that understand not, admit not of any topics; no argumentation, though never so convincing, will make them give back ;) but so, at least, as that they shall be able to speak little to the purpose, so as to satisfy sober, humble, docible persons, who have not passionately espoused an error; or, to speak in the apostle's phrase, that are not given up to strong delusions, to believe lies, that they may be damned. In a word, our fate in these days is much like that of the re-builders of Jerusalem after the captivity, that were necessitated every one, with one of his hands to work in the building, and with the other to hold a weapon. Neh. áv. 17. With one hand we must build up our people in the doctrine of piety; with the other we must resist heretical opposers, who otherwise will demolish as fast as we build. Of a Knowledge of the Holy Scrip tures. I have all this while spoken nothing of the Holy Scriptures, that deep and unsearchable mine from whence the divine is to fetch all his treasures. From hence he is to borrow the principles of all theology, positive, polemic, moral, casuistical; and, therefore, it is evident that unless he be well studied in these, he must needs to give be defective in all the rest. He must needs be a weak divine that is not mighty in the Scriptures, as it is said of Apollos, Acts xviii. 24. And, Lord, how many things are necessary a man a right understanding of these sacred writings? I confess we are fallen into a very confident age, wherein to interpret Scripture is counted the most obvious and easy thing; and every mechanic, that scarce understands common sense, will venture on the expounding of these mysterious books. We have so childishly departchurch, in asserting an inexplicable obscurity of the Scriptures, even in things necessary, that for fear of this Charybdis we are swallowed up in as dangerous a Scylla, to make the Scriptures even despicable and contemptible. For, as Nazianzen truly saith, that which is thus easily understood, ed from the error Romish is generally with as much ease slighted and contemned. But we know who they are, who run from one bad extreme into another. For it is certain, that rightly to understand the Holy Scriptures is a very difficult thing, especially for us who live at so great a distance from those times wherein they were written, and those persons and churches to whom they were directed. It is no slender measure of the knowledge of antiquity, history, physiology, that is requisite to qualify a man for such an undertaking. They know nothing of the Scriptures that know not this. And therefore those unlearned and ignorant men that venture on the exposition of Scripte, being perfect strangers to these parts of learning, must of necessity wrest them to their own and their heers destruction. Bonus Textualis, bonus Theolocus. a I cannot but take notice of that common axiom, a good textuar as a good divine; and to observe that is most true if rightly understood; if by textuary we him who hath not only a concordance of Scpture in his memory, but also a commentary on them in his understanding, who thinks it not enough to be ready in alleging the bare words of Scripture, with the mention of chapter and verse where it is written, unless ne know the sense and meaning of what he recites. The former every illiterate sectary is able to do, who can quote Scripture by dozens and scores, the tithe whereof he understands not, and are little to his purpose. The latter is the proper commendation of the divine. Without this grain of salt, the aphorism but now mentioned, most justly falls under the severe censure of our learned Prideaux: a good textuary is a good divine, say many who understand not, mind not, either the text, or divinity, or goodness. Remark. A PERSON of the greatest abilities is liable to error, but he who blazons it without delicacy or politeness, affords a much stronger proof of his vanity than of his knowledge. Chateaubriand. General Introduction to the FAMILY BIBLE now publishing in this city by T. & J. Swords. The passages in brackets are added to this edition. [Account of the Bible, and of the English Translations of it.] THE Bible is the only authentic source from which we can derive instruction concerning the various dispensations of God to mankind, and the duties required of men by their Creator. The word 'Bible, literally signifies book; and the word 'Scriptures,' writings: but these words are now, by way of eminence and distinction, applied exclusively to those sacred compositions which contain the revealed will of God. The words 'Scriptures' and Scripture' occur in this sense in the Gospels, Acts, and Epistles; whence it is evident, that, in the time of our Saviour, they denoted the books received by the Jews as the rule of their faith. To these books have been added the writings of the Apostles and Evangelists, which complete the collection of books acknowledged by Christians to be divinely inspired. The Bible, or the Book, the book of books, was used in its present sense by the early Christians, as we learn from St. Chrysostom. The Bible