"UNIVERSITY CLARET," 12s. per Dozen (Bottles included), SUPPLIED TO THE PRINCIPAL LONDON CLUBS, MANY OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGES, MESSES, MEMBERS OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION, ETC. VICHY WATERS COMPANY, 27, Margaret Street, Regent Street, PARTRIDGE AND COOPER, MANUFACTURING STATIONERS, NOTE PAPER, Cream or Blue, 38., 48., 5s, and 6s. per ream. COLOURED STAMPING (Relief), reduced to 48. 6d. per ream, or SERMON PAPER, plain, 48. per ream; Ruled ditto, 48. 6d. Illustrated Price List of Inkstands, Despatch Boxes, Stationery, Cabinets, Postage Scales, Writing Cases, Portrait Albums, &c., post free. (ESTABLISHED 1841.) CHAMPAGNE, At 368., 428., 458., and 60s. 50s. 36.425. 488.608.728.848. Hochheimer, Marcobrunner, Rudesheimer, Steinberg, Liebfraumilch, 608.; Johannisberger and Steinberger, 728., 8is., to 120s.; Braunberger, Grunhausen, and Schurzberg, 4s, to 848.; sparkling Moselle, 488., 60s., 668., 78s.; very choice Champagne, 668., 78s.; fine old Sack, Malmsey, Frontignac, Vermuth, Constantia, Lachryma Christi, Imperial Tokay, and other rare wines. Fine old Pale Cognac Brandy, 60s. and 728. per dozen. Foreign Liqueurs of every description. On receipt of a Post Office order, or reference, any quantity will be forwarded immediately by HEDGES & BUTLER, LONDON: 155, REGENT STREET, W. Brighton: 30, King's Road, (Originally Established A.D. 1667.) IBLIOTHECA ELEGANS ET CURIOSA.—Rare Illustrated by BEWICK and CRUIKSHANK; Belles Lettres, Drama, Ballads, Song Books, &c. Catalogue sent on receipt of a penny stamp. THOMAS BEET, 15, Conduit Street, Bond Street, W. Libraries Purchased. WILLIAM DOWNING & CO., 74, NEW STREET, BIRMINGHAM (Successors to JOHN H. W. CADRY, Author of the "Bibliotheca Birminghamiensis"), would respectfully call the attention of the readers of "NOTES AND QUERIES" to their CATALOGUES of SECONDHAND BOOKS, which they issue on or about the 15th of every month, containing purel ases from all the principal libraries dispersed in the Midland Counties during the previous month. The Catalogues forwarded free to all parts of the world on sending naine and address to WILLIAM DOWNING & CO., 74, New Strect, Birmingham. The Vellum Wove Club-house Paper, Manufactured expressly to meet an universally experienced want, i. e. a Paper which shall in itself combine a perfectly smooth surface with total freedom from grease. The New Vellum Wove Club-House Paper will be found to possess these peculiarities completely, being made from the best linen rags only, possessing great tenacity and durability, and presenting a surface equally well adapted for quill or steel pen. The NEW VELLUM WOVE CLUB-HOUSE PAPER surpasses all others for smoothness of surface, delicacy of colour, firmness of texture, entire absence of any colouring matter or injurious chemicals, tending to impair its durability or in any way affecting its writing properties. A Sample Packet, containing an Assortment of the various Sizes, post free for 24 Stamps. PARTRIDGE & COOPER, Manufacturers and Sole Vendors, "OLD ENGLISH" FURNITURE. Reproductions of Simple and Artistic Cabinet Work from Country Mansions of the XVI. and XVII. Centuries, combining good taste, sound workmanship, and economy. COLLINSON and LOCK (late Herring), CABINET MAKERS, 109, FLEET STREET, E.C. Established 1782. TAPESTRY PAPERHANGINGS. Imitations of rare old BROCADES, DAMASKS, and GOBELIN TAPESTRIES. COLLINSON and LOCK (late Herring), DECORATORS, 109, FLEET STREET, LONDON. Established 1782. ILBERT J. FRENCH, BOLTON, LANCASHIRE, CHURCH FURNITURE, COMMUNION LINEN, SURPLICES, and ROBES. HERALDIC, ECCLESIASTICAL, and EMBLEMATICAL A Catalogue sent by post on application. THE NEW THE GENTLEMAN'S GOLD WATCH, KEYLESS, English Make, more solid than Foreign, 147, 145. JONES' Manufactory, 338, Strand, opposite Somerset Hon-e. These Watches have many points of Special Novelty. ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF LIFE. Accidents cause Loss of Time. ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF MONEY. Provide against ACCIDENTS of ALL KINDS BY INSURING WITH THE Railway Passengers' Assurance Company, An Annual Payment of £3 to £6 5/ insures £1,000 at Death or an allowance at the rate of £6 per week for Injury. £565,000 have been Paid as Compensation, ONE out of every TWELVE Annual Policy Holders becoming a claimant EACH YEAR. For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, to the Local Agents, or at the Offices. 64, CORNHILL, and 10, REGENT STREET, LONDON. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE. AGUA AMARELLA restores the Human Hair to its pristine hue, no matter at what age. MESSRS, JOHN GOSNELL & CO. have at length, with the aid of the most eminent Chemists, succeeded in perfecting this wonderful liquid. It is now offered to the Public in a more concentrated form, and at a lower price. Sold in Bottles, 3s. each, also 5s., 78. 6d., or 15s. each, with brush. OHN GOSNELL & CO.'S CHERRY TOOTH a pearl-like whiteness, protects the enamel from decay, and imparts a pleasing fragrance to the breath. JOHN GOSNELL & CO.'S Extra Highly Scented TOILET and NURSERY POWDER. To be had of all Perfumers and Chemists throughout the Kingdom, and at Angel Passage, 93, Upper Thames Street, London. RUPTURES. BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical men to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of HERNIA. The use of a steel spring, so often hurtful in its effects, is here avoided; a soft bandage being worn round the body, while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER fitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected, and may be worn during sleep. A descriptive circular may be had, and the Truss (which cannot fail to fit) forwarded by post on the circumference of the body, two inches below the hips, being sent to the Manufacturer. MR. JOHN WHITE, 228, PICCADILLY, LONDON. Price of a Single Truss, 16s., 21s., 26s. 6d., and 31s. 6d. Postage Is. Double Truss, 31s. 6d., 42s., and 52s. 6d. Postage Is. 8d. An Umbilical Truss, 428. and 52s. 6d. Postage 1s. 10d. Post Office orders payable to JOHN WHITE, Post Office, Piccadilly. [OLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS. tion how this ointment works such astounding cures of all descriptions of sores, ulcers, bad legs, and scorbutic and scrofulous eruptions. Sufficient it is for all sufferers to know that the united testimony of thousands proves the healing powers of Holloway's Ointment, and earnestly recommends its trial to all afflicted with these maladies. When this treatment is once commenced, the ease and comfort it bestows will induce its steady continuance till the cure is completed. A vast advantage in using Holloway's widely appreciated medicaments arises from the fact of their requiring neither confinement nor much change of diet to exert their unfailing sunative effects. The whole of the Profits are divided amongst the assured. The next Division of Profits will be made on the 20th of November, 1872. In conformity with the" MARRIED WOMEN'S PROPERTY ACT, 1870," Policies may now be effected for the separate benefit of wife and children. These Policies are not subject to the control of the husband or of creditors, and are free from Probate Duty. Forms of Proposal may be had on application at the Society's Offices, 48, Gracechurch Street, London, or of the Agents of the Institution. SAMUEL SMILES, Secretary. CHLORALUM, THE SAFE HOUSEHOLD DISINFECTANT. CHILORALUM WADDING. THE CHLORALUM COMPANY, 1, Great Winchester Street Buildings. LEA AND PERRINS' SAUCE. "THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE." Improves the appetite and aids digestion. UNRIVALLED FOR PIQUANCY AND FLAVOUR. Ask for "LEA AND PERRINS'" SAUCE. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and see the Names of LEA AND PERRINS on all bottles and labels. Agents-CROSSE & BLACKWELL, London, and sold by all Dealers in Sauces throughout the World. INDIGESTION TIPARATION NDIGESTION. THE MEDICAL PROFESSION Remedy. Sold in Bottles and Boxes, from 28. 