Imatges de pàgina












a. Der Laut und Buchstabe a, cf. abece.

If it be man, it cryes a a, þat þe first letter es of pe nam Of our forme fader Adam. HAMP. 481. A broch of gold. . On which was first iwriten a crowned a. CH. C. T. 160. 2. Als musikalisches Tonzeichen: Every clarke that can rede and syng, seythe that a re gothe befor be my. REL. ANT. I. 83.

a praep. für an, s. an, on, praep.

a pron. statt he, heo, hii, er, sie, sie (pl.).

And paa pohte [pohte he ä.T.] anoþer. Laz. I. 122 j. T. Into al the world he sent message; A thoughte arere a neowe trowage. ALIS. 7809. Als in Petir a [sc. Crist] gaf to hem power of bindyng and lowsing. WICL. Apol. p. 5.-Ne beo ich nauere bliče pa wile a [sc. pa quene] beod aliue. Laz. III. 127. pe norice bat hire wiste, children a heuede seuene. MEID. MAREGR. st. 5. To meidan Maregrete, As a wist ir norice scep. st. 12. þat he him helpe wip al his post, In Babilloine oper wher a beo, þat he miste hire iseo. FL.A.BL. 128.-Hauene sone a nomen. Laz. I. 149. Sone muchele a hire boden, ant more a hire behete. MEID. MAREGR. st. 12; sonst ha: Bisech ai hire þat ha pe lihte. HALI MEID. p. 45. Ha leopen on heore feire hors. Laz. I. 228 s. he. a als Artikel und Zahlwort s. an num. a als Verkürzung des Imperativ und des Infinitiv von haven, habben.

A mercy, madame. WILL. 978. Amynde on me, lord. 1177. As thy sone me wolde a schent. SEV. SAG. 916. Whan the Jewes wolde a stoned him. MAUNDEV. p. 86. I wend never to a seen your goodly chere. PLAY OF THE SACRAM. 573. I knowlech to a felid and seid pus. WICL. Apol. p. 1. He myght a lernyd there. TORR 174. Richard might. . a saved hymself, if he would a fled awaie. SUPP. TO HARDYNG in HALLIW. Dict. p. 1.

a interj., vgl. afr. a, mhd. d, altn. æ. 1. als Ausdruck der Klage und des Schmerzes: A, fadir, he sayed, alas! SEV. SAG. 1250. 4, God, huet solle we ete to day. AYENB. p. 51. A, God, hou hi byep foles. p. 92. Thenne shrykede pe jonge qwene & vp on hy} cryethe, 4, lady,.. where ar my lefe childeren! CHEUEL. ASSIGNE 81. He bleynte and cryed, a! As that he stongen were unto the herte. CH. C. T. 1080. A, my nek has lygen wrang! Town. Sprachproben II.


M. p. 108, auch in Verbindung mit wah, wey, alas: A wah! pet he efre wulle pristelechen pe[t] heo wulle underfon swa heż þing. OEH. p. 25. A wah! pet ic hit efre dude p. 29. A wei [wale ä.T.] pat euere soch man into helle (solde] gon. LA. I. 308 j. T. A wey! doşter Cordeille, wyder schal ich now fle. R. OF GL. p. 35. A wey, he seide, pe rede dragon. p. 132. A wey! sely jonge þynges. p. 315, cf. 327, 338, 428. A wey! a wey! we synuol men, alas! p. 252. A, allas! huet is ous worp oure pouer. AYENB. P: 71.

2. der Bitte und Mahnung: 4, Jhesu, swete Jhesu, leoue pat te luue of þe beo al mi likinge. OEH. p. 221. 4, sire.. Mercy. SEV. SAG. 2109. 4, Laverd, lese mi saule. Ps. 114, 4. A, man, hab munde pat of pis lif per commip ende E. E. P. p. 1. (st. 2b). A, wend te awei. ANCR. R. p. 52. A, sire, ne passe nozt zut the see. BEK. 1807. A, Alphouns, leue lord, lat be alle po pouztes. WILL. 4445.

