows, as he was also esteemed the leviathan of literature, was Dr. Johnson. His oddities were not altogether the most amusing; but he had the luck to pass them off on | No voice to an organ 's like that of lawyer in his bar-gown, is a distich quite as true and as applicable now as it was in the days of merry King Charles. But, though oddity be not strictly legal, I would not advise a rising young barrister to brush his coat too sedulously, or be too critical in the tie of his cravat. A certain neglect of dress, and "affectation" of slovenliness, have very considerable charms in the eyes of the attornies. 66 Among the many varieties of" Odd fellows," I know none more intolerable than those who seek distinction by what they call "speaking their mind," and have taken to themselves the privilege of saying whatever comes uppermost." They tread upon the corns of their neighbors' fine feelings with a very careless indifference-they call up the blush of shame, or the red spot of indignation, by mal apropos allusions and they probe the half-skinned wounds of affliction with a de testable sang froid, in the hope of being stared at, and the conviction of being excused on the plea of their odd-fellowship. The world, however, should know that this is, as Sir Hugh says, all "affectation." These gentry are not mad; they are only bad; and they richly deserve a horsewhip for their pains. Not so an unfortunate set of oddities, peculiar to aristocratic circles, or (to be more precise) among estated country gentlemen. These unfortunate persons are chiefly noticeable for a morbid shyness and mauvais honte, which plunges them into a thousand eccentricities. The appearance of a stranger, for example, throws them into a flutter; and the necessity of saying "How do you do? to their banker or their coachmaker, will haunt them for a week beforehand. If they see an unknown face approaching, they will turn down the dirtiest lane to avoid the casual meeting; and, if they have no parliamentary ambition, they double-lock their park-gates to exclude the public. In society, they are only happy with the curate; who is just sufficiently a gentleman to be fit company for them, yet sufficiently dependent to put them perfectly at their ease. The physician they would tolerate, if they saw him oftener; and if they did not suspect him of being either a wit or freethinker. But they enjoy the plenitude of their existence only when, looking from the elevation of the crimson-lined pew of their own church, at the edge of their own domain, they frown terror upon a passive and trembling tenantry. This dread of equals and superiors might be mistaken for humility, and for a constitutional or habitual distrust of self: but the reverse is the truth. The oddity has its origin very clearly in an insane development of pride. The patient is altogether occupied with himself, and his own consequence. He thinks the eyes of the whole world must be on him, and he fears that his slightest inadvertence will not escape notice. If he is afraid to measure himself with his equals, it is not so much that he thinks he will prove below the standard, but because he is desirous of passing for a giant, and an instinctive knowledge that omne ignotum pro magnifico est. A really modest man is at his ease in all societies; for the last thing that enters his mind is, that the world will take the trouble of noticing him, or will care three straws what he thinks, or what he does but your shy people are so vastly conceited! Of all the pretenders to oddity, the odd fellows who assume to themselves that title, par excellence, and who congregate in clubs for the sake of being facetious, are every way the least worthy of the appellation. Essentially common-place and vulgar, if they are gay, they are mischievous; and, if dull, they are downright stupid. Priding themselves upon eccentricity, they go to bed as regularly "drunk as a lord;" and, trading upon their humor, they are as lively as a landcarriage mackerel. The only genuine point of oddity about them, is, that they can find amusement in the nightly repetition of the same jokes and the same songs. They are, for the most part, painstaking tradesmen, with as much imagination as goes to the puffing of a bad article. They mistake brandy-and-water for fun, and tobacco smoke for good company. At bottom, however, they are, in their way, very good sort of persons: and if they do not catch the attention of the world, they do not claim it, but confine their pretensions to oddity very closely to their own family fireside and the club-room. There remains but one "odd fellow" more to be noticed; and of that one there is very little to be said. Whether this arises from anything peculiar and undescribable in his distinguishing traits, or from the rarity of the individuals making the class less worthy of a detailed disquisition, I leave to the sagacity of the reader to determine. If he be a reader of any apprehension worth speaking of, he will not require to be told that the odd fellow in question is, that rara avis in terris—AN HONEST MAN! ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE, Ст. Trout introduced in New Zealand.