Imatges de pàgina
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Life of the late Rev. JOHN PARK- and to a life of close and intense stuHURST, A. M.

THE Rev. JOHN PARKHURST, the subject of this sketch, was the second son of John Parkhurst, Esq. of Catesby-house, in the county of Northampton, by Ricarda, the second daughter of Mr. Justice Dormer, and was born in June, 1728. He received the earliest rudiments of his education at the school of Rugby, in the county of Warwick; an education which, by intense mental labour, aided by a mind eminently gifted with sound judgment and deep penetration, he rendered perfect in itself, and beneficial to the world of letters, as well as to the cause of the Christian religion. The whole life of this truly excellent man and devout Christian, was honourable to human nature; and his death a sublime example of faith and resignation. From Warwickshire he removed to Clare-hall, Cambridge, where he proceeded A.B. 1748, A.M. 1752, and was some time fellow of his college. Not long after his entering into holy orders, his elder brother died. This event made him the heir of two considerable estates, the one at Catesby, in the county of Northampton, and the other at Epsom, in the county of Surrey: but as his father was still living, it was some years before he came into the full possession of them; and when he did, the acquisition of fortune produced no change in his habits, or his pursuits. He continued to cultivate with ardour the studies becoming a Clergyman; and from his family connexions, as well as from his piety and learning, he certainly had a great right to look forward to preferment in his profession; but an early attachment to retirement, VOL. III.


dy, prevented him from seeking any. In the capacity of curate, but without any salary, he long officiated for a friend with exemplary diligence and zeal. When, several years after, it fell to his lot to exercise the right of presentation, he was unfashionable enough to consider church-patronage as a trust rather than a property; accordingly, resisting the influence of interest, favour, and affection, he presented to the vicarage of Epsom, in the county of Surrey, the Rev. Jonathan Boucher. This gentleman was then known to him only by character; but having distinguished himself in America, during the revolution, for his loyalty, and by teaching the unsophisticated doctrines of the Church of England, at the hazard of his life, Mr. Parkhurst thought that he could not present to the vacant living a man who had given better proofs of his having a due sense of the duties of his office.

In the year 1754, Mr. Parkhurst married Susanna Myster, daughter of John Myster, Esq. of Epsom; this lady died in 1759, leaving him a daughter and two sons; both his sons have been dead some years, but his daughter survives him, and is the widow of the Rev. James Altham. In the year 1761, he was married a second time, to Millecent Northey, daughter of Thomas Northey, Esq. of London, by whom he had one daughter, married in 1791, to the Rev. Joseph Thomas. This lady, reared under the immediate inspection of her learned and pious father, by an education of the very first order, has acquired a degree of classical knowledge which is rarely met with in the female world; and those mental endowments are still more highly embellished by sheet of the Greek Lexicon from the the exercise and example of every do-press, when it pleased the All-wise mestic virtue.. Disposer of human events to take this learned and excellent man to himself. Fortunately the task of filial virtue devolved on his daughter, Mrs. Thomas, whose extensively cultivated mind enabled her to undertake the charge of completing her father's purpose; and this work was published in 1798. As, from their nature, there cannot be supposed to be any thing in Lexicons that is particularly attractive and alluring, the continued increasing demand for these two seems to be sufficient proof of their merit.

Mr. Parkhurst's second wife closed her well-spent life at the advanced age of 79, on the 27th of April, 1800, having survived him upwards of three years. Never were modest worth, unaffected piety, and every domestic virtue, more strongly illustrated than in the character of this most amiable and excellent woman. Her sweetness of temper, simplicity of manners, and charitable disposition, are seldom paralleled, and never excelled.

In the year 1753, Mr. Parkhurst began his career of authorship, by publishing in 8vo. " A Friendly Address to the Rev. John Wesley, in relation to a principal Doctrine maintained by him and his Assistants." This work, however valuable, we may safely say, was of very little importance when compared with his next publication, which was "An Hebrew and English Lexicon, without Points; to which is added, a Methodical Hebrew Grammar, without Points, adapted to the Use of Learners," 1762, 4to.

To attempt a vindication of all the etymological and philosophical disquisitions which are scattered through this work, would be fruitless; but it is not, perhaps, too much to say, that we have nothing of the kind equal to it in the English language. Continuing to correct and improve this excellent work, he published a second edition, much enlarged, in 1778, and a third edition in 1792.

