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and the western States by means of canals and railroads already made and in the course of construction in the State of Pennsylvania. The natural advantages of this harbor are greater than those of Buffalo, and it is undoubtedly destined at some future and not distant day to rival Buffalo in its present character of the great depot of the west."(Ex. Doc., 1841-'42, pages 151-'2.)

W. G. Williams, captain topographical engineers, in his report in relation to this harbor in a military point of view, says:

"It seems to fulfil to a greater extent certain requisite conditions than any other upon the lake. Its comparatively central position would enable it with facility to extend succor promptly to any point on the lake. The ease with which it might be entered under any cir cumstances of wind by the plan projected for its improvement, its facilities of intercourse with the most densely populated parts of the country, and, above all, its remarkable conformation as a convenient and secure harbor, characterize it as a site for a naval depot of the highest order. Thus, its freedom from ice in the earliest opening of the spring, enabling vessels to enter upon active duties whilst as yet they would be ice-bound at the lower end of the lake, its land-locked area, containing about six square miles of good anchorage, with a depth averaging about twenty feet, the interposition of Presque Isle as a guarantee from hostile surprise, and its comparatively central position, are its peculiar advantages, and indicate it as a point that cannot be too highly appreciated by the general government."-(Ex. Doc., 1841-42, pages 171-'2.)

Again he says: "In regard to the position of Erie in a military sense, its relations are simple and its proprieties easily investigated. Firstly. It stands secure from all molestation on the part of the enemy: an island (formerly a Presque Isle) in form of a crescent, with a development of about six miles, cuts off a portion of the lake and forms the natural harbor of Erie. No entrance can be effected, according to the proposed plan, but between the channel piers at either extremity of the bay, and they in a situation to be defended from the shore and from within the harbor. Secondly. There is space and depth enclosed to form an adequate and safe roadstead for vessels of such character as would be adapted to national purposes. It is a secure terminous to various routes of canals and railroads into the interior of a fertile and densely populated territory, and stands in relation by canal to one of the principal iron-working establishments in the country, namely, Pittsburg, and to the United States arsenal established there."-(Ex. Doc. 1841-'42, page


J. D. Graham, colonel of topographical engineers and superintendent of lake harbor works, in his report to the Secretary of War. (Ex. Doc. 1858-59, pages 1176-'7, -'8,) recommends an appropriation of $42,590, for the preservation and improvement of this harbor. and says:

"This is the only harbor on the lakes which belongs to the State of Pennsylvania. It is of great importance to her inland trade, and will be of still great importance when the Sunbury and Erie railroad, now in progress of construction, shall be completed. The general

commerce of the lakes must often look to this harbor also as a port of refuge from the frequent and sudden gales which prove every year so destructive to shipping and human life. All these considerations, added to the value of this harbor as a naval station and a port in time of war, seem to constitute a strong claim on the government to complete its improvement, and I would respectfully recommend immediate attention to it."

In 1860 the appropriation of the above sum is again recommended by the War Department for the preservation and improvement of this harbor. (See Ex. Doc., 1860.)

The only present entrance to this harbor is at the eastern end of the bay, and would be completely commanded by a battery on a promontory which is half a mile from the channel, and rises about 100 feet above the water. Several points on the main shore along the bay rise to the height of over 80 feet, and fully command the whole bay and peninsula.

This harbor was, in the war of 1812, selected by Commodore Perry as the best position on the lake for the construction of the fleet with which he captured that of the enemy. Batteries on the promontory alluded to completely protected his embryo fleet from destruction by the fleet of the enemy, which had, from the beginning to the end of the construction of the fleet under the superintendence of Perry, entire command of the lake, and repeatedly made reconnoissance of the harbor, but being warmly saluted by shots from the promontory, left without being able to do any harm. From this port the brave commodore sailed with his newly-constructed fleet, which, on on the 10th of September, 1813, met and captured that of the enemy; and to it he returned with his own and the conquered fleet, evidently finding no other port so well adapted to the purposes of offence and defence. The central position of this harbor renders it of great value as a point of refuge from the severe autumnal storms which visit this lake with peculiar destructiveness. It is the lake port of a densely populated and productive portion of the State of Pennsylvania, abounding in timber, iron oar, and coal, with which it has extraordinary facilities of communication by means of several railroads connecting with the harbor; and it is the terminus of the Erie extension canal, uniting it with the Ohio river and Pittsburg; all affording special means for the rapid collection there of men, munitions of war, and all the material for the construction of a navy.

But this harbor, so valuable in a military and commercial point of view, is now in imminent danger of great deterioration if not entire destruction by the washing away of the material (sand) of which the peninsula is composed, from its western end and centre, and the depositing of it in the ship channel at the eastern end of the bay, and by the exposed and dilapidating condition of the pier-work constructed by the government for the protection of the channel, but which was, several years ago, left in an unfinished and unsafe condition in consequence of the exhaustion of the government appropriation.

It is certain, however, that this important harbor can be completely protected and preserved and its condition greatly improved by the judicious expenditure of a sum of money small indeed in comparison to its high national value; and the sooner it is commenced and pushed forward to its consummation the less will be the expense.

2d Session.

No. 136.


[To accompany H. R. No. 101.]

JULY 9, 1862.-Ordered to be printed.

Mr. DUELL, from the Committee of Claims, made the following


The Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the memorial of William H. De Groot, have had the same under consideration and respectfully report:

That this claim has been acted upon by Congress on two or three occasions, and a very full report made of all the facts in 1860, and to which reference is made. Congress allowed the claim and directed its payment, and it is admitted, and it is undoubtedly true, that there is a just debt due the memorialist.

In brief, the case is this: the memorialist was a party to a contract for furnishing a large amount of brick for the Washington aqueduct. He purchased a brickyard, machinery, and material, at a large cost, (the former committee estimated $60,000,) to make the brick at the rate of 60,000 a day. Colonel Meigs refused to go on with the contract, and at his instance Congress passed a joint resolution, March 3, 1857, to take the property of the memorialist, the brickyard, brick, machinery, materials, &c., and to allow him for the property and for his damages sustained by giving up his contract. He was induced to turn over the property to the United States and give up the contract under this resolution. The claim for his property and damages was allowed, and it was referred to the Secretary of War, (under whose charge the aqueduct then was,) to settle the amount upon evidence. He settled the amount, allowing for the property and damages under the contract some $119,000. After his award was made Congress repealed his authority. He was regarded as corrupt, and his standing was the only ground for the repeal, unless some regarded this as too high. Thus the matter stands; that award is unpaid, and the memorialist asks to throw it entirely aside and refer the claim to the Secretary of the Interior, (who now has the aqueduct in charge,) and that if there has been any fraud, error, or mistake committed it may be corrected, and that he may be paid what is justly due. After Congress agreed by their joint resolution. to take this property and pay these damages, (none of which have

been paid, the property being still held and used by the govern ment,) it is a claim that ought to be settled. Congress has left nothing to be determined except the amount. Your committee have, therefore, reported a resolution, referring it to the Secretary of the Interior to adjust the amount in strict conformity with the existing laws relating to this claim, and under which the property was transferred to the United States, and recommend that this resolution de pass.

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