Imatges de pàgina

cause she had not power to do so and one is sure that a man who could deify that silly woman, Queen Anne, would have been more, profuse of incense to Queen Caroline, who had sense, if the court he paid to her had been crowned with success. Such were the men who wrote of virtue to one another; and even that mean exploded miser, Lord Bath, presumed to talk of virtue too!



Strawberry Hill, Feb. 6, 1780.

I WRITE only when I have facts to send. Detached scenes there have been in different provinces: they will be collected soon into a drama in St. Stephen's Chapel. One or two and twenty counties, and two or three towns, have voted petitions. But in Northamptonshire Lord Spencer was disappointed, and a very moderate petition was ordered. The same happened at Carlisle. At first, the Court was struck dumb, but have begun to rally. Counter-protests have been signed in Hertford and Huntingdon shires, in Surrey and SusLast Wednesday a meeting was summoned in Westminster Hall: Charles Fox harangued the people finely and warmly; and not only a petition was voted, but he was proposed for candidate for that city at the next general election, and was accepted joyfully.† Wilkes was his zealous advocate: how few years since a public breakfast was given at Holland House to support Colonel Lutterel against Wilkes! Charles Fox and his brother rode thence at the head of their friends to Brentford. Ovid's Metamorphoses contains not stranger transformations than party can work.

I must introduce a new actor to you, a Lord George Gordon,metamorphosed a little too, for his family were Jacobites and Roman Catholics: he is the Lilburne of the Scottish Presbyterians, and an apostle against the Papists. He dresses, that is, wears long lank hair about his shoulders, like the first Methodist; though I take the modern ones to be no Anti-Catholics. This mad lord-for so all his family have been too, and are-has likewise assumed the patronage of Ireland. Last Thursday he asked an audience of the King, and, the moment he was admitted into the closet, began reading an Irish pamphlet, and continued for an hour, till it was so dark he could not see; and then left the pamphlet, exacting a promise on royal honour

These counter-protests did not oppose the prayer of the petitions; but the protestors were of opinion, that the whole ought to be left to the discretion of Parliament, in whose public spirit and integrity they thought it improper to express any sort of distrust.-ED.

Mr. Fox took the chair at this meeting. A committee, consisting of the Duke of Portland, the Earls of Egremont and Temple, Lords John and George Cavendish, Messrs. Townshend, Sawbridge, Wilkes, and about ninety other noblemen and gentlemen, were appointed to correspond with the other committees throughout the. kingdom.-ED.

that his Majesty would finish it. Were I on the throne, I would make Dr. Monro a Groom of my Bed-chamber: indeed it has been necessary for some time; for, of the King's lords, Lord Bolingbroke is in a mad-house, and Lord Pomfret and my nephew ought to be there. The last, being fond of onions, has lately distributed bushels of that root to his militia ;-Mr. Windham† will not be surprised.

By the tenor of the petitions you would think we were starving; yet there is a little coin stirring. Within this week there has been a cast at hazard at the Cocoa Tree, the difference of which amounted to a hundred and four-score thousand pounds. Mr. O'Birne, an Irish gamester, had won one hundred thousand pounds of a young Mr. Harvey of Chigwell, just started from a midshipman into an estate by his elder brother's death. O'Birne said, "You can never pay me." "I can," said the youth; "my estate will sell for the debt." "No," said O.; "I will win ten thousand-you shall throw for the odd ninety." They did, and Harvey won.

However, as it is a little necessary to cast about for resources, it is just got abroad, that about a year ago we took possession of a trifling district in India called the Province of Oude, which contains four millions of inhabitants, produces between three and four millions of revenue, and has an army of 30,000 men: it was scarce thought of consequence enough to deserve an article in the newspapers. If you are so old-style as to ask how we came to take possession, I answer, by the new law of nations; by the law by which Poland was divided. You will find it in the future editions of Grotius, tit. "Si une terre est à la bienséance d'un grand Prince." Oude appertained by that very law to the late Sujah Dowla. His successors were weak men, which in India is incapacity. Their Majesties the East-India Company, whom God long preserve, have succeeded.