His philological studies were not confined to the Hebrew language; for he published "A Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament; to which is prefixed a plain and easy Greek Grammar," 1769, 4to; a second edition, 1794; and, being desirous of making his literary labours more generally useful, he determined on publishing octavo editions of both Lexicons, still further enlarged and improved; for he continued to revise, correct, add to, and improve these works, till within a few days of his death. He had but just completed the copies, and received the first proof

In 1787, Mr. Parkhurst published "The Divinity and Pre-existence of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, demonstrated from Scripture, in Answer to the First Section of Dr. Priestley's Introduction to the History of early Opinions concerning Jesus Christ; together with Strictures on some other Parts of the Work, and a Postscript relating to a late Publication by Mr. Gilbert Wakefield." This work was very generally regarded as performing all that the title-page promised; and, accordingly, the whole edition was soon sold off. The brief, evasive, and very unsatisfactory notice taken of this very able pamphlet by Dr. Priestley, in a "Letter to Dr. Horne," showed only that he was unable to answer it.

Besides the above works, there is, in the Gentlemen's Magazine for August, 1797, a curious letter of Mr. Parkhurst's on the Confusion of Tongues at Babel.

Mr. Parkhurst was a man of very extraordinary independency of mind and firmness of principle. In early life, along with many other, men of distinguished learning, it was objected to him, that he was an Hutchinsonian. Though Mr Parkhurst continued to read Hutchinson's writings as long as he read at all, he was ever ready to allow that he was oftentimes a confused and bad writer, and sometimes unbecomingly violent. To have been deterred from reading the works of an author, who, with all his faults, certainly throws out many useful hints, for fear of being thought an Hutchinincapable. What he believed, he was not afraid to profess; and never professed to believe any thing which he did not very sincerely believe. He was indeed a most earnest lover of truth. The study of the Scriptures was at once the business and the pleasure of his life; from his earliest to his latest years, he was a hard student; and had the daily occupations of every twenty-four hours of his life been portioned out, as it is said those of king Alfred were, into three equal parts, there is reason to believe that a deficiency would rarely have been found in the eight hours allotted to study.

sonian, would have betrayed a pusil- rather below the middle size, but relanimity of which Mr. Parkhurst was、markably upright and firm in his gait. family vault at Epsom, and in the Church there is an exquisitely beautiful monument, (executed by that distinguished sculptor, Flaxman,) raised by conjugal affection and filial piety to the memory of the kind hus

What the fruits have been of a life so conducted, few theologians, it is presumed, need to be informed, it being hardly within the scope of a supposition, that any man will sit down to the study of the Scriptures without availing himself of the assistance to be obtained from his learned labours.

Mr. Parkhurst's character may be collected with tolerable accuracy, even from this imperfect sketch of his life. His notions of church patronage do him honour; and as a farther instance of the high sense he entertained of strict justice, and the steady resolution with which he practised it on all occasions, an incident which occurred between him and one of his tenants may be here mentioned. This man falling behind-hand in the payment of his rent, which was 500l. per annum, it was represented to his landlord that it was owing to his being over-rented. This being believed to be the case, a new valuation was made: it was then agreed that, for the future, the rent should not be more than 450l. Justly inferring, moreover, that if the farm was then too dear, it must necessarily have been always too dear; unasked, and of his own accord, he immediately struck off 50l. from the commencement of the lease; and instantly refunded all that he had received more than 450l. per


Mr. Parkhurst was in his person

He was all his life of a sickly habit: and his leading so sedentary and studious a life (it having, for many years, been his constant practice to rise at five, and in winter to light his own fire) to the very verge of David's limits of the life of man, is a consolatory proof to men of similar habits, how much, under many disadvantages, may still be effected by strict temperance and a careful regimen. He also gave less of his time to the ordinary interruptions of life than is common. In an hospitable, friendly, and pleasant neighbourhood, he visited little; alleging that such a course of life neither suited his temper, his health, nor his studies. Yet he was of sociable manners; and his conversation always instructive, often delightful: for his stores of knowledge were so large, that he has often been called a walking library. He belonged to no clubs; he frequented no public places: and there are few men, who, towards the close of life, may not, on a retrospect, reflect with shame and sorrow, how much of their precious time has thus been thrown away, or, perhaps, worse than thrown away. Like many other men of infirm and sickly frames, Mr. Parkhurst was also irritable and quick, warm and earnest in his resentments, though never unforgiving. But whether it be or be not a matter of reproach to possess a mind so constituted, it certainly is much to any man's credit to counteract and subdue it by an attention to the injunctions of religion. This Mr. Parkhurst effectually did: and few men have passed through a long life more at peace with his neighbours, more respected by men of learning, more beloved by his friends, or more honoured by his family. The subject of this biographical sketch serenely closed a life of study and of virtue, far removed from the din of senseless pleasures and the follies of trivial society, after a most painful and lingering illness of ten months, on the 21st of February, 1797, at Epsom, in Surrey, where for many years he had resided. Mr. Parkhurst's remains now repose in his

band, the indulgent parent, and the enlightened preceptor. It bears the following inscription, written by Mr. Parkhurst's valued and learned friend, the late Rev. William Jones, of Nayland, in Suffolk.


