Imatges de pàgina





'THIS figure that thou here seest put,
It was for gentle Shakespeare cut,
Wherein the graver had a strife

With nature, to outdo the life:

O could he but have drawn his wit

As well in brass as he hath hit

His face; the print would then surpass

All that was ever writ in brass:
But since he cannot, reader, look

Not on his picture, but his book.






ABATE. To cast down in spirit, Corio.
ii. 3; to curtail, Mids. N. iii. 2.
ABATED. Depressed, subdued, Corio.
iii. 3.

ABHOR. To reject, Henry VIII. ii. 4.
ABODE. To bode or forebode, 3 Hen.
VI. v. 6, Hen. VIII. i. 1.
ABRIDCMENT. A term for a dramatic
performance, Mids. N. v. 1. Applied in
a similar sense to an actor, Ham. ii. 2.
ABSEY-BOOK. An A B C-book, John i. 1.
ABY. To abide, Mids. N. iii. 2.
ACCITE. To summon, 2 Hen. IV. ii. 2
& v. 2.

ACCUSE. For accusation, 2 Hen. VI.
iii. I.

ACKNOWN. Acknowledgly acquainted,
Oth. iii. 3.


ACONITUM. Aconite; wolfsbane.
poisonous herb, 2 Hen. IV. iv. 4.
ACROSS. Used upon a failure in attempt
at repartee; an allusion to jousting,
All's W. ii. 1.

ACTURE. Action, Lovers' Comp. 27.
ADAMANT. The old term for the mag-
net, Mids. N. ii. 2, Tr. Cr. iii. 2.
ADDICTION. Inclination; being given or
addicted to, Oth. ii. 2.
ADDITION. Title, or mark of distinction,
Tr. Cr. i. 2, Ham. i. 4, Lear ii. 2.
ADDREST. Ready, prepared, Mids. N.

V. 1.

ADVICE. Consideration, Two Gen. V.

ii. 4At ADVISED. Sometimes used for cautious, circumspect, a Hen. VI. ii. 4. others, used for aware, informed, conscious of, 2 Hen. VI. ii. 1. Mrs Quickly says "Are you avised o' that?" in the same sense, Mer. Wives i. 4. AFFECTION. Affectation, Love's L. L.

V. 1.
AFFECTION. Used for constitutional in-
clination, tendency; involuntary sym-
pathy or antipathy, Mer. Ven. iv. 1.
AFFECTIONED. Affected, Tw. N. ii. 3.
AFFECTS. Affections, passions, Oth. i. 3,
kich. II. i. 4 [In some editions "ef-

AFFEERD. Confirmed, substantiated,
Macb. iv. 3.

AFFIN D. Joined by affinity, bound, Tr.

Cr. i. 3, Oth. i. 1 & ii. 3, Ham. iv. 1. AFFRONT. To confront; meet face to face, Win. T. v. 1, Cymb. v. 3, Ham. "Affronted," Tr. Cr. iii. 2. iii. I. AFFY


To betroth; trust, or confide in, 2 Hen. VI. iv. i, Tit. And. i. 1. AGATE. Used in allusion to a small son; referring to the figures cut upon agates for rings, Much Ado iii. 1, 2 Hen. IV. i. a.

AGLET-BABY. A point for fastening
dress, from Fr. Aiguillette, a tag; and
from the tags, or points, being fre-
quently in the form of small figures,
Tam. S. i. 2.

AGNIZE. To recognize, or acknowledge,
Oth. i. 3.

A-GOOD. In good earnest, heartily, Two
Gen. V. iv. 4.

AIERY. (Spelt also Eyry, from Teutonic
Eyren, eggs.) A brood of eagles, or
hawks, Rich. III. i. 3, Ham. ii. 2.
AIM. "Cry aim;" a term in archery of
encouragement, Mer. W. ii. 3 & iii. 2.
AIM. Guess, conjecture, Two Gen. V.
iii. 1, Jul. Cæs. i. 2, Oth. i. 3.
ALDERLIEFEST. Most dearly beloved, 2
Hen. VI. i. I.

T. iv. 3.
A'-LIFE. Exceedingly; as my life, Win.

mer; All-Hallows, or All-Saints, oc-
curring on the 1st Nov., 1 Hen. IV.

i. 2.

ALLOW. To approve, Lear ii. 4.
ALLOWANCE. Approbation, Tr. Cr. ii. 3.
ALL-THING. Every way, Macb. iii. 1.
ALTHEA. Johnson was the first of the
commentators to tell us that "Shake-
speare is here mistaken in his my-
thology;" as it was not Althea, but
Hecuba, who dreamed that she was
delivered of a firebrand. It is not
Shakespeare, but (most appropriately
and characteristically, a boy who has
picked up a smattering of knowledge)
the page, who trips; as Prince Hal
points out by ironically paying the lad
for his "good interpretation," 2 Hen.
IV. ii. 2. That Shakespeare knew the
story of Althea, witness the passage in
the earlier-written play, 2 Hen. VI.
i. 1.

