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venal) exercised at the expense of the lives, property, and happiness of our fellow-countrymen,-upset all these arrangements, and adopted that vacillating line of policy, and those childish half measures, which have entailed all the miseries of the late war, to say nothing of the immense outlay to which it has put the British government.

"Under such circumstances, the question naturally suggests itself: How are all these evils to be remedied? and ought recourse again to be had to Sir Benjamin D'Urban's original plans? Yes, we would suggest, but on a still more extended and more stringent system.'

A great power, when it has once thrown back the limits of its boundary, more especially-as in this case-when dealing with savages, should, right or wrong, never again retrench those limits.

"Any concession-even common kindness-is, with the barbarian, put down to the account of fear. The first symptom of a retreat is construed into weakness, or inability to retain possession of the abandoned territory; and the moral influence of the power of civilisation once destroyed, the consequent fatal results are incalculable.

"Above all, no threat should be made, unless there be full power to carry it into effect; and when it is executed, it should be done in such a manner as not to be readily forgotten.

"Were I called upon for an opinion on the subject, it would be :— That all the Kaffir tribes be driven beyond the Kye, the latter to be then considered as the boundary of the Eastern Province; that after the expiration of a reasonable period, every male Kaffir above the age of sixteen, caught within this limit (whether armed or unarmed), be put to death like a beast of prey; or if taken alive, to be removed to the vicinity of Cape Town, there to work as a felon on the public roads; and as a further encouragement to their capture or extirpation, that—dead or alive-(at the termination of the above fixed period), a price be put on their heads. The Boers, Fingoes, and Hottentots, would then, I have no doubt, save government all further trouble on this account.

"That Kreili, the paramount chief of all the Kaffir tribes, should, by the delivery of suitable hostages, be made responsible for the due fulfilment of this indispensable preliminary to peace, (the evacuation of the territory on this side of the Kye), for the further maintenance of which, that lines of posts be established along the new boundary—communicating with each other-with the seat of government of the Eastern Province (which, by-the-bye, ought to be local, and without reference to the authorities at Cape Town), and with the nearest seaport, by good military roads, with bridges over the numerous torrents; this communication to extend to Port Elizabeth, the locality at which the work of road-making should commence, instead of the neighbourhood of Cape Town, where it is of much less immediate importance.

"That, before any treaty be definitively concluded with Kreili, he, as the responsible agent, be made to give up the full amount of plundered cattle, as a slight compensation to the colonists, for the losses and suffer

It is well known that between Port Natal and the Umzimvoobou River there are large tracts of fertile country perfectly uninhabited, and which could be occupied by the Kaffirs, if expelled from this side of the Kye; where, moreover, they are only intruders of a very recent date; whilst the most advantageous appropriation of the territory thus vacated by them, might be a matter of afterconsideration; whether to be sold, distributed as grants to settlers, to be occupied by Fingoes and Hottentots, or else by that race of half-castes, known under the denominations of "Griquas" and "Bastaards."

ings sustained by them during the war; the expenses of which must, however, unavoidably fall on the British government.

"Should the above terms of a proposed peace not be deemed palateable by the Kaffirs, they ought to be enforced at the point of the bayonet, and


"Ithink it would likewise be greatly conducive to the tranquillity of the colony at large, were European traders, missionaries, and other unauthorised persons, kept out of Kaffirland; at all events, unless provided with a pass, duly signed by competent authority.

"The sale of gunpowder and fire-arms, as likewise the propagation of doctrines of independence, and of a supposed equality to the white man, would thus, in a great measure, be put a stop to amongst these savages; whilst traffic might still be carried on at stated times and places, but subject to proper surveillance,' and under pain of the severest penaltyeven death-to those infringing a strict prohibition to sell the abovenamed forbidden articles.

"If we must still try to convert the Kaffir, let the establishments for that purpose be along the frontier line, superintended by qualified ministers, and under the authority of government; for at present, any brokendown mechanic, who fancies, or whose interest it is to have a call,' may be, and often is, the means of doing an infinity of mischief.

"As to the extent of success attending our attempts at conversion, they have hitherto been an utter failure; and the Kaffirs, it is well known, have lately converted, to our cost, the missionary Bibles into ball-cartridges or wadding. The Hottentots are more drunken and dissolute than ever; and some reverend personages, have not-to their shame be it said-set them the most rigorous examples of morality.