This petty event has ascertained the existence of a certain being, who, till now, has not been much more than a matter of faith,-the Grand Lama. There are some affairs of trade between the sovereigns of Oude and his Holiness the Lama. Do not imagine the East India Company have leisure to trouble their heads about religion. Their commanding officer corresponded with the Tartar Pope, who, it seems, is a very sensible man. The Attorney-General asked this officer, who is come over, how the Lama wrote. "Oh," said he, "like any person." "Could I see his letters?" said Mr. Wedderburne. "Upon my word," said the officer," when the busi

*Physician of Bedlam.

Mr. Windham had been Lieutenant-Colonel of the Norfolk Militia under Lord Orford, and had resigned on the trouble he gave them. [This is not correct. Mr. Windham was Major, not Lieutenant-Colonel. His resignation is distinctly stated by his biographer to have been occasioned by a severe illness; on his recovery from which he visited the Continent.-ED.]

This young midshipman was afterwards Admiral Sir Eliab Harvey, Knt., G. C.B., and distinguished himself as one of the heroes of Trafalgar. He sat in the House of Commons for the town of Malden from 1780 to 1784, and for the county of Essex from 1802 to his death in 1830.-ED.

ness was settled, I threw them into the fire." However, I hear that somebody, not quite so mercantile, has published one of the Lama's letters in the Philosophical Transactions.* Well! when we break in Europe, we may pack up and remove to India, and be emperors again!

Do you believe me, my good sir, when I tell you all these strange tales? Do you think me distracted, or that your country is so? Does not this letter seem an olio. composed of ingredients picked out of the history of Charles I., of Clodius and Sesostris, and the Arabian Nights? Yet I could have coloured it higher without trespassing on truth; but when I, inured to the climate of my own country, can scarcely believe what I hear and see, how should you, who converse only with the ordinary race of men and women, give credit to what I have ventured to relate, merely because in forty years I have constantly endeavoured to tell you nothing but truth? Moreover, I commonly reserve passages that are not of public notoriety, not having the smallest inclination to put the credulity of foreign postoffices to the test. I would have them think that we are only mad with valour, and that Lord Chatham's cloak has been divided into shreds no bigger than a silver penny amongst our soldiers and sailors. Adieu!


Berkeley Square, Feb. 22, 1780.

I HAVE been waiting impatiently for a confirmation of Sir George Rodney's victory over the Spaniards, that I might send it to you as a dose for Monsieur de Barbantan; but either the Admiral's messenger-sloop has been taken, or he is still pursuing the flying enemy, or gone to the West Indies. However, as both Spain and France

*The letter here spoken of was addressed by the Grand Lama of Thibet to Mr. Hastings, then Governor of Bengal, and received by him on the 29th of March, 1774. A translation of it will be found in the Philosophical Transactions for 1778. It abounds in sentiments of justice, benevolence and piety, couched in a simple style, not devoid of dignity, and in general exempt from the high-flown compliments and strained metaphors so common among the other people of the East. The following is the opening passage:-"The affairs of this quarter in every respect flourish. I am night and day employed for the increase of your happiness and prosperity. Having been informed, by travellers from your quarter, of your exalted fame and reputation, my heart, like the blossom of spring, abounds with satisfaction, gladness and joy. Praise God that the star of your fortune is in its ascension. Praise him, that happiness and ease are the surrounding attendants of myself and family. Neither to molest nor persecute is my aim: it is even the characteristic of our sect to deprive ourselves of the necessary refreshment of sleep, should an injury be done to a single individual; but, in justice and humanity, I am informed you surpass us. May you ever adorn the seat of justice and power, that mankind may, in the shadow of your bosom, enjoy the blessings of peace and affluence !-ED.

allow that Sir George had the advantage, there is no dispute but on the more or fewer of his prizes. Well! but novel as triumphs have been of late, this naval one, and every thing else, is drowned in the present great domestic moment. I must prepare you for a new era -so new, and of such late birth, that I cannot pretend to tell you of what it will be the æra.

