Imatges de pàgina

in a great measure succeeded. When he was about a year old, Mr. Hutchison returned to Cape Coast, and had him led through the country by a chain, occasionally letting him loose when eating was going forward, when he would sit by his master's side, and receive his share with comparative gentleness. Once or twice he purloined a fowl, but easily gave it up to Mr. Hutchison, on being allowed a portion of something else. The day of his arrival he was placed in a small court leading to the private rooms of the gover. nor, and after dinner, was led by a thin cord into the room where he received our salutations with some degree of roughness but with perfect good humour. Ön the least encouragement he laid his paws upon our shoulders, rubbed his head upon us, and his teeth and claws having been filed, there was no danger of tearing our cloths. He was kept in the above court for a week or two, and evinced no ferocity, except when one of the servants tried to pull his food from him; he then caught the offender by the leg, and tore out a piece of flesh, but he never seemed to owe him any ill-will afterwards. He one morning broke his cord, and the cry being given, the castle gates were shut, and a chase commenced. After leading his pursuers two or three times round the ramparts, and knocking over a few children by bouncing against them, he suffered himself to be caught, and led quietly back to his quarters, under one of the guns of the fortress.

By degrees the fear of him subsided, and orders having been given to the sentinels to prevent his escape through the gates, he was left at liberty to go where he pleased, and a boy was appointed to prevent him from intruding into the apartments of the officers. His keeper, how ever, generally passed his watch in sleeping, and Saï, as the panther was called, after the royal giver, roamed at large. On one occasion he found his servant sitting on the step of the door, upright, but fast asleep, when he lifted his paw, gave him a blow on the side of the head which laid him flat, and then stood wagging his tail, as if enjoying the mischief he had committed. He became exceedingly attached to the governor, and followed him every-where like a dog. His favourite station was at a window of the sittingroom, which over-looked the whole town, there, standing on his hind legs, his forepaws resting on the ledge of the window, and his chin laid between them, he appeared to amuse himself with what was passing beneath. The children also stood with him at the window; and one day, finding his presence an incumbrance, and

that they could not get their chairs close, they used their united efforts to pull him down by the tail. He one morning missed the governor, who was settling a dispute in the hall, and who, being surrounded by black people, was hidden from the view of his favourite. Saï wandered with a dejected look to various parts of the fortress in search of him; and while absent on this errand the audience ceased, the governor returned to his private room, and seated himself at a table to write. Presently he heard a heavy step coming up the stairs, and, raising his eyes to the open door, he beheld Sai. At that moment he gave himself up for lost, for Saï immediately sprang from the door on to his neck. Instead, however, of devouring him, he laid his head close to the governor's, rubbed his cheek upon his shoulder, wagged his tail, and tried to evince his happiness. Occasionally, however, the panther caused a little alarm to the other inmates of the castle, and the poor woman who swept the floors, or, to speak technically, the pra-pra woman, was made ill by her fright. She was one day sweeping the boards of the great hall, with a short broom, and in an attitude nearly approaching to all-fours, and Saï, who was hidden under one of the sofas, suddenly leaped upon her back, where he stood in triumph. She screamed so violently as to summon the other servants, but they, seeing the panther, as they thought, in the act of swallowing her, one and all scampered off as quickly as possible; nor was she released till the governor, who heard the noise, came to her assistance. Strangers were naturally uncomfortable when they saw so powerful a beast at perfect liberty, and many were the ridiculous scenes which took place, they not liking to own their alarm, yet perfectly unable to retain their composure in his presence.

This interesting animal was well fed twice every day, but never given any thing with life in it. He stood about 2ft. high, and was of a dark yellow colour, thickly spotted with black rosettes, and from the good feeding and the care taken to clean him, his skin shone like silk. The expression of his countenance was very animated and good-tempered, and he was particularly gentle to children ; he would lie down on the mats by their side when they slept, and even the infant shared his caresses, and remained unhurt. During the period of his residence at CapeCoast, I was much occupied by making arrangements for my departure from Africa, but generally visited my future companion every day, and we in consequence became great friends before we

sailed. He was conveyed on board the vessel in a large wooden cage, thickly barred in front with iron. Even this confinement was not deemed a sufficient protection by the canoe men*, who were so alarmed at taking him from the shore to the vessel, that, in their confusion, they dropped cage and all into the sea. For a few minutes I gave up my poor panther as lost, but some sailors jumped into a boat belonging to the vessel, and dragged him out in safety. The beast himself seemed completely subdued by his ducking, and as no one dared to open his cage to dry it, he rolled himself up in one corner, nor roused himself till after an interval of some days, when he recognized my voice. When I first spoke, he raised his head, held it on one side, then on the other, to listen; and when I came full into his view, he jumped on his legs, and appeared frantic; he rolled himself over and over, he howled, he opened his enormous jaws, and cried, and seemed as if he would have torn his cage to pieces. However, as his violence subsided, ne contented himself with thrusting his paws and nose through the bars of the cage to receive my caresses. I suspect that he had suffered from sea sickness, as he had apparently loathed all food; but, after this period, he eat every thing that was given to him.

