Imatges de pàgina

and the coachman drives off, not doubting but he carries his master. As soon as he stops, Menacles throws himself out of the coach, crosses the court, ascends the staircase, and runs through all the chambers with the greatest familiarity, reposes himself on a couch, and fancies himself at home. The master of the house at last comes in. Menacles rises to receive himr and desires him to sit down. He talks, muses, and then talks again. The gentleman of the house is tired and amazed. Menacles is no less so; but is every moment in hopes that his impertinent guest will at last end his tedious visit. Night comes on, when Menacles is hardly convinced.

When he is playing at backgammon, he calls for a full glass of wine and water. It is his turn to throw. He has the box in one hand, and his glass in the other; and, being extremely dry, and unwilling to lose time, he swallows down both the dice, and at the same time throws his wine into the tables. He writes a letter, and flings the sand into the inkbottle. He writes a second, and mistakes the superscription. A nobleman receives one of them, and upon opening it, reads as follows:—" I would have you, honest Jack, immediately upon the receipt of this, take in hay enough to serve the winter." His Cart ier receives the other, and is amazed to see in it, " My Lord, I receive your Grace's commands."

If he is at an entertainment, you may see the pieces of bread continually multiplying round his plate; 'tis true, the company want it, as well as their knives and.. fovks, which Menacles does not let them keep long. Sometimes, in a morning, he puts his whole family in a hurry, and at last gw;s out without being able to stay for his coach or breakfast; and for that day you may se him in every part of the town, ex pt in the very place where he had appointed to be upon business of import


You would often take him for every thing that he is not. For a fellow quite stupid, for he hears nothing; for a fool, for he talks to himself, and has a hundred grimaces and motions with his head, which are altogether involuntary; tor a proud man, for he looks full upon yon, and takes notice ot your, saUuting him. The


truth of it is, his eyes are open, but he makes no use of them, and neither sees you, nor any man, nor any thing else. He came once from his country house, and his own footmen undertook to rob him and succeeded. They held a flambeau to his throat, and bid him deliver his purse. He did so; and coming home, told his friends he had been robbed. They desired to know the particulars." Ask my servants," said Menacles; " for they were with me."

X. The Monk. - STERNE.

A POOR Monk. of the order of St. Francis, came into the room, to beg something for his convent. The moment I cast my eyes upon him, I was determined not to give him a single sous; and accordingly I put my purse into my pocket—buttoned it up—set myself a little more upon my centre, and advanced up gravely to him; there was something, i fear, forbidding in my look: I have his picture this moment before my eyes, and think there was that in it, which deserved better.

The Monk, as I judged from the break of his tonsure, a few scattered white hairs upon his temples being all that remained of it, might be about seventy—but from his eyes, and that sort of fire which was in them, which seemed more tempered by courtesy than years, could be no more than sixty-Truth might lie between. He was certainly sixty-five; and the general air of his countenance, notwithstanding something seemed to have been planting wrinkles in it before their time, agreed to the ac


It was one of those heads which Guido has often painted—mild, pale, penetrating; free from all common place ideas of fat contented ignorance, looking downwards upon the earth. It looked forward; but looked as if it looked at something beyond this world. How one of his order came by it heaven above, who let it fall upon a Monk's shoulders best knows; but it would have suited a Bramin; and hud I met it upon the plains of Indostan, I had reverenced it.

The rest of his outline may be given in a few strokes; one might put it into the hands of any one to design;

for it was neither elegant nor otherwise, but as character and expression made it so. It was a thin, spare form, something above the common size, if it lost not the distinction by a bend forward in the figure—but it was the attitude of entreaty; and as it now stands present to my imagination, it gained more than it lost by if.

When he had entered the room three paces, he stood still; and laying his left hand upon his breast (a slender white staff with which he journeyed being in his right) when I had got close up to him, he introduced himself with the little story of the wants of his convent, and the poverty of his order and did it with so simple a grace, and such an air of deprecation was there in the whole cast of his look and figure—I was bewitched not to have been struck with it.

-A better reason was, I had predetermined not to give him a single sous.

'Tis very true, said f, rcplying to a cast upwards with his eyes with which he had conclusled his address it is very true and heaven be their resources, who have no other but the charity of the world; the stock of which, I fear, is no way sufficient for the many great claims which are hourly made upon it.

