Imatges de pàgina


M. nigra. Page 1345., add to 1. 12.: "Fig. 2526. is a sketch of a remarkable black mulberry tree at Canterbury, growing on the land formerly used as a garden by the monks of St. Augustine, near the Gothic gateway yet remaining of that monastery. Mr. Masters, nurseryman of Canterbury, who kindly sent us the drawing from which fig. 2526. was


engraved, conjectures it to have been planted by the elder Tradescant, who was once gardener to Lady Wootton, at Canterbury. No one remembers to have seen the original trunk in an upright position, and the two arms shown as springing from it have now become large trees. The very remarkable mulberry at Battersea, figured in our Volumes of Plates, is supposed to be 300 years old."

M. álba. Varieties. 1349. M. a. Morettiana is in the Horticultural Society's Garden. M. a. macrophylla Mr. Gordon thinks different from M. hispánica, the former having much the larger leaves.

1358., add to the paragraph entitled "Insects and Diseases:"


Berkeley mentions Agaricus rhagadiòsus Fr., Polyporus Mòri Fr., and Stictis coccinea Fr., as the fungi on Mòrus."

Broussonètia papyrifera. Varieties. 1361., add:


"B. p. 3 frúctu álbo has the fruit white."


before Statistics," add: "Sphæria peregrina Mont. is found on this plant.

Borya acuminata. 1371., add to paragraph headed " Spec. Char., &c.:" "Mr. Gordon informs us that B. acuminata grows much larger than B. ligústrina, and bears a considerable resemblance to a Persian lilac." Ficus. 1370., add to the "Statistics:" "In Suffolk, at Stutton Rectory, 90 years old, it is 30 ft. high, with two stems, each about 3 ft. 6 in. in circumference."


U'lmus campestris. 1378., add to "Varieties: "

"U. c. 19 nana Hort. is, Mr. Gordon informs us, a very distinct variety, not growing above 2 ft. high in 10 or 12 years. A plant in the Horticultural Society's Garden, when taken up to be removed, was found to have a root running along the surface of the ground, which measured between 7 ft. and 8 ft. long.'

1390., insert before "Recorded Elms: "

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"The Fungi on the elm are: Agáricus ulmàrius Bull. (E. of Plants, 15924.), A. vulpinus Sow. (E. of Plants, 16006.), Polyporus ulmàrius Fr., Peziza

leonina Schwein., P. fibulifórmis Bolt., Sphæ'ria stellulàta Fr.; S. dissépta Fr., but not confined to elms; S. ciliàta Pers., found also on the alder; S. melastròma Fr., S. hypodérmia Fr., S. naucòsa Fr.; S. úlmea Schwein., on Ulmus americana; S. cubiculàris Fr., Cytíspora carbonàcea Fr., Dothídea Ulmi Fr. (E. of Plants, 16467.), D. aströídea Berk., Rhytísma Ulmi Fr., Asteròma Ulmi Grev., Hyphèlia fúsca Fr., Tipulària fúlva Chev., Septària U'lmi Fr., on leaves.-M. J. B."

Page 1394. line 6., for "Gredington," read " Gredlington."

1. 29., for "Stoakpole," read "Stackpole."

1. 42., for "Harwood," read "Howard."

Statistics. 1403. 1. 11., for "the Oxford Botanic Garden," read "Magdalen College Grove;" and for "2 ft. 10 in.," read "10 ft."

U. americana. 1406., add to " Varieties:

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"U. a. 5 fòlüs variegatis Hort. There are trees in the Horticultural Society's Garden."

1407. 1. 19., after "(Michaux.)," insert: "It was under a magnificent tree of this species, that Penn signed the treaty with the American Indians."


Juglans. 1422., after "Description," add :


"Numerous fungi are found on trees of this genus, the principal of which are: On J. règia, Polyporus alligàtus Fr., Peziza rosèola Fr., Sphæ`ria tubulìna A. et S., also on the fir; S. lixívia Fr., S. escharöìdes Fr., S. Juglándis Fr.; S. leptóstyla, on leaves; S. juglandícola Fr., on leaves; Mùcor Juglándis Fr., on nuts; Bótrytis atràta Fr., also on horsechestnut. On J. nìgra, or some American species, are: Hýdnum Himántia Schwein., Pezìza Erinaceus Schwein., Cypélla péndula Fr., Sphæ'ria scopària Schwein., Hystèrium pulicàre 6 Juglandis Schwein.—M. J. B.”

