Imatges de pàgina

parts of the main ocean, that lie a thousand leagues nearer the Poles, never freeze. Wherever there are few rivers falling into the fea, there lefs ice is feen; as we find beyond Nova Zembla, very near the North Pole.

• As the mountains of ice generally melt in the north feas about the end of July, or beginning of August, so they must diffolve in the Antarctic hemifphere about February; because, at that season there being almost no night, the continuance of the fun on their horizon produces a very great effect, notwithftanding the obliquity of his rays, for the fame reason that we fometimes find the thermometer rife higher in Sweden and at Petersburg, than under the line. This heat must be more fenfible in the antarctic regions, where the fummer is hotter than in our hemifphere. It is alfo probable, that the great fogs of which Bouvet complains, proceed from the vapours exhaled by the fun in melting thefe icy mountains. And in fact, this navigator tells us, that they were diffipated about the 20th of January. Thus it follows, that the best time for coming into the fouth latitudes, would be a month or fix weeks after the folftice of Capricorn.


It has been already obferved, that it is the great rivers, and deep bays that furnish these maffes of ice, which impede navigation; now it is not to be thought, that in that large tract of land, forming the continent of the Terra Auftralis, there fhould not be found lengths of coafts, along which there are few rivers, and confequently no ice to hinder our landing. It is very probable, that, if Bouvet had continued his course along the frozen coafts of the fouth continent he would have found fome entry or other. Befides, experience informs us, that the greatest degree of cold is not always felt in the highest latitude. Several navigators have attefted this as a fact.

Were we to allow that there is no land under the poles, it would be ftill a very important point to be well affured of the <fact, Whether it be land or water that occupies this central point? Such a place could not fail of offering to the curious obferver many valuable phaenomena, with regard to the figure of the earth, aftronomy, navigation, the weight of the air, the ofcillation of the pendulum, the effects of magnetism, and the like. We have, for upwards of two centuries, continued to go round the globe in the direction of the equator; it is to be hoped, that, one time or other, this circumnavigation will be performed in the line of the meridian.

But, after all that has hitherto been faid of the difficulties occurring in this fouthern navigation from cold and ice, we muft ftill allow, that thefe obftacles affect only a fmall part of the


Countries propofed to be examined in the fouthern hemifphere. The far greater part of them are fituated in the most fertile and temperate climates of our globe.

To all the nations of Europe, except the Dutch, the fouthern continent is a chimera, or, at beft, a country concerning which there are a thousand doubts and fufpicions. But to them it is perfectly well known; and by the neglect of other nations they are at full liberty to take fuch meafüres as appear to them beft for fecuring the eventual poffeffion of this country whenever they think fit. This account explains at once all the myfteries of the proceedings of the Dutch in this quarter of the world.'

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The author points out fome of the commercial advantages that would attend the discovery he propofes, which we shall omit, as they are obvious to every reader.

In the execution of this project he thinks with Dampier, that the discovery should be attempted not in the common way, by failing from Europe to the Eaft, but rather, by beginning from our nearest fettlements in the Eaft-Indies, and profecuting the discovery weftwards. The advantages of this method, continues the author, are obvious enough. The greatest difficulties would thus be encountered in the beginning of the voyage, while the crew were full of health and spirits, ther provisions good, and their fhips found and clean. They would have before them, the hopes of speedily arriving at lands and feas they are acquainted with, before the end of the voyage, and returning ftill nearer home. Whereas, hitherto, by failing eastwards from Europe, the crews were exhausted by the fatigues of a tedious navigation, long before they approached the regions that were to form the objects of their fearch. Their ships were become foul, their provisions bad, and the crews afflicted with the fea-difeafes; fo that, generally fpeaking, by the time they came on thefe coafts, the greatest part of the hip's company were quite debilitated by fatigue and the use of bad provifions: Unable to refift the attacks of the natives, or go through the fatigues that always muft attend fuch voyages, they were glad to get out of these feas at any rate, in order to obtain the refreshments a long confinement at fea had made abfolutely neceffary for their prefervation. Such has been the fate of all our expeditions into the great Southern Ocean, from Dampier's down to Anfon's. Whereas, we shall find, that Abel Tafinan and fome few others, by following the oppofite plan we are now recommending, fuffered little or nothing from these hardships and difeafes, which deftroyed fuch numbers of British feamen, and has caft a fort of odium on all attempts to profecute thofe difcoveries. By failing weftwards, VOL. XXIII. March, 1767.



another advantage is gained. It is certain, that all the islands. and continents in this immenfe region are not peopled univerfally by brutal favages. Many islands have been found in thofe feas whofe inhabitants were quiet and inoffenfive; nay, fome have been found intirely ignorant of the ufe of arms of any fort, though amply provided with all the comforts of life, that a fruitful foil and benign climate could bestow. Surely, in fuch places, there could be no difficulty of fixing a fettlement, whence more ample difcoveries, might be made; provided we did not act like the Dutch, who (even by their own accounts) were much too ready upon every flight offence, in pointing their muskets against a benevolent, though defencelefs nation. We have a striking inftance of the good effects of a contrary conduct, in the assistance captain Rogers met with from the naked Indians of California, who helped him to wood and water with the utmoft cheerfulness, and expreffed the deepest regret and forrow at his departure.'


If fuch an attempt as this were attended with fuccefs, the difcovery, would undoubtedly place the name of the navigator " on a level with that of Columbus, Americus, and Vasco de Gama; and the most celebrated potentate, of modern times, would be he, who fhould give his name to the great Southern Continent.'