is divided into two parts, the Old and the New Testament. The Apostle St. Paul, at 2 Cor. iii. 6 and 14, calls the dispensation of Moses "the Old Testament," and the dispensation of Christ "the New Testament;" and these distinguishing appellations were applied by the early ecclesiastical authors to the writings which contain these dispensations. The Greek word, translated testament, occurs in Scripture both in the sense of a testament or will, and in that of a covenant, Heb. ix. 16. Gal. iii. 15. It seems less properly applied to the ancient Scriptures in the former sense, since the death of Moses had no concern whatever in the establishment or efficacy of the Jewish religion; but, in the latter sense, it very properly signifies the covenant between God and his chosen people. The same word, when applied in the sense of a testa ment to the books which contain the Christian dispensation, may refer to the death of Christ, which forms an essential part of his religion; but even in this case, it would perhaps have been better translated by the word ' covenant,' as referring to the conditions on which God is pleased to offer salvation to his sinful creatures, through the mediation of his only Son Jesus Christ. Bp. Tomline. The books of the Old Testament were originally written in Hebrew, those of the New Testament in Greek. The principal translation of the Old Testament into the Greek language, is that which is called the Septuagint. This name is derived from the Latin word Septuaginta, Seventy, the version being related to have been made by seventy or seventy-two interpreters. It is recorded that, about the year before Christ 277, Ptolemy Philadelphus, being intent on forming a great library at Alexandria, in Egypt, sent to Eleazar, the high priest of the Jews, to request a copy of the Law of Moses; and, as he was ignorant of the Hebrew tongue, he further desired that some men of sufficient capacity might be sent to translate it into Greek. The messengers who went upon this errand, and carried with them many rich presents for the temple, were received with great honour and respect, both by the high priest and all the people; and having received a copy of the Law of Moses, and six elders having been assigned out of each tribe (seventy-two in all) to translate it, returned to Alexandria. Upon their arrival, the elders betook themselves to the work, and first translated the Pentateuch, afterwards the rest of the Old Testament, into Greek. Whatever may be thought of the truth of this story, it is certain that the translation called the Septuagint, was held in esteem and veneration almost equal to the original, and was not only used by the Jews in their dispersion through the Grecian cities, but approved by the great Sanhedrim at Jerusalem, and quoted and referred to by our blessed Saviour and his Apostles. The Latin translations of the Bible were, in early times, extremely numerous, but they were chiefly made from the Septuagint, and not from the original Hebrew, until St. Jerome, who was well versed in the Hebrew language, observing the errors of the many Latin translations, and their frequent disagreement with the original, undertook an entirely new translation, and with great care and exactness translated from the Hebrew all the Old Testament, except the Psalms. This translation of St. Jerome was not universally received in the Church; and at length another, which was composed of this and some former translations, and which is called by the Romanists The Ancient Vulgate, came into general use. The Romanists pretend that this Vulgate translation is the very same with St. Jerome's, and that, whatever variations may be found, they were occasioned by the negligence of transcribers. However this may be, it cannot be denied that it has considerable faults, that it abounds with barbarous words, and that in many passages, the sense of the original is corrupted, and in some, entirely lost. Still the Council of Trent thought fit to declare that "the same ancient and Vulgate Version, which has been approved and used in the Church for inany ages past, shall be considered as the authentic Version in all public lectures, sermons, and expositions, which no one shall presume to reject, under any pretence whatever." It is impossible to ascertain, with any exactness, how soon there was a translation of the Holy Scriptures into the language of the inhabitants of Britain. The earliest, of which we have any account, is a translation of the Psalms into the Saxon tongue by Adhelm, the first bishop of Sherborne, about the year 706. Egbert, bishop of Lindisfern, who died in the year 721, made a Saxon version of the four Gospels; and not long after, Bede translated the whole Bible into that language. There were other Saxon versions of the whole or parts of the Bible of a later date; and it appears, indeed, that new translations were made, from time to time, as the language of the country varied; but when the popes of Rome had established their spiritual tyranny in this as well as in other countries of Europe, they forbade the reading of