—I beg to observe that, for the last four or five years, I have successfully carried out the artificial breeding of trout in the Wandle. About two years ago, a gentleman applied to me for some spawn to take the rivers there. I am glad to say that the experi out to New Zealand, for the purpose of stocking ment has been entirely successful; and he has claimed from the government the reward offered to "the first who would introduce trout into that country." The spawn was taken out in tanks, with Valisneria, acccording to Mr. Warrington's system.-S. GURNEY, JUN., Carshalton. [To the above, which appeared in the Agricul tural Gazette," T. G., of Clitheroe, replies as follows:-"Mr. Gurney states in the Agricultural Gazette, that he furnished a friend with trout spawn from the Wandle, which he succeeded in hatching and carrying safely to New Zealand, by Mr. Warof the Valisneria. Mr. Gurney would oblige me, rington's process of purifying the water by means and doubtless many other naturalists, if he would describe the process in detail. I fancy I understand Mr. Warrington's plan pretty well; but the fact of trout-spawn hatching in stagnant water is new to me, and it will materially facilitate the breeding of trout and salmon if this can be done regularly. If Mr. Gurney will kindly give all the details, so far as he is aware of them (such as the time the spawn was taken, the size of the vessel it was put into, whether it was deposited upon gravel; the number of plants of Valisneria; how often the water was changed during the voyage; the length of time between spawning and hatching; the number which arrived in New Zealand alive-with any other particulars which may occur to him), he will confer a great obligation on natural history. I am the more desirous of learning how long the ova were hatching; because it is now a disputed point. To me, it seems less a matter of time than of temperature. "Ephemera says, that the ova were 140 days in hatching in the Shinn; whilst here a gentleman of my acquaintance has them hatching in 62 or 63 days from the time of deposition in the gravel. But then he hatches them in spring-water of which the temperature is seldom below 50°; and I am desirous of knowing whether the passing through the tropics did not hasten the process still more? I have long and frequently heard (indirectly) of Mr. Gurney's success in breeding trout; and hope he will not consider me impertinent if I suggest to him the extension of his experiments-not only to salmon, but to the production of hybrids, between the trout and the salmon. This is a problem in natural history which I believe has been solved here; but I would rather it were repeated by an independent observer."-We will, when we receive it, give Mr. Gurney's reply to these questions in full. The matter is one of great public interest.] lic Halls," or whatever else these dens of dishonesty may be called in town or country. ALARMING SACRIFICE OF TRUTH AND HONESTY. The well-known-and much better known than trusted-firm of Swao, Brao, Tag, Rag, and COMPANY, having purchased, with accommodation bills drawn upon the notorious houses of Swindle, Dwindle, and Co., the whole stock of Damaged Damasks, Rubbishy Stuffs, Short-measure Longcloths, and Bad Goods, have determined to get them cleared off in a few days, so that Swag, Brag, Tag, Rag, and Co., may get clear off themselves before they are traced by their dupes and creditors. The whole must be got rid of without any reserve, but with the usual unblushing impudence; and wholly regardless of cost-to character. Among the principal bargains will be found 5000 Opera Mantles, worth 10s.; present price £1 18. These elegant articles may be said to be so reduced as to be had for almost rothing, as they are so small that scarcely any use can be made of them. 3000 pieces of Common English Stuff, lately translated into French Merino, and now offered for six times as much as they are worth, as they must be got rid of in order to effect a good riddance. About 1000 dresses in pieces-every dress being in at least eight or nine pieces-but must not be opened before purchase, as time will not allow; at say 6 and 9 per dress. Thousands of Lovely Barèges, at a nominal price-the value being literally nominal. Several Shawls in beautiful designs-the principal design being on the pockets of the public. 170 Dresses at 8 and 6! Very costly-at that price. 1000 Ell-wide Robing Silks at 2 guineas, worth at least tenshillings. Several pieces of Satin in lengths, greatly reduced-in length, by short measure. 7000 Transparent Encaustic Shawls, at 25 shillings-the transparency being so complete, that the imposition may be seen through immediately. Several thousands of extraordinary Muffs-quite worthy of the purchasers at this establishment. All goods-and bads-must be paid for before they are taken away, as, if time were allowed for inspection, no one would ever think of paying for them afterwards. Any article complained of will be rectified on inquiring at the other establishment, number 2400, Regent Street, with back entrance in Cheapside.-You may wonder why I take so much interest in this matter; but your wonder will cease when I tell you that, of three fair dupes (who have been seriously victimised by the "hideous sacrifice" mongers) I am the unhappy-FATHER. More "Hideous Sacrifices."