"The great mistake has been hitherto committed of constantly employing missionaries in our political relations with the Kaffirs; principally, I believe, owing to their local influence and exclusive knowledge of the language; but if proper inducements were held out, many men brought up in the diplomatic line, as well as military officers, would no doubt soon qualify themselves to an equal extent, in the same manner.

"It may not be irrelevant to remark, that whilst making hostile incursions into the enemy's country, it would much tend to ultimate successby crippling his resources-were we to carry off the women (who play the part of spies, as well as that of commissaries), for without their assistance the Kaffirs are in a great measure helpless, and would often rather starve, than be at the trouble of collecting, transporting, and cooking their own victuals. Their crops and gardens should also, on these occasions, be invariably destroyed, and their huts burnt to the ground.*

"Should the war be continued, it appears to me, that by acting diametrically opposite to former measures, a very different result might fairly be anticipated.

"1st, not to open the campaign until fully assured of abundant supplies, and at a season when there is a sufficiency of grass for the horses and

commissariat cattle.

Were the plan moreover adopted of destroying, instead of capturing Kaffir cattle, whilst convincing the enemy that our object is not plunder, it would, besides, relieve our troops from that most harassing duty of guarding and driving back large droves of oxen to the frontier, through hordes of hostile barbarians, who allow no opportunity to escape, of endeavouring to recover, what by them is infinitely more valued than the richest treasure.

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"2nd. To substitute in the transport of supplies and camp equipage, pack oxen, for conveyance by wheeled carriages; that effectual drawback to any thing like celerity of military movement, particularly in a country intersected-as this is--by dense bush, rapid torrents, and deep, rugged water-courses. Camels, which might easily be procured at the Cape de Verds,' from whence they could be brought at little cost by ships going out in ballast, would, in this country, be invaluable as beasts of burden. From their peculiar conformation and habits, being little affected by the frequent scarcity of water and want of grass; and as they willingly feed on the succulent plants and thorny shrubs with which the bush' abounds; they would thrive and even grow fat, where oxen must inevitably perish.

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“Why, also, the elephantf should not be here turned to account, as well as in Indian warfare, is a problem of difficult solution. This animal could easily force its way through the thick bush-impervious to all save a Kaffir ; and if properly trained, a few practised marksmen, with a good supply of fire-arms, would, from the commanding height of a howdah, be able to do great execution in this jungle warfare. However, the mere fact of its being an innovation on the good old Dutch customs, would in both the above cases, ensure opposition in this dull, plodding, waggon-driving part of the world.

"But to return from this digression to my suggestions :'

"3rdly. To cause a correct survey, and report to be made of the mouth of every river or bay, between the Great Fish River and Port Natal, and wherever secure anchorage were found, or a safe landing deemed practicable, there to establish a military post and magazines; in short, to establish the base of operations' along the eastern line of seacoast, by which you would have your supplies in the very heart of the enemy's country, and be able to act at once on his front and left flank, with Port Natal on your own right, and ample resources in your rear.

"At present, owing to the insecurity of Waterloo Bay, the greater part of the supplies for the army are landed at Port Elizabeth (itself by no means a safe roadstead), and then transported in waggons over an execrable road to Graham's Town, whence they are forwarded to the scene of operations in the same lumbering conveyances.

"H.M. steamer Thunderbolt was some time since, sent to examine the mouth of the Buffaloe River; I understand that a favourable report was the result, and coasting-vessels have been known to remain there safely at anchor for weeks together; yet from some unaccountable cause, its capabilities have never during the whole course of the war been made in the least available.t


Again, as considerable delay and the greatest inconvenience has often of late resulted, in consequence of a sudden rise in the numerous rivers flowing through the scene of operations, it strikes me that a pon

*Pack mules were subsequently employed for this purpose.

† He is indigenous to Southern Africa, and were the attempt made, could no doubt, be domesticated as easily as his Asiatic brethren of Hindostan and Ceylon. The elephants which accompanied Hannibal's army across the Alps, were no doubt of African origin, and probably of the same species as those which are now found in the southern portion of that continent.

Shortly after the above was written, a military post was established at this locality.

toon train with a few sailors, might with great advantage be attached to the forces in the field;* whilst scientific officers were appointed to take military surveys of the ground over which we may advance, of the features of many parts of which we are still in total ignorance; as a good plan (on a large scale) would greatly facilitate military movements in this broken and entangled country.

"With reference to the passage of the numerous rivers in Kaffirland; during the former winter (1846) when there was no chance of their being flooded, a large punt was dragged about with the force; but last December (the time when rain is always expected on the frontier), the army was stopped for ten or twelve days at the Kye, part of it cut off from its supplies, for want of means to pass them over; and during this time, the troops unprovided with tents and exposed to incessant rain, without biscuit, flour, or even salt, were reduced to the necessity of living entirely on beef, and that often nearly raw.