these translations; and in the fourteenth century the common people had been so long deprived of the use of the Scriptures, that the latest of the translations were become unintelligible. Wickliff, therefore, who was a strenuous opposer of the corruptions and usurpations of the Church of Rome, and from whom we are to date the dawn of the Reformation in this kingdom, published a translation of the whole Bible in the English language then spoken; but not being sufficiently acquainted with the Hebrew and Greek languages to translate from the originals, he made his translation from the Latin Bibles, which were at that time read in the churches. So offensive was this translation of the Bible to those who were for taking away the key of knowledge, and means of better information, that a bill, we are told, was brought into the House of Lords, in the 13th year of Richard the Second, and in the year of our Lord 1390, for the purpose of suppressing it; on which the Duke of Lancaster, the king's uncle, is reported to have spoken to this effect: 'We will not be the dregs of all, seeing other nations have the law of God, which is the law of our faith, written in their own language.' At the same time he declared, in a very solemn manner, That he would main tain our having this law in our own tongue against those, whoever they should be, who brought in this bill." The bill, through the influence of the Duke, was rejected; and this success gave encouragement to some of Wickliff's followers to publish another, and more correct, translation of the Bible. But in the year 1408, in a convocation held at Oxford, by Archbishop Arundel, it was decreed by a constitution, "That no one should thereafter translate any text of Holy Scripture into English, by way of a book, or little book, or tract; and that no book of this kind should be read, that was composed lately in the time of John Wickliff, or since his death." This constitution led the way to great persecution; and many persons were punished severely, and some even with death, for reading the Scriptures in English. In the reign of Henry the Eighth, William Tyndal, a favourer of the reformed doctrines, which were then making a rapid progress, was compelled by the Romish priests to leave England. After travelling for some time in Germany, where he became acquainted with Luther and other learned men, he settled at Antwerp; and with the assistance of John Fry or Fryth and William Roye, he translated the New Testament from the original Greek, and printed it, with some short glosses, or comments, without a name, at Hamburgh, or Antwerp, about the year 1526. This was the first printed edition of any part of the Holy Scriptures in the English language. The impression was sent over to England; and the eagerness which was generally shown by the people, to read the Gospel in the vulgar tongue, quickly excited alarm among those who were devoted to the Romish Church. Sir Thomas More, Lord Chancellor, and Tonstall, Bishop of London, caused all the copies they could purchase or procure, to be burnt at St. Paul's Cross; and the selling or dispersion of them was prohibited under heavy penalties. In the mean time Tyndal, with the assistance of Miles Coverdale, undertook the translation of the Old Testament, and published the Pentateuch at Hamburgh, in the year 1530, with prefaces reflecting upon the English bishops and clergy; and in the same year he published a more correct translation of the New Testament. In 1531, he published an English version of the Prophet Jonah. He was proceeding in the translation of the other books, when he was seized and imprisoned by the Emperor, through the influence of King Henry the Eighth and his ministers; and in the year 1536, he was put to death at Villefont, near Brussels, in consequence of a decree made in an assembly at Augsbourg. In the year 1531, George Joye, an English refugee, published at Strasburg, a translation of Isaiah; and in the year 1534, he published at Ant werp, a translation of the Prophecies of Jeremiah, and of the Psalms, and of the Song of Moses. In the year 1535, Miles Coverdale published, in folio, the first English translation of the whole Bible, and dedicated it to King Henry the Eighth. It was probably printed at Zurich; and though it passed under the name of Coverdale only, it is generally supposed that great part of the work was performed by Tyndal, before he was imprisoned, and that his name was not mentioned because he was then under confinement. Those who were adverse to any translation of the Scriptures, not daring openly to avow their principles, complained of the inaccuracy of Wickliff's and Tyndal's translations; and on that ground objected to the use of them: but, on the other hand, it was contended by the friends of the Reformation, that, if these translations were erroneous, care should be taken to publish one more faithful. In the year 1535, Cranmer, who had been advanced to the see of Canterbury two years before, and whose endeavours to promote the cause of the Reformation were unremitted, had sufficient interest to