Imatges de pàgina

America, her rival flame,

That rough, imperious, haughty dame,
As dark in heart as feature;

With your opinions to comply,
Forces all bonds of legal tie,
Of gratitude and nature.

Rais'd by the fondeft mother's care,
She wounds that mother to despair,

Who gave her ease and wealth;
Tutor'd to ferve your odious ends,
For you fhe cheats herself and friends,
With you intrigues by stealth.'

The reader, from this extract, will probably conclude that the author is not poffeffed of that Horatian manner which unites urbanity with fatire, and where the writer makes the moft defperate paffes while he fmiles. Satire, however, is only one of the purposes of this ode; for it concludes with a very fulfome panegyric upon a near relation of the noble lord to whom it is addreffed.

20. Half an Hour's Advice to Nobody knows who. 8vo. Pr. 6d. No Publisher's Name.

This pamphlet contains fome very fenfible advice, which we moft heartily wish it may be in the power of government to follow. The author praises Walpole's administration because it was steady and moderate, and when he retired from public business the national debt did not exceed fifty millions. He commends Mr. Pelham as a minister who was affifted by Sir John Barnard, and who preferved the finking fund entirely untouched, though the war under his adminiftration added thirty millions to the debt of the nation. He likewife beftows a due share of applaufe upon Mr. Pitt and Mr. Legge; though he fays, the public debt under them increafed to the incredible fum of one hundred and forty millions. Thefe particulars being premised, the writer proceeds to his advice, which contains little more than has been often repeated, to take off the taxes from the neceffaries of life, and lay them upon its luxuries. He advises the coach and plate tax to be levied by affeffinent, and thinks that no penfion fhould be granted by the crown above three hundred pounds per ann. He propofes a tax upon celibacy, upon the American provinces, the Eaft-India company, and points out the particular taxations which ought to be laid on the articles of luxury. Valeat quantum valere poteft.

21. The

21. The Trial of England's Cicero, on the four important Articles of his being an Orator, a Patriot, an Author, and a Briton. 8vo. Pr. 15. Williams.

This pamphlet contains plenty of abuse upon many respectable perfonages; we fhall, however, difappoint the author, who feems to hug himself with the thoughts that the Reviewers, by damning his pamphlet, will introduce it to public notice.

22. A View of all the Changes made in the Government, fince the Acceffion of his prefent Majefty. A Broadfide. Pr. 15. Almon.

The number of changes in the fuperior offices and departments of state exhibited in this View amounts to two hundred and fifty-five!

23. A Scheme to pay off, in a few Years, the National Debt, by a Repeal of the Marriage A&t. 8vo. Pr. Is. Becket and

De Hondt.

This schemer, who writes in the character of an old batchelor, bewails the flagitious and barefaced difregard of the marriage bed, and, in short, of modefty and decency. He pretends to think that the great object for the confideration of the legislature is,

Whether the clause, until death us do part, will not admit of fome palliation, repeal, or change, that would not only make marriage honourable, and a bleffing to fociety and individuals, but also redound to the great emolument of the state.' Our author confeffes that the above-mentioned clause was the bug-bear which frightened him from marrying; and labours. hard to remove fome feeming difficulties to his fcheme, which is, that the marriage take place- for the term of, or until the expiration of ine, two, three, four, or five years, as the parties may agree.' Parties at the expiration of the marriage lease shall have liberty of renewing it for any term within five years, upon paying a certain fine to government for every such renewal, after the manner of fome church and college tenures.'. Every marriage is to be duly registered, and the registering attended by the payment of a certain tax to the government.. The colonies are to be excepted, by way of punishment for their late behaviour, and the inhabitants there obliged to keep their wives.

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Such is this merry wag's fcheme for paying the national debt; and the irony is carried on with a confiderable de-. gree of that folemn humour which is often more pleasing than the piquant repartees of profeffed wit,

24. An earnest Addrefs to the Freeholders of the County of Hunting-don. By an Independent Freeholder. 410. Pr. 6d. Crowder. A provincial job, but handled with fenfe and humour. The author fuppofes that fome candidate is preparing to divide the


freeholders of the county of Huntingdon by scattering money among them..

25. A Letter to the Proprietors of Eaft India Stock, upon the Question to be ballotted for on Tuesday the 23d Day of March, for granting to Lord Clive three hundred thousand Pounds. Pr. 6d. Nicoll.


.The author of this letter is a profeffed enemy to the immense remuneration, equal, he says, to a fum of three hundred thoufand pounds, propofed to be given by the proprietors of the Eaft India company to lord Clive. He obferves very fenfibly, that no proprietor can positively say, whether, in consequence of the resolutions of p-t, he may ever be benefited one fhitling by all his lordship's boafted fervices.

These confiderations are, at leaft, problematical; neither shall we pretend to determine how far government, or rather pt, has an intereft in the territorial acquifitions, obtained upon commercial principles, by a trading company. A queftion some time or other may, perhaps, arife concerning the nature of that allegiance which every Englishman owes to the government under which he is born, and which no difference of time, place, or circunfftance, can diffolve. In the mean time, this writer has started a point, which, inftead of being a fecondary, ought to have been the leading confideration of the East India company, which is, (if we miftake not) whether the whole is to be concluded by a part, fuppofing it to be a majority.