Sacred to the Memory
Of this Parish,

And descended from the Parkhursts of Catesby, in Northamptonshire.

His Life was distinguished
Not by any Honours in the Church,
But by deep and laborious Researches
Into the Treasures of Divine Learning:

The Fruits of which are preserved in two invaluable Lexicons, Wherein the original Text of the Old and New Testament is interpreted

With extraordinary Light and Truth.

Reader! if thou art thankful to God that such a Man lived,

Pray for the Christian World,
That neither the Pride of false Learning,
Nor the Growth of Unbelief,
May so far prevail

As to render his pious Labours in any degree ineffectual.

He lived in Christian Charity;
And departed in Faith and Hope
On the 21st Day of February, 1797,
In the 69th Year of his Age.

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Considerations on the Life and Death proceed but a little way in his work,

of St. John the Baptist.
(Continued from p. 107.)

Considerations on the Imprisonment
of St. John, the Message sent by
him to Christ, and the Answer re-

turned to it.

ADMIRABLE is the advice of the son of Sirach to every one who is about to stand forth in the cause of true religion. "My son, if thou come to serve the Lord, prepare thy soul for temptation. Set thy heart aright, and constantly endure, and make not haste in time of trouble. Whatsoever is brought upon thee take cheerfully, and be patient when thou art changed to a low estate. For gold is tried in the fire, and acceptable men in the furnace of adversity."* The reformer will

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whose zeal is not backed with for. titude. The apprehension of danger, or even the frown of power, will alter his sentiments; he will see things in a different point of view, and turn with every blast of fashion or interest, till he himself believes every thing, and his hearers, offended and confounded, believe nothing.

Not so the Baptist. "What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind?"* No; a column firm and immoveable, against which winds might blow, and waves beat, in vain: one who had fixed his principles, and considered well, before he entered upon action; one who began not to build, till he had first counted the costs; but who, when once he did begin, would be sure to finish.

Matt. xi. 7.

A person unacquainted with the world, and the tempers of its children, might, perhaps, be surprised upon hearing that a prophet, like St. John, who spent his time in calling his fellow-creatures to happiness and salvation, and who coveted no man's gold, or silver, or apparel, was cast into prison. But, as the wise man observeth, " The thing which hath been is that which shall be, and there is nothing new under the sun."* Ahab, at the instigation of Jezebel, again thirsts after the blood of Elijah.

Herod, the tetrarch of Galilee, had put away his own wife, the daughter of Aretas, and had married Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip, whom, contrary to the laws of hospitality as well as religion, he had seduced, while a guest in her husband's house.† The sanctity and integrity of the Baptist had begotten, even in Herod, a great veneration and reverence for his character. "Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man, and an holy, and observed him; and when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly."‡ But the matter of Herodias was a tender point, on which the tetrarch was not disposed to hear the law, because he was not disposed to do it. He was determined to persevere in what was wrong, and his monitor to persist in telling him of it, without reserve. "John said unto him, It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife." John, who had overcome the world, could not, either by promises or threatenings, be induced to recede from his duty, through hope of temporal good, or fear of temporal evil. He was therefore soon convinced, by being carried to prison, that Herod had no farther occasion for his ser

• Eccles. i. 9.

† See Josephus-Antiq. Lib. xviii. Cap. 6. + Mark vi. 20.

vice. And who doth not rather wish to have been imprisoned with him, than to have glittered in all the glories of the throne of Herod? Happy John, sequestered once more from a troublesome world, to converse with God, and to meditate on that blessed company, to which he was now hastening!

In this situation we find the thoughts of the Baptist employed not upon his own sufferings, but upon the interests of his great Master, the fame of whose miracles had reached the prison, and sounded in his ears. "When John had heard in prison the works of Jesus, he sent two of his disciples-."* Thus the afflictions and tribulations which a Christian must endure for a little season, in the world, should serve only to quicken his desires after his Redeemer; of whose works, wrought in mercy for the children of men, he will often hear; and the contemplation of them should afford him continual delight in the time of his captivity, until the day of his enlargement shall come. With Paul and Silas let him declare the glad tidings of salvation, and sing the praises of God in the prisonhouse. Let him inquire diligently, and take every opportunity of hearing more particulars concerning his Saviour, as also of placing others in the way of information. So will he copy the example of him, who, " when he heard in prison the works of Jesus, sent two of his disciples," that they might be more fully instructed, as to his person and mission.

For that this must have been St. John's intention in sending them, is plain from the question which they were enjoined to ask; "Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?" The Baptist could not propose this question for his own information, but evidently

• Matt. xi. 2, &c.

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