procure a petition from both houses of convocation to the King, requesting that he would allow a new translation of the Scriptures to be made. Henry consented; and Cranmer, dividing an old English translation of the New Testament into nine or ten parts, distributed them among the most learned bishops and others, requiring that they should return their respective portions, corrected and amended, by a certain day. Every one sent his part at the time appointed, except Stokesly, Bishop of London, and his positive refusal to have any concern in the business seems to have put a stop to the work for the present. However, early in the year 1536, Lord Cromwell, Keeper of the Privy Seal, and the King's Vicar-general, and Vicegerent in Ecclesiastical Matters, published injunctions to the clergy, by the King's authority, of which the seventh was "that every parson or proprietary of any parish church within the realm, before August the first, should provide a book of the whole Bible, both in Latin, and also in English, and lay it in the choir, for every man that would to look and read therein; and should discourage no man from reading any part of the Bible, either in Latin or English, but rather comfort, exhort, and admonish every man to read it as the very word of God, and the spiritual food of man's soul." In the year 1537, a folie edition of the Bible was printed by Grafton and Whitchurch, at Hamburgh or at Paris, more probably at Hamburgh: it varied but little from Tyndal's and Coverdale's translation; and the few emendations and additions it contained were supplied by John Rogers, who superintended the publication, and assumed the name of Matthews: hence this is always called Matthews's Bible. A copy of this book was presented by Cranmer to Lord Cromwell, with a request that he would obtain the King's permission for the free use of it among his subjects; and it appears that the royal license was granted through the application of Cromwell. In the year 1538, an injunction was published by the Vicar-general, "ordering the clergy to povide, before a certain festival, one book of the whole Bible of the largest volume in English, and to set it up in some convenient place within their churches, where their parishioners might most commodiously resort and read it;" and in the same year a royal declaration was also published, which the curates were commanded to read in their several churches, informing the people, " that it had pleased the King's Majesty to permit and command the Bible, being translated into their mother tongue, to be sincerely taught by them, and to be openly laid forth in every parish church." "It was wonderful," says Strype, "to see with what joy this book of God was received, not only among the more learned, and those who were noted lovers of the Reformation, but generally all over England, among all the common people, and with what greediness God's word was read, and what resort there was to the places appointed for reading it. Every one that could, bought the VOL. III. book, and busily read it, or heard it read; and many elderly persons learned to read on purpose." In 1538, Grafton obtained leave. from Francis the First, King of France, through the intercession of Henry the Eighth, to print an English Bible at Paris, on account of the superior skill of the workmen, and the comparative goodness and cheapness of the paper. But this royal permission did not prevent the inquisitors from summoning before them the French printers, the English employers, and Coverdale, who superintended the work; and the whole impression, consisting of 2,500 copies, were seized, and condemned to the flames. Some few copies only were saved; but the English proprietors of this undertaking found means to carry with them to London the presses, types, and printers. In 1539, Grafton and Whitchurch printed, at London, the Bible in large folio, under the direction of Coverdale and patronage of Cranmer, containing some improvement of Matthews's translation: this is generally called the great Bible, and it is supposed to be the same which Grafton obtained leave to print at Paris. There were several editions of it, and particularly one in 1540, for which Cranmer wrote a preface, showing, that "Scripture should be had and read of the lay and vulgar people;" hence this edition of 1540 is called Cranmer's Bible. In this year the curates and parishioners of every parish were required, by royal proclamation, to provide themselves with the Bible of the largest size, before the feast of All Saints, under a penalty of forty shillings a month; and all ordinaries were charged to see that this proclamation was obeyed. A brief, or declaration, was published to the same effect in the year 1541; but after that time the influence of the popish party increased both in parliament and with the King, and Cranmer's exertions were frus trated by the opposition of Gardiner and other popish Bishops. In the year 1542, it was enacted by the authority of parliament, "That all manner of books of the Old and New Testament, of the crafty, false, and untrue trans 35 |