3. des Unwillens: A, tratour! SEV. SAG. 1307. A, fals folc. HALI MEID. p. 3. A, kowarde of kynde! CHEUEL. ASSIGNE 71. A, by lyuynge God.. Thy hedde shalle lye on by lappe. 256. A, that is writene wrang. Town. M. p. 229.

4. der Verwunderung: A, mazzstre, icc wat tatt tu full wiss Arrt Godess Sune. ORM 12808, 13754. A, hwi wepest þu Paul? OEH. p. 45. A, a! that wondyrfull name! A! that delittabyl name! HAMP. Ir. p. 1. 4, Jhesu, how precyous es thi blude! p. 6. A, Jhesu, whan pou wille, how rightwis is þi mede! LANGT. p. 329. 4, mon, how may pou slepe, pis morning is so clere? GAW. 1745. 4, Gylle, what chere! It is J. Town. M. p. 109. A! quod the sompnour, benedicite, what ye say. CH. C. T. 7038.

5. seltener der Freude: A, Mahowne, so light is my saulle! Town. M. p. 152.

6. In Verbindung mit ha drückt die Interjektion Befriedigung oder Ironie aus, neue. aha: Aha! evax. PR. PARV. p. 8. A ha! now ar we right arayde. Town. M. p. 214. A ha! said pe erle, had þat schank ne bien, pou had liggen per stille. LANGT. p. 55.

a, aa, az, ai, ay, æ, 0, 00, adv. ags. á, north. auch aa [Ps. 104, 4], altn. d, æ, æi, ea, e, altschw. a, a, e, ee, ahd. éo, io, alts. eo, io, gio, afries. a, e, i, goth. aiv [in negativen Sätzen], neue. aye, immer.


[blocks in formation]

1. A wurpe he wa. Laz. I. 163. A pis world wind onzein us. OEH. p. 21. Godd.. ¿ife uss a To brukenn heoffness blisse. ORM 4008. per is a liht & a leitende leome. LEG. KATH. 1695. Nert tu mid fulde a ifulled? ANCR. R. p. 276. per is a feht & mot beon aa nede. HALI MEID. p. 15. Warschipe pat aa is waker. OEH. p. 249. Me mahte libben aa bi pe swotnesse. p. 261. Godess peowwess blomen azz. ORM 3636. 433 pez sholdenn brinngenn lac. 7883. Habben hit nu and aze. LA3. II. 633. To wunien per he wuneo ai. LEG. KATH. 921. Bisech ai hire pat ha pe lihte. HALI MEID. p. 45. þai sal forworth, and pou sal be at. Ps. 100, 6. Luuen God and seruen him ay. GEN. A. Ex. 5. pe sam God ay was. HAMP. 12. So shulen men callen it ay. HAVEL.747. That anfald God es ay stedfast. METR.HOм. p.1. E to his liue hire willen idrizen. LA3. I, 54. Ever and o. MAPES p. 342. Ful o lif de lested oo. GEN. A. EX. 111. Oo lyuynge God pat dwellest in heuene. CHEUEL. ÁSS. 201.

2. Oft steht das Adverb in Verbindung mit sinnverwandten Zeitbestimmungen: A to mine live sorzen ich mot drize. LA3. III. 121, cf. I. 54, II. 54. A buten ende. OEH. p. 11. 25. 123. ANCR. R. p. 396. ORM 8764. 10491. 10564. 16105. 19324. Þu schalt aa buten ende bruken blisse. ST. MARHER. p. 19. 23. Efre❘ a butenn ende. ORM 2090. A wiðuten ende. OEH. p. 251. A on ecnesse. p. 29. From worlde into worlde aa on ecnesse. ST. MARHER. p. 22. From world inte worlde aa on echnesse. OEH. p. 251. In alre worldene world aa on ecnesse. St. MARHER. p. 7. In alre worlde world a on ecnesse. LEG. KATH. 663. 2540. World a buten ende. ANCR. R. p. 144. 182. In werld ai [in sæcula]. Ps. 43, 9. Auch wird es mit afre, euer durch and verbunden: That we be wit hir euer and a. METR. HOм. p. XXI. Onde et euer ant aa ure heorte. ST. MARHER. p. 17. Ever and o. MAPES p. 342. Ever ant oo, nyht ant day. LYR. P. p. 111. 112. 113. 114. Auch wiederholt sich die Partikel: Crist shall rixlenn az occ azz. ORM 2263. cf. 3212. 3644. 8549. 11557.

