TABLE OF CONTENTS. See ETHIOPΙΑ. ABYSSINΙΑ. Page ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. TREATIES, &C., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:--with ACCESSION to the Industrial Property and Trade-marks 1st January, 1909.. 161 COMMUNICATIONS between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, &c., and Mulai Hafid, respecting the TREATIES, &C., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with .. .. .. Belgium, &c. Convention. Protection of Birds .. Italy. Agreement. Telegraphic. Paris, 11th October, 1909.. 64 Rome, 7th December, 1908 Vienna, 14th January, 1909 Mexico. Agreement. Money Orders. Vienna, 16th January, 1909.. 166 Mexico, 6th March, Roumania. Agreements. Telegraphic. (Austria.) Lisbon, 2nd June, 1908.. 171 (Hungary.) Budapest, 2nd December, 1909.. 172
AUSTRIA-HUNGARY-continued. Page .. NOTIFICATION of the Denunciation by Uruguay of Commer- cial Treaty of September 16, 1853, and Denmark. Convention. Consular. Copenhagen, 26th August, 1909.. 351 BELGIUM-continued. TREATIES, &C., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:-with .. merce and Navigation. Amazon .. United States. Convention. Arbitration. AGREEMENT between the Government of Bulgaria and the "Compagnie des Chemins de Fer orientaux” regarding the Transfer of Railways to the |