Carya álba. 1448. 1. 12., add to paragraph: "Agáricus niger Schwein., and
Sphæ'ria juglandícola Schwein., are found on this species."
Pterocarya caucásica. 1452., add to Identification: Mey. Verz. Pflanz.
Cauc., p. 134."

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at the foot of Caucasus," read on
1. 31., for "
an elevation of 900 ft."


Salix. 1484., before "The Study of the Species," insert:

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Mount Caucasus, at

Fungi. Agáricus epichýsium Pers., A. Dunàlii Dec., A. salícinus Pers.; A. úrbicus Fr., at roots; 4. translùcens Dec.; Cantharéllus cupulàris Fr., on S. phylicifòlia; Dædàlea salígna Fr., D. suaveolens Fr.; D. rubéscens A. et S., on leaves; Polyporus fumòsus Fr., P. suaveolens Fr., P. odòrus Fr., P. conchàtus Fr., P. salicinus Fr.; Hýdnum crustòsum Pers., also on pine; Peziza poriæfórmis Dec.; P. aménti Batsch, on catkins; P. iánthina Fr., P. salicélla Fr., P. flexélla var. Fr., Ditìola sulcata Fr., Týmpanis salígna Fr., Cenangìum fuliginosum, Stictis Lecanòra Fr., S. pelvícola Fr., Cryptómyces Waúch” Grev. (E. of Plants, 16289.), Tremélla indecòra Sommerfelt, Exídia recìsa Fr., Scleròtium salícinum Fr., Sphæ'ria cónfluens Tode, S. corrugata Chev., also on poplar; S. bullàta Pers., also on hazel; S. subcutanea Wahl., on S. phylicifòlia; S. salicélla Fr., S. tessélla Pers.; S. salícina Fr., also on the vine; S. centripeta Fr., S. dolòsa Fr., S. acervàlis Moug., S. byssisèda Tode; S. papillàta Schum., on Sàlix frágilis; S. mastöídea Fr., S. truncàta Fr., S. hæmatorhýncha Somm., S. palina Fr.; S. càpreæ Dec., and S. salicícola, on leaves; Sphæronèma cylindricum Fr., also on the oak; Cytíspora xanthospérma Fr.; C. fùgax Fr., also on the hazel; Phòma saligna Fr., Dothídea paradóxa Fr., Rhytísma 118., and máximum Fr.; R. salícinum Fr. (syn. Xylòma salícinum Grev. E. of Plants, 16490.), on leaves; Phacídium laciniàtum Fr., on leaves; P. carbonaceum Fr., Hystèrium ellípticum Fr.; H. versicolor Fr., on S. hastàta; and S. arbúscula, Apiospòrium Sálicis Kz., Helminthospòrium simplex Kz.;

H. clavuligerum Fr., on S. álba; Sporótrichum fúlvum Fr., S. salícinum Fr.; Fusispòrium ebúlliens Fr., on S. mollíssima; Næmáspora incarnàta Desm., Conóplea cinerea Pers.; Urèdo míxta Lk., U. salicèti Schlecht., U. epítea Kz., U. capreàrum Dec., and Puccínia Sálicum Lk., on

leaves.-M. J. B."

S. babylónica. Varieties. Page 1514., after "S. b.
Napoleòna," add: "May 10th, we received
specimens from the brickfield at Hanwell,
Pope's Villa, and the Twickenham Botanic
Garden, in blossom; all with female flowers."
S. nigra. 1529., add to the paragraph headed
Spec. Char., &c. :""In fig. 2527.a shows
S. nigra, and b S. ligústrina."

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S. versicolor. 1541., add to list of Engravings: “our fig. 2528."

1602. After" App. i.," add:

S. colutevides Mirb. Mus., vol. xiv. t. 20., and our fig. 2529., has the



leaves elliptic, blunt, terminated by small mucros, quite entire, glabrous, on short footstalks, wedge-shaped and oblique at the base, glaucous beneath. Male catkins appearing with the leaves, oblong-conical, interrupted at the base. Stamens 8-12. Filaments unequal. (Mirbel.) A shrub or tree, a native of Senegal, where it was discovered by M. Pérodet. Leaves from in. to 1 in. in length, and from 3 to 5 lines in breadth; rounded at the tip. Female not known. (p. 463.)"

1602., add to Kinds of Salix not introduced :—

S. sitchensis Hort. is mentioned in the Mém de l'Acad. des Scien. Petersb., as quoted in Ann. des Scien. Nat., 2d ser., t. iii. p. 237.