AMAIMON. The name of a Fiend, Mer.
W. ii. 2, 1 Hen. IV. ii. 4.
AMES-ACE. The two Aces; from the
Lat. ambo, both, All's W. ii. 3.
AMORT. Dead, dispirited, Tam. S. iv. 3,
1 Hen. VI. iii. 2.
ANCHOR. Abbreviation of Anchoret,
Hermit, Ham. iii. 2.
1 Hen. IV. iv. 2, Oth. i. 1 & ii. 3.
ANCIENT. Ensign; also ensign-bearer,
ANDREN. Holinshed (Shakespeare's au-
thority) gives this as the name for the
valley of Ardren; which, lying be-
tween Guynes and Ardres (the for-
mer then belonging to the English,
and the latter to the French), was a
fitting spot for the interview between
Henry VIII. and Francis I., Hen.
VIII. i. 1.

ANGEL. A coin, value near ten shillings.
Used punningly in a Hen. IV. i. 2. i

Used in Tam. S. iv. 2 ("ancient Angel") for a good old soul. ANGLE. Fishing apparatus; used metaphorically, Win. T. iv. 1, Ham. v. 2. ANTRE. A cavern, Oth. i. 3. APPEACH. To impeach, accuse, Rich.

II. v. 2.

APPEAL. To accuse, Rich. II. i. 1.
APPEARED. Made manifest, Corio. iv. 3.
APPEARS. Shows, makes manifest or
apparent, Cymb. iv. 2.
APPERIL. Peril, Tim. A. i. 2.
APPLEJOHN. A favourite apple, 1 Hen.
IV. iii. 3, 2 Hen. IV. ii. 4.
APPREHENSION. Used in the sense of
brain-conceit, or faculty for sarcastic
sayings, Much Ado iii. 4.
taunting imputation, 1 Hen. VI. ii. 4.
APPREHENSIVE. Quick in understanding,
2 Hen. IV. iv. 3.
Used in the sense of
proving, or establishing by proof, Win.
T. ii. 1, Hen. V. i. 2.
APPROOF. Approbation, Mea. M. ii. 4.
All's W. i. 2, Ant. Cl. iii. 2.
AQUA-VITE. An old term for Brandy,
or other spirituous liquor, Tw. N. ii.
5, Rom. J. iii. 2 & iv. 5.
ARCH. Principal, leader, chief, Lear
ii. 1.

ARGAL. A corruption of the Lat. word
ergo, therefore, Ham. v. i.

ARGIER. The old name for Algiers,
Temp. i. 2.



ARGOSIES. Merchant vessels, Mer. Ven.
i. I & v. 1, Tam. S. ii. 1.
ARM-GAUNT. Probably a misprint for
rampant," formerly spelt
paunt," Ant. Cl. i. 5.
Lear iii. 4,
AROINT. Avaunt, Macb. i.
ARTICULATE. To enter into articles of
agreement, Corio. i. 9, 1 Hen. IV. v. 1.
ASCAUNT. Aslant, across, Ham. iv. 7.
AS MUCH TO SAY, AS. An old form of the
modern phrase, "As much as to say,
Tw. N. i 5, 2 Hen. VI. iv. 2.
ASSINICO. An ass, a fool; from a Spanish
word for a little ass, Tr. Cr. ii. 1.
ASTRINGER. A Falconer, All's W. v. 1.
ATOMIES. Atoms, As You L. iii. 2 & iii.
5, Rom. J. i. 4.

ATOMY. Corruption of anatomy; a ske-
leton, 2 Hen. IV. v. 4.
ATONE. To make at one, to agree, to
reconcile, As You L. v. 4, Ant. Cl. ii.
2, Corio. iv. 6.
ATONEMENT. Reconciliation, Mer. W.
i. 1, Rich. III. i. 3.
ATTAINT. Taint, or any thing hurtful,
as weariness, Hen. V. iv. (Chor.), Eu

crece 154.

Overpowered by.
Temp. iii. 3, Tr. Cr. v. 2.

ATTENDED. Awaited, waited for, ex


pected. Fr. Attendre, 3 Hen. VI. iv 6, Coriol. i. 10. ATTORNEY. Shakespeare uses "by attorney" for by deputy, As You L. iv. 1, Rich. III. v. 3. He uses attorney" for intervention or interpretation by proxy, Rich. III. iv. 4. And "attorney" for the agent or proxy thus acting, Com. E. v. 1, 1 Hen. VI. v. 3. "Attorneyship," 1 Hen. VI. v. 5. AUNT. A slang term for a bad woman, Win. T. iv. 2, (Song.)

AVOUCH. Proof, testimony, Ham. i. 1. AWAY WITH. To endure, bear with, 2 Hen. IV. iii. 2.

AWFUL. For lawful, under the awe of authority, Two Gen. V. iv. 1, 2 Hen. IV. iv. 1.

AWKWARD. Used in the sense of contrary, unfavourable, untoward, 2 Hen. VI. iii. 2.


BACCARE. A cant phrase, meaning, "Go back!" Tam. S. ii. 1. BAFFLE. A punishment of recreant knights, by hanging them up by the heels, and beating them with sticks. From the Fr. Baffouer, or Baffoler, Tw. N. ii. 5, 1 Hen. IV. i. 2. BALDRICK. A belt, Much Ado i. 1. BALE. Harm, evil, injury, grief, destruction, Corio. i. I. "Baleful" is harmful, injurious, destructive, poisonous, 1 Hen. VI. ii. 1, Rom. J. ii. 3. BALK. To bandy words as a disputant; to altercate. To "balk logic" was used as we now say to chop logic." Tam. S. i. 1. [In some editions, "talk."]