6d., by all Pharmaceutical Chemists, and the Manufacturers, THOMAS MORSON & SON, 124, Southampton Row, Russell Square, London. DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA, The best remedy FOR ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HEART- DINNEFORD & CO., 72. New Bond Street, London, XV. THE SECRET OF LONG LIFE. Dedicated SONGS of TWO WORLDS. By a NEW WRITER. by Special Permission to Lord St. Leonards. Large crown 8vo. Large fcap. 8vo, cloth. New Novels. I. HALF-A-DOZEN DAUGHTERS: [Shortly. a Novel. By J. MASTERMAN, Author of " A Fatal Error." 2 vols. II. HER TITLE OF HONOUR: a Novel. By HOLME LEE. Second Edition. 1 vol. IS SHE A WIFE? By SYDNEY MOSTYN. By CAPTAIN MANQUÉE. By ALICE FISHER, Author of Early in November. 8vo, Illustrated. In Handsome Ornamental Cover, printed in Colours, price One Shilling. Written by MISS A. B. EDWARDS; MISS A. C. HAYWARD; AUTHOR OF Too Bright to Last; HOLME LEE; ALGERNON C. SWINBURNE; REV. CHARLES KINGSLEY; THE HON. MRS. NORTON; TOM HOOD; THOMAS ARCHER; GODFREY TURNER; HAIN FRISWELL; COUNTESS VON BOTIMER. Copies will also be richly bound in Cloth, Gilt Edges, suitable for Presentation, price 2s. 6d. HENRY S. KING & CO., 65, Cornhill, London. Printed by SPOTTISWOODE & CO., at, New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the County of Middlesex; and Published by WILLIAM GREIG SMITH, of 43 Wellington Street, Strand, in the said County-Saturday, October 21, 1871. LIVES OF THE ARCHBISHOPS OF CANTERBURY FROM ST. AUGUSTINE TO CRANMER. By the VERY REV. WALTER FARQUHAR HOOK, D.D., DEAN OF CHICHESTER. In 8 vols. 6l.; or sold separately as follows: Vol. I. 15s.: Vol. II. 158.; Vols. III. and IV. 30s.; Vol. V. 158.; Vol. VI. and VII. 30s.; Vol. VIII. 158. THE HEAVENS: an Illustrated Handbook of Popular Astronomy. By Amédée GUILLEMIN. Edited by J. NORMAN LOCKYER, F.R.A.S. Seventh thousand. Demy Svo, with 200 Illustrations, 10s. 6d. THE INGOLDSBY LEGENDS; OR, MIRTH AND MARVELS. I. THE LIBRARY EDITION. With all the Original Plates by II. THE ILLUSTRATED EDITION. In crown 4to. with 63 Illustrations by Cruikshank, Leech, Tenniel, and Du Maurier. 21s. III. THE POPULAR EDITION. With 3 Illustrations. 12mo. gilt edges. 6s.; or without Illustrations, plain edges, 5s. YONGE'S NEW PHRASEOLOGICAL ENGLISH- IV. THE "VICTORIA" EDITION. Fcap. 8vo. red edges. 2s. 6d. V. THE "CARMINE" EDITION. In crown 8vo. with Carmine COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. YONGE'S VIRGILII MARONIS BUCOLICA, GEOR- SIR EDWARD CREASY'S FIFTEEN DECISIVE The Handy Edition, crown 8vo. 6s. SIR EDWARD CREASY'S RISE AND PROGRESS THIERS' HISTORY OF THE GREAT FRENCH REVOLUTION, from 1789 to 1801. In 5 vols. small 8vo. With Forty-one fine Engravings and Portraits of the most Eminent Personages engaged in the Revolution. 30s. FRANK BUCKLAND'S CURIOSITIES OF NATURAL HISTORY. First and Second Series, single vols. 5s. each; Third Series, 2 vols. 108. FRANCATELLI'S MODERN COOK. 8vo. 1500 Recipes and 60 Illustrations. Twentieth Edition. 12s. FRANCATELLI'S COOK'S GUIDE. 1000 Recipes and 40 Illustrations. Thousand. 58. WHAT TO DO WITH COLD MUTTON. ls. 6d. POPULAR SIX SHILLING VOLUMES, MISUNDERSTOOD. By FLORENCE MONTGOMERY. 8th Thousand, HISTORICAL CHARACTERS. By the Right Hon. LORD DALLING and BULWER, G.C.B. THE BENTLEY BALLADS. A Selection of Ballads and Poems from "Bentley's Miscellany.". 26th DR. M'CAUSLAND'S ADAM AND THE ADAMITE. MIGNET'S LIFE OF MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS. RICHARD BENTLEY & SON, New Burlington Street, Publishers in Ordinary to Her Majesty. 4TH S. No. 200. MR. MURRAY'S LIST OF FORTHCOMING WORKS. A NARRATIVE OF THE FIRST EXPLOR- CHRISTIANITY viewed in relation to the pre sent STATE of SOCIETY and OPINION. By M. GUIZOT. Post 8vo. HISTORY of the CHURCH of FRANCE, HALLAM'S HISTORICAL WORKS. A New and Cheaper Edition, containing the Author's latest corrections and additions. Post 8vo. To be published as follows: HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 3 vols. HISTORY OF EUROPE DURING THE MIDDLE AGES. 3 vols. HISTORY OF LITERATURE. 4 vols. JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. |