We ask this writer's pardon in endeavouring to illuftrate a proposition of which he seems to hold the negative, by a fimilar cafe; we mean that of a parish veftry. Undoubtedly, that body has the right to make the ordinary arrangements for the good. of their fellow-houfekeepers and inhabitants; but he must have a much larger ftock of law than we pretend to, who can decide, whether, if a veftry was to vote away an exorbitant fum, (e. gr. the tenth part of lord Clive's jaghire) which is to come out of the pockets of the other inhabitants, the minority would not have a right to dispute the legality of fuch a vote.—For our own parts, we are of opinion that they would, and that the vote is of itself illegal; but we fhall not venture to determine, whether a meeting of the proprietors of Eaft India ftock, is of the fame nature as an open vestry.

This writer fuppofes lord Clive's income, all of which arises from his employments under the Eaft India company, to amount to feventy-five thousand pounds per annum, of which twenty-fix thousand arifes from the monopoly of falt, betel nut, and tobacco. The author is certainly well grounded as to this int, and combats his lordship's friends under the words of a



letter to him from the prefent directors, dated February 19, 1766, in which they fay, that in the affair of the monopoly he has acted with "a determined refolution to sacrifice the interest of the company, and the peace of the country, to lucrative and felfish views."

In the remaining part of this pamphlet, the writer attacks the merit of his lordship's fervices to the company, whofe enemies, fays he, were fubdued before the arrival of this hero in India; and if the facts he advances are true, the vaft encrease of the company's property there, was fettled before that time. With respect to the first jaghire, the author feems to think his lordfhip had no right to it; and concludes with fome very severe Strictures upon the conduct of that nobleman and his friends.

As we pretend to no knowledge of the truth of the facts contained in this letter (though we think it will be very difficult to invalidate them) we can pafs no other judgment, except faying, that it is written in a masterly manner, and difcovers many particulars, of which, we believe, the public was before ignorant.

26. A Letter to the Proprietors of East India Stock, relative to their prefent Negotiations with Government. Folio. Pr. 6d. Kearly. This pamphlet is the work of an anti-minifterial East India proprietor, and concludes with the following remarks upon Mr. S's propofitions.

The directors defired that they might have a power of borrowing (if necessary) one million, until the ships arrived, and the goods were difpofed of: but here is an abfurd increase of capital, at a time when the commerce is already engroffed by the carriage of the revenues, and the company can scarce employ the prefent capital.

The gentleman propofed to declare a dividend of fourteen per cent. at Christmas next. This (had it been thought prac ticable to pay it upon the prefent plan) would raise the price of stock at four hundred per cent. and what would the buyer gain? What would there be to answer fixteen millions (the value of the encreased capital, at four hundred per cent.). Nothing but what the company now poffefs in their forts and ware houses; for the two millions raised are disposed of in the third and fourth propofitions. In fhort, this plan feems an exact counterpart to Sir John Blount's scheme; both were to encrease the capital; both to raise the dividend; and both upon equal foundations. The only difference is, that in the one there never was any bafis, in the other there was a very folid one; but the projector was ingenious enough to remove it, as soon as he began his operation.


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The gentleman's defign in offering these propofitions seems to be this: he hoped to drive the present directors from the helm of your affairs, and, had the proprietors been fuch gudgeons as to swallow the bait, he probably would have fucceeded in his purpose; for no man who had character or fortune to lofe, would run the smallest risque of fitting in the direction, when the bubble fhould burft.'

27. A Defence of Mr. Sulivan's Propofitions, with an Answer to the Objections against them; in a Letter to the Proprietors of EaftIndia Stock. 8vo. Pr. 6d. Nicoll.

We think it needlefs to be particular in our review of this pamphlet, as the plan it recommends has been rejected by a majority of the Eaft-India proprietors. We cannot, however, omit observing, that Mr. Sulivan's fecond propofition contains the very abfurdities which have been charged upon his adverfaries, for it abfolutely establishes an imperium in imperio. It gives the company the property and direction, ift, of territory; 2d, of the army; 3d, of the fortifications; all which can be vefted in fovereign power alone. No English subject can pof fefs fuch power, because he owes his allegiance, in whatever condition or climate he may be placed, to the crown of England. If the French and the English were at war in Europe, they could not be at peace in India, without the exprefs confent of both foverigns. Without fuch confent on the part of his Britannic majefty, the English in India would be guilty of high-treafon to carry on any correspondence with the French in that country, and vice verfa.

28. Debates in the Afiatic Affembly. 8vo. Pr. Is. Nicoll.

This is the production of fome genuine fon of humour, who laments that the greatest part of his materials maintain an eternal war with genius and common fenfe; that many of the fpeeches which he prefents to the public are compofitions of pure, genuine, unadulterated nonfenfe; and he moft fincerely begs pardon of the gentlemen by whom they were made, for having frequently fallen fhort of their original dulness.

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The reader may eafily guess that the Afiatic affembly mentioned in the title, is the meeting of the greatest trading com pany in England, or perhaps in the world. The fcene is opened with the following fpeech made by Sir Janus Blubber, and the reader in perufing it needs not be informed of the occafion on which it was delivered.

"Mr. Prefident, Sir, as I intend to make a motion of the greatest importance to the welfare, and even to the existence


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