in Great-Britain, and in several towns and cities in this country, have been productive of the most benign effects. We most cordially hope that the example will be generally followed throughout the United States. With this view the Address of the Trustees is subjoined, as best explanatory of the leading principles and objects of a Savings Bank, and which are equally ap. plicable to every other place. ADDRESS TO THE PUBLIC. THE Legislature of the State having, at their last session, incorporated this Institution, the Trustees now offer its advantages to all classes of their fellow-citi zens. It is generally known that, in GreatBritain, Institutions of this kind have produced the most beneficial effects; and, in this country, circumstances seem still more favourable to their utility. Several of them are now in successful operation in our sister States. It is a common remark, that the unconditional and indiscriminate relief of the indigent increases the amount of poverty. It is often an injury to the poor themselves. By inducing them to rely on gratuitous and undeserved assistance, it destroys their sense of dignity and self-respect, degrades them in their own estimation, and reduces them to the abject condition of idle indifference and daily dependance. This Institution is liable to no such objections. It is not a common charitable institution, although it will prove emphatically charitable in its ultimate effects. It will help none but those who are willing to help themselves. The Act of Incorporation, and the Regulations for the Government of the Bank, will so fully explain its design, that little more need be said respecting it. Its object is as plain as it is useful and salutary. It is intended to furnish a secure place of deposit for the Savings of Mechanics, Manufacturers, Mantuamakers, Cartmen, Seamen, Labourers: in short, of all who wish to lay up a fund for sickness, for the wants of a family, or for old age. To many industrious persons, who have saved a little property, and who do not wish to employ it in trade, this Bank will also be a desirable institution. The risk of loaning their money to individuals, and the losses which frequently result from it, will here be entirely avoided. The utmost facility will be given to the receiving and paying monies at the Bank; and the amount deposited will be invested in such funds as the Trustees may deem perfectly secure. They will not in any case whatsoever loan any part of the money to individuals. It is thought expedient that no sum less than a dollar be received, nor any part of a dollar in larger sums. It is de The directors owe it both to the public and themselves distinctly to declare, that they entirely disclaim the idea of receiving any personal emolument or advantage in any shape whatever. It is equally their intention that the Bank itself shall not be a gaining concern. In case the little savings arising from the reduction of interest, and all other sources, shall be more than sufficient to defray the necessary expenses of the Institution, they will advance the rate of interest paid to the depositors. They are only desirous of making the Bank support itself. From this brief statement of the principles of the Institution, its object will be fully understood, and the Trustees cannot but hope, that it will meet the approbation and encouragement of every member of the community. They are persuaded that its natural effects will be, to increase the happiness and comfort of the poor. A pecuniary gain to the indigent is not the only advantage to be expected from this Institution. Their moral feelings, it is hoped, will be greatly benefitted. It must have a direct tendency to induce habits of frugality and forethought, of self-assistance and self-respect. There are few spectacles more truly gratifying, or more honourable to human nature, than a poor man surmounting, by his own exertions, the difficulties of his situation, and tra training up his family in the ways of honour and virtue, of industry and independence. To encourage the exertions, and to animate the hopes of such as these, this Institution has been formed: and the Trustees have now only to express the wish that all classes of their fellow-citizens may be induced to promote, by their influence and example, its progress and success. Signed in behalf of the Board of Trustees. New-York, June, 1819.. the gloom, The abode of the dead, and the place of Richmond, 7th Oct. 1816. the tomb. From the Niagara Patriot (published at Buffalo, New-York) of June 29. On Thursday, the 24th inst. the corner stone of an Episcopal Church was laid in this village, attended with an appropriate service. The Rev. WILLIAM A. CLARK delivered a well adapted discourse to a large and respectable audience, assembled on the spot. The Masonic Brethren honoured us with their attendance, and assisted in the ceremony. Every thing was done " decently and in order." When we consider the pressure of the times, and the unremunerated losses sustained by the inhabitants of this village in the late war, we cannot but remark that this instance of their liberality, in erecting a house for the public worship of Almighty God, deserves the applause of every well wisher to mankind, and is a manifest indication of their growing zeal for the honour and support of the Christian religion. We rejoice that we are no longer to lay under the reproach of the Prophet -" Is it time for you to dwell in your ceiled houses, and this" (the Lord's) house lie waste." While our citizens manifest so laudable a zeal in erecting an earthly temple, and preserving the external order of God's worship, it is our hope and prayer that they may have a happy station in that spiritual building, of which "Jesus Christ himself" is the "Chief Corner Stone." CONSECRATION. On Saturday, the 3d of July, St. Philip's Church, in Collect-street, New-York, was consecrated to the service of Almighty