3. Das Adv. steht mit Bezug auf die Dauer der Haupthandlung während oder bis zu einer anderen, vor Temporalsätzen und meist unmittelbar vor der den Nebensatz einleitenden Partikel: Ai was borzen Bala Segor dorquile dat Loth dwelledde dor. GEN. A. Ex. 1105. Quen thai hauid striuen ai quil thai moht. METR. Hом. p. XVIII. For god win til Crist birl we Ai quil we lif in charite. p. 125. Heo biheld after ai hwil ha mihte. LEG. KATH. 1877. Scho lived hir lif in licherye Ai til Crist haued of hir mercye. METR. HOм. p. 15. Mankind in prison he held.. Ai til God in trinite Of mankind hafd sa gret pite. p. 7. vgl. altschw. e til, donec.

Hierher ziehen wir auch das frühe weit verbreitete a pat, o pat (pet), da wir in a und o keine verkürzte Präposition zu erkennen vermögen; pat leitet aber in älterer Zeit häufig den Temporalsatz ein, welcher in nördlichen Mundarten von til eingeführt wird: And het

hire kasten into cwarterne ant into cwalmhus a det he hefde betere bipoht him. ST. MARHER. p. 4. Al ich am dreori a det ha beon purh me idoruen. p. 15. Ne we nusten hwat we diden a dat he undutte us. LEG. KATH. 1820. Þeos.. forroteð þrin a pat ha arisen þurh birewsunge. HALI MEID. P. 15. Nis ha neauer wiðute care.. a dat owder of ham twa ear lose oder. p. 35. From Moyses a pet drihten com. OEH. p. 15. Ic wille liggen a pet ic beo ealdre. p. 23. Pat pich ham forwalled a det ha beon formealte. p. 251. Þer inne heo wuneden a pat her com liðen ma of heore leoden. LA3. I. 257. Þa feol þat feoh here fif and sixti zere a pet Adelstan com liden. III. 286. Thou shalt buen in bondes ay O that come domesday. HARR. OF HELL 128. And euere to libben iliche zong o pat of hem to weren atsprong pe noumbre of pe soulen etc. CAST. OF L. 151. So steht odet häufig als Variante von vort in Ancr. R. 18. 22. 42 etc.

wie adat, adet p. 134. 152. Diese häufig zu einem Wortkörper verbundenen Partikeln erscheinen auch als Präposition: Alle dazen a pet endunge pissere weoride. OEH. p. 119. Sitteð odet Magnificat ze mowen sitten vort Magnificat ed.]. ANCR. R. p. 22. v. 1., auch vor einem Adverb: Hefde ihud hire adat tenne. LEG. KATH. 2053.

4. Als bedeutungsloses Füllwort steht ai häufig in der alten Psalmenübersetzung: Bandes of pa breke we ai. Ps. 2, 3. When pou salte come to me ai. 100, 2.

5. Die nördliche Mundart verbindet das Adverb oft mit Präpositionen: Ne in ai [in æternum] sal he threte parfore. Ps. 102, 9. so in ai 9, 6. 14, 5. 105, 5. Laverdes merci.. til ai our him dredand. Ps. 102, 17. Til in ai lighte sal he noght se. 48, 20. Wane sal pai, And in pair duste sal turne for ai. 103, 29. I warn the lad, for ay. Town. M. p. 19. Wyth halowys to duell for evyr and ay. WYNT. 7, 7, 360. Upbraidinge of ai [opprobrium sempiternum]. Ps. 77, 66.

