The stream may flow, the wheel may run, And bolting-mills, like corks, be stoppers; And London sportsmen (sportsmen ?) meet Like ginger-beer escaping,-poppers: Poor pulse and crum-b-led HOPPERS! Trees in their shrouds resemble men, Yet more than these, in summer's even, THE BARLEY-MOW. To the Editor. My dear sir,-Nothing could possibly exceed the heartfelt pleasure I enjoyed when the last load was drawn into the farm-yard; and the farmer, and his men and women, witnessed the completion of the "Barley-mow." Their huzzas filled the scenery, and the barns and church replied. The carters and horses were trimmed with oughs and wild flowers. The hedges siding the lanes, and the patriarch elms and walnut-trees, as the survivors of templar consecrations to the demesne, took their tithes, to the joy of birds; and the fields had still a generous strewing of ears for the peasant-gleaners, who, like ants, collected a small store for the days of frost and adversity. The farmer's heart gladdened with the reward of his labours. The ale-bottle, when held upward, gurgled its choice liquid into many thirsty throats. Every thing and every body showed satisfaction. The housewife came forth with a rake in her hand, in her sun-shielding gloves and broad flat bonnet, and she sung the rejoicings of her peace in a minor key, suitable to her taste of harmony. Her dau laughter too came tripping in a lightsome gait and charming advance, towards her sire and myself, with cake and cider, dimpling and exhilarating. By this time the "Barley-mow" was coning to a point, and the stray ears were plucked out of its bulging sides. The evening closing into eternity, the peaceful aspect of nature sweetly accorded with the quiet sensations of thankfulness, glowing in the grateful breasts of the persons cast in this out-of-town spot. The increasing pall of dusk, when the work was ended, drew the labourers into a circle within their master's welcome domicile. Here the farmer and his wife and family were assembled, and, without pride's distinction, regaled the sharers of their summer-toil with that beverage that warms the feelings of hope into real joy. This was the triumph of the "Barley-mow." Every tongue praised, as every energy assisted it. It was a heartfelt celebration. Songs were sung, and they danced down the midnight. The foot of Time stepped lightly, till the weather-featured clock toll'd the end of the joyful recreation. Sincerity, unity, and hospitality were blended: the master was satisfied with his servants-the servants were thankful with their means of support. My thoughts rebounded high, as my sympathies awakened to so much happiness in Sir,-The custom of "hanging the shuttle" arose out of the introduction of a " spring loom," which an eminent clothier at Langley ventured, in 1794, to have erected in one of his cottages, built for the use of his men. One person performing nearly as much work in this loom as two persons, the weavers in the neighbourhood met at the "Plough," to consider the best means of opposing the success of the one-shuttle stranger. After sundry resolutions were passed, declarative that spring-looms would prove hurtful to weavers of the old school, they suspended a shuttle to a bacon rack by a skein of tangled yarn over the table round which they sat. Meeting every Saturdaynight at this inn, they pledged their affiance to the "shuttle," and continued the custom till their meetings were fruitless. The "hanging the shuttle" over them signified that no honest weaver should work When VIRTUE her examples drew in heaven, Seven steps to reach them were to mortals given :- Four of the SEVEN: but FAITH five precepts gains: P. NEWSPAPER ORTHOGRAPHY, 1682. From the "True Protestant Mercury," No. 162. ADVERTISEMENT. a Flowered silk Manto (Mantua) LOST Gown of a sable and Gold Coulor, lined with Black, betwixt Arniseed Clere (St. Agnes le Clair) and the White Houses at Hogsden (Hoxton) on Wednesday last, the 19th instant, about 4 or 5 a clock in the Afternoon. Any one that can give Intelligence of the said Manto Gown to Mr. Blewit's, at the Rose and Crown in Loathberry, shall have 10s. for their pains. Poetry. For the Table Book. THE DESTRUCTION OF And it came to pass that night, that the Angel of the Lord went out, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and five thousand and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses1-2 Kings, xix. 35. The sun in his beauty had sunk to rest, The Fiend of Fear his dark wings spread O'er the city of God, and fill'd it with dread; The Assyrian hosts were proud in their might, ing, Each man in his armour lay prostrate, sleeping! At the midnight watch the angel of God sheen, Which her sickly rays flung over the scene: At the morning watch in the Assyrian camp The pride of his heart and his impious boast; NIXON'S PROPHECIES.