The greatest treat I could bestow upon my favourite was lavender water. Mr. Hutchison had told me that, on the way from Ashantee, he drew a scented handkerchief from his pocket, which was immediately seized on by the panther, who reduced it to atoms; nor could he venture to open a bottle of perfume when the animal was near, he was so eager to enjoy it. I indulged him twice a week by making a cup of stiff paper, pouring a little lavender water into it, and giving it to him through the bars of his cage; he would drag it to him with great eagerness, roll himself over it, nor rest till the smell had evaporated. By this I taught him to put out his paws without showing his nails, always refusing the lavender water till he had drawn them back again; and in a short time, he never, on any occasion protruded his claws when offering me his paw.

We lay eight weeks in the River Gaboon, where he had plenty of excellent food, but was never suffered to leave his

*The panther in these countries is a sacred or Fetish animal, and not only a heavy fine is extorted from those who kill one, but the Fetish is supposed to revenge his death by cursing the offender.

cage, on account of the deck being always filled with black strangers to whom he had a very decided aversion, although he was perfectly reconciled to white people. His indignation, however, was constantly excited by the pigs when they were suffered to run past his cage! and the sight of one of the monkeys put him in a complete fury. While at anchor in the before-mentioned river, an orang-outang, (Simia Satyrus) was brought for sale, and lived three days on board; and I shall never forget the uncontrollable rage of the one, or the agony of the other, at this meeting. The orang was about 3ft. high and very powerful in proportion to his size; so that when he fled with extraordinary rapidity from the panther to the further end of the deck, neither men nor things remained upright when they opposed his progress; there he took refuge in a sail, and although generally obedient to the voice of his master, force was necessary to make him quit the shelter of its folds. As to the panther, his back rose in an arch, his tail was elevated and perfectly stiff, his eyes flashed, and, as he howled, he showed his huge teeth; then, as if forgetting the bars before him, he tried to spring on the orang, to tear him to atoms. It was long before he recovered his tranquillity; day and night he appeared to be on the listen; and the approach of a large monkey we had on board, or the intrusion of a black man, brought a return of his agitation.

We at length sailed for England, with an ample supply of provisions; but, unhappily, we were boarded by pirates during the voyage, and nearly reduced to starvation. My panther must have perished, had it not been for a collection of more than three hundred parrots with which we sailed from the river, and which died very fast while we were in the northwest trades. Saï's allowance was one per diem, but this was so scanty a pittance, that he became ravenous, and had not patience to pick all the feathers off before he commenced his meal, the consequence was that he became very ill, and refused even this small quantity of food. Those around tried to persuade me that he suffered from the colder climate, but his dry nose and paws convinced me that he was feverish, and I had him taken out of his cage; when, instead of jumping about and enjoying his liberty, he lay down, and rested his head upon my feet. I then made him three pills, each containing two grains of calomel. The boy who had the charge him, held his jaws open, and I pushed the of him, and who was much attached to medicine down his throat. Early the next

morning I went to visit my patient, and found his guard sleeping in the cage with him; and having administered a further dose to the invalid, I had the satisfaction of seeing him perfectly cured by the evening. On the arrival of the vessel in the London Docks, Saï was taken ashore, and presented to the Duchess of York, who placed him in Exeter 'Change, to be taken care of, till she herself went to Oatlands. He remained there for some weeks, and was suffered to roam about the greater part of the day without any restraint. On the morning previous to the Duchess's departure from town, she went to visit her new pet, played with him and admired his healthy appearance and gentle deportment. In the evening, when Her Royal Highness's coachman went to take him away, he was dead, in consequence of an inflammation on his lungs.'

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After hearing her sing Angels ever bright and fair,' at the Cecilian Society.

If the sweet chords of feeling draw the soul
Out of its prison to the purer sphere
Of high beatitude :-If Heaven control
The human passions by the list'ning ear.
And aught abstract them, then thy voice,
how dear!

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persuasion of this, added to a feeling of indignation not yet quelled by the effects of office, I had well nigh resolved that my labours should terminate with the above stipulated probation, and that, in going away, I would take care to tell Messrs. Gladwin and Co. " my mind," by writing them a special letter.

"In ignominious terms, though clerkly couched."

