Imatges de pàgina


in this life, would enjoy all the virtuous gratifica- CHAP. 'tions, that his fancy could suggest.

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6. The roots of law are the whole Veda, the ordinances and moral practices of such as perfectly understand it, the immemorial customs of good men, and, in cases quite indifferent, self-satisfaction.

7. Whatever law has been ordained for any person by MENU, that law is fully declared in the Veda: for HE was perfect in divine knowledge :

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A man of true learning, who has viewed this complete system with the eye of sacred wisdom, cannot fail to perform all those duties, which are ' ordained on the authority of the Veda.

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9. No doubt, that man who shall follow the rules prescribed in the Sruti and in the Smriti, will acquire fame in this life, and, in the next, inexpressible happiness:


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By Sruti, or what was heard from above, is ' meant the Veda; and by Smriti, or what was remembered from the beginning, the body of law: those two 'must not be oppugned by heterodox arguments; 'since from those two, proceeds the whole system of ' duties.

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11. Whatever man of the three highest classes, having addicted himself to heretical books, shall

treat with contempt those two roots of law, he must

• be

CHAP. be driven, as an Atheist and a scorner of revelation, 'from the company of the virtuous.


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12. The scripture, the codes of law, approved usage, and, in all indifferent cases, self-satisfaction, 'the wise have openly declared to be the quadruple description of the juridical system.

13. A knowledge of right is a sufficient incentive ' for men unattached to wealth or to sensuality; and to those who seek a knowledge of right, the supreme authority is divine revelation;

14. But, when there are two sacred texts, apparently inconsistent, both are held to be law; for both are pronounced by the wise to be valid and recon'cilable;

"let the

15. Thus in the Veda are these texts: 6 "sacrifice be when the sun has arisen," and, "before it "has risen," and, "when neither sun nor stars can "be seen:" the sacrifice, therefore, may be performed at any or all of those times.

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16. He, whose life is regulated by holy texts, from 'his conception even to his funeral pile, has a decided right to study this code; but no other man what


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17. BETWEEN the two divine rivers Saraswati and Drishadwali, lies the tract of land, which the sages have named Brahmáverta, because it was frequented by Gods:

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18. The custom preserved by immemorial tradition CHAP.

' in that country, among the four pure classes, and among those which are mixed, is called approved usage.

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6 19. Curucshetra, Matsya, Panchála, or Cányacubja, ' and Súraséna, or Mathurà, form the region called 'Brahmarshi, distinguished from Brahmáverta:

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20. From a Bráhmen who was born in that country, let all men on earth learn their several usages.

21. That country which lies between Himawat and Vindhya, to the east of Vinasana, and to the west of Prayága, is celebrated by the title of Medhyadésa, or the central region.

22. As far as the eastern, and as far as the western oceans, between the two mountains just mentioned, lies the tract which the wise have named Aryaverta, or inhabited by respectable men.

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23. That land, on which the black antelope naturally grazes, is held fit for the performance of sa crifices; but the land of Mlech' has or those who speak barbarously, differs widely from it.

24. Let the three first classes invariably dwell in those before-mentioned countries; but a Súdra, dis'tressed for subsistence, may sojourn wherever he ⚫ chuses.

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' declared to you, together with the formation of this universe: now learn the laws of the several classes.


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26. WITH auspicious acts prescribed by the Veda, 'must ceremonies on conception, and so forth, be duly performed, which purify the bodies of the three ' classes in this life, and qualify them for the next.

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27. By oblations to fire during the mother's pregnancy, by holy rites on the birth of the child, by the tonsure of his head with a lock of hair left on it, by the ligation of the sacrificial cord, are the se'minal and uterine taints of the three classes wholly • removed:


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28. By studying the Veda, by religious observ ances, by oblations to fire, by the ceremony of Traividya, by offering to the Gods and Manes, by the procreation of children, by the five great sacraments, and by solemn sacrifices, this human body is rendered fit for a divine state.

29. Before the section of the navel string a ceremony is ordained on the birth of a male: he must be made, while sacred texts are pronounced, to taste a little honey and clarified butter from a golden 'spoon.

30. Let the father perform or, if absent, cause to be performed, on the tenth or twelfth day after the 'birth, the ceremony of giving a name; or on some 'fortunate day of the moon, at a lucky hour, and under the influence of a star with good qualities

31. The


31. The first part of a Bráhmen's compound name CHAP. 'should indicate holiness; of a Cshatriya's, power; of 'a Vaisya's, wealth; and of a Súdra's, contempt

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32. Let the second part of the priest's name im

ply prosperity; of the soldier's, preservation; of the 'merchant's, nourishment; of the servant's, humble 'attendance.

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33. The names of women should be agreeable, soft, clear, captivating the fancy, auspicious, ending in long ' vowels, resembling words of benediction.


34. In the fourth month the child should be carried out of the house to see the sun in the sixth month, he should be fed with rice; or that may be 'done, which, by the custom of the family, is thought 'most propitious.

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35. By the command of the Veda, the ceremony of tonsure should be legally performed by the three first classes in the first or third year after birth.

36. In the eighth year from the conception of a Bráhmen, in the eleventh from that of a Cshatriya, and in the twelfth from that of a Vaisya, let the father invest the child with the mark of his class:


37. Should a Bráhmen, or his father for him, be desirous of his advancement in sacred knowledge; a Cshatriya, of extending his power; or a Vaisya ' of engaging in mercantile business; the investiture


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