God, agreeably to the rites of the Protest. ant Episcopal Church, by the Right Rev. Bishop HOBART, attended by most of the Episcopal Clergy of the city. Morning Prayer was performed by the Rev. JAMES MILNOR, Rector of St. George's Church, and a suitable discourse delivered by the Bishop. This Church, which is a very neat and commodious edifice, has been erected in part by a donation from Trinity Church, New-York, and in part by the subscriptions of Episcopalians in that city, for the use of the coloured members of the different churches and chapels in the city, who had become too numerous for the accommodations assigned them. The workmanship of the edifice was principally effected by mechanics among themselves, and reflects great credit on their skill and taste. The following account of this Church has been handed us: "The corner stone was laid on the 6th of August, 1818. It is a wooden edifice of 60 feet by 50, and 36 feet from the ground to the eves; the basement being six feet above the ground, calculated to af. ford accommodations for instruction. The Church has galleries on both sides and in front, and contains altogether 144 pews. It has cost a little rising $ 8000. The communion table, three small glass chande. liers, two folio and two smaller Prayer Books for the pulpit and desk, the greater part of the value of a folio Bible, and a carpet for the chancel, were presented by generous individuals. The late proprietors of Zion Church also contributed various articles, rescued from the conflagration of the former edifice of that name. The females of the congregation have defrayed the principal expense of hangings for the pulpit and desk, and are about procuring communion plate." ORDINATION, ON Sunday, the 18th July, the 6th Sunday after Trinity, the Right Rev. Bishop HoBART held an ordination in Zion Church, New-York, and admitted the Rev. THOMAS BREINTNALL, Deacon, Rector elect of that Church, to the holy order of Priests, Morning Prayer was celebrated on this occasion by the Rev. WILLIAM HARRIS, D. D. President of Columbia College; and an appropriate sermon delivered by th the Bishop. It is with pleasure we publish the fol. lowing by request.. To all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, and endeavour to make known his deeds among the people, his saving health among all nations. THE Bethlehem (Pennsylvania) Female Missionary Society, having undertaken to print the Harmony of the four Evangelists, in the Delaware Language, for the benefit of the Indians, but finding their funds inadequate to defray the whole expense attending the same, hereby respectfully solicit the aid, either by contribution or annual subscription, of all those who wish well to the cause of the propagation of the Gospel among the Heathen. The work contains all that the four Evangelists have recorded concerning Jesus Christ. All their relations are brought together in one narration, and no circumstance is omitted; but that inestimable history is continued in one series, in the very words of Scripture, and without any comment whatever. The translation was made by the late Rev. David Zeisberger, who laboured as a missionary among the Delaware and other tribes, with distinguished faithfulness, zeal, and blessing, for more than forty years. It may be considered to be a standard work; as the united testimonies of a number of Delaware Christian Indians now living, of the missionaries who reside among them, who use this translation constantly, and of the Rev. John Heckewelder, of this place, who lived for many years among the Indians, all concur in pronouncing it to be correct. The venerable Rev. Mr. Heckewelder has kindly undertaken to revise the work while printing. It is intended to commence the publication as early as possible. Those friends to the missionary cause, therefore, who may be inclined to assist in the undertaking, are earnestly requested to forward their contributions to the Rev. Benjamin Mortimer, No. 104 Fulton-street, NewYork; the Rev. William H. Van Vleck, No. 74 Race-street, Philadelphia; or the Rev. Charles F. Seidel, President of the Society, Bethlehem. Bethlehem, 24th May, 1819. To Correspondents. The communication of A true Churchman has been perused with pleasure. It shall have a place in our next. To our correspondent Indagator we are indebted for the selection of Notes from D'Oyly and Mant's Bible, commenced in the present, and to be continued in our future, numbers. Pearls and Diamonds, as he justly entitles them, that embellish and enrich this invaluable Family Bible. Our friends in Charleston shall be gratified. Biographical Memoirs of the late BELA HUBBARD, D. D. THE Rev. BELA HUBBARD, D. D. a son of Daniel and Diana Hubbard, was born at Guilford, Connecticut, on the 27th of August, 1739. His parents were congregationalists. After receiving a degree at Yale College, 1758, he passed a year at King's (now Columbia) College, New-York, under the tuition of its late President, the Rev. Dr. Johnson, who was his friend and spiritual father, both having originated from the same town. In the autumn of 1763, Dr. Hubbard, toge ther with the Right Rev. Bishop Jarvis, crossed the Atlantic ocean, with the view of obtaining holy orders. They arrived in England in December, and resided there till the April following. They were ordained Deacons by the Right Rev. Frederick Keppel, Bishop of Exeter, in the King's Chapel, London, on the 5th of February, 1764; and Priests, by the Right Rev.Charles Lyttleton, Bishop of Carlisle, in St. James's Church, Westminster, on the 19th of the same month; and on the 28th they were licensed by the Right Rev. Richard Osbaldeston, Bishop of London, to perform the office of Priests in New England, North-America. On their return from England, Dr. Hubbard officiated at Guilford and Killingworth, until the year 1767, when he was appointed by the Society in England for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, their Missionary at New and West Haven. From the Society he continued to receive a salary of 60l per annum, until the peace in 1783.