THE Parliamentary Register; OR HISTORY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS; CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF The most interesting SPEECHES and MOTIONS; accurate DURING THE Fourth and Last Seffion of the Fifteenth Parliament OF GREAT BRIΤΑΙΝ. VOL. ΧΙΙ. LONDON: Printed for J. DEBRETT, (Successor to Mr. ALMON) oppofite BURLINGTON-HOUSE, PICCADILLY. M.DCC.LXΧΧΙV, C : 10 22-38 0 N T ENT S Of VOLUME XII. HOUSE OF COMMONS. D EBATE on the Address, page 1 The King's Answer, 26 Mr. Fox's first Statement of the Affairs Bill to explain the Tax on Receipts, 55, 59, 108 Debate on the Number of Seamen, 56 Mr. Fox's first India Bill debated, 67 to 92 Committee appointed to inquire into the Counsel heard against Mr. Fox's India State of the Affairs of the East-India Company in England, 114 to 124 Another State of the Affairs of the Eaft-India Company in England, 140 to 171 Debate on committing Mr. Fox's first India Bill, 127 to 314 The House in Committee on Mr. Fox's Bill, and the Commiffioners' Names inferted, 315 to 326 Motion to repeal the Receipt Tax debated, 331 to 348 Debate on the Report of Mr. Fox's India Bill, 348 - on the third Reading of the Debate on an Address to the King not the King, and bringing on the Order Debate on Mr. Fox's Motion to stop the iffuing of the public Moncy, 523 Musiny
Mutiny Bill put off, 526 Debate on the Earl of Surrey's Motion, The King's Message, 540 to bring in his India Bill, 541 Interview between the Earl of Galloway Debate on the Yorkshire Petition for a Reform of Parliament, 570 India Bill, 575 to 583 Debate on the Rumour of an Union of Debate on the second Reading of Mr. THE HISTORY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE HOUSE of COMMONS, In the FOURTH SESSION of the Fifteenth Parliament of GREAT BRITAIN. A Tuesday, November 11. S foon as the Speaker and members returned from A. 1783. the House of Peers, to which they were fummoned to attend his Majesty, and that the business of swearing in new members, and issuing writs was over, the King's Speech was read from the Chair (for which, fee Lords' Debates]after which, The Earl of Upper Offory rose to move an Address in answer The Earl to it. He faid, that unaccustomed as he was to speak in of Upper Offory. public, and conscious of his want of the powers of perfuafion, he would not have undertaken the task of calling upon the House to vote an Address of Thanks, if he was not convinced that every part of the speech which had been just read, was perfectly unexceptionable; and therefore he was confident that an address in reply to it, would meet with the unanimous approbation of gentlemen of every description within the walls. The Speech, he observed, recapitulated the principal political events that had taken place during the recess of Parliament. The definitive treaties of peace, between the Court of Great Britain and those of France and Spain, and the United States of America, had been happily concluded; by which the seal was put to the pacification that had freed this country from a calamitous and expenfive war. VOL. XII. B Though |