The Second Part of King Henry IVCambridge University Press, 3 de maig 2007 - 266 pàgines The New Cambridge Shakespeare appeals to students worldwide for its up-to-date scholarship and emphasis on performance. The series features line-by-line commentaries and textual notes on the plays and poems. Introductions are regularly refreshed with accounts of new critical, stage and screen interpretations. This second edition retains Giorgio Melchiori's text of Shakespeare's The Second Part of King Henry IV. Melchiori argues that the play forms an unplanned sequel to the First Part, itself a 'remake' of an old, non-Shakespearean play. In the Second Part, Shakespeare deliberately exploits Falstaff's popular appeal and the resulting rich humour adds a comic dimension to the play, rendering it a unique blend of history, morality play and comedy. Among modern editions, Melchiori's is the one most firmly based on the quarto. This second edition includes a new section by Adam Hansen on recent stage, film and critical interpretations. |
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Frases i termes més freqüents
adoo aliue archbishop archbishop of Yorke Battle of Shrewsbury betwixt bloud castell cause certeine chamber councell crowne dagger daie death Dericke deuised diuerse duke earle marshall earle of Northumberland earle of Westmerland enimies euery farre fauour feare foorth France freends gaue giue giuen Gogs wounds grace greeuouslie hand hast hath haue heauen himselfe Holinshed honour Iudge Iust Iustice of England John king Henrie knights laie leaue liue Lord chiefe Iustice lord Cobham lord Iohn Lord the yong loue louing Maiestie maister Captaine maner maruell mooued neuer onelie ouer pardon parlement perceiued prince his sonne prince of Wales prison prouided quoth raigne realme saith scene Scroope selfe seruants serue shal shewed sir Iohn Oldcastell sorie soueraigne lord soule subiects thee Theefe themselues thine thing Thomas Eliot thou shalt togither twentith Umfreuill victorie vnderstand vnto vpon Wales whereof whilest whome wife yong Prince yoong
Referències a aquest llibre
Euphemism & Dysphemism: Language Used as Shield and Weapon Keith Allan,Kate Burridge Visualització de fragments - 1991 |
Split Down the Sides: On the Subject of Laughter Rupert D. V. Glasgow Visualització de fragments - 1997 |