Imatges de pàgina

2d Session.

No. 39.


JANUARY 29, 1855.-Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed.

Mr. FAULKNER, from the Committee on Military Affairs, made the following


The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the resolution of the House, inquiring as to the expediency of refunding to the Territory of Utah certain expenses incurred by said Territory in 1853, have, according to order, had the same under consideration, and respectfully report:

That there is no evidence in the case of such a character as to enable the committee to judge of the necessity of the expenditure; that the vouchers submitted are not authenticated either by the governor or any other of the federal officers of the Territory; that the committee have no cognizance either of a proclamation of the governor calling out the troops, which necessitated this expenditure, or of any of his messages to the Territorial legislature with reference thereto. The committee, therefore, without prejudicing any application for the claim in future, when it may become better supported by evidence, ask to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject.

2d Session. S

No. 40.


JANUARY 29, 1855.-Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed.

Mr. FAULKNER, from the Committee on Military Affairs, made the following


The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was recommitted House bill No. 615, entitled "A bill for the increase and better organization of the army, and for other purposes," have, according to order, had the same under consideration; and, having availed themselves of the oral testimony and written views of several distinguished and intelligent officers of the army, in maturing the details of the bill, they respectfully submit the same to the House, and ask that the accompanying testimony and letters may be printed.

Memorandum of the order of papers.

1. Winfield Scott's testimony.

2. Letter of General Jesup.

3. Letter of General Totten.

4. Letters of Adjutant General Cooper and Judge Advocate Lee.

5. Letter of General Lawson.

6. Letter of General Gibson. 7. Letter of Colonel Craig. 8. Letter of Colonel Abert. 9. Letter of Major Mordecai. 10. Letter of Captain Maynadier.


Examination of Major General Winfield Scott, of the U. S. Army, on the subject of its reorganization.

WEDNESDAY, January 3, 1854.

Question by Mr. Faulkner, chairman of the committee: What, in your opinion, should be the strength of the army of the United States at this time, in view of our extensive seaboard and foreign frontier; our present and prospective relations with the Indian tribes of the West, and the protection due to our several routes of emigration?

Answer. The increase in the strength of the army, as provided for in the bill submitted by the War Department, now under consideration by the committee, I deem highly necessary. The bill proposes that there shall be two additional regiments of infantry and two of cavalry. This is, I consider, the minimum force that is essential to be added to the army to protect the frontiers against the hostilities of Indians, the present force on the frontiers being entirely inadequate for that purpose. In Texas, the Indian hostilities have been more destructive than at other points, principally on account of the small force stationed in that country. The troops are constantly engaged in encounters with hostile Indians, and the loss of men, when successful, is always in the inverse ratio of our inferior numbers. Hence the proposed increase, simply in reference to Indian frontiers, seems to be dictated by considerations both of policy and humanity, in order that adequate protection may be afforded to our border inhabitants without a useless sacrifice of our brave detachments.

The increase proposed, of two regiments of infantry and two of cavalry, organized like the present forces, and characterized by the like zeal and activity, would, in my opinion, give reasonable protection to our frontiers and overland immigrants.

Question by Mr. Faulkner: Is the proposed increase essential to the present exigencies of the country, without any reference to the probabilities of a foreign war?

Answer. This addition has no reference to war with any foreign power. If such event were anticipated, it is presumed that ten or fifteen times as many regiments would be called for.

Question by Mr. Faulkner: How many companies are there at present on the seacoast of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico?

Answer. But twelve-two of which are at Boston; none east of Boston; two at New York; none between Boston and New York; two at Old Point Comfort; two at Charleston; none on the Savannah; one at Pensacola; one at Key West; and none at New Orleans.

Question by Mr. Faulkner: By the bill now before me the artillery has been reduced two regiments. Is it the idea, by this reduction, to confine that corps to duties on the seaboard?

Answer. The Secretary of War, after a full conference, has allowed me humbly to suggest to the committee (and neither presumes on

more than a suggestion) that that part of the original bill contemplating a reduction in the present artillery be struck out, or that the artillery be left as it is. I would here remark, that it is not intended to withdraw any of the forces from the frontiers until the latter shall be tranquilled. The original bill recommended by the Secretary, provided for four additional regiments of infantry. This number, it is suggested, may be reduced to two if the artillery remain as at present.

Question by Mr. Faulkner: What number of privates and noncommissioned officers should constitute a company in a regiment?

Answer. The Secretary of War and myself are agreed in suggesting the advantages of a sliding scale, placing it at the discretion of the President to increase and diminish the number of privates in a company to any number between sixty-four and one hundred, according to the varying exigencies of the service.


In the cavalry no more than sixty-four privates to a company, for duty and actually present, are necessary; and it is not to be presumed that the President would authorize the increase of a company of cavalry more beyond the minimum than to provide for unavoidable cases of absence. This sliding scale might vary the number of the rank and file a little more than 33 per cent.

One difficulty which this suggestion would obviate is this: We can never bring the numbers per company (and consequently not those of the army) up to the full extent. If, for instance, the legal complement be ten thousand men, we can never have on the muster and pay rolls more than eight thousand five hundred. If the legal establishment be limited to twelve thousand men, ten thousand would probably be our nearest approach, and so on.

Under the law, we never can recruit up to the maximum, from the fear that we may exceed it. On any given day the government must always be months behind in its knowledge of the deaths and desertions which have occurred at all the distant posts, and with detachments of recruits in route to join those posts. As we cannot assume an average number of casualties in advance, for they vary exceedingly, we are obliged to fall considerably below in order not to exceed the law by a single man. Hence, under the proposed augmentation and the discretion given to the President, the establishment might be set down at 19,000 privates; yet, for the reasons mentioned, we should never have on the pay-rolls at the same time more than 15,500, and present, fit for duty, 14,800.

A sliding scale, from 64 to 100 privates in a company, qualified to apply only to companies on remote frontiers, has existed since the beginning of General Taylor's administration. We, army officers, are fully persuaded that a similar provision, applicable to all companies, is equally needed, and I cannot foresee any danger of abuse from the grant of the power.

Question by Mr. Faulkner: Does the increase of regiments, as proposed, make any improper increase in the number of officers?

Answer. The bill takes twenty-eight captains from the Quartermaster's department, eight from the Adjutant General's department, and eight from the Subsistence department; it reduces all the captains

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