Imatges de pàgina

If it arife from a blow or bruise, and the eye be fwelled and black, after bleeding use the following:

R Conferv. rof. 3iij. Liniment. fapon. i. m. f. cataplasma oculo affecto applicand.

Or, apply oatmeal, oil, and vinegar.

In cafe of a very confiderable bruise or contufion,

R Spirit. vin. camphorat. Acet. distillat. ää 3ij. Spirit. fal ammon. ziß. m.

There is an inflammation of the eye very different from this, which depends or arifes from a laxity of the veffels, and is, for the most part, fcrophulous or rheumatic; perhaps venereal: if the latter, anti-venereals must be directed: but in the ftrumous or rheumatic opthalinia, no evacuations will anfwer if any, it must be by small perpetual blifters; and internally,

R Decoct. cort. Peruv. 3iß. Tin&tur. guaic. vol. gutt. xxx. Elix. paregoric. gutt. xx. Aq. nuc. Mofchat. Syr. croc. aa zi. f. hauftus fextâ quâque hora fumendus.-Vel, R Tinctur. rof. 3ij. Aq. cinnamon. fpirituof. 3ij. m. fumat fextis horis. Urgente dolere adde hauftui nocturno tinctur. thebiac. gutt. x.

Bark, in any form, does much fervice in this cafe. Sir Hans Sloan's liniment has also been of fervice, as well as in the difeafes of the eye-lids depending in fuch complaints. Millepedes taken alive in a large quantity, Ethiop. mineral. the decoct. farfæ, have all been advantageously exhibited; and fo have the following powders:

R Viper. Ægypt. pulv. i. f. pulvis bis in die fummend. ex rafur. guaiac. ää p. e.

Cinnab. antimon. ppt. B. hauftu deco&. farfaparill. &

• Small tubercles appear in the corners of the eyes and eyelids, refembling a barley-corn or a hail-ftone; they are of long continuance, and very flow in their progrefs.

The best method will be, to difcufs them with the unguent. mercur. fort. and give calomel. gr. unum in a pill over night for ten days, and repeat or desist just as you find it neceffary.

Where thefe diforders attend delicate relaxed young women, who lead fedentary lives, the bark and chalybeates fhould be prescribed.

The gutta ferena is a fpecies of blindnefs owing to an obftruction in the optic nerve, which may proceed from a palfy or a relaxed habit; alfo from an epilepfy, or old ulcers too haftily dried up.

In this disease the eye remains fair, and feemingly unaffected; though, where it is a true gutta ferena, both the eyes are difordered.

The diet fhould be light and attenuating; evacuations, in general, are neceffary and bliftering the head, and fuch things prescribed as in an inflamed ophthalmia, particularly in a full plethoric conftitution: next, have recourfe to alteratives; fuch as millepedes, decoct. farfa, dofes of calomel, &c. continued for fome time; though the patient muft not be brought to a spitting, to prevent which, gentle purges must inter


• Where a rheumatifm or relaxation has given rife to this complaint, the bark will be of ufe; as alfo fternutatories and cephalic fnuffs; though, in general, this diftemper may be regarded as not easily, if at all, curable.

The following forms, however, may be tried:

R Pulv. valer. i. Cinnab. nativ. B. Syr. aurant. q. f. f. bolus h. f. & fummò manè fumend. cum cochl. iv. julepi fequentis.-R Aq. calcis viij. nuc. Moschat. Ziß. fyr. aurant. 3iij. m.

The patient may take, twice a day, forty drops of the tinetur. fuligin. with a draught of rosemary-tea.

In watery eyes apply aq. Hungar. and give gentle evacuations and alteratives.

Specks on the eye are fometimes happily removed by a little of the following powder blown into it through a perfarated quill.

• R Lạp. calamin. laevigat. gi. Sacchar, cand, alb. 5. Of. fæpi. m. f. pulvis fubtiliffimus.

The eye lids grow together in children, which may become very trouble fome. In order to remove this complaint, perhaps, nothing will be better than to foment the eye lids with warm milk and water, with a small spoonful of brandy; and afterwards apply a little unguent? tutiæ, with the addition of two grains of the vitriol. alb. to 3ij. of the former.


If a fharp ferum attends, correct it by proper alteratives and gentle evacuations.


Here extract. corticis Peruvian. in fmall dofes, is of great

After the fpecimens already exhibited, our readers, we hope, will excufe us, if we now infert the article immediately following, on the angina and putrid fore-throat.

An angina is an inflammation of the fauces, with burning heat, pain, tumour, and rednefs; a difficulty in deglutition, attended with a fever. Frequently the uvula and parts


adjacent are highly relaxed and inflamed, and liquids often rejected by the nose, with redness in the face.

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Here the diet fhould chiefly confist of water-gruel, weak whey, barley-water, and chicken-broth, drank warm.

Bleed largely, and repeat it according to the exigency of the cafe: then

R Infuf. fenæ iij. Tinctur. fene zvi. Tartar. folub. 3B. f. potio ftatim fumenda.

If the symptoms are fevere, blifter the parts affected immediately, and the back, and ufe this gargle.

R Decoct. pectoral. vi. Spirit. fal ammoniac. B. m. A flannel well moiftened with the liniment. volat. is recommended by fome: or the bread and milk poultice, with gij. or zij. of camphire.

As the blifters dry, purge gently, or throw up lenient clyfters till the inflammation abates; then prescribe the following gargarifm :

R Tinctur. rofar. rub. vi. Mel. rofar. B. Spirit. vitriol. acid. gutt. xx. m.