Populus. 1637. 1. 18., after "surface" add, omitting full stop: "; the buds are also without gum."

Last line but one, add: "The flavour of the herbage of P. nigra and P. fastigiata, when bruised, is very peculiar; and the smell of a dried branch resembles that of the common walnut."

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1638. 1. 9. from the bottom: "The following list of fungi found on the species of this genus, has been sent to us by the Rev. M. J. Berkeley: Agaricus Battárræ Fr., A. haustellàris Fr., Dædàlea angustàta Fr., Polyporus populinus Fr., P. castaneus Fr., Thelephora flocculenta Fr., T. ròsea Pers., T. suaveolens Fr., Pezìza scéptrum Batsch, in poplar groves; P. corticàlis Pers., also on the oak; P. spadicea Pers. ; P. caucus Reb., on catkins; Stictis ocellàta Fr., S. farinòsa Fr.; S. rhodoleùca Somm., also on pine cones; Scleròtium inclùsum S. et K., S. popúlneum Fr., on leaves; S. rhizomorpha Fr., S. protuberans Fr., Sphæria ligniòta Fr., S. aneírina Somm., S. opérta Schmidt, S. popùlina Pers., S. mutila Fr., S. ceuthocárpa Fr., S. exìlis A. et S., S. maculàris Fr., S. tremulæ cola Fr., S. frondícola Fr., on leaves; Cytíspora chrysospérma Fr., on leaves; Phòma fìlum Fr., Dothídea sphæröìdes Fr.; Phacídium fimbriàtum Schmidt., on leaves; Hystèrium emérgens Fr., Didymium sérpula Fr., Perichæ'na popùlina Fr., Hyphèlia ròsea Fr.;

Perisporium maculàre Fr., Urèdo allóchroa Lk., U. cylindrica Strauss (also on the birch), and U. ægérina Schlecht., on leaves.

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P. álba. Page 1639., add to "Spec. Char.:" "The leaves of P. alba, and all its varieties, are not folded in the bud, and the buds are without gum P. trémula. Geography. 1647. 1. 9., add, after full stop: "It is found on Mount Etna, at the height of 5500 ft. (Com. Bot. Mag., i. p. 91.)"

P. fastigiata. 1661. 1. 10., dele "said to be;" and

1. 11., after "Himalayas," add, "where it was
found by Dr. Royle;" and for "to have
been," read "was." 1. 16. after full stop, add:
"Near Pavia was till lately a very large poplar,
into which Francis I. struck his sword, after
losing the battle of Pavia."

1669. 1. 13., add: "The wood is little used in Britain;
but in Hampshire, Vancouver tells us, thin
strips or shavings of it are employed for
making chip hats. (Survey, &c., p. 300.)"
P. balsamifera. 1673., add to " Engravings:
our fig. 2530. from Pall. Ross."

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A'lnus. 1686., add to the paragraph headed "Accidents, Insects, and Diseases :" "The follow

ing list of fungi on the common alder, and on plants of this genus, has been sent to us by the Rev. M.J. Berkeley:-Agáricus salicinus B beryllus Pers., A. alnicola Fr., Merùlius cónfluens Schwein., M. níveus Somm., M. crispàtus Müll., Dædàlea móllis Somm,. Polyporus Neèsi Fr.; Hýdnum pudorinum Fr.,on A'lnus incàna; H.víride Fr., H. stipàtum Fr., Rádulum péndulum Fr., Theléphora álnea Fr., Clavària contorta Holmsk., Peziza urceolus A. et S., P. phiala Schum.; P. complanàta Fr., on Alnus cordata; Týmpanis álnea Fr., Tremélla fimbriata Pers., Scleròtium olivaceum Fr., Nidulària denudata Fr.; Sphæria lùtea A. et S., also on the willow; S. verrucélla Fr., S. suffùsa Fr., S. diatrypa Fr.; S. frit Fr.; also on Negundo fraxinifolium; S. thelébola Fr., S. mucòsa Fr., S. dítopa Fr.; S. álnea Fr., on leaves; Cytíspora àtro-virens Fr., Dothídea álnea Fr. and D. rhytismöìdes Fr., on leaves; Phacídium álneum Fr., Perispòrium álneum Fr., A'nthina dichotoma Fr."