BALKED. To pile up in ridges, 1 Hen. IV. i. 1.

BALLOW. A provincial word for a pole or staff, Lear iv. 6.

BAN. (Spelt also Bann.) To curse, Tim.
A. iv. I, Lear ii. 3, Ham. iii. 2.
BAND. Used for Bond, 1 Hen. IV. iii. 2,
Ant. Cl. iii. 2, Ham. i. 2.

BANDOG. A fierce dog, 2 Hen. VI. i. 4. BANDY. To strike to and fro; a term used in the game of Tennis, Rom. J.

ii. 5. BARBASON. The name of a Fiend, Mer. Hen. V. ii. I.

W. ii. 2, BARBED. A corruption of barded; barbe (or more properly barde) being a term for horse-armour, Rich. . iii. 3, Rich. III. i. 1.

BARN. Spelt also Barne.) A child,
Much Ado iii. 4, Win. T. iii. 3.

Prison-Base, or Prison-bars; a rustic or school game, Cymb. v. 3. BASES. A garment, worn from the waist

by knights on horseback, Peric. ii. 1. BASILISCO. A character in an old drama,

who protests his rank, in the words Faulconbridge quotes: "Knight, knight," John i. 1.

BASILISK. A species of ordnance, 1 Hen. IV. ii. 3. The allusion is two-fold,to the cannon, and to the serpent which is said to kill by its look, Hen. V. v. 2.

BASTA. An Italian term for enough. Tam. S. i. I.


BASTARD. In ancient times not a term
of reproach. Used as a title, 1 Hen.
VI. i. 1 & 2, Tr. Cr. v. 8.
BASTARD. A sweet Spanish wine, Meas.
M. iii. 2, 1 Hen. IV. ii. 4.
BAT. A large stick, or club, Corio. i. 1,
Lovers' Comp. 10.
BATE. Dispute, contention, 2 Hen. IV.

ii. 4BATED. Bating, a term in falconry; to flutter, to beat the wings, from the Fr. Battre, 1 Hen. IV. iv. 1, Rom. J. iii. 2.

BATLET. A small bat, used in clotheswashing, As You L. ii. 4.

BATTEN. To feed, or fatten, Corio. iv. 5, Ham. iii. 4.

BAUBLE. The fool's toy-badge of office, All's W. iv. 5, Rom. J. ii. 4. BAVIN. A small brush-wood faggot; readily combustible, and used for lighting fires, 1 Hen. IV. iii. 2. BAWBLING. Insignificant, like a bauble, Tw. N. v. 1. BAWCOCK. From the Fr. Beau-coq. A fine, dashing fellow, Tw. N. iii. 4, Win. T. i. 2, Hen. V. iii. 2 & iv. 1. BAY. Bay-window, or bow-window, Meas. M. ii. 1, Tw. N. iv. 2. BAYNARD'S. A residence of Rich. III. in London, and still gives name to one of the wards in that city-" Castle Baynard Ward," Rich. III. iii. 5. BEADS-MAN. From Bede, a prayer, and from counting the beads of a rosary while praying, Two Gen. V. i. 1, Rich. II. iii. 2.

BEARD. To dare face to face, 1 Hen. IV. iv. I. BEARING-CLOTH. The cloth in which a child was carried to church to be baptized, Wint. T. iii. 3, 1 Hen. VI. i. 3. BEAR IN HAND. To lure on, to keep in false expectation, Much Ado iv. 1, Tam. S. iv. 2, 2 Hen. IV. i. 2. BEARNS. (In Scotch, Bairns.) Children, All's W. i. 3. See BARN. BEAR-WARD. Bear-keeper; also Bearherd, 2 Hen. VI. v. 1. BEAVER. The front of the helmet, used for covering the face. Fr. Bavière, the vizor, 1 Hen. IV. iv. 1, Ham. i. 2. BECK. A bow of salutation, Tim. A. i. 2. BECK. A signal for citing and summoning, Ham. iii. 1, Tam. S. 2, (Ind.) BECOME. In the sense of embellish, adorn, As You L. iii. 2, 1 Hen. VI. iv. 7. Shakespeare, by right of his genius, uses this verb arbitrarily for make appear becoming, seemly, or graceful, Com. E. iii. 2, Ant. Cl. ii. 2. BED-FELLOW. A term implying great intimacy, formerly men of the highest grade often sleeping together, Hen. V. ii. 2.

BEDLAM. A corruption of Bethlehem, an asylum for lunatics; hence the term was applied to the individuals, Lear i. 2 & ii. 3 & iii. 7.

BEHAVE. Used for govern, control, discipline, or subdue. [In which sense Spenser has employed it.] Tim. of A. iii. 5. But the original word in the Folio is "behoove;" and it is just possible that in Shakespeare's despotic way of using verbs with large meaning condensed into one word (a despotism that was his by right ofhis dominant genius), he may have written "did behoove his anger," for "did make his anger do that which was behooveful, or becoming." BEHEST. Command, Love's L. L. v. 2, Cymb. v. 4. See also HEST. BELL, BOOK, AND CANDLE. The form of excommunication used in the Romish Church the bell being tolled, the book of offices for the occasion being read, and three candles extinguished, John iii. 3.

