Directions for drawing abstracts of title

E. Spettigue, 1840 - 91 pàgines

Des de l'interior del llibre

Pàgines seleccionades

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Frases i termes més freqüents

Passatges populars

Pàgina 80 - B. lawfully begotten or to be begotten, equally to be divided between or among them, if more than one, share and share alike as tenants in common and not as joint tenants...
Pàgina 58 - JA lately and on or about the day of , departed this life, having first made and published his last will and testament in writing, bearing date the day of , and a codicil thereto bearing date the day of , and thereby appointed MC and WW executors thereof.
Pàgina 40 - Cadogan, at any time or times during his life, by any deed or deeds, writing or writings, with or without power of revocation, to be sealed and delivered, in the presence of, and attested by two or more credible witnesses...
Pàgina 81 - ... and of the several and respective heirs of the body and bodies of all and every such son and sons...
Pàgina 25 - ... by any deed or deeds, instrument or instruments, in writing, with or without power of revocation, to be sealed and delivered in the presence of...
Pàgina 52 - Munn by any deed or deeds, instrument or instruments in writing, to be sealed and delivered by him in the presence of, and attested by, two or more credible witnesses, or by his last will and testament in writing...
Pàgina 35 - and declared, of and concerning the same ; that is to say...
Pàgina 37 - ... the several and respective heirs male of the body and bodies of all and every such son and sons lawfully issuing, the elder of such sons and the heirs male of his body to be always preferred, and to take before the younger of such son and sons and the heirs male of his and their body and bodies issuing...
Pàgina 64 - Inwood, his heirs and assigns, for ever, to be held of the lord according to the custom of the said manor, by the rents...
Pàgina 40 - ... to make sale, alien and dispose of, or to convey in exchange for or in lieu of other messuages, lands or hereditaments, to be situate somewhere in that part of Great Britain called England, or in...

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