Lochiel's Warning, To Mary, Happiness of Temper Apostrophe to Light, Lucy, Alexander's Feast, Morning, Greece, - Address to the Ocean, : On Sincerity, Falstaff's Ragged Regiment - St. Paul's Defence - Apostrophe to the Queen of France, Burke. Burial service, Dirge in Cymbeline, Report of an adjudged case, Ode on the Passions, Execution of the Earl of Argyle, Battle of Hohenlinden, Antony's Funeral Oration, Country Bumpkin and Razor Seller, Pindar, 23 Common Prayer 24 Address to the Rainbow, - Campbell, 90 Night before the battle of Waterloo, Byron, 91 Rolla to the Peruvians, - Sheridan, 93 Cato's Soliloquy, Addison, 94 Hamlet's Soliloquy - Shakspeare, 95 Marco Bozzaris, 96 Lavinia, Thompson, 98 Young, 101 Brutus and Cassius-Tent Scene, Shakspeare, 103 Roderick Dhu Scott, 108 Henry IV's Soliloquy on Sleep, Chakspeare, 112 Hamlet and Horatio, - Ibid. 113 Parable of the Prodigal Son, 116 Character of Professor Playfair, King Edward and the Earl of Warwick 123 Cardinal Wolsey and Cromwell, Shakspeare, 127 Clarence's Dream, Ibid, 130 Fergus McIvor, Scott, 132 Death of a Spy, Ibid. 137 Death of Marmion, Local Attachment, Goldsmith, 144. Brutus and Cassius-street scene, Shakspeare, 145 Lodgings for Single Gentlemen, 243 Character of Mr. Pitt, Earl of Chatham, Grattan, 245 Extract from Childe Harold, Byron, 246 ERRATA. Page 5, line 8th from the bottom, for cover read covert. 9,8th.topgategates. 14,....10th. bottom, set....fet. 26,4th.top, mortality. mortal. 32,2dtop, heave heaven. 33,14th bottom,.... Whose.... Where. 43,19th.top with by. 46,4th.top whined winced. 50,....16th.. bottom,fed...feed. 52,.... 10th top, .... health. .....heath. 120,... 20th. top of wit.. of a wit. 129, 13th bottom, wait..... hate.. 140,... 28th.top portentious. portentous. 148, 5th bottom....names. ••• name. 167, 9th bottom overturn overrun." 175, 18th.tophounds.bounds. 203,9th.topchptr chapter. 214,9th.bottom, youugyoung. 238,.....4th.top... minstrels.minstrelsy. 240,..... 8th.top, aumented. augmented. |