-At this time he became en tirely dependant on his parishes, and VOL. III. [VOL. III. as his people were few, his salary was small. His living, however, was rendered comfortable by the liberality of his parishioners and the exemplary economy of Mrs. Hubbard, who, to many other valuable qualities which became her station, added a thorough knowledge of the characters and wants of the poor. As his people increased in numbers and in wealth, his salary became more ample; and his services on the Lord's day were at length confined to Trinity Church, New-Haven, though he continued to officiate occasionally in the adjoining parishes; in all of which he was regarded with reverence and affection as their spiritual father. He died on Sunday, December 6th, 1812, in the 74th year of his age. His funeral was attended on the Wednesday following by an unusually large concourse of people, who manifested their respect by the most affectionate grief. A sermon adapted to the occasion was delivered by the Rev. Henry Whitlock, assistant to the late Rector; and the burial service was performed, in an impressive manner, by the Right Rev. Bishop Jarvis, his old companion and friend. Churchman's Magazine. Extract from a Sermon, delivered December 9th, 1812, at the Funeral of the Rev. BELA HUBBARD, D. D. Rector of Trinity Church, in the City of New-Haven, by the Rev. HENRY WHITLOCK, Minister of said Church. I rise to address my audience on a subject peculiarly sad and solemn. The earthly tabernacle of the venerable and beloved Rector of this church, lies here before us in ruins. The feet 33 which went about doing good, and the hands which administered to the poor and afflicted, are now bound with the fetters and manacles of death. The eye that beamed with cheerfulness and philanthropy is closed. The mouth which was open to edify, to console, to make glad, is now silent. The head, which has anxiously studied your eternal welfare, is now without sensation. The heart, which beat with the strong pulse of charity, compassion, and devotion, is now at rest. The face, which was illuminated with the splendour of intelligence, urbanity, and love, we shall behold no more. The excellent spirit, which dwelt in him, has removed to invisible regions. For these things we mourn; for these we weep. But our tears are unavailing-our loss is irretrievable. No more will he enter these sacred doors to preach the word of God, to break the bread of life, to bless the cup of salvation, and to pour forth his whole soul in worship. On this side the grave he shall not awake till the heavens be no more. My dear brethren, we are now to deposit, in the grave, a body, which we trust will remain in the divine custody, until it come forth to the resurrection of life, and appear with Christ in glory. Our venerable friend has finished his journey through this troublesome world, in a good old age. That the time of his departure was at hand, the providence of God had given him unequivocal notice, which he clearly understood, and joy fully received. Standing on that eminence of prospect to which the Gospel had raised him, he looked back without repining, and forward with the most ardent hope. Forty and five years he has fed this flock with unremitting diligence, uniform fidelity, and the most tender solicitude. Under his ministry what numbers have been baptized, not unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea, but unto Christ, in the washing of regeneration, preparatory to the journey of the Christian life. He has fed his people, not with manna from heaven, nor with water from a rock, but with the body and blood of Christ, in the holy sup per. In his doctrine he has set forth the true bread which cometh down from heaven, and the living water springing up into everlasting life. In that perilous season, when the foundation of civil policy were, for a time, disturbed by the revolutionary contest, he did not desert his charge; and, though ardent in his political attachments, he was inoffensive in his deportment, and, by his prudence, forbearance, and watchfulness, he conducted his little flock in safety through a wilderness of difficulties, to a state of prosperity and enlargement. In a time of the most alarming distress this city ever experienced, he did not flee from his flock, but stood, with a holy courage, between the dead and the living, interceding that the plague might be stayed. With what activity of benevolence did he then administer even in temporal things, to the necessities of the sick, the afflicted, and the forsaken; and with what tender solicitude did he stand over the dying bed, assisting the departing Christian to trim his lamp, and go out to meet the Bridegroom! Most of you have observed with what fervid piety, and peculiar sensibility, he, at all times, performed the holy offices for the sick, the dying, and the dead. How many fatherless children and widows might attest, with tears of gratitude, that he visited them in their afflictions, and poured wine and oil into their bleeding wounds. Howmany poor and needy have rejoiced in that warmth of charity, with which he administered to their necessities. The resident stranger, and the occasional guest, have been honoured with his polite attention and primitive hospitality. He has been with you at all seasons, speaking the things pertaining to the kingdom of heaven, dwelling with emphasis on the glories and excellencies of the Church, the consistency of her doctrines, the primitive purity and efficacy of her sacraments, the beauty and magnificence of her worship, the propriety and venerable style of all her holy offices, and the apostolic institution of her government. He went about from house to house, weeping with those that wept, and rejoicing |