But my father was of another way of thinking, and nullified this intention. He had perhaps, the largest share ever known of that persuasion entertained, unchangeably, by some tradespeople, that the state of a merchant's clerk is something of a superior order, something to be regarded with an upward eye, as being at once important and genteel. He had acted upon this prejudice, and was not likely to see through it by any light afforded by the complaints of one who had lived so few years in the world as myself. He was sure I should begin to taste the sweets of my employment by and by. He thought that "lads should expect to meet with a spice of difficulty, and ought not to care a fig for it." Above all, he had no notion of boys being idle. I was made over, in continuity, to Messrs. Gladwin and Co.

The first two years of my service were rated at nothing, though I was myself

'Angels are bright and fair l'—Their realm of continually rated at a great deal. There


Most excellent and sinless, is the throne Of Hope. The unions of thy lips can raise, The saddest hearts to that melodious zone, And become stars of melody and tone.

[blocks in formation]

had been a verbal understanding between the house and my father, to the indefinite purport that I should receive, after the lapse of that time, a genteel salary. The event showed, that gentility, with Messrs. Gladwin and Co., commenced at fifteen pounds a year. At least, a check for this amount, (and I thought it a check in a double sense,) was put into my hands, as a twelvemonth's stipend-though I should observe that my liberal employers had the grace, or the policy, to call it a present, rather than a salary. This species of encouragement was admitted, even by paternal consent, to be somewhat in the low way but a special arrangement, thereupon made, ensured to my exertions of the following year, the compliment of twice the above sum; and the firm itself, of its own accord, proposed, subsequently that my remuneration should take an annual ascent of ten pounds: by which example of arithmetical progression, I should have come to be in the receipt, when twenty-two years of age, of eighty pounds per annum.

After an ample discharge of all the lowest functions of junior clerk, I was at length permitted to mount up into the situation of under book-keeper.

In this


A FEW days before the Duke set off on his has last expedition, he gave a farewell mask and supper, at York-house, to their Majesties. In_the_mask the Duke appeared followed by Envy with many openmouthed dogs; these represented the barkings of the people; they were followed by Fame and Truth. The courtly allegory expressed the King's sentiment and the Favourite's sanguine hope.

new department, if there was less fatigue Ellustrations of History. of body, there was far more labour of head. Those only who have practically known the dejection of spirit, and the general forfeiture of all healthful feeling, which are produced by long hours of confinement to a desk, with the chest narrowed forwards, and the throbbing head stooping down over a mass of white paper, and a labyrinth of black figures, while a dim and melancholy light half excludes the consciousness of day, and seems scarce willing to lend itself to the office it looks so sadly upon; those only who have been forced to know this, can fully conceive what I now endured. I became a perfect martyr to the dizzing torments of daybook and ledger. The very habits of my occupation became a kind of disease. The mystical tyranny of arithmetic pursued me through every action and circumstance. If I sought the relief of variety and motion by undertaking some matter of business out of doors, the numerical process haunted me along the streets, and I found myself for ever making vain calculations, and fretting my brain with false additions, or multiplications without result! If I lay down at night, and my head exhausted itself into sleep, the phantoms of figures, preternaturally enlarged, and endowed with powers of movement and speech, danced in combinations horribly grotesque around me, and mocked me with threats quaint but dreary, for the presumption of endeavouring to overcome singly, the force of numbers! The feebleness of my health was thus made worse by the strength of hypochondria, while the wonted paleness of my countenance was only qualified by a mixture with the saffron hue that is incidental to a bilious habit, and is always aggravated by a sedentary course of life.


To such a thing as this was I reducedwith enough left of vitality to go on, but not enough of spirit to complain. those who are blessed with inexperience in these matters, it may seem extraordinary that "the firm" shound have shewn no feeling for my infirmity. But, in a counting-house, health is a commodity of which the fluctuations are very little regarded, seeing they have no reference to a commercial value, and that no amount of the article admits of being carried out into a money column. At least this is the case wherever commerce is pursued with the gambling excitement and sharkish avidity that stimulated these my principles, whom I do not accuse of wanting common humanity, when they overlooked mo wretched condition, but rather of forgetting that virtue in the hurry of business.

(To be Concluded in our next.)

The circumstances of Buckingham's assassination have varied in the detail, as they were reported by different persons. The blow was instantaneous-the effect immediate-terror and confusion darted among all who saw, and spread to all who heard. None at first really knew how the affair happened, or who could be the assassin. Even the papers discovered in Felton's hat, Lord Clarendon supposed consisted of a few lines from "the Remonstrance." Lord Carleton, who was himself present, and saved Felton from the vengeance of the military, "and who wrote upon this subject," is imperfect; so careless are the hurried transcriptions in a moment of agitation. Since then, I have seen in a collection of autographs, the identical paper, which differs from all preceding ones. It may surprise the curious reader to be informed that Felton's paper appears in the Mercure François, literally translated; so that the French actually possessed the document in 1628, which never entered into our history till 1825, when Dr. Lingard first printed it from the original. I notice this circumstance as one evidence of the authenticity of the secret history, often preserved in the Mercure; sometimes the production of Louis XIII. and Cardinal Richelieu.