I have mentioned our provincial committees, petitions, and associations. They have spread into nearly half the English counties, and have acquired additional weight by the approach of a general election; which, in times at all difficult, always puts members and candidates upon their good behaviour. Spirit begets spirit, as lethargy is catching from lethargy. Last week Lord North was beaten at the India House on his bargain with the Company, one of the promised resources. Yesterday was much more fatal to him. Sir George Savile, to humour the committee of Yorkshire, demanded last week a list of the King's pensions. The Speaker was suddenly taken ill, and the House adjourned till yesterday. The Court, in the interval, took the resolution of resisting the demand, and a pitched battle was fought with reciprocal animosity. At one in the morning Lord North carried a softening of the question, not a rejection, but by two voices; which in Parliamentary language or calculation (for in such times the calculators always desert a sinking vessel) is a defeat. The Tories, fearing their popularity in the country, had kept away. Some may return if the Crown is pressed; but it will lose as many among the lookers-out, who were with it yesterday, as it can recall. In short, I think the Ministers must fall, and would increase their own danger every hour if they stayed. The committees in the country will be animated by this specimen of their importance. The Opposition will be invigorated by hope, and other counties will be hurried by and into the torrent. In truth, it is to be hoped that the die is cast. A change of men and measures may prevent that most dreadful of evils, a civil war; and, the longer the Court attempts to stem the current, the more destructive will the deluge be. It is to be wished, too, that the tide, which has turned rapidly, may be as swift in its effects; or we shall be occupied by storms at home, and not attend to our wars without.

This is a brief picture, or sketch, which time must finish. I might expatiate, or form conjectures; but you see that I cannot tell you more than I have of what may be fact. I could make reflections backward, but those you do not want; and it is their part to make them who drew themselves into such a desperate situation from one of perfect happiness and security. If the Court is prudent, it will yield to the first necessity, rather than hazard the last; and will then have been fortunate that it arrived so speedily and at once. A change is

*Sir George Savile's motion was for an account of all places for life or lives, whether held by patent or otherwise; to which Lord North moved to add the words, "and payable at the exchequer." The amendment was carried by 188 against 186.-ED.

preferable to impeachments or to outrages of the mob. I abhor bloodshed and violence, and heartily wish we may have a quiet revolution in the Administration. Should authority interpose to pre. serve them, it will risk its own annihilation and theirs; indeed, it ceases to be authority when it resorts to force. It delegates its power to force, becomes subject to force, refers the contest to the decision of opposite forces, which is choosing chance for arbiter, and never recovers till placid aquiescence gives authority its own true energy.

You shall hear again as events arise; which probably will be numerous. Things cannot remain in the present state, nor fall back into their usual channel without a change, or worse convulsions.

Lady Catharine Pelham* is dead, at four-score. We remnants of happier times should not be sorry to quit a scene so different from what we remember. We aged know how few swim through a turbulent sea to the haven where they would be. Waves press on waves; new actors thrust aside those who commenced the commotion:-but I am running into reflections. I return to pray for tranquillity for my country. If it is not my lot to see it, I shall but escape so much anguish more as I should feel if witness to its calamities.


Berkeley Square, March 3, 1780. As my last letter probably alarmed you, I write again to tell you that nothing decisive has happened. The troops of the Palace even rallied a little yesterday on Mr. Burke's Bill of Reformation, or Reduction, yet, with evident symptoms of caution; for Lord North, who wished to defer the second reading, ventured to put it only to next Wednesday, instead of to-day; and would have carried a longer adjournment with still greater difficulty, for his majority was but of 35, and the minority remained 195, a very formidable number.t The Associations in the counties increase, though not rapidly: yet it will be difficult for the Court to stem such a torrent; and, I imagine, full as difficult for any man of temper to direct them wholsomely. Ireland is still more impetuous.

Fortunately, happily, the tide abroad seems turned. Sir George

Sister of John Manners, third Duke of Rutland, and widow of Henry Pelham, First Lord of the Treasury.

Mr. Burke, on the 11th of February, had introduced his memorable bill for the Economical Reformation of the Civil and other Establishments. "Never can I for. get," says Gibbon, in reference to Mr. Burke's speech upon the occasion, "the delight with which that diffusive and ingenious orator was heard by all sides of the House, and even by those whose existence he proscribed." The numbers for deferring the second reading were 230 against 195.-ED.

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