Imatges de pàgina
[blocks in formation]

aboriginal, 228

above one's bend, 228

above snakes, 228
abrasive, 228

abskize, 228
absquatulate, 228
abutter, 228

according to Gunter, 73
account, 73
accountability, 74
accumulative, 229

acknowledge the corn, 228
across lots, 228
acruffs, 229

addressee, 74

acting, 74

[blocks in formation]

alewife, 229
Algerine, 229
Algic, 229
alienage, 75
alienism, 229
alkali desert, 229
all any more, 229
all-a-setting, 229
all-day, 229
all-fired, 75
all-hollow, 229
all-possessed, 229

all sorts, all sorts of, 229
all the go, all the rage, 229
all the time, 229

all two, 230
alley, 76
alligator, 76

allot upon, 230

allottee, 229

allow, 25, 76, 230

allspice, 76

almond, 32
almshouse, 76
along, 76
alter, 230
alumnus, 76
ambia, 230
ambition, 230
ambitious, 230
ambuscade, 230

amen corner, 320

amenability, 77

Americanism, Americanize, 230

among, 230

among the missing, 230
ampersand, 77

annunciator, 77
and the rise, 230
angel, 230
angeliferous, 230
angle worm, 230
animule, 230

anog, 230

antagonize, 77, 221, 223

ante, 230

antehumous, 230

anti-bank, 230

anti-federalist, 230

antifogmatic, 230
anti-masonry, 230
anti-negro, 231
anti-rentism, 231
anti-slavery, 231
anti-southern, 231
anti-union, 231
any, 77

anything else, 231
antony over, 231
anxious meeting, 231
anxious seat, 231
apartment, 231
apishamore, 231
appellate, 77
appetitical, 231
apple brandy, 231
apple butter, 231
applecart, 78
apple leather, 231

apple peeling, 231

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

bad, 79

baggage, 71, 79

bail, 80

bait, 233
baiting, 80
baker, 233
bake-shop, 233
balance, 233
bald-face, 233
balk, 80

ball up, 233
ballyhack, 234
ballyrag, 234
bam, 80
banana, 81
bang, 234
bang-up, 81
bango, 234
banjo, 81
banker, 234
bank sneak, 234
banquette, 60, 81
banter, 234

[blocks in formation]

bindweed, 84
bindery, 235
bishop, 235
bislings, 235
bit, 235
blackberry, 84
blackleg, 85
blacklist, 85
blacksnake, 236
blacky, 85
blamed, 236

blank please, 322

blankety, 236

blatancy, 85

blatherskite, 236
blatt, 236

blaze, 236
bleachers, 236
blickey, 236

blind, 236

blinders, 236

bee, 235

bee gum, 235

beef, 83

beef-heads, 322
behindments, 235
being, 83

beliked, 83
belittle, 235
bell hop, 235
belongings, 83
belt, 235

blizzard, 236

bloated, 236

block, 236

blood tubs, 236

Bloomer costume, 236

blotter, 85

blow, 85
blower, 236
blowhard, 236
blowout, 85
blow up, 236
bluebacks, 236
blue-blood, 85

blue-book, 86

blue-fish, 86

bender, 83

bent, 235

best, 84

bestowment, 235

betty, 235

blue-grass, 323

bluelights, 236

blue-noses, 323
blue-pig, 323

biddy, 84

blue pill, 236

biff, 235

big, 235
biggity, 235
big-head, 235

bilberry, 84
bile, 84

biling, 84
bilk, 84

billion, 235
billy, 84

bluff, 86, 237
blummechies, 237
blummies, 237
blur-eyed, 86
boatable, 237
bob, 237
bob sled, 237
bob veal, 237
bobolink, 323
bockey, 237

[blocks in formation]

broomstick, 323

body bolt, 237

bogus, 237

bolt, 237

bombo, 237

bonanza, 237
bone, 237

bones, 86

boneyard, 237

boodle, 237
boohoo, 86

bookstore, 237

boom, 237

boost, 237

boot, 237

bootlick, 237
borning-ground, 237
bosom of a shirt, 238
boss, 238
bothersome, 238
bottom, bottoms, 86
bounce, 238

bound, 86

bounty jumper, 238
Bourbon, 238

bower, in euchre, 238
bowling-alley, 87
box, 238
box car, 238

box coat, 238

brace up, take a brace, 238
brainy, 87

branch (brook), 238

brave (Indian warrior), 238
breadstuff, 238

break, 238

breakback, 238

breakbone fever, 238
breakdown, 238

bred (impregnated), 238

brick in the hat, 238

brickly, 87

brief, 87

bright, 87

brill, 238

bring up, 87

Briticism, 42, 239

Britisher, 239

broadhorn, 239

brogues, 239

broncho, 239

brotus, brottus, 239

broughtens up, 239
brown, 87

bruiser, 87
brummagem, 88
brung, 239
bub, bubby, 239
buccaneer, 239
buck, 88, 239
buckboard, 239
bucket, 25, 239
bucket shop, 239
buck fever, 239
buckle, 88

buck shot, 239
buckskin, 239

bucktails, 240

buffalo, buffalo robe, 240
bug, 88

bugaboo, 88

bulge, to get, 240
bulger, 240

bull boat, 240
bully, 89
bulldoze, 240
bull plow, 240
bull's eye, 240
bullwhacker, 240
bum, bummer, 240
bumper, 240
bun, 240

bunch (verb), 240
bunco, bunko, 240, 324
buncombe, 240, 324
bundle, 240

bungay, 240

bungo, 240

bunk, 89

Bungtown copper, 240

bunker, 240

burdensome, 240

bureau, 89

burgall, 240

burgle, burglarize, 240

burro, 89

bushwhacker, 241

bust, 89

buster, 241

butt, 241
butte, 241

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