Printed by C. Roworth, Bell-yard, Temple-bar; WILLIAM BLACKWOOD, EDINBURGH; AND J. CUMMING, DUBLIN. Page ART. I. The Orders in Council, and the American Embargo, be- Message of the President of the United States, commu- nicated to Congress 5th Nov. 1811. Report in part of the Committee, to whom was referred that part of the President's Message which relates to A View of the State of Parties in the United States of America; being gan Attempt to account for the pre- sent Ascendancy of the French or Democratic Party in that Country, in two Letters to a Friend II. The Life of the Right Reverend Beilby Porteus, D. D. late Bishop of London. By the Rev. Robert Hodg- son, A. M. F. R. S. Rector of St. George's Hanover Square, and one of the Chaplains in Ordinary to his Majesty. Second Edition, ha, A The Life of Dr. Beilby Porteus, late Lord Bishop of London; with Anecdotes of those with whom he lived, and Memoirs of many living and deceased Charac- IV. The Antiquities of the Saxon Church. By the Reverend V. History of the Reformation in Scotland; with an Intro- ductory Book and an Appendix. By George Cooke, D. D. Minister of Laurence Kirk VI. Voyages dans la Peninsule Occidentale de l'Inde, et dans VII. Traité Elémentaire d'Astronomie Physique, par J. B. Biot, Membre de l'Institut de France, &c. Avec des Additions relatives à l'Astronomie Nautique, par M. de Rossel, ancien Capitaine de Vaisseau, Rédac- teur et Co-opérateur du Voyage de d'Entrecasteaux. Seconde Edition, destinée à l'Enseignement dans les Lycées impériaux et les Ecoles secondaires. . . . . . An Elementary Treatise on Physical Astronomy, &c. 136 IX. Observations on the Criminal Law of England, as it re- lates to Capital Punishments, and on the Mode in which it is administered. By Sir Samuel Romilly - 159 X. Childe Harold. A Romaunt. By Lord Byron XI. The Judgment delivered Dec. 11, 1809, by the Right Hon. Sir John Nichóll, Knt. LL. D. Official Principal of the Arches of Canterbury; upon the Admission of Articles exhibited in a Cause of Office promoted by Kemp against Wickes, Clerk, for refusing to bury an Infant Child of two of his Parishioners, who had been baptized by a Dissenting Minister. A Respectful Examination of the Judgment, &c. in a Letter to Sir John Nicholl. By the Rev. Charles Daubeney, LL. B. Archdeacon of Sarum. Remarks upon a late Decision in the Court of Arches, THE QUARTERLY REVIEW. MARCH, 1812. ART. I. The Orders in Council, and the American Embargo, beneficial to the Political and Commercial Interests of Great Britain. By Lord Sheffield. 1809. Message of the President of the United States, communicated to Congress 5th Nov. 1811. Report in part of the Committee, to whom was referred that part of the President's Message which relates to Foreign Affairs. A View of the State of Parties in the United States of America; being an Attempt to account for the present Ascendancy of the French or Democratic Party in that Country, in two Letters to a Friend. Edinburgh, Ballantyne. 1812. IN the message of the President of the United States, communicated to Congress on the 5th November last, Mr. Madison concludes a long string of complaints against Great Britain, with a recommendation that they should assume an armour and an attitude demanded by the crisis.' Whether any or all of these complaints are well or ill grounded, one thing, at least must be quite obvious to those who have paid any attention to the proceedings of the American government, namely, that, ever since the accession of that stout republican and stern philosopher of the new school, Thomas Jefferson, there has existed a strong disposition on the part of the American executive to quarrel with Great Britain; to seize every occasion of exciting a hostile feeling between two nations, whom their relation to each other in point of origin, of language, and of habits, to say nothing of ommon interest, ought to predispose to amicable intercourse, and mutual good will; and whom it is equally obvious that it is the interest of France to disunite and to array against each other. we Of the origin of this spirit in the American government, shall say a few words hereafter. At present it will be our business to examine into the truth of the allegations of the President's message, and the object of those menaces held forth in the report of the committee, to whom that part of it relating to foreign affairs was referred. Setting aside some points of minor importance, the |