Vaux, a Sea-Captain, and Walter Whitmore-Pirates. A Herald. Hume and Southwel, 2 Priefts. Bolingbrook, an Aftrologer. A Spirit, attending on Jordan the Witch. Thomas Horner, an Armourer. Peter, his Man. Clerk of Chatham. Mayor of St. Albans. Simpcox, an Impoftor. Jack Cade, Bevis, Michael, John Holland, Dick the Butcher, Smith the Weaver, and several others, Rebels. Margaret, Queen to King Henry VI. fecretly in love with the Duke of Suffolk. Dame Eleanor, Wife to the Duke of Gloucefter. Mother Jordan, a Witch, employ'd by the Dutchess of Gloucester. Wife to Simpcox. Petitioners, Aldermen, a Beadle, Sheriff and Officers, Citizens, with Faulconers, Guards, Meffengers, and other Attendants. The SCENE is laid very difperfedly in feveral Parts of England. The SECOND PART of (1) King HENRY VI. ACT I. SCENE, The Palace. Flourish of Trumpets: then, Hautboys. Enter King Henry, Duke Humphry, Salisbury, Warwick, and Beauford on the one fide: The Queen, Suffolk, York, Somerset, and Buckingham on the other. SUFFOLK. S by your high imperial Majesty So in the famous ancient city, Tours, In prefence of the Kings of France and Sicil, The dukes of Orleans, Calaber, Bretaigne, Alanfon, Seven Earls, twelve Barons, twenty reverend Bishops, I have perform'd my task, and was efpous'd: And (1) The fecond Part of K. Henry VI.] This and the third part of K. Henry VI. contain that troublesome Period of this Prince's Reign, which took in the whole Contention betwixt the two Houfes of York and Lancaster: And under that Title were A 3 thefe ! ! And humbly now upon my bended knee, [Prefenting the Queen to the King To your most gracious hand; that are the fubftance K. Henry. Suffolk, arife. Welcome, Queen Margaret ; I can exprefs no kinder fign of love, Than this kind kiss. O Lord, that lend'ft me life, For thou haft giv'n me, in this beauteous face, If fympathy of love unite our thoughts. Q. Mar. Great King of England, and my gracious The mutual conf'rence that my mind hath had, K. Henry. Her fight did ravish, but her grace in freech, Make me from wondring fail to weeping joys, Such is the fulness of my heart's content. Lords, with one cheerful voice welcome my love. Q. Mar. We thank you all. [Flourish. Suff. My lord protector, fo it please your grace, Here are the articles of contracted Peace, thefe two Plays first acted and publifhed. The prefent Scene opens with K. Henry's Marriage, which was in the 23d Year of his Reign; and clofes with the first Battle fought at St Albans, and won by the York Faction, in the 33d Year of his Reign. So that it comprizes the History and Tranfactions of 10 Years. Between Between our Sovereign and the French King Charles, Glo. [reads] Imprimis, It is agreed between the French King, Charles, and William de la Pole Marquifs of Suffolk, Ambafador for Henry King of England, that the faid Henry hall efpause the lady Margaret, daughter unto Reignier King of Naples, Sicilia, and Jerufalem, and crown her Queen of England, ere the thirtieth of May next enfuing. Item. That the Dutchy of Anjou, and the County of Maine, shall be releafed and delivered to the King her father. [Lets fall the paper. K. Henry. Uncle, how now ? Glo. Pardon me, gracious lord; Some fudden qualm hath ftruck me to the heart, Win. Item, That the Dutchies of Anjou and Maine hall be releafed and delivered to the King her father, and The fent over of the King of England's own proper cost and charges, without having any dowry. K. Henry. They please us well. Lord Marquifs, kneel you down; We here create thee the first duke of Suffolk, And gird thee with the fword. Coufin of York, We thank you for all this great favour done, [Exeunt King, Queen, and Suffolk. Manent the reft. Glo. Brave peers of England, pillars of the state, A 4 What! |