6. Mit mare, more zusammengestellt, wie ags. á mare, vergleicht es sich dem ahd. comer, iomer, mhd. iemer, immer, nhd. immer: Gan to scrifte and bireusien ha [sc. eower sunne] and forleten ha a mare. OEH. p. 21. Wuniað in him a mare. p. 27. Pe mote ich ai mare heien ant herien. ST. MARHER. p. 3. Þe pine peruore leasted a mare. p. 15. Pe is ileued. . blissen buten ende & murhðen ai mare. LEG. KATH. 2188. Lasted ai mare, se lengre se mare. 1719. Die Verdoppelung des Komparativ verlegt den Nachdruck auf den Begriff der wachsenden Steigerung: Ever me longed a more & more. ALL. P. 1, 144. Pat meued my mynd ay more & more. ib. 156.

7. Auch Komparativsätzen, welche ein proportionales Verhältniss ausdrücken, geht öfter a, ay voran: A the more I loke theron, A the more I thynke I fon. Town. M. p. 229. Ay the halyar that a man es, The mar lufes he meknes. METR. HOм. p. 73. aað s. s. að.

abac, abak, abacward s. bac.


abad, abade, abaid, abood, abode s. Verzug, Aufenthalt, zu abiden ags. ábídan geh. vgl. bad s.

Wyth the knytht was none abad. DEGREV. 129 Hys bridill, but mar abad, He turnyt. BARB. 9, 490. Nas ther no leng abade. TRISTR. 1, 14. Bischop Synclar, without langar abaid, Met thaim at Glammyss. WALLACE 7, 1033. Non abaid he makith. LANCEL. 3308. And right anoon, withoute eny abood [vv. 11. abod, abode SIX-TEXT PR.] His baner he desplayeth. CH. C. T. 967. Of restes, of labour, and of viages, Of abood, of deeth, of lyfe. H. of Fame 3, 872. Peril is with drecchynge in ydrawe; Nay swich abodes ben nought worth an hawe. Tr. a. Cr. 3, 804.

abælien, abæilien v. ags. abäligan, irritare, offendere, schädigen. vgl. abelzen.

Bruttes. . ofte hine abaileden [faste him wipstode j. T.] Laz. II. 3.

abai, abaie s. afr. abai, aboi. Stellung des Wildes durch die Hunde, eig. Bellen; vgl. bai s.

Pe emperour entred in a wey, euene to attele to haue bruttenet pat bor & pe abaie seppen. WILL. 205. Euere pe dogge at pe hole held it [sc. pe barn] at abaye. ib. 46. Thus the forest they fray, Hertus bade at abey. DEGREV. 237. Pus y am huntid as an herte to abay. HYMNS TO THE VIRG. p. 70. 1. 401.

abaien v. afr. abaier lat. gl. adbaubari. Wild stellen, eig. v. Hunden, bellen, hetzen; vgl. abauen.

Every man have a smal rodde yn his hond to holde of the houndes that thei shul the better abaye, Ms. in HALLIW. D. p. 4. 3ef he myghte come on cas, wher hy hym myghte so hound abaye, Othir bygile othir bytreye. ALIS. 3881. bildlich für erschrecken: A wourde scho culd not speik, scho was so abayd. K. HART 1, 49.

abandon, abandun, abandoun, abaundoun adv adj. u. s. eig. afr. a bandon, bandun, pr. a bandon adverbial u. abandon s.

1. adverbial steht es in den Bedeutungen: nach Belieben, frei, willig: His ribbes and scholder fel adoun, Men might se the liver abandoun. ARTH. A. MERL. P. 223. Alle thai folwed him abaundoun. GY OF WARW. p. 181.

2. adjektivisch in d. Bedeutung: willfährig, gehorsam erscheint es in: To beon moder of swuche sone. . and habben him swa abandun pet he wule pet al pine wil ihwer beo iforped. OEH. p. 189. To boen moder of swich sune.. and habben him so abaundune det he wule det pin wille oueral beo iuordet ib. p. 203.