As I'pronounced the words great claims, he gave a slight glance with his eye downwards, upon the sleeve of his tunic I felt the full force of the appeal—I acknowledge it said I—a coarse habit, and that but once in three years, with a meagre diet are no great matters; but the true point of pity is, as they can be earned iu the workl with so little industry, that your order should wish to procure them by pressing upon a fund, which is the property of the lame, the blind, the aged and the infirm; the captive, who lies down counting over and over again, in the days of his affliction, languishes also for his share of it; and had you been of the order of mercy, instead of the order of St. Francis, poor as I am, continued I, pointing at my portmanteau, full cheerfully should it have been opened to you, for the ransom of the unfortunate. The Monk made me a bow. But, resumed I, the unfortfnate of our own country, surely have the first rights; and I have left thousands in dis

tress upon the English shore. The Monk gave a cordial wave with Lis head-as much as to say, No doubt; there is misery enough in every corner of the world ae well as within our convent. But we distinguish, said I, laying my band upon the sleeve of his tunie, in return for his appeal—we distinguish, my good father, betwixt those who wish only to eat the bread of their own labor and those who eat the bread of other peoples, and have ne other plan in life, but to get through it in sloth and ignorance, for the love oj God.

The poor Franciscan made no reply; a hectic of a moment passed acioss his cheek, but could nor tarry.— Nature seemed to have done with her resentments in him. He showed none—but letting his staff fall within his arm, he pressed both his hands with resignation on his. breast, and retired.

My heart smote me the moment he shut the door. Pshaw! said I, with an air of carelesness three several times. But it would not do; every ungracious syllable I had uttered, crowded back in my imagination. I reflected I had no right over the poor Franciscan, but to deny him; and that the punishment of that was enough to the disappointed, without the addition of unkind language-I considered his gray hairs, his courteous figure seemed to reenter, and gently ask me what injury he had done me, and why I could use him thus ?—1 would have given twenty livres for an advocate-I have behaved very ill, sa^d 1, within myself; but 1 have only just set out upon my travels and shail tearu better manners as I get along..

XI. Cn tha Headdress of the Ladies. - SPECTATOR.

THERE is not so variable a thing in nature, as a lady's headdress; within my own memory, I have known it rise and fall above thirty degrees. About ten years ago, it shot up to a very great height, insomuch that the female part of our species were much taller than the men. The women were of such an enormous stature, thst "we appeared as grasshoppers before them." At prcsentj the whole sex is in a manner dwarfed, and shrunk Into a race of beauties, that seem almost another species.

I remember several ladies who were once very near seven feet high, that at present want some inches of five : How they came to be thus curtailed, I cannof Jearn'; whether the whole sex be at present under any penance which we know nothing of, or whether they have cast their headdresses, in order to surprise us with something in that kind which shall be entirely new; or whether some of the tallest of the sex, being too cunning for the rest, have contrived this method to make themselves appear sizeable, is still a secret; though I find most are of opinion, they are at present like trees new lopped and pruned, that will certainly sprout out, and flourish with greater heads than before. For my own part, as I do not love to be insulted by women who are taller than myself, I admire the sex much more in their present humiliation, which has reduced them to their natural dimensions, than when they had extended their persons, and lengthened themselves out into formidable and gigantic figures. l am not for adding to the beautiful edifices of nature, nor for raising any whimsical superstructure upon her plans: I must therefore repeat it, that I am highly pleased with the coiffure now in fas fashion, and think it shows the good sense which at present very much reigns among the valuable part of the sex. One may observe that women in all ages have taken more pains than men to adorn the outside of their heads; and indeed I very much admire that those architects who raise such powerful structures out of ribbands, ace and wire, have not been recorded for their respective inventions. It is certain there have been as many orders in these kind of buildings, as in those which have been made of marble; sometimes they rise in the shape of a pyramid, sometimes like a tower, and sometimes like a steeple. In Juvenal's time, the building grew by several orders and stories, as he has very humorously des scribed it:

Wfth curls on curls they build her head before,."
And mount it with a formidable tower;
A giantess she seems; but look behind,

And then she dwindles to the pigmy kind.


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