-MR. CANNING. MR. CANNING's decease on the 8th of August, 1827, occasioned the following article in the newspapers. THE DEATH OF MR. CANNING PREDICTED BY NIXON, THE ASTROLOGER. In an old book, entitled The Prophecies of Robert Nixon, printed in the year 1701, is the following prophetic declaration, which appears to refer to the late melancholy event, which has deprived the English nation of one of her brightest ornaments :-" In the year 1827 a man will raise himself by his wisdom to one of the most exalted offices in the state. His king will invest him with great power, as a reward for his zeal. England will be greatly rejoiced. A strong party will enter into a league against him, but their envy and hatred will not prevail. The power of God, which reigneth over all, will cut him off in his prime, and the nation will bitterly bemoan her loss. Oh, England? beware of thy enemies. A great friend thou wilt lose in this man." The preceding is a prediction made after the event a mere "hoax" on the credulous. There is nothing of the kind among the prophecies imputed to Nixon, who was not an astrologer, and probably existed nowhere but in the imagination of the writer of the manuscript copied by the "Ladv Cowper." BUSH EELS. At this season when persons, at inns in Lincolnshire, ask for "eel-pie," they are presently provided with "bush eels;" namely, snakes, caught for that purpose in the bushes, and sold to the landlords cheaply, which are made into stews, pies, and fries. P. Sir Edward Sackville, by whose hand the lord Edward Bruce fell, was younger brother to Richard Sackville, earl of Dorset, on whose death he succeeded to the title. He was lord president of the council, a joint lord keeper, and filled several other distinguished offices under Charles I., to whom he adhered, by whose side he fought at the battle of Edge-hill, and whose death he took so much to heart, that he never afterwards stirred out of his house in Salisbury-court, but died there on the 17th of July, 1652. Between these noblemen there arose a quarrel, which terminated in their duel; and all that is, or probably can be known respecting it, is contained in the following correspondence, preserved in a manuscript in Queen's college library, Oxford.* A Monsieur, Monsieur Sackvile. "I that am in France, hear how much you attribute to yourself in this time, that I have given the world leave to ring your praises; and for me, the truest almanack, to tell you how much I suffer. If you call to memory, when as I gave you my hand last, I told you I reserved the heart for a truer reconciliation. Now be that noble gentleman, my love once spoke, and come and do him right that could recite the tryals you owe your birth and country, were I not confident your honour gives you the same courage to do me right, that it did to do me wrong. Be master of your own weapons and time; the place wheresoever, I will wait on you. By doing this, you shall shorten revenge, and clear the idle opinion the world hath of both our worths. "ED. BRUCE." A Monsieur, Monsieur Baron de Kinloss. "As it shall be always far from me to seek a quarrel, so will I always be ready to meet with any that is desirous to make tryal of my valour, by so fair a course as you require. A witness whereof yourself shall be, who, within a month, shall receive a strict account of time, place, and weapon, where you shall find me ready disposed to give honourable satisfaction, by him that shail conduct you thither. In the mean time, be as secret of the appointment, as it seems you are desirous of it. "E. SACKVILE." • Collins's Peerage. The combat was fierce, and fatal to lord Bruce. The survivor, sir Edward Sackville, describes it in a letter, which will be inserted at a future time. For the present purpose it is merely requisite to state, that lord Stowell, in a communication to the earl of Aberdeen, president of the Society of Antiquarians, dated February 15, 1822, seems to have determined the spot whereon the duel was fought, and the place of lord Bruce's interment. From that communica. tion, containing an account of the discovery of his heart, with representations of the case wherein it was enclosed, the following detail is derived, together with the engravings. It has always been presumed that the duel was fought under the walls of Antwerp; but the combatants disembarked at Bergen-op-Zoom, and fought near that town, and not Antwerp. The circumstances are still well remembered at Bergen, while at Antwerp there is not a trace of them. A small piece of land, a mile and a half from the Antwerp gate of Bergen, goes by the name of Bruce-land; it is recorded as the spot where Bruce fell; and, according to tradition, was purchased by the parties to fight upon. The spot is unclaimed at the present day, and marked by a little earthen boundary, which separates it from the surrounding corn-fields. It was considered, until the French revolution, as free ground, where any person might take refuge without being liable to arrest. Lord Bruce was buried at Bergen, and a monument is stated to have been erected to his memory within the great Protestant church, which was nearly destroyed in the siege of 1747. |