REVELRY. Heavy-headed revel. Our vaults have wept With drunken spilth of wine; when every room REVENGE. H. i. 4. T. A. ii. 2. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility?— revenge; if a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be, by Christian example?-why, revenge. M. V. iii. 1. O, I could play the woman with mine eyes, M. iv. 3. To weep, is to make less the depth of grief; Haste me to know it; that I, with wings as swift Had I thy brethren here, their lives, and thine, No, if I digg'd up thy forefathers' graves, It could not slake mine ire, nor ease my heart. H. i. 5. H.VI. PT. III. i. 3. Up, sword; and know thou a more horrid bent, Then trip him, that his heels may kick at heaven, To hell, allegiance! vows, to the blackest devil! H. iii. 3. H. iv. 5. REVENGE,-continued. I am disgrac'd, impeach'd, and baffled here; My bloody thoughts, with violent pace, Cæsar's spirit, ranging for revenge, With Até by his side, come hot from hell, Shall, in these confines, with a monarch's voice, Had all his hairs been lives, my great revenge REVERENCE. That angel of the world doth make distinction REVERSES. He seems Proud and disdainful; harping on what I am; R. II. i. 1. O. iii. 3. J.C. iii. 1. T. A. iii. 5. 0. v. 2. Cym. iv. 2 When my good stars, that were my former guides, A. C. iii. 11. Against the blown rose may they stop their nose, REVIEW. A. C. iii. 11 Here, here; here's an excellent place; here we may see most bravely: I'll tell you them all by their names as they pass by. REVOLUTION. Such is the infection of the time, That for the health and physic of our right, RHETORIC. Sweet smoke of rhetoric! RHYMSTER (See also POET, BALLAD-MONGER). T. C. i. 2. K. J. v. 2. L. L. iii. 1. J.C. iv. 3. Hang odes upon hawthorns, and elegies on brambles. . A. Y. iii. 2. RHYMSTER,-continued. This is the very false gallop of verses; why J.C. iv. 3. do you in 4. Y. iii. 2. I was not born under a rhyming planet, nor I cannot woo in festival terms. M. A. v. 2. RHYME. There never was a truer rhyme. Let us nothing, for we may live to have need of such a verse. cast away T.C. iv. 3. RICH. As is the ooze and bottom of the sea RICHES AND GOODNESS. H.V. i. 2. The old proverb is pretty well parted between my master Shylock and you, Sir; you have the grace of God, Sir, and he hath enough. RIDDANCE. M. V. ii. 2. Call the rest of the watch together, and thank God you are rid of a knave. M. A. iii. 3. RIDICULE. Shall quips, and sentences, and these paper bullets of the brain, awe a man from the career of his humour? And in this fashion, All our abilities, gifts, natures, shapes, RIGOUR. M. A. ii. 3. T. C. i. 3. There is no more mercy in him, than there is milk in a male tiger. RIOT. There is no fear of Got in a riot. RISIBILITY. He does smile his face into more lines, than new map, with the augmentation of the Indies. ROAR. O'twas a din to fright a monster's ear; C. v. 4. M.W. i. 1. are in the T.N. iii. 2. T. ii. 1. ROAR,-continued. You may do it extempore, for it is nothing but roaring. ROBBER. M. N. i. 2. This is the most omnipotent villain that ever cried, Stand, to a true man. H. IV. PT. I. i. 2. ROGUE (See also KNAVE, VILLAIN). Here's an overwheening rogue! ROSES(OF YORK AND LANCASTER). This brawl to-day, Grown to this faction, in the Temple Garden, T. N. ii. 5. H. VI. PT. I. ii. 4. Well, I'll find friends to wear my bleeding roses Ay, thou shalt find us ready for thee still, And know us by these colours for thy foes. H. VI. PT. I. ii. 4. And, by my soul, this pale and angry rose, As cognizance of my blood-drinking hate, Will I for ever, and my faction, wear; Until it wither with me to the grave, Or flourish to the height of my degree. ROTTENNESS. `H.VI. PT. I. ii. 4. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. ROVERS. H. i. 4. I would have men of such constancy put to sea, that their business might be every thing, and their intent every where; for that's it, that always makes a good voyage of nothing. T. N. ii. 4. ROYALTY IN SUBJECTION. To be a queen in bondage, is more vile For princes should be free. RUDENESS. None of noble sort would so offend a virgin. RUINS. H.VI. PT. I. v. 3. M. N. iii. 2. The ruin speaks, that sometime it was a worthy building. RULERS. He, who the sword of heaven will bear, Should be as holy as severe; Pattern in himself to know, Cym. iv. 2. RULERS,-continued. Grace to stand, and virtue go; There be, that can rule Naples As well as he that sleeps; lords, that can prate As this Gonzalo. RUMOUR. Rumour doth double, like the voice and echo, There's toys abroad; anon I'll tell thee more. M. M. iii.". T. ii. 1 H.IV. PT. II. iii. 1. K. J. i. 1 M. M. i. 4. For so I have strew'd it in the common ear, By holy Paul, they love his grace but lightly, Old men, and beldams; in the streets That the blunt monster with uncounted heads, RUSHING OF A MULTITUDE. R. III. i. 3. K. J. iv. 2. H. IV. PT. II. i. Ind. Ne'er through an arch so hurried the blown tide, C. v. 4. |