3. als Substantiv findet es sich mit den Präposs. at und in, afr. pr. a abandon, =sans réserve: All tha alswa of the town Ischyd to fecht at abandown. WYNT. 9, 8, 24. In abandoun Thai ger thaim cum apon thaim doun. BARB. 14, 109. It is good resoun, He yeve his good in aboundoun. CH. R. of R. 2341.

abandonen, abandounen, abandunen v

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afr. abandoner pr. abandonar von abandon zu ban geh. unterwürfig machen, unterwerfen, zwingen.

Dai dowtyd at hys senyhourry Suld pame abawndown halyly. WYNT. 2, 9, 35. Swa the land abandownyt he, That durst nane warne to do his will. BARB. 3, 619. Fortune to her lawys can not abandune me. SKELTON I. 273. Abandonit will he noght be to berne that is borne. GAW. A. GOL. 1, 12. Morice.. Which so ferforth was abandouned To Cristes feith, that men him calle Morice the christenest of alle. GOWER I. 213. Lucrece . . all environed With women, which were abandoned To werche. III. 253.

abandones adv. oder s? reichlich.

Of blisse and of lostes and of solas ssel bi zuo abandones to echen, pet alle ssolle by uolle. AYENB. p. 247. abasen, abassen, abaschen, abaisen, abaissen, abaischen v. weder niederd. basen, verbasen noch afr. pr. esbair (esbaiss..) scheinen zur vollständigen Erklärung aller Formen des Zeitwortes ausreichend, welches vorzugsweise im Part. Perf., obwohl auch in einigen anderen Formen vorkommt. Uebrigens scheint schon Palsgrave, welcher das Verb mit esbahyr übersetzt, an die Abstammung von demselben zu denken. neue. abash.

1. intr. erschrecken, bestürzt sein: His falouschip abasit of that thing. LANCEL. 2243. Out of his slep he stert Abasit and adred. 377. Ryst as no strong man ne semep nat to abassen or disdaignen as ofte tyme as he herep pe noise of pe bataile. CH. Boeth. p. 146. Wist Isaac where so he were, He wold be abast now. Town. M. p. 37. Moyses, be thou nott abast, My bydyng shalle thou boldly bere. p. 58. I abasche, or am amased of any thynge. PALSGR. Than wolde other boynardis have ben abasshyd. DEP. OF R. II. p. 8. Abaschyd or aferde. PR. P. p. 5. 3oure gastnes is faln into vs, and alle the dwellers of the loond ben abasshid [elanguerunt] WYCL. JOSH. 2, 9 Oxf. Of which sight glad.. She was abashed. Сн. Dr. 1291. Whan his folk saughe him at the erthe, thei weren alle abasscht. MAUND. p. 226. Þe kyng was abascht and to his bed buskes, and his chamberlain so aferd þat neih he felde iswowen. JOSEPH 202. As the new abaysed nyghtyngale. CH. Tr. a. Cr. 3, 1184. Abaysyd of that sycht thei ware. WYNT. 8, 37, 74. Thai war ay abaysit and adred. LANCEL. 2664. I wex al abesit and astoned. CH. Boeth. p. 7. Nought abaissed to agulte God and alle good men P. PL. ed. WR. Not. p. 517. Thei weren abaist (or greetly aferd). WYCL. MK. 16, 5. Oxf. Swa pat men suld mare drede and be abayste. HAMP. 1430. Pat oper burne watz abayst of his brope wordes. ALL. P. 2, 149. Now is Berwik born doun, abaist is pat cuntre. LANGT. p. 272. Wonder sore he was abaiste. CH. Tr. a. Cr. 3, 1073. Cerberus was cauzt and al abaist for þe new[e] songe. Boeth. p. 107. The constable wax abaisshed of that sight. C. T. 4988. She rysith up abaisshed from hir traunce. 8984.


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