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"Methinks that yonder corner one,' said the soldier we have described, "would afford the better accommodation," and at the same time approaching it, he bade the ostler conduct their horses thither. His orders were promptly executed, and having stowed in a good allowance of hay for the horses, and a triple quantity of straw to supply the want of beds, the ostler returned to his work elsewhere. "Now then, to business," said our soldier, who was no other than General Cromwell, accompanied by Ireton and a trusty trooper, "to business," said he, drawing a letter from his pocket, then turning suddenly to his ironside, "Haste thee, Ford," he exclaimed, "and that our actions may conform to our present guise, bring quickly from the inn three cans of beer, and seek us where we now stand.'

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Ford readily withdrew, and the general having carefully perused the contents of his letter, replaced it in his pocket, and commenced an extravagant eulogy upon the writer.

66 Pray,' "said Ireton, "what ecstatic tidings does the letter of your worthy informer convey? the design of our visit here I can well comprehend, but not the means of executing it, for you have not yet deemed it necessary to particularize."

"This letter," answered Cromwell, "I received this evening at Windsor, from one of my spies, who is of the king's bedchamber. Therein he informs me, that our final doom is settled this very day; that he could not possibly learn what it was, but we might discover it if we could but intercept a letter sent by the king to his queen, where he informs her of his resolution. This letter, continues he, will be sewn up in the skirt of a saddle; and the bearer, whom he suspects to be a disbanded trooper of Rupert's horse, will come with the saddle upon his head, about ten o'clock to-night to this very inn, where he takes horse for Dover early to-morrow morning. Upon the receipt of this intelligence, you are aware that I searched you out, urged the necessity of instantly repairing to this place, informing you that by so doing, we might get into our hands an important communication of the king to his queen, whereby we should be enabled to direct our future plans. I said there was no time for questioning me, but proposed that we

should take one trusty fellow with us, and set off immediately in these habits to the inn appointed. Our journey hither was too speedy to admit of conversation, so whatever then remained to be told, I have fully disclosed now. Thus far we have prospered; it now wants an hour of the time specified."

"All is well at present," said Ireton, "but regarding the bearer of this letter I should like to know more; does he come armed?"

"It is not improbable," said Cromwell, "for the times render some weapon of defence very necessary."

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"Is he conscious himself that he bears the letter, concealed in the saddle ?" enquired Ireton.

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'Ay, there's the difficulty," said Cromwell, "my informant gave me no clew on that point; we must be careful how we devise our schemes, or the success of our enterprize will be doubtful."

"He may know nothing of the concealed billet," said Ireton," and have other letters to convey to the same home; if so, we shall have but little trouble."

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"Or as is just as likely," said Cromwell, he may be in possession of the whole secret."

While they were forming these conjectures, Ford, who had been despatched for the beer, had scarcely entered. the inn and given his orders, when the tall figure of a man he fancied he had seen before issued from an inner apartment, and glancing at him a look of recognition, and then half opening the door of the room he had just quitted, beckoned him to follow. Ford scrupled at first to obey the summons, but as the gesture of the man by no means indicated hostility, he at length consented.

"Take a seat," said the stranger, in a good-humoured tone, "and help me to finish this bowl of sack."

"I have other business in hand," said Ford in reply, " and were I at liberty, should be loath to confide too freely in thee, on so short an acquaintance.”

"What! don't you know me, then?" said the stranger; "you knew me once, and should not have forgotten me, considering the nature of our last interview."

Ford stared in amazement, and asked him to explain. He said nothing, but walked to the cupboard, unlocked it, and took out an unsheathed rapier, the blade of which was sufficiently hacked to prove it had not been idle in the late commotions.

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Perhaps you can recollect how you happened to lose it," said the stranger, "it is your's, doubt not."


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"I lost it in battle," said the soldier, emphatically; "it served me well through many frays until we fell in with a strong corps of cavaliers, not far from Horncastle in Lincolnshire, headed by one malignant Sir John HenderWe fought at fearful odds, it is true, but the words 'Truth and Peace,' given by our Lord General Cromwell, came home to every heart, and assured us of our own invincibility; pressed onward, a volley from the enemy's line brought down our general's horse, but he sprung up, and fiercely encountered on foot a sturdy, thickscull cavalier. But he was scarce a match for his antagonist, and truly was in danger, when I who fought hard by the spot, spurred my horse forward to his assistance, but was only just in time to see him felled to the ground by a tremendous blow of his enemy's broadsword."


"Would that he had followed up his victory," said the stranger, "and run the traitor Cromwell through the heart." What, fellow!" said the round head indignantly; speak you so irreverently of the Lord General? But no, he was preserved for greater achieve ments, and I became the humble instrument of his preservation."

