Imatges de pàgina
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414. A Sudra, though emancipated by his mafter, is not releafed from a ftate of fervitude;

for of a ftate, which is natural to him, by whom 'can he be divested?


THERE are fervants of seven forts; one made captive under a standard or in battle, one maintained in confideration of fervice, one 'born of a female flave in the houfe, one fold, or

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given, or inherited from ancestors, and one en'flaved by way of punishment on his inability to "pay a large fine.

416. Three perfons, a wife, a fon, and a flave, are declared by law to have in general no wealth exclusively their own: the wealth, which they may earn, is regularly acquired for the man, to 'whom they belong.

417. 'A Bráhmen may feize without hesitation, if he be diftreffed for a fubfiftence, the ' goods of his Súdra flave; for, as that slave can have no property, his mafter may take his goods.

418. With vigilant care fhould the king exert himself in compelling merchants and mechanicks to perform their refpective duties; for, when fuch men fwerve from their duty, they throw this world into confufion.

419. Day by day must the king, though engaged in forenfick business, confider the great

objects of publick measures,and inquire into the

• ftate of his carriages, elephants, horfes, and cars, his conftant revenues and neceffary expenfes, his mines of precious metals or gems, and his treasury:

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420. Thus, bringing to a conclufion all thefe

weighty affairs, and removing from his realm

and from himself every taint of fin, a king

⚫ reaches the fupreme path of beatitude.'


T. DAVISON, Printer, Whitefriars.

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