-In your last number, Mr. Editor, you very kindly directed the particular attention of your fair readers to the tricks of our large "selling-off linendrapers; and explained how these swindles upon the pocket and common sense were managed and got up. You spoke, too, of a certain West-end house having dissolved partnership many months ago, and "sold off" the remaining stock at "fearful sacrifices"realising thereby for themselves 400 per cent! That same large establishment, Sir, has again just "dissolved partnership!" The very same gigantic swindle is going on upon the very same premises-NEW goods being smuggled in at night as before), to replace those "great bargains which have been sold during the day, at "hideous sacrifices," to the victimised public! Let these remarks prove a second warning to your fair readers, for whose further enlightenment I have transcribed the pithy caution of our friend Punch, in connection with another branch of the swindling linendrapery trade. Thoroughfares, says he, are just now infested by gangs of suspicious-looking characters, who go about for the purpose of thrust ing into our hands, throwing into the windows of cabs and omnibuses, or impudently leaving at our houses, a quantity of printed letters-having the words" From the Commissioners," "Private Issue," and not unfrequently the Royal Arms on the envelope. These things are becoming an intolerable nuisance; not only in London, but in several provincial towns, into which a set of hawkers have intruded themselves. Getting possession of a room at one of the principal inns, they diffuse their fraudulent announcements among the unsuspecting inhabitants. For the instruction of the public, we shall take the liberty of translating one of these swindling circulars into the plain truth; so that people may know what they really have to expect if they visit the "Com--VIOLET. mission Rooms," "Marts," " Emporiums," "Pub- [Will some of our readers kindly step in to the [Ought the victims" in such cases to be pitied -or not? We ourself saw, in one of these large, swindling establishments in Oxford Street ("dissolving partnership"), an affiche to this effect"One Guinea-would be cheap at Four!" Four what? Question! And yet, a bargain-hunter sees this and believes it. If the seller is a swindlerhe is; what is the buyer? We dare not write the word. It will readily suggest itself.] How can I impart Color to Oil?—I wish, Mr. Editor, to ask this question through your columns. The coloring matter must not be mineral. The color I require, is either black or brown; and it must not affect the transparency of the oil or fatty matter. aid of Violet? By answering her inquiry, they earth becomes regularly warmer as we descend. will essentially serve us.] On an average, the increase is at the rate of one degree of Fahr. for every fifth foot. At the bottom of the mines of Cornwall-a depth of one thousand two hundred feet-the thermometer stands at eighty-eight, equal to high summer-heat. At this rate, rocks and metals would be melted twenty miles below the surface; and down in the bowels of the earth several hundred miles, the heat would be ten thousand times hotter than melted iron. Who is there that can wonder at earthquakes, when all things rest on a molten sea of fire ?-G. The Cod.-The cod is exclusively an inhabitant of the sea; never even visiting fresh-water streams. It is found only in cold or temperate climates. It does not exist in the Mediterranean, or any other inland sea whose entrance is nearer to the equator than the fortieth degree. It appears, indeed, to be confined to the northern parts of the world, although few have been taken north of Iceland. It abounds, however, on the south and west coasts of that country, and likewise on the coasts of Great Britain and Norway. The cod uniformly keeps in deep water, and never approaches the shore, excepting for the purpose of depositing its spawn. The general weight of the cod is from 14 to 40 pounds. The largest cod ever found on the coast of Great Britain was taken off Scarborough in 1755, and weighed 78 pounds; its length was 5 feet 8 inches, and its girth round the shoulders 5 feet. As indicated by the size of its mouth, stomach, and bowels, it is extremely voracious. It preys upon small fish of every description; the herring and sprat are its favorite food. The cod, however, is far from particular in its choice; for it likewise feeds on worms, mollusca, and crustacea. From thirty to forty small crabs, about an inch and a half in breadth, have been taken from its sto-modating nature of his domiciliary visitations. mach, and the gastric juice of that organ is so strong that the shells and hardest portions are speedily dissolved by it.-W. F. Birds in Town and Birds in the Country.