Lives, Events, and Other Players: Directions in PsychobiographyJoseph T. Coltrera J. Aronson, 1981 - 320 pàgines Historical Dictionary of Mexico (Latin American Historical Dictionaries) |
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Judas the Beloved Executioner | 77 |
A Psychoanalytic | 101 |
A Study of Sylvia Plath | 123 |
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Lives, Events, and Other Players: Directions in Psychobiography Joseph T. Coltrera Visualització de fragments - 1981 |
Frases i termes més freqüents
adopted child aggression aggressor Albee ambivalent American Psychoanalytic Association analytic artist attempt Aunty Rosa become Bell Jar biography brother Brothers Karamazov cathected childhood Christ Coltrera Complete Works vol conflict creative dark dead death defense described developmental Dostoyevsky dream early Erikson Esther experience family romance fantasies father feeling Freud fusion Greenacre hatred Heinrich Heinrich Schliemann homosexual identification identity instinctual International Universities Press interpretation Jesus Judas Julian Kanzer killing Kipling Kipling's later libidinal libido living memory metaphor Mishima Mizoguchi mother narcissism narcissistic novel object oedipal oral parricidal patient play poem poet poetry primal scene problems psycho Psychoanalytic Association Psychoanalytic Study psychobiographic psychohistorical psychological Raskolnikov reality regression relationship representation represents role Rudyard Rudyard Kipling sadomasochistic Schliemann sexual soul murder Standard Edition story suicide superego Sylvia Plath symbolic theme Tiny Alice tion Trans Trix unconscious victim Virginia Woolf wishes woman writing York young Yukio Mishima
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The Compulsion to Create: Women Writers and Their Demon Lovers Susan Kavaler-Adler Previsualització no disponible - 2000 |