"Humble you may well say," exclaimed the stranger, "for you soon measured your length beside your general."

"And what of that?" said the round head, "by my interposition I warrant I saved the life of our David; for when the cowardly foe seemed like to have smitten him again when lying insensible on the ground, he found other employment; foaming with rage, he dealt a heavy blow upon my steel cap, but his sword meeting harder substance than anticipated, shivered to atoms." "Well, sir, proceed," said the stranger, smiling.

"I then prepared to strike in my turn, but the fiery foe uttering a fearful oath grappled me, and wresting this very

sword from my hand, hurled me with terrible force to the ground.”

"But he took no advantage of thee when on the ground, though he would not have been so lenient to Old Noll," said the stranger. "Remember, no quarter that day."

"That's very true," said the soldier; "I think he would soon have settled me; but, fortunately, our General recovering from the stunning effects of his blow, dismounted one of his troopers, and shouting to his men, who had recoiled on seeing him struck to the earth, soon turned the fortune of the day. On we rushed, and away they flew, like chaff before the wind, nor once stopped till they reached the gates of Lincoln."

"You won the day, I must confess," said the stranger; "but when horses are blown and

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"You seem to know as much of this affair as I myself do," said the soldier, interrupting him; "mayhap you were among the vanquished that day."

"I was indeed," said the stranger, not a whit ashamed of his retreat after the execution he had done in the fight ;"and avow myself to be the very cavalier who claims the honour of having dealt Old Noll his first knock down blow. You seem to wonder at my knowing you again-but who the devil could ever see your stumpy red hair, and not remember you!"

"A truce to your ribald jests," said the republican, and was about leaving

the room.

"Nay, don't go," cried the cavalier, "stay, and take a cup of sack for old acquaintance sake I have a friend coming to join me here to-night at ten precisely, so, you see, we could have a merry night on't."

"I have duty to attend to elsewhere; and, furthermore, I reprobate débauchery," said the soldier.

"Oh, as you like it," said the cavalier-"but don't leave your old rapier."

"I thank you-but I'm well provided," answered Ford, pointing significantly to his pistols, and abruptly departed.

We may easily conceive that Cromwell's patience was well nigh exhausted by the long absence of Ford; and when he at length did return with the long expected beer, Cromwell eagerly demanded to know the reason of such delay.


Why, craving your Excellency's pardon," said Ford," when I reached the inn, I chanced to be recognised by a

certain malignant, who claimed acquaintance with me on the score of having encountered me in one of our victorious fights. He asked me to stay and join company with another of his kind, whom he expects at ten to-night.' "At ten!" said Cromwell. "Just so, my lord." "You refused, I suppose?" "I did," said Ford," and told him I had other duties to attend to."

"Thou wert right," said Cromwell, "and hast proved thyself worthy of the trust I repose in thee." Then placing his hand upon Ford's shoulder, he said to him in a low tone of voice, "Go, watch steadfastly at yonder wicket gate, and when a man whom I expect here to-night makes his entrance at it, instantly give me notice. But, mark me, you cannot mistake him for yon malignant's companion, for he will come bearing a saddle upon his head. You understand?"

"Truly I do," answered Ford. "Then first drink," said Cromwell, raising a can, "and then haste to thy post-we shall remain here.”

Ford took a copious draught, and was soon at his station. Cromwell, from what Ford had said, concluded that the king's messenger was the identical person whom the cavalier within expected. It was now quite dark, and the hour of ten was fast approaching. Ample justice was done to the host's beer by Cromwell and Ireton; they continued drinking and conversing, until a shrill whistle from their sentinel announced the arrival of the messenger. From the stall which they occupied, they could indistinctly see his figure advancing to the inn door, clearly enough, however, to distinguish through the shades of night their object, which the messenger, on entering the inn, shifted from his head to his arm. Ford bustled up to them, and was instantly ordered by Cromwell to watch the movement of the man, and ascertain which room he retired to. He did so, and soon returned to inform them that he was the expected friend of the cavalier, whom he had joined in his apartment. "Where did he leave his saddle?" eagerly enquired Cromwell.

He took that with him," replied Ford.

Cromwell led Ireton aside, and said, "Force you see may incur risk, and that may endanger the prize. This messenger, methinks, must well know the importance of his office, since he keeps his eye so closely to the saddle."

