ADDRESS. L IN closing the sixth volume of the Christian Journal, the Publishers cannot omit expressing their acknowledgments to its friends and patrons who have enabled them thus far to proceed in their labours; and the occasion is embraced to solicit a continuance of their patronage for its further support. While with humility they believe that the publication has not been without some use to the cause of religion generally, and particularly to the interests of the Protestant Episcopal Church; and while assurances are given that it can scarcely ever be expected to become a source of emolument, the Publishers think they have a claim on the liberality of those of their own communion who are in comfortable circumstances, to aid them by their subscriptions in the continuance of a work which promises, besides its immediate usefulness in disseminating a knowledge of what is passing in the various diocesses, to hand down to posterity a correct history of the Church in our own day, and of the many benevolent and praiseworthy institutions that are connected with her. This appeal is more particularly addressed to Episcopalians in the diocess of New-York and its vicinity, on whom reliance must chiefly be placed for aid in support of the Journal; the subscription to which is only two dollars a year, a sum too inconsiderable in amount for any in easy circumstances to refuse in so good a cause, even if its full value in matter and paper were not furnished. The Publishers would especially address themselves to the clergy, as well in other diocesses as in that of New-York, respectfully soliciting their aid in promoting the circulation of the work, by making it known among those of their parishioners who are unacquainted with its existence and its objects, and endeavouring to obtain their patronage and support. It is much to be wished that the more wealthy members of society would lend their assistance in the support of such works as the present. And it is acknowledged with pleasure, that some of superior wealth and station, who love their Church and every thing that emanates from her, have continued from the first to aid with their subscriptions the labours of the Publishers: still it is due to those in more humble spheres to confess, that among them are found the most constant and zealous patrons of the Journal. Although considerable assistance has been derived from the subscriptions of zealous and pious Churchmen in other states, and particularly in South-Carolina, where many excellent patrons are entitled to the acknowledgments of the Publishers; yet the number of similar publications already in existence, and the probability of the establishment of others, forbid the expectation of any large increase of names from abroad. It is therefore hoped that few if any of the patrons of the Journal will at the present period withdraw their aid from it; but that they will with renewed zeal continue to contribute to its support; and that many other friends will rise up, and encourage the Publishers in the prosecution of their undertaking. The correspondents of the Journal, in accepting the thanks of the Publishers, are respectfully invited to continue to it their contributions. In reviewing the present volume, a large mass of interesting original matter will be found on its pages; and the expectation is confidently entertained that future volumes will not be less favoured in this particular. Of the selections interspersed throughout the volume, it does not perhaps become the Publishers to speak; submitting whatever merit they may possess to the liberal and impartial judgment of their readers. For themselves they confess that no cause of dissatisfaction arises from a review of them; and it is due to their feelings to declare, that much gratification has been derived from the commendation bestowed on their labours by many friends of the Journal whose judgments they have long been accustomed to revere. Thus encouraged, and thus cherished with the contributions of the liberal in matter and in money, (for both are necessary,) the Publishers hope finally to fix the Christian Journal on a permanent basis, and to render it worthy the patronage of the Church at large. |