Glo. Plantagenet. Anne. Why, that was he. Glo. The felf-fame name, but one of better nature. Anne. Where is he? Glo. Here why doft thou fpit at me? [She fpits at him. Anne. Would it were mortal poifon for thy fake! Glo. Never came poifon from fo fweet a place. Anne. Never hung poifon on a fouler toad. Out of my fight! thou dost infect mine eyes. Glo. Thine eyes, fweet Lady, have infected mine. And what these forrows could not thence exhale, My tongue could never learn sweet smoothing words; My proud heart fues, and prompts my tongue to fpeak. I lay it naked to the deadly stroke, And And humbly beg the death upon my knee. [He lays his breaft open, he offers at it with his fword. Nay, do not paufe; for I did kill King Henry; But 'twas thy beauty that provoked me. Nay, now dispatch: 'twas I that stabb'd' young Edward; But 'twas thy heav'nly face that fet me on. [She falls the word. Take up the fword again, or take up me. Anne. Arife, diffembler; though I wish thy death, I will not be thy executioner. Glo. Then bid me kill myself, and I will do it. Glo. That was in thy rage: Speak it again, and even with thy word, Glo. Then never man was true. Glo. Vouchsafe to wear this ring. Look, how my ring encompaffeth thy finger, Ev'n fo thy breaft incloseth my poor heart: Wear both of them, for both of them are thine. But beg one favour at thy gracious hand, Glo. That it may please you leave these fad designs I will with all expedient duty fee you. For divers unknown reafons, I beseech you, Grant me this boon. Anne. With all my heart, and much it joys me too, To see you are become fo penitent. Traffel and Barkley, go along with me. Anne. Tis more than you deferve: Glo. Sirs, take up the coarse. [Exe. two with Anne, Gent. Towards Chertsey, noble Lord? Glo. No, to White-Fryars, there attend my coming. [Exeunt with the coarfe Was ever woman in this humour woo'd? Was ever woman in this humour won? I'll have her but I will not keep her long. The bleeding witness of her hatred by: With God, her confcience, and thefe bars against me And I no friends to back my fuit withal, But the plain devil, and diffembling looks: And yet to win her-All the world to nothing! Ha! Hath the forgot already that brave Prince, Edward, her Lord, whom I, fome three months fince, Stabb'd in my angry mood at Tewksbury? A fweeter and a lovelier gentleman, Fram'd in the prodigality of nature, Young, wife, and valiant, and no doubt, right royal, The fpacious world cannot again afford: And will the yet debafe her eyes on me, That cropt the golden prime of this sweet Prince, On me, whofe All not equals Edward's Moiety? I do mistake my perfon all this while: That I SCENE changes to the Palace. Enter the Queen, Lord Rivers, and Lord Gray. [Exit, Riv. LTAVE patience, Madam, there's no doubt, his Majelty Will foon recover his accuftom'd health. Gray. In that you brook it ill, it makes him worfe: Queen. Ah! he is young, and his minority Enter Buckingham and Stanley. Gray. Here come the Lords of Buckingham and Stanley. (2) Buck. (2) Here come the Lords of Buckingham and Derby.] This is a Blunder of Inadvertence, which has run thro' the whole Chain of Impressions. It could not well be original in Shakespeare, who Buck. Good time of day unto your royal Grace! Stanley. God make your Majefty joyful as you have been! Queen. The Countess Richmond, good my Lord of To your good pray'r will fcarcely fay, Amen: Stanley. I do befeech you, either not believe Bear with her weakness; which I think proceeds Queen. What likelihood of his amendment, Lords? Buck. Madam, good hope; his Grace fpeaks chearfully. Queen. God grant him health! did you confer with him? Buck. Madam, we did; he feeks to make atonement Between the Duke of Glofter and your brothers, And between them and my lord chamberlain; And fent to warn them to his royal prefence. Queen. 'Would all were well-but that will never beI fear, our happiness is at the height. Enter Gloucester. Glo. They do me wrong, and I will not endure it. who was most minutely intimat with his Hiftory and the Intermarriages of the Nobility. The Perfon, here called Derby, was Thomas Lord Stanley, Lord Steward of King Edward the IVth's Household. But this Thomas Lord Stanley was not created Earl of Derby till after the Acceffion of Henry VII; and, accordingly, afterwards in the Fourth and Fifth As of this Play, before the Battle of Bofworth-field, he is every where call'd Lord Stanley. This fufficiently juftifies the Change I have made in his Title. Who |