He then stood deeply immersed in cogitation, at length be proposed to Ireton the following plan:-That Ford should immediately repair to the cavalier's room, and tell him that he accepts his invitation, having been unexpectedly released from the duty which would otherwise have prevented his so doing. That he should continue drinking there, until he found both his companions well nigh inebriated, and then propose a stroll about the town. "This," he added, "will not be difficult to effect, as he can easily counterfeit a love of liquor himself, and cavaliers are too fond of it by nature to require any spurring to an exorbitant indulgence in it. They will readily accede to his proposal for a revel among the fair dames of the town, and in their absence we can easily get possession of this saddle, which it is not likely the messenger will carry with him."

"But how?" enquired Ireton.

"I'll tell thee-Ford must be mindful to unbar the window of the apartment ere he leaves it to join them in their pranks. Every facility will then be afforded, for the window is easily gained."

Ireton entirely approved of the project, but suggested the possibility of Ford's rejection by the cavalier.

"That is not likely," said Cromwell: " in the first place he has already invited him, and, in the second, admittance is always easily obtained to a cavalier's table." So saying, he summoned Ford, gave him full instructions on every point, and bidding him be sure to unbar the window, hurried him away. Now," said Cromwell, "we must wait here two hours, peradventure three; but at any rate we must not be remiss in our watching, or yon malignants may escape our notice when they make their egress."


While thus stationed in the stall, of which they grew heartily sick, they were in no danger of falling asleep, for the continued shouts of the uproarious cavaliers within were sufficiently loud to stun every inmate of the Blue Boar. At length, about the hour of one, the three bacchanalians left their table, and were let loose into the street by the host, who, extremely indignant at having his repose disturbed to perform the office of door-keeper, vowed, when he found he had got rid of them, they should never again enter his premises. Cromwell and Ireton, who had watched the departure of Ford and the two cavaliers, stole to the back of the house, and soon discovered the room whence the noise had

so lately proceeded. The window was not elevated above four feet from the ground: they opened the casement, and tried the shutter-it gave way to a slight push, and Cromwell, leaving Ireton to keep a sharp look-out, leapt into the room. By the expiring embers of a fire, which had been lighted for the cavaliers to make their favourite potation by, he could discern what was lying around him. The table and floor were strewn with fragments of broken glass, and a pair of pistols belonging to Ford were carelessly deposited on a chair; but the saddle he was unable to find. After a strict search in every corner of the room, he chanced to open the cupboard which contained Ford's discarded sword, and therein he discovered the object of his scrutiny. Committing it to the hands of Ireton, who eyed it with no small satisfaction, he sprung from the window, closed the shutter and casement, and returned with Ireton to the stall. Cromwell instantly ripped open the skirt of the saddle, and found the letter he looked for. He placed it carefully in his pocket, reserving the perusal of it for the morning. Ireton concealed the saddle amongst the straw. At the earliest dawn they prepared their horses, paid handsomely for their night's lodging, and bidding the ostler inform their comrade, when he returned, which road they had taken, set off full speed, and soon reached Windsor. Here they opened the mysterious letter, in which the king acquainted his queen "that he was courted by both factions-the Scots, the Presbyterians and the army: that those which bade the fairest for him should have him; but he thought he should close sooner with the Scots than the other." He also said (in reply to the hopes she had expressed that no terms would ever be granted to murderers and rebels)," that she might trust to him the task of rewarding his new friends according to their deserts."

Cromwell and Ireton, on reading this, were flushed with indignation, for as they had proposed conciliatory measures to the king, they, even in the event of the rejection of them, which they deemed almost impossible, had considered their own security the smallest requital that could be made them. They speedily came to a conclusion, and, as they saw no likelihood of obtaining good terms with the king, from that time vowed his destruction. That vow they strictly adhered to, and performed; and to the disclosure of this letter we may attribute the perpetration of a deed

which is an indelible stain upon the records of British history! H.C.B.



Never, perhaps, has there been a more atrocious villain than Mitchell. His conduct puts rather a strong negative on the proverb which teaches that "there is honour among thieves."Having remained at his encampment upon the island of Cuba till he had obtained, in adventures of daring piracy, money sufficient to load the sixteen oared boat to the water's edge, he then determined to leave off his piratical career, and pass into the United States; he now thought, however, that a boat load of money, though a good fortune for himself, or even for himself and his lieutenant, would make a small figure when divided amongst the entire gang of twenty men. The lieutenant was of the same opinion, and thought that on a calm day Captain Mitchell and himself might easily carry the sixteen oared boat and the boxes of money to the Florida shore without any assistance from the gang, and moreover it would be quite as well to cut off pursuit, lest these fellows, when disappointed of their share of the booty, should revenge themselves by turning evidence against them: "but, on the other hand, dead men," said the lieutenant, "tell no tales." The two officers then determined upon destroying the whole gang, and by ordering them in various detached parties for pretended purposes of bringing wood, water, and other supplies to the camp, Mitchell and the lieu enant actually murdered them all. They then set off with the boat, and reached the coast of Florida, whence they coasted along to the Mississippi river, for the purpose of ascending to the city of New Orleans. Here, however, their golden dreams were suddenly dashed to pieces; for the strange appearance of a sixteen oared boat, loaded with boxes, and navigated with only two hands, attracted observation from the banks of the river, and when Mitchell and the lieutenant landed for supplies at a village a few miles below New Orleans, the boat was suddenly filled with a body of police, and the two worthies were glad to leave their ill-gotten treasure, and escape into the neighbouring wood.