BENEFIT. A law term, signifying as a beneficiary, 1 Hen. VI. v. 4. BENISON. Blessing, Macb. ii. 4, Peric. ii. (Gower), Lear i. 1 & iv. 6. BENT. Stern glance; the eyes bent angrily on the object they behold, Hen. V. v. 2. Moral force; strength of inclination, Much Ado i. 3 & iv. 1, Jul. Cæs. ii. 1.

BERGOMASK. A clownish Italian dance: in imitation of the people of Bergomasca, a district in the Venetian States, Mids. N. v. 1.

BERMOOTHES. The old name for Ber mudas, Temp. i. 2.

BESHREW. To curse. A shrewish woman was called a curst woman, Mid. N. iL. 3, Love's L. L. v. 2, Oth. iv. 3. BESMIRCH. To soil, Ham. i. 3, Hen. V. iii. 3.

BESORT. To suit, or befit, Lear i. 4. BESORT. Attendance, escort, Oth. i. 3. BESTED. "Worse bested," in a worse plight, or condition, 2 Hen. VI. ii. 3. BESTRAUGHT. Distracted, Tam. S. 2,


RETEEM. To allow, afford, Ham. i. 2, Mid. N. i. 1.

BEVIS. A hero of chivalry; for whose marvellous exploits (amounting to the incredible) William the Conqueror created him Earl of Southampton, Hen. VIII. i. 1.

BEVY. A flock of birds; applied to a company of ladies, Hen. VIII. i. 4. BEWRAY. To betray, to discover, Lear ii. 1, 3 Hen. VI. i. 1. BEZONIAN. From the Ital. Bisogno, want. A beggar; also a rogue, 2 Hen. IV. v. 3, 2 Hen. VI. iv. 1.

BIAS. "Sphered bias cheek" means a cheek rounded like the bias of a bowl, Tr. Cr. iv. 5.

Titus A.

BID. Past tense of bided, or abided, endured, Rich. III. iv. 4. BID. Invited, Mer. Ven. ii. 5, i. I. BIGGIN. A head-band of coarse cloth; so called because worn by the Beguines, an order of Nuns, 2 Hen. IV.

IV. 4.

BILBO. A sword; from Bilboa, a town in Spain famous for steel manufacture, Mer. W. i. 1 & iii. 5.

BILBOES. Fetters, used at sea to confine prisoners; same derivation as above, Ham. v. 2.

BILL. A halbert, used by watchmen, Much Ado iii. 3.

BILL. A placard, publicly set up by challengers, Much Ado i. 1. BIRD-BOLT. A short, thick arrow, blunt at the end, to kill birds by the blow only, Much Ado i. 1, Love's L. L. iv. 3. BISSON. Blind, Corio. ii. 1, Ham. ii. 2. BITE THE EAR. Formerly used as a playful expression of loving kindness, Rom. J. ii. 4.


BITE THE THUMB. An insulting action, performed by letting the thumb-nail jerk from the upper teeth with a clicking noise, as a challenge to quarrel, Rom. J. i. 1. BITTER SWEETING. Rom. J. ii. 4. BLACK-MONDAY. Easter Monday. So named from the bitter cold of that day, on the 14th Ap. 1360, which carried off many of Edw'd III.'s soldiers, then before Paris, (STOWE,) Mer. Ven. ii. 5.

BLANK. The centre of the target, Lear i. 4, Oth. iii. 4. BLANKS. "A mode of extortion (says Nares) by which 'blank' papers were given to the agents of the crown, which they were to fill up as they pleased, to authorize the demands they chose to make. No wonder they were thought oppressive," Rich. II. ii. 1.

BLENCH. To flinch, or start off, Mea. M. iv. 5. Also, a swerving, deviation, Sonnet 110.

BLENT. Blended, Tw. N. i. 5, Mer. Ven. iii. 2.

BLIND-WORM. A small snake, believed to be venomous; but it is harmless, Mid. N. ii. 3, (Song,) Macb. iv. 1. BLOCK. Formerly used for the shape or fashion of a hat, Much Ado i. I, Lear iv. 6.

BLOOD. "In blood" was a term of the chase, applied to deer; meaning in good condition, vigorous, full of courage, Love's L. L. iv. 2, 1 Hen. VI. iv. 2.

BLOOD. Used for disposition, impulse, Tim. A. iv. 2, Cymb. i. 1, Lear iv. 2. BLOOD-BOLTERED. "Boltered," or baltered, is a provincial term for the hair being matted by exudation from a wound or disease. Clotted with gore, Macb. iv. 1.

BLOWN. Swollen, overcharged, puffed
up, tumid, Lear iv. 4, Oth. iii. 3, Ant.
Cl. v. 2, Corio. v. 4.
BLOWS. Swells to bursting, Ant. Cl.

iv. 6.

BLUE-BOTTLE. A term of reproach given to servants; also to Beadles, from the colour of their livery, 2 Hen. IV.

