Imatges de pàgina

too late for thee, O man, when thy feet are ftumbling upon the high mountains, and the fhadows of the evening have overtaken thee.

There is no with more common, though at the fame time none more vain or abfurd, than that which is fo frequently formed by those who have trod with obfervation the paths of human life, the wish that they might be permitted to live over again their past days.

If the beft author that ever wrote were carefully and difpaffionately to revife his works after a deliberate and impartial criticism, he 'would fee in them a thoufand errors which had efcaped his notice, a thoufand errors and imperfections which he had never thought on: how happy would he esteem himself, were it poffible, that he could write it all over again! -And in like manner, if the best man who ever lived was to look back on the volume of his past life, how many pages would he find in it blotted with fin and corruption, how many full of idle and trifling occurrences, how many leaves totally blank: How afhamed would he be of fuch a work to be read over and confidered by fuch a judge, by an impartial and allknowing God! how would he wish, if it were poffible, to live it over again! But this is a privilege which it would be as unreasonable in him to request, as it is impoffible for him to enjoy. As man, therefore, hath but one volume to write, which is to determine his merit, but one talk to perform, which is to decide his fate, to make him happy or miferable for ever; to the execution of that let him zealoufly


and fteadily apply; and reft affured, that if he hath exerted his utmoft abilities, if he hath done it with all his might, he will be rewarded for it, not according to the intrinfic value of the performance, but in proportion to his care, zeal, and alacrity in the execution of it.

What then, upon the whole, is the leffon of inftruction to be learned from the royal monitor's advice, as expreffed in the words of my text?

That we should be active, vigilant, and induftrious in our several stations and profef fions; that when we fet about any work or device which our hand findeth to do, we should not flightly and carelefly perform it, but beftow on it those pains and that attention which alone can render it perfect and complete; that, above all, in pursuit of the one thing needful, that wisdom and knowledge on which our eternal happiness depends, we should be awake, zealous, and indefatigable, conftantly keeping in view the great end of our being: that we fhould frequently reflect within ourselves on the shortness and vanity of human life, obferve the years as they roll, and the hours as they pafs along, remembering that every hour brings us nearer to that period which must put an end to all our labours, which muft at once ftamp our character, and feal our fate, that important crifis which muft recommend us to the divine favour, or confign us to everlasting punishment. Let thefe confiderations, my brethren, fink deep into our hearts: they may


be useful to us in every rank and condition, in every age and period of human life.

It will become the rich and great to reflect that the more is given the more will be required; that the greater and more frequent opportunities they have of doing good, the more indifpenfible is their obligation to perform it; that the more time and leifure they are mafters of, the greater care and affiduity will be expected from them in the proper employment of it; that as they have fuperior advantages to affift them in the acquifition of knowledge and wisdom, their want of neglect, their abuse or mifapplication of them, will be the more inexcufable; that neither their talents or abilities, any more than their riches, can follow them to the grave; and if they have not used them profitably in this world, they can only rife up in judgment and bear witnefs against them in that which is to come.

To the poor, on the other hand, it may be a confolation to reflect, that if they are fober, diligent, and induftrious in their calling and profeffion, if they do whatever their hand findeth to do with with all their might, God, who is no refpecter of perfons, will reward them not according to the fplendor and dignity of their office, but to the manner in which it is performed: that as there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wifdom, neither is there at the fame time any rank or diftinction in the grave whither they are going: that they are approaching to a place where there is no pre-eminence but that of goodness, no fuperio

rity but that of virtue: that no knowledge or wisdom will find acceptance with God, but that which they were as capable of attaining as the rich and great, the wildom from above, and the knowledge unto falvation.

But further, and to conclude: as the words before us may afford ample matter of confideration to all ranks and degrees, fo likewise may they convey inftruction to every age and period of human life.

Let those who are in the bloom and vigour of youth learn from hence, not to fuffer their faculties to languish and decay from floth and inactivity, but to exert them whilft in the zenith and meridian of their power. Let them remember, that it is not the length of life, but the ufe which we make of it, that will entitle us to a reward from the Antient of Days: that wisdom is grey hair unto men, and an unfpotted life is old age: that if, at this dangerous but important period, when the unthinking and voluptuous indulge in fenfual pleasures, they employ their hours in the culture of their minds, and the improvement of their underftanding; if they fearch after wisdom and knowledge, old age as it advances, instead of being attended by remorfe and repentance, will bring along with it the pleafing remembrance of their paft conduct, and a delightful profpect of future felicity.

Let those who are arrived at maturer years, when they reflect on the advice given in my text, confider, (if they have not already confidered) that the levity and carelessness of youth


would ill become them in a more advanced age; that they should do every thing with all their might and power, because that might and power cannot laft long; and that therefore it is incumbent on them ftrenuoufly to exert it; and that this is the only opportunity of acquiring thofe perfections which alone can impart prefent fatisfaction, or enfure future happiness.

Lastly, let those whom God hath graciously bleft with length of days, learn with humble gratitude to adore the divine Author of them. What their weak and impotent hand findeth to do, let them do with all their might, with all the little remains of power and ftrength that are ftill left them. If they have hitherto been liftlefs, negligent, and flothful, let them endeavour to make amends for paft indolence by extraordinary induftry and application: that fo, though they come into the vineyard but at the eleventh hour they may by unwearied diligence and affiduity merit the fame reward as the labourers of the firft, who have borne the heat and burthen of the day. Let them reflect, that the time is near at hand when every avenue to wifdom and knowledge muft be clofed up, and but a few hours are left for light and inftruction; thefe therefore let them hufband with the utmoft caution, and give up their whole time and attention to the one thing needful; fo may God in his tender mercy accept their imperfect facrifice, forgive their past errors, pafs over their numerous tranfgref fions, infruct them with his own divine know


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