App. i. Other Species of A'lnus. 1690., add :"A. acuminata Hum. et Bonpl., Mém. Mus., vol. xiv. p. 464. t. 22., and our

[graphic][graphic][subsumed][merged small]

fig. 2531., has the leaves ovate, or ovate-oblong, acuminate, roundish at the base, doubly serrated, glabrous above; the veins downy beneath. Panicle naked. Female catkins terminal. (Mirb.) A tree, a native of Peru, where it was found by Dombey, and also by Humboldt and Bonpland. Leaves from 3in. to 6 in. long, and from 1 in. to 3 in. broad.

"A. castaneafolia Mirb. Mém. Mus., vol. xiv. t. 21., and our fig. 2532., has the leaves oblong-elliptic, blunt, repand; or oblong-lanceolate, eroso-dentate petiolate; glabrous above; the axils of the veins downy beneath. Panicle leafy at the base. Male catkins leafy, erect. (Mirbel.) A tree, found by Dombey, near Tarma, in Peru. Leaves from 3 in. to 5 in. long, and from 10 to 15 lines broad. Stipules small, glabrous, membranaceous, linear-lanceolate. Male catkins from 1 in. to 2 in. long, more slender than in A. glutinosa, and 4 or 5 in a panicle. Female catkins about 2 lines long, 4 or 5 on a common pedicel. (Mém. Mus., xiv. p. 464.)" Bétula álba. Page 1704., add to the list of fungi: "Besides the species mentioned above, Mr. Berkeley informs us that the following are found upon the birch: Agaricus torulosus Pers., 4. pulmonarius Fr., A. álgidus Fr., A. ringens Fr., Dædàlea álbida Fr., D. discolor Fr., Polyporus chiòneus Fr., P. pubescens Fr.; P. nidulans Fr., also on the beech; P. annòsus Fr., Hýdnum divérsidens Fr., H. leoninum Fr., H. corrugàtum Fr., H. aureum Fr., H. subcárneum Fr., H. cristulàtum Fr., H. argùtum Fr., H. subtìle Fr., Thelephora sarcoides Fr., T. anthochroa Fr., T. mùcida Fr., T. cónfluens, Peziza Schumácheri Fr., Patellària olivàceo-virens Fr., Bulgària pellùcens Fr., Cenangium pulveràceum Fr.; C. urcèolus Fr., also on the heath; C. Bétulæ Fr., Tremélla élegans Fr.; Exídia repánda Fr., also on the alder; Sphæria virgultòrum."

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B. fruticosa. 1705. 1. 23 for "Schrift.," read "Schrank."

B. papyracea. 1709. 1. 16. from the bottom, for "Gard. Mag., vol. xi. p. 407.," read "Gard. Mag., vol. vi. p. 405."


Quercus. 1729., 1. 26., for "Part IV. of this work," read "our Encyclopædia of Arboriculture."

Q. sessiliflora. 1736. 1. 11., add: "In the First Annual Report of the Edinburgh Botanical Society, p. 35., Dr. Graham states that he found three varieties of oaks on the banks of Loch Lomond; and that they are the same as those figured in Martyr's Flora Rustica, t. 10, 11, and 12."

I. 39., add, after full stop: "At Woburn Abbey."

1746. 1. 21., for "Great part of the Forest of Ardennes," &c., read: "In the district of Warwickshire, called the Forest of Arden, are several woods which consist almost entirely," &c.

1773., add to the paragraph headed "Ireland:" "We have been informed by Sir Robert Bateson, that there is an oak in Belvoir Park, in the county of Down, which is supposed to be above a thousand years old. Its trunk measures 28 ft. in circumference, at

6 ft. from the ground; and its branches cover a
space the diameter of which is 70 ft."

1790. I. 1., for "we know tree," read "we know no



1809. 1. 14. from the bottom, for "small ones," read "small arms."

1818. 1. 23., add: "Seólytus pygmæ'us (see p. 1390.) is said to have destroyed 80,000 young trees in the Bois de Boulogne."

1831., before the paragraph beginning "The other lichens," insert: "U'snea barbata, Ach. Syn., 306.; Lichen barbàtus Linn., articulàtus 3 Eng. Bot., t. 258. f. 2.; and our fig. 2533., is also found on the oak."

1837., add to first paragraph: "In addition to the above, the Rev. M. J. Berkeley has sent us the following list of fungi found on the oak: Agáricus dásypus Pers.; A. speìreus Fr. also beech; A. chàma Bosc, A. pinsitus Fr.; A. tessulàtus Bull., also on pine; A. ilícinus Dec., on Q.ex;

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