V. 4.

BOB. To cheat, or obtain by fraud, Tr. Cr. iii. 1, Oth. v. 1. Also, a taunt, or scoff, As You L. ii. 7. BODGE. To budge, to give way, Fr. Bouger, 3 Hen. VI. i. 4. BODKIN. A small dagger, Ham. iii. 1. In Stowe's Chron. it is said that Jul. Cæsar was slain with "bodkins." BOGGLER. A swerver from the right path; a vicious woman, Ant. Cl. iii. 11. BOLDS. Emboldens, Lear v. 1. BOLINS. Bowlines; ropes governing the sails of a ship, Peric. iii. 1. BOLLEN. Swollen, Lucrece 203. BOLT. A peculiar kind of arrow, pointed instead of blunted, like the bird-bolt, Cymb. iv. 2, Mids. N. ii. 2. BOLTFD. Sifted, Hen. V. ii. 2, Corio. iii. 1.

BOLTING-HUTCH. The trough into which meal is sifted, 1 Hen. IV. ii. 4. BOMBARD. (Sometimes spelt Bumbard.) A species of cannon; also (on account of its similar appearance) a huge drinking vessel, made of leather, Temp. ii. 2, 1 Hen. IV. ii. 4, Hen. VIII. v. 3.

BOMBAST. Stuffing. Doublets were stuffed out with cotton; hence applied metaphorically, Love's L. L. v. 2, 1 Hen. IV. ii. 4, Oth. i. 1. BONA-ROBA. Ital. A courtezan, a Hen. IV. iii. 2.

BOOK. Nares says every kind of composition was called a "book." Shakespeare uses the word for a bond, or article of agreement, in 1 Hen. IV.

ii. I. BOOT. Something given over and above, Rich. III. iv. 4. BOOT. To give the boots." An old proverbial expression for mocking, making game of; also a rustic sportive punishment, Two Gen. V. i. 1. To boot, to avail, Two Gen. V. i. 1, Rich. II. iii. 4.

BORE. The calibre of a cannon; used metaphorically, Ham. iv. 6, Cymb. iii. 2. Also, to pierce, to injure, Hen. VIII. i. I.

BORE, or BORNE IN HAND. Kept in expectation, Mea. M. i. 5, Ham. ii. 2. BOSKY. Low Latin, Boscus: Ital. Bosco, woody, (sometimes spelt Busky,) Temp. iv. 1, 1 Hen. IV. v. 1.

BOSOM. Used by Shakespeare in the sense of desire or revenge, Mea. M.

iv. 3. BOSOM. Signifying stomach, 2 Hen. IV. i. 3, Corio. iii. 1. BOSOM, TO THE. A not unusual address upon letters to ladies, Ham. ii. 2, (Let.) Ladies formerly wore pockets in front of their stays, in which they put their love-letters and tokens, Two Gen. V. iii. 1. BOSSED. Embossed, or studded, Tam. S. ii. 1.

BOTTLE OF HAY. A truss of hay, Mid. N. iv. 1.

BOUGHT AND SOLD. To be over-reached,
or disposed of out-and-out, Com. E.
iii. 1, Rich. III. v. 3, (Scroll.)
BOURN. Boundary limit, Temp. ii. 1,
Ant. Cl. i. 1. Also a rivulet, Lear iii.
6, (Song.)

Bow. A yoke for oxen; called still, ox-
bow, As You L. iii. 3.
BRABBLE. Brawl, quarrel, Tw. N. v. 1,
Tit. A. ii. 1.

BRACH. A scent-hound, Tam. S. 1, (Ind.)
1 Hen. IV. iii. 1, Tr. Cr. ii. 1, Lear i.
4 & iii. 6.

iv. 2.

Crafty, deceitful, All's W.

'BRAID. Abbreviation of upbraid, Peric.

i. I.

BRAIN. To beat out the brains, Temp. iii. 2. Used metaphorically, ("brained,") Mea. M. v. 1.

BRAKE. A thicket, or thorny path, Mea. M. ii. 1, Hen. VIII. i. 2. BRAVE, BRAVED, BRAVERY. Finely apparelled; also, flouted, dared; used punningly, Tam. S. iv. 3. BRAVERY. Bravado, Oth. i. 1. BRAWL. From the Fr. Bransle, lively, bustling dance, Love's L. L. iii. I.


BREAK UP. To carve. Used metaphorically for opening a letter, Love's I. L. iv. 1, Mer. Ven. ii. 1. BREAST. Used to signify a musical voice, Tw. N. ii. 3.

BREATH. Breathing, exercise, relaxation, Tr. Cr. ii. 3. In the same sense, as a slight passage of arms, Tr. Cr.

iv. 5. BREATHED. Well exercised; kept in breath, Tam. S. 2, (Ind.)

BREATHING. Action, exertion, exercise,
All's W. i. 2, Ham. v. 2.
BREED-BATE. A hatcher of quarrels,
Mer. W. i. 4. See BATE.
BRIEF. A short writing, 1 Hen. IV. iv. 4.
Also, speech, All's W. v. 3.
BRING. I'll be with you to bring,"
seems to have been a cant phrase in
use formerly, from its occurring more
than once in the pages of our early
authors; but its precise signification
has become unknown. Possibly,
somewhat answering to the modern
idiom, "I'll be even with you." Tr.
Cr. i. 2.