If a fuppuration fhould come on, forbear evacuations, and order the vapour of emollient plants to be received through a funnel; fcarify the parts, fo that the matter may be difcharged.

After which, you may add tincture of myrrh to the lastmentioned gargle; giving the bark, and advising gentle ex-.. ercise.

A tea spoonful of pulv. nitr. directed to the part and fwallowed leisurely, has often been known to do service in a beginning inflammation of the throat; or a few drops of fpirit. vin. camphorat. with a grain or two of nitre.

The putrid, or malignant fore throat comes on with a chilliness and fhivering, loofenefs and vomiting, with heat, which fucceed each other; pain in the head; foreness of the throat; the eyes are inflamed; there is a faintness and anxiety, together with a florid colour on the infide of the throat and. tonfils. It fometimes appears like a broad irregular spot, of a pale white colour; and on the second or third day, the body is covered with the appearance of an eryfipelas, with a re-. markable fwelling in the hands and fingers; the body and arms are alfo filled with pimples. The efflorefcence on the fkin does not always attend this disease.

The foreness of the throat now floughs and ulcerates; the parotid glands frequently fwell, and are extremely painful; a delirium enfues, with heat and reftleffnefs for feveral days, especially towards night; and a gentle and agreeable sweat breaks out towards the morning, which renders the patient


easy; a faintness, nevertheless, still attends; the pulse is quick and small; in fome foft and full, with a loose stroke, feldom hard. An offenfive bad taste in the mouth is perceived in this disease, and (in the otherwise weak and infirm, who are chiefly the fubjects of it) an acute pain affects the head.

• A looseness and vomiting fhould be checked; the breath is infectious, and fhould therefore be guarded against.

• We fhould allow ftrong whey made with mountain, or any other rich wine very freely; fage tea; chicken broth; and in cafe of great sickness at the stomach, mint tea.

All evecuations in this diforder are highly injurious, however the pulfe and other symptoms may indicate them; and this is evident from undoubted experience and authority. Give an ipecacuanha vomit on the firft being called, by which means you may, in a great measure, ftop the fickness and prevent a loofenefs, which very frequently attends in this cafe; and then order thus:

R Aq. alexet. fimp. Ziß. fpirituof. cum aceto 3iij. Pulv, contrayerv, fimp. 15. Confe&t. cardiac. 3B. Syr. croc. zi. f. hauftus quartâ quâque horâ fumendus.

If the loofe ftools are not prevented by these means,

R Aq. cinnam. fimp. vi. Elect.. e scord. ziij. m. fumat. cochl. ij. poft fingulas fedes liquidas.

If the tonfils are much fwelled, blifter behind the ears and between the fhoulders, and prefcribe the following gargle.

R Deco&t. pectoral. i. Rad. ferpentar. contuf. 3ij. coque per femihoram; colatur; adde Acet. Tinctur. myrrh. aa zi. Mel. optim. ii. m.

This fhould be often used, and the parts be cleansed with it by the means of a fyringe; and if the floughs do not foon feparate, touch them with the following, with an armed probe, or by the fyringe.

R Gargarifm. præfcript. ii. Mel. Ægyptiac. zi. m.— Vel, R Aq. puræ iv. Spirit. falis corrofiv. q. f. ad grat. aciditat. fæpius utend. pro gargarisma.

By this method the floughs will feparate, and the fymptoms in general abate; but will leave the patient languid, weak, and low, with fome hectic appearances. At this time it will be proper to order the cortex, with the elix. vitriol. affes milk, a country air, generous diet, and gentle exercise.

For a further hiftory of this disease, confult a small trea tife published by the celebrated Dr. Fothergill.

We may fafely recommend this volume, as an useful compendium to young practitioners.

VII. Poems

VII. Poems on feveral Occafions. 4to. Pr. 2s. 6d. Dodsley.

THE HE author of this publication informs us, that these pieces were his first attempts in poetry, that most of them were written when he was about twenty years of age, and that they are now printed at the request of fome of his friends, who have been pleafed to honour them with their approbation.

This, we must confefs, is one of the weakest excuses which any writer can alledge for publishing his compofitions. A bad poet may have acquaintance who are more injudicious than himself, or he may take mere compliments for praifes. In this age of politeness, few people would choose to inform the bard, who fubmits his verfes to their perufal, that they are contemptible, and abfolutely unfit for publication. It has been long fince obferved, that poets are a wafpifh fort of people: 'genus irritabile vatum,' fays a brother of the quill. This author, however, has not been deceived by his friends. The latter, we believe, will have no occafion to repent of their advice, nor the former of his compliance. If these are confidered as the productions of early youth, they will do him no difcredit. The following piece is the first in the collection.

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Pity the forrows of a poor old man!

Whofe trembling limbs have borne him to your door,
Whose days are dwindled to the shortest span,
Oh! give relief-and Heav'n will bless your store.
These tatter'd cloaths my poverty bespeak,
These hoary locks proclaim my lengthen'd years,
And many a furrow in my grief-worn cheek
Has been the channel to a stream of tears.

Yon house, erected on the rifing ground,
With tempting aspect drew me from my road,
For plenty there a refidence has found,
And grandeur a magnificent abode.

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(Hard is the fate of the infirm, and poor !)
Here craving for a morfel of their bread,

A pamper'd menial forc'd me from the door,
To feek a fhelter in an humbler fhed.

Oh! take me to your hofpitable dome,
Keen blows the wind, and piercing is the cold!
Short is my paffage to the friendly tomb,
For I am poor-and miferably old.

• Should

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