-The following, Mr. Editor, is worthy attention. In the course of some inquiries made by certain gentlemen, one of whom was Professor Owen, a slaughterman was questioned, who was also a bird-fancier. He had lived in Bear-yard, near Clare-market, exposed to the combined effluvium from a slaughter-house and a tripe factory. He particularly noted, as having a fatal influence on the birds, the stench raised by boiling down the fat from the tripe offal. He said, "You may hang the cage out of the garret window in any house round Bear-yard, and if it be a fresh bird it will be dead in a week." He had previously lived, for a time, in the same neighborhood, in a room over the Portugal-street burial-ground. That place was equally fatal to his birds. He had removed to Vere-street, Clare-market, beyond the smells from those two places, and he was able to keep his birds. In town, however, the ordinary birds did not usually live more than eighteen months; in cages in the country, they would live nine years or more, on the same food. When he particularly wished to preserve a pet bird, he sent it now and then into the country for a change of air.-Do you not think, Mr. Editor, that the currents of air to which birds are exposed in London, often kill them? People appear to me never to imagine such a thing possible !-MARIA P. [You are quite right Mademoiselle. Thousands of birds die annually in London, from catching cold in this way.] The Earth, a Furnace.-It is known as a fact in geology, that below the depth of thirty feet the The House Sparrow.-The geographical range of this well known-bird is very extensive. He is common throughout Europe, the islands of the Mediterranean, in the north of Africa, in Asia also, in the Himalayan district, and in various other parts. Everywhere he is the same; at least, under the same circumstances, except indeed in appearance; for how unlike is the smoke-begrimed sparrow of the town to the handsomely-plumaged bird of the country! Everywhere he makes himself at home. The "cloud-capp'd towers" and the poor law union-house, the lowly-thatched cottage and the splendid Gothic mansion, nay, the very palace of the Queen of England herself, one and all bear testimony to the universality of the dispersion of the sparrow, and the self-accom The following pleasing instance of both instinct and affection is mentioned by Mr. Cordeaux :Living in the City portion of the great metropolis of London, I observed one afternoon, in the aperture generally left for the cellar or kitchen window when underground, an unfledged house sparrow, incapacitated from flying to any distance. It had been inadvertently precipitated down this same dungeon, across which, in an oblique direction, was laid an iron bar, extending within a foot of the surface. The mother was at the top, looking down with pity and alarm at the awkward position of this, perhaps, her only child. Many and ingenious were the attempts on the part both of parent and offspring for the regaining of the latter's lost position; each and all proved futile and unavailing. I looked on with a degree of pleasurable excitement, mixed with fear and anxiety lest the drama should be incomplete by the flying away of the mother and the desertion of the child. But no! Nature's uncalculated ways on these points are perfect and all-sufficient, as this case most beautifully proves; for although each new proposal seemed to be blasted in the carrying out, at length the intelligent creature, after considering for a moment, flies away, returns with a stout straw in its beak, and rests for a few moments on the edge. Then conceive my delight, when the little nestling, after a chirp or two from its mother, learning no doubt the particulars of the project, climbs to the farthest end of the bar, next the ground, receives the proffered straw in its beak, and is raised, to my breathless and unspeakable astonishment, to the earth, on which its now delighted mother stands. It is often remarked what impudent birds are London sparrows; and not without reason. Born and bred in the bustle of the town, they must either live and jostle with the crowd, or look down from the housetops and die of hunger. Naturally enough, they prefer the former; and all our town readers will, we are sure, testify to the cool intrepidity with which this familiar bird will pounce upon a bit of bread, or some other tempting morsel, which happens to catch its eye upon the pavement; and with what triumph and exultation it bears it off to its mate, seated on some window-sill or copingstone above or followed, perhaps, by three or four disappointed companions, who were a moment too late to seize the spoil.-THE REV. F. O. MORRIS. The" Wardian Cases," for growing Plants.It has been often said that a love of nature is implanted in the human breast, and that sparks of it survive in the most artificial states of society. It is this, no doubt, that places the mignonettebox and the geranium-pot, in the window of the mechanic or tradesman living in the heart of London, and renders the addition of a bit of ground, some twelve feet square, such an attractive feature of our smaller suburban dwellings. It is true that some well-worn hat or other article of clothing must be annually transformed into geraniums, to replace the unfortunates of the preceding summer. It is equally certain that the possession of the garden aforesaid necessitates a visit to Covent-garden every spring-for a plant must needs be hardy to exist more than one year in such a well: but it is all one; the affection for the bit of green is