BRING ON THE WAY To accompany,
Mea. M. i. 1, Oth. iii. 4.
BRIZE. The gad-ily, (also spelt Breese,;
Ant. Cl. iii. 8, Tr. Cr. i. 3.
BROACH. To spit, or transfix; Fr.
Broche, Hen. V. v. (Chor.), Tit. A.

iv. 2.

BROCK. Badger; frequently used as a term of abuse, Tw. N. ii. 5.

BROGUES. "Clouted brogues," nailed shoes, Cymb. iv. 2.

BROKE CROSS. It was reckoned disgraceful, at tilting, to have the lance broken across the person of the antagonist, instead of by a straight thrust, Much Ado v. I.

BROKEN. For broken their minds to, communicated, Hen. VIII. V. I. "Break with is used for break the matter to, Two Gen. v. i. 3. BROKEN MOUTH. A mouth that has lost some of its teeth, All's W. ii. 3. BROKEN MUSIC. Mr Chappell, in his valuable work on "English Minstrelsy," states that "broken music" meant what we now term a "stringed band;" probably because stringed instruments (being formerly played without a bow) were incapable of giving sustained notes. It affords the poet punning allusion, As You L. i. 2, Hen. V. v. 2. This explanation informs us that the

musicians, heard by Pandarus, are playing on stringed instruments, Tr. Cr. iii. 1.

BROKER. A procurer, Two Gent. V. i. 2,
Tr. Cr. iii. 2 & v. 11.
BROKES. Deals, or acts as an agent, or
procurer, All's W. iii. 5.

BROOCH. An ornament, Rich. II. v. 5.
BROOCH'D. Ornamented, Ant. Cl. iv.


BROODED. For brooding; used figuratively, in the sense of vigilant as birds while brooding, John iii. 3. BROWNIST. A religious sectarian, Tw. N. iii. 2.

BRUIT. Rumour, report, Fr. Bruit, noise, 3 Hen. VI. iv. 7, Tim. A. v. 2. BRUITED. Noised abroad, proclaimed, Macb. v. 7:

BUBUKLES. A humorous corruption of carbuncle, Hen. V. iii. 6. Buck. Liquor, or lye, for washing linen. Hence, used for the quantity of linen washed at a time, 2 Hen. VI. iv. 2. BUCK-BASKET. The basket used for carrying linen to be washed, Mer. W. iii. 3 & 5.

BUCKING. Washing, Mer. W. iii. 3. BUCKLE. To cope, to engage with, 1 Hen. VI. i. 2 & v. 3.

BUCKLERS. "To give the bucklers," to yield the victory, Much Ado v. 2. BUCKLERSBURY. A street in London, in former times chiefly inhabited by druggists, who sold medicinal herbs, or simples, Mer. W. in. 3. BUFF JERKIN. A leather waistcoat of oxhide; Fr. Bauf A dress worn by catch-poles, or sheriffs' officers, Com. E. iv. 2, 1 Hen. IV. i. 2. BUG, BUG-BEAR. Hob-goblin, Tam. S. i. 2, Cymb. v. 3, 3 Hen. VI. v. 2, Ham. v. 2, Tr. Cr. iv. 2.

BULK. The chest; the region of the breast, Rich. III. i. 4, Ham. ii. 1, Lu

crece 67.

BUNG. A term of abuse and disgust for a sharper or thief, a Hen. IV. ii. 4. BUNTING. A small bird, resembling a lark, All's W. ii. 5.

BURGONET. A species of helmet, 2 Hen. VI. v. 1, Ant. Cl. i. 5.

BURN DAY-LIGHT. A proverbial phrase, meaning, to use superfluous actions, Mer. W. ii. 1, Rom. J. i. 4. BURST. Formerly used for to break, Tam. S. 1, (Ind.) 2 Hen. IV. iii. 2. BUT. In the sense of only, unless, except, Temp. i 2, Macb. i. 7, Ant. Cl. iii. 9, 2 Hen. IV. v. 3, Peric. iii. 4. BUTT-SHAFT. An arrow, without a barb, to shoot at butts; so that it may be easily drawn out, Love's L. L. i. 2, Rom. J. ii. 4.

BUTTERY-BAR. The place where the meat and drink were dispensed, Tw. N. i. 3.

BUXOM. Fresh, lively, jolly, Hen. V. iii. 6, Peric. i. (Gower.)

'By. Abbreviation of aby; to abide the consequences, to pay the penalty, Mids. N. iii. 2.

BY AND BY. Immediately, 2 Hen. VI. ii. 1. Soon, Rom. J. iii. 4.


CADDIS. Coarse ferret, or worsted lace, Win. T. iv. 3. "Caddis-garter," i Hen. IV. ii. 4.

CADE. A barrel ("of herrings,") 2 Hen. VI. iv. 2.

CADENT. Falling. Lat. Cadens, Lear

i. 4. CAKE. "My cake is dough," an old proverb; meaning, a cake from the oven spoiled; and implying defeated expectation, Tam. S. i. i & V. 1.

CALF'S-SKIN. The fools, in great families, were frequently clad in calf's-skin jerkins. Constance, therefore, means to call Austria a fool, John iii. 1. CALIPOLIS. A character in an inflated

drama of the time, quoted by Pistol, 2 Hen. IV. ii. 4.