The deputies of La Rochelle had been warmly engaged with the Duke in conversation: still fearfully suspicious that he designed to delay the expedition, Buckingham shewed them fresh letters, which noticed that the Rochellers had within a few days received a convoy of provisions, and that fifty head of cattle had entered La Rochelle. They exclaimed against the intelligance as only an artifice of the Cardinal's to retard the departure of the fleet. They declared that oxen must have wings to fly before they could enter that fated town. Soubise joined them, protesting against the Duke's trusting to such perfidious intelligence. The noisy vivacity which the French usually assume when they would carry their point, accompanied by strong gesti


culations, induced the bystanders to ima Sketches of Orators, No. 6. gine that they were speaking to the Duke with great animosity. Buckingham assured them that not a day should be lost; he was hastening to take his last leave of the King, who was four miles from Plymouth. Turning from them, on leaving the apartment, he stopped in the passage where Sir Thomas Frier waited to show him a plan which Buckingham was considering with deep attention. This officer was a short man. An unseen hand, reaching over his shoulder, struck a knife into the left breast of Buckingham;-it pierced the lungs, and was left plunged into his heart. Villain!" was the single interjection uttered. Yet Buckingham

had then the fortitude to draw the murderous instrument from his own heart ;he would have advanced, as if he meant to reach the assassin, but staggering, he fell, and was caught up in the arms of his attendant. The Duchess and her sister rushed to the scene of horror-there lay their loved and ill-fated lord, bathed in his blood. All the predictions, all their long daily fears, were at length realised by a single blow from an unknown hand, at a spot and at a moment when it could have been least dreaded. The assassin might have escaped detection had he

chosen it.

Thus resolutely engaged in the cause which the people had so much at heart, the blood with which Buckingham would have sealed it was shed by one of the people themselves, the enterprise designed to retrieve the national honour so long tarnished, was perhaps fatally prevented, and the Protestant cause suffered by the hand of one who imagined himself to be, and was blest by nearly the whole nation as a patriot. Such are the false appearances of things in the exaggerations of popular delusion.



The hand which struck Buckingham was not indeed guided by a Roman spirit," though Felton mistook himself to be one, and the whole nation imagined him such. In Felton we see a man acting from mixed and confused motives. melancholy and solitary habits, and one of the many officers who had brooded over disappointments both in promotion and arrears of pay, he felt a degree of personal animosity towards Buckingham. With great integrity of truth and honour, he was deservedly known by the nickname of "honest Jack." The religious enthusiasm of the times had deeply possessed his mind; and when " the Remonstrance" appeared, it acted on his imagination, as probably on many others-and he believed that the Duke was "one of the foulest monsters on earth."—Israeli's Chas. I.

Lysias, the son of Cephalus, the Syra-
susan, was one of the ten orators born at
Athens, whither his father had been trans-
ported. Two men, greatly renowned for
their learning, the one an orator, and the
other an historian* settled in the colony of
Thusios. The first was Lysias, at that
time but fifteen years of age; he conti-
nued here till he was forty-seven and then
returned to Athens, a gracious and polite
writer and most excellent orator. All the
citizens of any consideration in Athens,
who still retained a love of liberty, quitted
a place reduced to so harsh and shameful
a slavery, and sought elsewhere an asy-
lum and a retreat where they might live
in safety. Lysias, who had been ba-
nished by the Thirty, raised 500 soldiers
at his own expense, and sent them to the
aid of the common country of eloquence.
Before the first year of the 95 Olympiad,
Socrates being accused of holding bad
opinions in regard to the gods, and of
corrupting the Athenian youth; as soon
as the conspiracy broke out, the friends of
Socrates prepared for his defence. Lysias
brought him an elaborate discourse of his
composing, wherein he had set forth the

reasons and measures of Socrates in their
fullest light, and interspersed the whole
with tender and pathetic strokes, capable
of moving the most obdurate hearts. So-
crates read it with pleasure and approved
it very much; but as it was more con-
formable to the rules of rhetoric than the
sentiments and fortitude of a philosopher,
he told him frankly that it did not suit
him,-upon which Lysias having asked
how it was possible to be well done, and
at the same time not suit him :-"In the
same manner," said he, using according to
his custom, a vulgar comparison,
an excellent workman might bring me
magnificent apparel, or shoes embroider-
ed with gold, to which nothing would be
wanting on his part, but which, however,
would not fit me." Quintilian says,
"Lysias is subtle and elegant than whom
you can require nothing more perfect,
for there is not any thing vain, nor any
thing borrowed, being nearer to the pure
fountain, than the great wide stream."
Dionysius agrees in the same metaphor.

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TRIES, (No. XX.)


One of the most extraordinary public entertainments of the Neapolitans, is the


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