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"Lastly. If all these measures be deemed insufficient to ensure success, Faku, the chief of the Amaponda Kaffirs, only waits, it is said, a signal (or bribe) from us, to fall on the enemy's rear; let that signal be given, and these incorrigible robber tribes will then be left to their wellmerited fate of mutual destruction!

"Such, sir, is a rough outline of my-perhaps mistaken-ideas on the subject in question; it may, perchance, be deemed presumption in an officer of my standing, venturing to advance an opinion on such points, -still knowledge,' saith the proverb, may even be gleaned from fools' -but without exactly subscribing myself as such, I have the honour to remain, most respectfully, your excellency's

"Obedient, humble servant,

"Lieut.-Colonel on Particular Service.

"To Lieut.-General Sir G. Berkeley, K.C.B., &c. &c. &c., Commander-in-Chief at the Cape of Good Hope."

Obliging Editor! patient and courteous Reader! accept my sincere thanks for the kind attention you have deigned to bestow, on a somewhat dry and lengthy subject; but should the contents of the foregoing pages in any way tend to dissipate long established illusions relative to the colony of the Cape of Good Hope; should they in the least contribute to expose in their true light, the real character and predatory habits of a set of "irreclaimable savages"-to show up certain intriguing and meddling societies-to set forth the many wrongs and sufferings of the Dutch settlers, and of our fellow-countrymen, in this part of the world, I shall, in that case, think my object fully effected-the ends of real "philanthropy" to have been materially promoted, and-with whatever personal detriment it may have been attended-consider as time not entirely thrown away, my residence of a "Few Months in Southern Africa."

Though not in consequence of the above suggestion,-it is, nevertheless, satisfactory to the author, to find its feasibility subsequently fully tested, in the successful passage of the Orange River on pontoons, by the forces under Sir Harry Smith, during the late expedition against the Boers.


THE last time I addressed the British public-or, rather, the last time they heard of me,-I was lying full length on the floor of a guard-house at the corner of the Rue St. Denis, on which I had been prostrated by a blow from the butt-end of the musket of a treacherous corps de garde. The blow was a violent one, and for a few moments I was completely stunned by it, but thanks to the protection which nature has wisely afforded me, it only raised a large bump on my head about the size of a walnut, without in the slightest degree affecting my intellect, which of course was what the furious ruffian aimed at. Had he struck Podder, the case would, no doubt, have been quite different, for he, poor fellow, has a very thin skull compared to mine.

When I rose from the ground I found myself encircled by a number of my ferocious captors who, like true Frenchmen, had all of them something to say, and all spoke at once. I showed them how completely I soared above their petty malice by not deigning to return a word in reply to their numerous questions, but looking round I perceived Podder sitting on a bench, and to judge by the blood which still streamed from his nose, he also had been making a fight of it.

"Welcome, my gallant friend!" cried I, rushing towards him, and locking him in my embrace. "Do I once more behold you? United, we may defy these tyrants!"

"I'm devilish glad, Green, to see you on your legs again," replied Podder, "for that fellow in the black beard who stands grinning at us in the corner hit you deuced hard. You're not more glad to see me than I am to see you, though, upon my soul, I wish we had met any where else. It's rather a queer go, being taken prisoner-I don't like the look of it."

"What!" I exclaimed, “ Podder! do you blench ?"

"I don't know about that," replied he, "but I've heard of such things as drum-head court-martials, and the provo'-for my uncle was a quartermaster in the Buffs."

"Be composed," returned I, "we are Britons, They daren't so much as harm a hair of our heads. nations, to say nothing of the rights of man."

and they know it. Look at the law of

"That may be all very well," said Podder, doggedly, "but as far as I can remember, Green, it was we who were getting up the row just now, and these fellows caught us in the fact. They may respect the law of nations, as you say, when it's forced down their throats at the point of the bayonet, but as to the rights of man, I suspect they haven't much idea what that comes to, as far as other people are concerned."

"Peregrine!" I rejoined with some solemnity of manner, "you speak distractedly; the brandy, I am afraid, has proved too much for your poor weak head. I know the Articles of War, and the Military Regulations too well not to be aware of the nature of our present position."

"You're thinking of the English ones," said Podder, in rather an obstinate tone.

"English or French," I retorted, "it's all one-aren't they printed?"

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