CALIVER. A musket; a small gun used at sea, Hen. IV. iv. 2, 2 Hen. IV. iii. 2.

CALLAT, or CALLET. A worthless woman, Win. T. ii 3, 2 Hen. VI. i. 3, 3 Hen. VI. ii. 2, Oth. iv. 2. CALLINO CASTORE ME. The beginning of an old Irish song, supposed to be quoted by Pistol, on hearing himself addressed in a language he does not understand, Hen. V. iv. 4. CALL TO YOU. Call on you; visit you, Tim. A. i. 2. CAMELOT.

A town in Somersetshire (now called Camel, or rather, Queen Camel) where King Arthur held his court. Shakespeare's allusion to the place refers to its being famous for a breed of geese, Lear ii. 2.

CAN. To be capable, able. To know, to be skilful in, Ham. iv. 7, Phoenix and turtle 4, Peric. iii. (Gower), [some editions, in the last passage, have "gan."]


CANARY, or CANARIES. A sprightly dance, All's W. ii. 1, Love's L. L. iií. I. Mrs Quickly confuses it with Quandary,"-a vulgar word for perplexity, Mer. W. ii. 2. a wine (from the Canary Islands), The name of Mer. W. iii. 2, Tw. N. i. 3. CANDLES' ENDS. Idiots formerly swal lowed "candles' ends for flap-dragto show their devotion to their ons," sweethearts, 2 Hen. IV. ii. 4. CANDLE WASTERS. Much Ado V. I. Night-revellers, CANE-COLOURED. A farther definition of the "yellow beard," mentioned as Master Slender's; yet some editors print "Cain-coloured," explaining it to mean red; that hue of hair being popularly ascribed to both Cain and Judas, as the colour held to be ugliest, Mer. W. i. 4.

CANKER. The dog-rose, or common single wild rose, Much Ado i. 3, 1 Hen. IV. i. 3, Sonnet CANKER. A caterpillar, Mids. N. ii. 3, 54. Sonnet 35 & 70. CANON. Law, or rule, Love's L. L. i. 1, (Letter,) Corio. iii. 1, Ham. i. 2. CANSTICK. Candlestick, 1 Hen. IV.

iii. I. CANTLE. A portion, 1 Hen. IV. iii. 1, Ant. Cl. iii. 8. CANTONS. Songs, Tw. N. i. 5. CANVASS. To sift, scrutinize, bring to the test, 1 Hen. VI. i. 3. CAPABLE. Susceptible, Love's L. L. iv. 2, Hen. VIII. v. 2. CAPITULATE. To draw up into heads articles of remonstrance; to resist by protest, 1 Hen. IV. iii. 2. with, to defer to by entering into To treat stipulations or conditions with, Corio.

v. 3.

CAPOCCHIA. A fabricated feminine of the Ital. Capocchio; a fool, a simpleton, Tr. Cr. iv. 2. CAPON. A cant word for a love-letter; originating in a French custom of conveying letters of gallantry in fowls, sent as presents, Fr. Poulet, Love's L. L. iv. 1. CAPRICIOUS. Goat-like, whimsical, wanton. Lat. Caper, As You L. iii. 3. CAPTAIN. Chief; more excellent, or valuable. Used adjectively, Tim. A. iii. 5, Sonnet 52.

CAPTIOUS. Capable to take, All's W.

1. 3.


CARBONADO. A slice of meat, scored,
for cooking on the coals, 1 Hen. IV. v.
3. Corio. iv. 5.

CARDED. Debased by mixing, 1 Hen.
IV. iii. 2.

CARD OF TEN. An old proverbial term,
implying success; ten being the high-
est card, Tam. S. ii. 1.

The blessed

thistle, Much Ado iii. 4. CAREIRES. To pass the carriere, was a military phrase for running a charge, or career, in a tournament. Used metaphorically-say whimsically, Mer.

W. i. 1.

CARKANET. A necklace, Com. E. iii. 1,
Sonnet 52.

CARL. Clown, peasant, boor, Cymb. v. 2.
CARLOT. The same meaning, Ás You L.

iii. 5.


knight was one created during a time A carpet of peace, and by favour, Tw. N. iii. 4. CARPET-MONGER. The same sort of person, Much Ado v. 2. CARPING.

Querulously catching at trifles; petulantly censuring, Much Ado iii. 1, 1 Hen. IV. iii. 2, 1 Hen. VI. iv. 1, Rich. III. iii. 5. CARRACK. A ship, a Spanish galleon: named so from Carico, a lading or freight, Com. E. iii. 2, Oth. i. 2. CARRIAGE. Import, intention, Ham.

i. 1.

CART. Formerly used for car, or chariot,
Ham. iii. 2.