THE LONG NAILS OF THE PACHA.When Mahomet Ali, the illustrious restorer of civilization to Egypt, first sent

out his army, modelled after the European fashion, to attack the Wahabees in the interior, every where they marched they were looked upon with pity, both by the natives and the outposts of the enemy. Instead of being mounted on richly caparisoned horses, loaded with all the finery of the Osmanlees, and armed with a scymitar, the men marched on foot quietly in files, dressed in coarse red jackets, and all the arms they appeared to possess was a musket with a long nail at the end of it. On coming up and forming a position on a plain in front of the Wahabees, the latter considered that these poor wretches had delivered themselves up for slaughter; rushing down the hill, therefore, with the usual impetuosity of Turkish cavalry, and with the intention of surrounding the Egyptians, they were dreadfully staggered in their career by receiving a well-directed fire from the lines. Surprised and daunted by the shower of balls which fell among them, and emptied scores of saddles at every volley, they were obliged to retreat, pursued by the grenadiers and light companies, who hunted them through their fastnesses, at every step letting them feel the use of the long nails on the muskets, until they retired into an inner part of the country. When the news of this first engagement of his new troops reached Mahomet Ali, he bounded from his divan with joy; and ever since, the dread of the close rank and file, and above all, the bayonet, has favoured every military movement of the Pacha.

THE PRESENT KING OF PRUSSIA.The routine of the King's day is, perhaps, the best portraiture of Frederick's character. He sleeps in summer at Potsdam; in winter at Charlottenberg. I will not say he dwells, for, as the greater part of his time is spent on the road between those places and his capital, he lives more on the high road than anywhere else. Potsdam is six leagues from Berlin; Charlottenberg two; and yet he will always make two journeys in the day, from the former place twice during the day, and, perhaps, four or five from the latter. Two hours of the morning are always devoted to his Ministers, who are stationary in the capital, and he never fails to come in for these two hours. Then he returns, and then comes back again to Berlin in the day, to go about the town, attend parades, reviews, inspections-and then be off again for Potsdam in the evening. One of his singularities is,

that his entire family follow him in this eternal succession of comings and goings. Princes, Princesses, Chamberlains -all form a queve after him, the old Dowagers and the young children not excepted. It would be the highest affront for one of the family to remain behind; and even the Princesses, in an inconvenient stage of pregnancy are not exempted. What is still more odd, the entire culinary establishment of the Monarch follows himself in the day backwards and forwards. The Court kitchen is on wheels; cooks and saucepans, fires and spits are whirled along in rapid accompaniment to Majesty; and the King's dinner roasts in close attendance upon him. Wherever, therefore, hunger overtakes him, food is ready. At Potsdam, Charlottenberg, or Berlin, the word "dinner" instantly produces it. And the plan has this advantage, that, in case of war breaking out, the King's kitchen and its inhabitants are so trained, that a campaign need not derange or diminish a dish of the King's table. Frederick himself frequents the theatre in the evening. He stays but a very short time-never more than two hours-without the variety of a gallop either on horseback or in caleche, it being impossible for him to spend more in one place. Yet even whilst at the theatre, tea and cakes make their appearance in the Royal box, and supper awaits him at Charlottenberg. I should say that it awaits him at the theatre door, for there stand and smoke his supper and his kitchen, enclosed in an ample berline, ready to accompany him back to be served on his arrival.

A NEW DANCE.-At the festivities, lately, at Gunton Park, the seat of Lord Suffield, a new dance was introduced, after quadrilles, waltzes, gallopades, and reels, and which far eclipsed them all. It bears the old name of cotillon, but is totally new and unequalled in spirit and effect. It begins by some six or eight couples waltzing; a chair is suddenly introduced into the centre in which the first gentleman seats his partner. He then leads up, and presents each of the other gentlemen in succession. If the lady rejects, the discarded retires behind the chair; but when "the right man," as the old saying goes, arrives, she springs up, the tone and ascent of the music are accelerated, and off she waltzes with the elected-the rest seizing their partners, and the circle is continued. All in turn go through the process. Three chairs

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