perennial, and survives repeated disappointments-year after year the same hopes are entertained, that things will do better than before and after all, even if they don't flower quite so well as at Kew, still it is very pleasant to have a few plants of one's own to look at. This love for plants runs through all classes of society, but it is only the well-to-do that can afford to gratify their tastes to the utmost. Greenhouses and conservatories, are luxuries attainable by very few of those whose avocations compel them to reside within the influence of our great cities. These owe their best thanks to Mr. Ward, for a discovery which enables everyone to have much of the pleasure of a greenhouse at a very trifling expense. The cases invented by Mr. Ward are constructed with a view to the fulfilment, as nearly as possible, of the natural conditions most favorable to the growth of plants; at the same time excluding those noxious elements with which the atmosphere of great manufacturing cities is always so heavily charged. Mr. Ward was led to the discovery of the principle of his cases in the following manner:-He had frequently endeavored, but without success, to grow some of our British ferns in the yard at the back of his house in Wellclose-square-certainly not one of the most favorable spots for such a purpose, even in London. The smoke and other impurities with which the air was loaded by the surrounding manufactories, soon destroyed the plants, and Mr. Ward gave up his attempts at fern-cultivation in despair. Shortly after this, he placed the chrysalis of a moth in some moist earth contained in a bottle covered with a lid. A young fern and a grass soon made their appearance on the surface of the mould. These continued to flourish for four years in their narrow house, and were only destroyed at last by the destruction of the lid of the bottle by rust, and the consequent too free admission of rain water. Here then was the principle! The lid of the bottle was sufficient to keep in the moisture necessary for the vegetation of the plants, and to keep out those noxious gases which, in the open air, would have proved so fatal to them. This led Mr. Ward to the construction of the cases which bear his name. These may be made use of for various purposes; they enable us to grow many rare and beautiful plants, in situations where they would perish immediately if exposed to the air; they form elegant ornaments in the house or at the windows. They may be employed as substitutes for frames in striking cuttings, or in protecting tender plants during winter; they serve admirably for the transport of plants on long voyages. To the botanist they are invaluable; as, by their means, he may watch the growth of many plants (such as ferns, &c.) which it would be impossible to preserve alive in any other way. Form and size are of little consequence; in the author's own words, anything will do, "from a wide-mouthed quart bottle to a building as large as the Crystal Palace."-A CORRESPONDENT OF "THE FIELD." Breeding Canaries, Taming Birds, &c.-Having Mr. Editor, derived very great advantage from the perusal of OUR JOURNAL, in the pursuit of a pleasant and interesting amusement-viz., the breeding, rearing, and keeping of canaries, &c., the idea has struck me, that possibly it might not be uninteresting to many of readers if you your were to publish the results of some experiments, made for the purpose of testing the value of the advice and suggestions of yourself and numerous correspondents on this subject. I propose, during the ensuing season, to keep an exact account of all proceedings and details connected with the management of my birds; and with your kind permission [pray do so, by all means] will forward for publication in the pages of OUR JOURNAL, extracts from this diary-on points most likely to prove interesting to the general body of your readers, who, I presume, though perhaps not birdfanciers or keepers, are, like myself, admirers and lovers of the feathered tribe, and of the most common, if not the most interesting of our cage birds-the canary in particular. I do not intend to treat my birds in exact accordance with the directions laid down in your various articles on "Song Birds," and elsewhere throughout the previous volumes of the JOURNAL; or to adopt all the suggestions of your various correspondents. I shall try a series of experiments, in order to ascertain the best method of breeding and rearing these beautiful birds. My experience has only been short, yet have I paid considerable attention to the subject; and as I believe that your object is the diffusion of truth and practical information on this, as on all other matters, and as the best means of realising this object is by free and full discussion and inquiry-you will not object to your opinions being put to the test of experience [surely not]. Last year I was very unfortunate; and as it was late in the breeding season when I made your acquaintance, I could not derive the same amount of benefit that I might have done, had I known of the existence of OUR JOURNAL earlier-as far as breeding canaries is concerned. However, by carefully attending to the instructions you have given for their |