We cannot conclude this article without paying our tribute of thanks to the ingenious Mr. Callander, for this useful and entertaining work. The project is at least amufing, and future ages may be convinced, that it is practicable. There is certainly room for many farther researches; especially if there be any truth in the observation of Monfieur La Mothe le Vayer, that almost one half of the terreftrial globe is yet undiscovered.

VII. The Hiftory of Alicia Montague. By the Aubor of Clarinda Cathcart. In 2 Vols. 12mo. Pr. 65. Robinfon and Roberts.

WHAT, faid a certain perfon to the celebrated Demof

thenes, is the first part of oratory? Action, replied the orator. What is the fecond part of oratory? Action. What is the third part of oratory? Action, Subftitute love, or rather gallantry, in place of action, and the fame anfwer may be returned concerning a modern romance. The truth is, the youth of the prefent age, inftructed, shall we fay, or more properly corrupted, by romances, and by a variety of other concurrent caufes, have learned to talk fo much of the word love, that they have almoft forgot the thing. Gallantry


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has banished love. An indifcriminate profufion of unmeaning compliments paid to the fair fex in general, has, in a great measure, fupplanted that devoted attachment to one fingle woman, which conftitutes the true paffion of love.

The French, fays Dean Swift, or fome of his correfpondents, think talking of love is making it: than which nothing can be more ridiculous and abfurd. A man, who is really in love, and is at the fame time a perfon of delicate fentiments, so far from entertaining his miftrefs with long love letters, and with the high-flown compliments of charmer, angel, goddefs, &c. hardly ever prefumes to mention the word love in her presence. His paflion is expreffed in a more natural, and, if his mistress be a woman of fenfibility, we will venture to add, in a more effectual manner; by his zeal and anxiety to please, by his fond and respectful behaviour; in fine, by thewing her, not by his words, but by his actions, that his chief happinefs confifts in making her happy.

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Such are the objections we have to the general run of modern romances; objections, however, to which the prefent novel is as little liable as any of thofe we have lately perufed. The heroine, Mifs Montague, is a young lady of a most amiable character, who, after paffing through a variety of fcenes, and encountering a number of difficulties, is at laft rewarded for all her pains and fufferings, by being joined in wedlock to the man whom he loves, the accomplished lord L. The other characters, though subordinate to this, and though not drawn in fuch full proportions, are nevertheless fupported with fufficient propriety, and reprefented in colours abundantly expreffive. Admiral Osmond is a true tar; void of ceremony, but full of humanity, candour, and generofity. His daughter, Mifs Ofmond, is in every thing difinterested, except in that in which few ladies are difinterested, namely, in procuring for herfelf a husband, at the expence of facrificing her female friend. Sir Harry Pembroke is a finished rake; widow Jackson, an artful procurer; Mifs Encrom sprightly, but fteady in her friendfhips; and Mrs. Freeman is poffeffed of almost every good quality that can enter into the compofition of a virtuous wo


As a specimen of this author's manner, we shall present the reader with two extracts; the one of the pathetic, the other of the humorous kind.

Mifs Montague having loft her mother, who died of a confumption, and being overwhelmed with grief on that unhappy occafion, Mifs Encrom was fent for. to comfort her in her affliction. • When I went to the house, fays Mifs Encrom, I was told by Mrs. Elliot, who had been there fome days, that

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Mifs Montague was in the room alone with the corpfe, and would not be prevailed on to leave it. She was in hopes would prevail on her, and had fent for me on purpose.


A mournful filence reigned through the whole house. My heart almoft failing, I walked foftly to the chamber, as if afraid to disturb the ashes of the dead. When I opened the door, F beheld Alicia kneeling at the bed-fide of her lifeless parent. She obferved me not. I was unable to contain myself longer; but threw myself in a chair, and gave way to my tears. My fobs made her turn about; and feeing me, fhe arose, and, with a wildness in her look, which I fhall never forget, faid, Why do you cry, Miss Encrom? let us have patience; you and I, perhaps, may foon be released from this world of woe. See there my dear mamma (going to the bed-fide, and looking in her face) look Caroline, how mild fhe appears. Yes, my deareft parent, you are at reft, and have quitted all your cares; all your fears and anxiety for your Alicia are over, and you are happy. But where am I! (still looking in her face) Ah! why am I left behind! Shall one fo young as I be left, without a parent, without a guide, to direct my future fteps through a vain world !" " Oh, my dearest Alicia" said I, going to her, and throwing my arms about her neck, "let me entreat you to leave this apartment, and endeavour to get a little reft. Remember, your mamma was against your close attendance when alive; now that there is no occasion, my Alicia will remember the inftructions of her mother by taking care of her own health." Hush," said he, "Caroline, I am perfectly well: my attendance will of course be short. On Friday my parent will be laid in the house appointed for all living. Till then I muft look at her, and recollect all fhe faid to me. My memory is bad; my head is confused; but I know I fhall remember it all."

Mifs Montague, in the midft of her difficulties, being reduced to the difagreeable neceffity of going about among people of fashion to fell fans, laces, and the like millenary ware, waited, among others, upon one Mrs. Ranger; of her interview with whom fhe gives the following account. To Mrs.. Ranger's in Cornhill I next fet out. I had not gone above a hundred paces, when I was met by two young officers, who, ftopping fhort of a fudden, swore I was the prettiest creature ever was seen, and begged I would allow one of them to carry my parcel. Not returning them any answer, but walking on, they went along with me, talking the most ridiculous ftuff ever was heard. Good heavens! thought I, is it thus that young creatures are infulted, who are obliged to work for their livelihood? I was ready to cry, my dear Caroline, with vexation,


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