CARRY. Used in the sense of prevail over, carry off the prize or victory, CARVE. To carve seems to have been an Mer. W. iii. 2, Tr. Cr. ii. 3 & v. 6. accomplishment of peculiar significance in gallantry, Mer. W. i. 3, Com. E. ii. 2, Love's L. L. v. 2. CASE. "In such a case,"-Shakespeare has frequently used this phrase: thus, "Case" is perhaps the best word that can be placed in the text for that of the old editions, makes no sense, and seems to be a "Scarre;" which misprint, All's W. iv. z. CASE. Used for skin, Tw. N. v. 1. To flay off the skin, All's W. iii. 6. CASE OF LIVES. A case of daggers meant two daggers, Hen. V. iii. 2. CASK. Spelt in the old copies "caske;" a casket, 2 Hen. VI. iii. 2. CASSOCK. A military loose coat, All's

W. iv. 3.

CASTALIAN. In the Folio, this word is printed "Castalion," which the majority of editors change to "Castilian," explaining it to have been popular as a term of reproach after the defeat of the Spanish Armada. But the context ("Hector of Greece, my boy,") makes it probable that there is an intended reference to the Castalian spring; as the host's rodomontade contains a purposely confused mixture of complimentary and contemptuous, classical and coarse, allusion, Mer. W. ii. 3. CASTILIANO VULGO. Possibly a hint from Sir Toby to Maria, to put on a grave, or "Castilian" approach of Sir Andrew; the Casmanner, at the tilians being famed for staid bearing, CASTLE. A close helmet, Tit. And. iii. Tw. N. i. 3. 1, Tr. Cr. v. 2. CATAIAN. A thief, or sharper. Cataia,

or Cathay, the old name for China; the Chinese being reputed acute thieves, Mer. W. ii. 1. Sir Toby calls his niece thus, as we playfully call those we like "rogue," Tw. N. ii. 3. CATER-COUSINS. From the Fr. "quatrecousin" a word in ridicule of claiming kindred even to remotest degree, Mer. Ven. ii, 2.

[ocr errors]

CATES. Delicate viands, Tam. S. ii. 1, 1 Hen. IV. iii. 1.

CATLING. A small violin string made
of catgut, Tr. Cr. iii. 3. Simon Cat-
ling is the name for a fiddler, Rom. J.
CAVALEROES. Cavaliers; gay, dashing
iv. 5.
fellows, 2 Hen. IV. v. 3.
justice," Mer. W. ii. 1.
CAVIARE. A delicacy made of the roe
of sturgeon, salted and dried. It
comes from Russia; and being a rarity
in Shakespeare's time, he applied the
word metaphorically, as being un-
known to the generality of people,
Ham. ii. 2.

CAUSE. Motive, impellent, incitement,
Macb. v. 2, Ham. v. 2.

used in the science of duelling, Love's
L. L. i. 2. Rom. J. ii. 4.
venth Cause," As You L. v. 4.
"The Se-
CAUTEL. From the Roman law-term,
Cautela, a caution, or security. Used
in a crafty sense, Ham. i.
Comp. 44.
3, Lover's
CAUTELOUS. Cautious, artful, deceitful,
Corio. iv. 1, Jul. Cæs. ii. 1.
CENSER. The censer was used by bar-
bers to perfume their shops, Tam. S.
iv. 3.

CENSURE. Judgment, opinion, Two Gen. CENTURY. A company of a hundred V. i. 2, 2 Hen. VI. i. 3. Rich. III. ii. 2. A judicial sentence, Oth. v. 2. CEREMENTS. Waxed cloths, in which men, Lear iv. 4, Corio. i. 7. embalmed bodies were wrapped, Ham. i. 4.

[ocr errors]

CEREMONIES. Regal and pompous orna. ments, Jul. Cæs. i. 1. Also prodigies, Jul. Cæs. ii. 1 & 2. CERTES. Of a truth, certainly, Temp. iii. 3. CESS. Rule, or measure; CESSE. An old form of cease; used here cess,' "Out of all 1 Hen. IV. ii. 1. for the sake of rhyme, All's W. v. 3. CHAIN. A chain was a badge of various dignities and callings, Much Ado ii. 1, Tw. N. ii. 3. CHAIR. Public rostrum for orations; from the Fr. Chaire, pulpit, Corio. iv. 7, Jul. Cæs. iii. 2. Corio. iii. 2. Throne, 3 Hen. VI. ii. 6. Seat of office, CHAMBER. Mr Payne Collier says London was called "The King's Chamber," "Camera Regis," from the time of the Conquest downwards, Rich. III. iii. 1. A piece of ordnance, 2 Hen. IV. ii. 4. CHAMBERER. A dangler, an idler, Oth.


A servant who has the care of chambers, Macb. i. 7, Tim. A. iv. 3, 1 Hen. IV ii. 1. CHAMPAIGN, CHAMPAIN, CHAMPIAN. Open country, Tw. N. ii. 5, Lear i. 1. CHANNEL. An old word for a kennel, or gutter, 3 Hen. VI. ii. 2, 2 Hen. IV. ii. 1. CHAPE. The hook by which a dagger or sword hangs, All 's W. iv. 3. CHARACT. A distinctive mark, Mea. M.

V. I.

CHARACTER. Hand-writing, Lear i. 2,
Tw. N. v. 1. Also, to imprint, Ham.
i. 3.
CHARACTERY. That which is legible by
characters, marks, or traces, Mer. W
v. 5. Jul. Cæs. ii. 1.
CHARE. Char-work, common, casual,
task-labour. Still used in the form of
char-woman, Ant. Cl. iv. 13 & v. 2.
CHARGE-HOUSE. A common school; to
distinguish it from the free-school,
Love's L. L. v. 1.

CHARIEST. The most reserved and scru-
pulous, Ham. i. 3.

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