Imatges de pàgina




CAP. 3.

[1469, cap. 27.]

TUICHING the new Inventionis of selling of landis be chartir and sesing and takin again of reversions


TEM As tuiching the new Inuentionis of selling of landis be chartir and sesing and takin again of Reuersionis And It happin the byare to sell again the samyn land to ane vthir persone It is now sene expedient in this present parliament and according to law and conscience that the sellare sall haue Recourse to the samyn landis sauld be him vnder lettre of Reuersione to quhatsumeuir handis the said lettre cummys payand the mone and schawand the Reuersione and haue sic priuelege and fredome aganis the personis that haldis the said landis as he suld haue again the principale first byare

[In part rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]

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CAP. 4.

[1469, cap. 28.]

ANENT the prescriptioun of obligationis nocht folowit within the space of fourty yeris

TEM As anentis obligationis that salbe folowit in tyme cummyn except thame that ar dependand in the law befoir the makin of this Act It is avisit that the partij to quham the obligatione is maid or that has Interess therein sall folow the said obliga within the space of fourty yeris and tak document thairupone And gif he dois nocht It sall prescrife and be of nain avail the said fourtj yeir beand Ronnyng and vnpersewit be the law


CAP. 12.

[1469, cap. 36.]

ANENT the distrenying of tenandis for the lordis dettis

TEM To eschow the gret herschip and distructionis of the kingis commonis malaris and Inhabitaris lordis landis throw the force of the brefe of distres that quhare ony sovmes ar optenit be virtu of the said brefe vpoun the lord Awnare of the ground that the gudis and catal of the pure mennis Inhabitaris of the ground ar takin and distrenyeit for the lordis dettis quhare the malis extendis nocht to the avail of the det It Is avisit and ordanit in this present parliament that fra hyne furth the pure tenandis sal nocht be distrenyit for the lordis dettis forthir than his termes mail extendis . . . . And gif the creditour takkis the termes mail be virtu of the brefe of distres It sall nocht be leful to the lorde to tak It again. . . And als the Oure lorde sall Ressaue the creditoure or ony vthir byar tennande to him thai payande to the Oure lorde a yeris mail as the lande Is set for the tyme.

[In part rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]



CAP. 6.

[1474, cap. 51.]

ANENT the breif of tutorie

TEM It is statute and ordanit anent the breif of tutorie that it be vnderstandin in tyme to cum that he that is nerrest agnet and of xxv yeiris of age fulfilling the laif of the poyntis of the breif salbe lauchfull tutour suppois the childe that happynnis to be in tutory haif ane yonger brother or sister nochtwithstanding that the agnet is nocht immediate to succeid to the childe be cause of yonger breder and sisteris

CAP. 9.

[1474, cap. 54.]

ANENTIS the Act of prescripcione of obligacionis

TTEM Anentis the act maide of befor of prescripcione of obligacionis it is ordanit to be wnderstandin in this wise that all aulde obligacionis maid of befor that is eldar than the dait of

xl yeris nocht dependande in the lawe in the tyme of the making of the saide actis salbe prescrivit and of na strenthe and in lik wise in tyme to cum all obligacionis maid or to be maide that beis nocht folowyt within xl yeris sall prescrive and be of na awaill


CAP. 6.

[1477, cap. 73.]

FOR observing of the act anent the cruvis sett in watteris


TEM It is statut and ordanit that the Act maid of befoir be king James the first anent the cruvis sett in watteris be obseruit and kepit the quhilk beris in effect that all cruvis set in wateris quhare the seye fillis and ebbis the quhilk distrois the fry of all fischis be put away and distroit for euermare Nochtwithstanding all fredome or priuilegis gevin In the contrare . . . . And that thai that has crufis in fresche wateris that thai ger kepe the lawis anent the setterdais slop And suffer thaim nocht to stand in forbodin tyme . . . . And that Ilk hek of the said crufis be thre Inche wyde as the auld statut Requiris maid be king dauid . . . .

[In part rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]


CAP. 14.

[1481, cap. 83.]

MEMORANDUM of deliverance of the lordis of Counsale anent a revocacione maid be a woman havand conjunctfeftment eftir hir husbandis deceis


EMORANDUM the sext day of marche the yeir of god mcccclxxxi yeiris Robert Danyelstoun was persewit be ane woman callit Glen befoir the lordis of counsale And scho wald haue cumin aganis hir aith that scho maid in Jugement befoir the officiall of glasgw And thair was schawin ane Instrument vnder the seill of the said officiale that scho consentit to the alienatioun of sic landis and swoir that scho suld neuir cum in

the contrair heirof And wald haue had the saidis landis allegeand that It was hir coniunctfeftment and maid reuocatioun eftir hir husbandis deceiss sayand that he compellit hir thairto The actioun was deliuerit aganis this woman


CAP. 17.

[1487, cap. 111.]

THAT certane commissionaris of borrowis convene in ilk yere

A tis

yerely in tyme tocum certane commissionaris of all borrowis baith south and north convene and gadre togiddir . . . . with full commissioune and thair to comoune and trete apoune the welefare of merchandis the gude Rewle and statutis for the commoune proffit of borowis and to provide for Remede apoune the scaith and Iniuris sustenit within burowis

[In part rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]




CAP. 6.

[1491, cap. 25.]

Of landis fallin in ward to oure soverane lord or
ony uthir baroun.

TEM It is statute and ordinit that quhare ony landis happinnis

to fall in ward to oure souerane lord or ony vther baroune in his Realme Spirituale or temporale or landis gevin in coniunctfeftment or lifrent als wele to burght as to land that the schiref of the schire stewart prouest or bailyeis sall tak sicker souerte of the persone or personis that gettis sic wardis that thai sall nocht waist nor distroy ther biggingis charteris woddis parkis stankis myndis nor dovcatis bot hald thaim in siclik kynd as thai ar in the tyme that he gettis and ressauis the samen he takand his ressonable sustentacioune or vsing in neidfull thingis without distruccioune or waisting thairof and ane Ressonable levin be gevin to the sustentacioune of the Are eftre the quantite of the heretage of the said Are And gif the said Are haue na blanchferme nor fewferme landis to sustene thaim one Alswele of the wardis that fallis in our souerane lordis handis As vthir baroune Spirituale or temporale


CAP. 7.

[1491, cap. 26.]

Of the tennentis of landis that fallis in ward or ar
uthir wayis alterit.

[TEM It is statut and ordinit that quhene ony landis fallis in ward or quhen ony laidy haffand terce or coniunctfeftment happinis to decess or that landis be Redemit and lowsit be

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