Imatges de pàgina
[blocks in formation]

Transactions in Ceylon.-Embassy to the King of Kandy.

-Aggressions by his people. - Declaration of War.-

March of troops and capture of the Capital.-Mutu-sami

made King.-Force withdrawn.-Major Davie left at Kandy.

-Attacked by the Cingalese.-Kandy evacuated.-Euro-

peans murdered.-Hostilities continued.-Suspended.-Ty-

ranny and Cruelty of the King.-Fear and Hatred of his

people.-British Subjects seized.-War resumed.-The Capi-

tal again taken.-The King captured, deposed, and sent pri-

soner to Madras.-Ceylon subject to British Authority.-Uni-

versal Discontent and Rebellion.-A Pretender to the Throne.

-Great loss on both sides.-Rebels disheartened.-Leaders

arrested, and the Pretender captured.-The Insurrection.

suppressed. Change of system.-Affairs of Cutch.-Dis-

puted Succession.-General anarchy.-Depredations on the

Gaekwar's Territories.-Disturbances in Kattiwar.-Sup-

pressed.-Troops ordered into Cutch.-Anjar surrendered.

-Agreement with the Rao.-Operations against the Pirate

States. Intrigues at Baroda.-Occurrences at Hyderabad.

-Disorderly conduct of the Nizam's sons. -Put under Re-

straint.- Disturbances in the city.-Critical position.—The

Princes sent to Golconda.-Discussions with the Nawab of

Oude. Views of the Governor-General.-Death of Sádat

Ali.-Succeeded by Ghazi-ud-din.-Visit to the Governor-

General at Cawnpore.-Loan to the Company.-Complains

of the Resident.-Retracts.-Submits final requisitions.-

Principles of future Intercourse-The Nawab an indepen-

dent Prince in his own Dominions.-Second Loan.-Resi-

dent's Vindication of himself. His Removal.-Observations.

-Internal Disturbances.-House-tax at Bareilly opposed by

the people. Tumults.-Troops called in.-The Rioters.

defeated.-Contumacy of great Landholders in the Western.

Provinces.-Dayaram of Hatras.-Shelters Robbers.-Re-

sists the Authorities.-A force sent against him.- Hatras

taken. Disorders on the South-western Frontier.-Insur-

rection in Cuttack.-Causes.-Excessive Assessments.-

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Sales of Lands.-Corruption of Authorities.-Oppression of

the People.-General Rising.-First Successes of the Insur-

gents.-Puri taken by them.-Recovered.-Commissioners

appointed. - Special Commission.-Cuttack tranquillized..... 84


Relations with Poona.-Designs of the Peshwa.-Influ-

ence of Trimbak Rao.-Claims on Baroda.-Mission of

Gangadhar Sástri to Poona.-Coldly received.-Other

Agents.-Change of treatment.-Apparent cordiality.-

Offence given to the Peshwa.-Journey to Punderpur.-

Murder of Gangadhar.-Inquiry demanded.-Trimbak im-

plicated.-Resident demands his arrest.—Peshwa reluctant.—

Compelled to give him up.-Trimbak confined at Thanna.—

Discontent of Mahratta Princes.-Objection of the Raja of

Nagpur to a Subsidiary Alliance.-His designs upon Bhopal.

-Unites with Sindhia against the Nawab.-Siege of Bhopal.

Gallant Defence.-Besiegers retire.-Preparations of Sin-

dhia. British interference.-Sindhia indignant, but suspends

operations. Alliance not formed.-Death of the Nawab,

and of the Raja of Nagpur.-Apa Saheb Regent.-Subsi-

diary Alliance concluded.-Sindhia.- His intrigues.-Dis-

orders of his Government.-His policy.-Son and successor

of Mulhar Rao Holkar adopted.-Tulasi Bai Regent.-Ba-

laram Seth Minister.-Put to death.-Troops Mutiny.-

Flight of the Regent and young Raja.-Tantia Jóg Minister.

-Reconciliation negotiated.-State of affairs in Rajputana.

Chand Sing defeats the Mohammedans.-Defeated by them.

-Jaypur ravaged by Amir Khan.-Rajas of Jaypur and

Jodhpur reconciled by his mediation.-Fresh quarrels, and

both States laid waste.-The Khan marches to Jodhpur.

-Domestic intrigues.-The Minister and Family Priest of

the Raja assassinated.-Man Sing feigns imbecility, and

abdicates. Continuance of Amir Khan's depredations.-

Distracted state of Central India........

Shahi. Their leaders.-Cheetoo.-Karim.-Dost Moham-

med.-Plan of their incursions.-Cruelty and brutality.-

Annually plunder the territories of the Nizam, the Peshwa,

and the Raja of Berar.-Invade the British territory.-

Threaten Mirzapur.-Plunder the Masulipatam district.-

Gantur.-The Northern Circars.-Their parties surprised

or overtaken.-Many killed.-Defects of a defensive system.

-Offensive operations contemplated by the former Govern-

ment.—Policy of Lord Moira.-Total suppression of the

predatory system.-Expected conduct of the Mahratta

Princes.-Proposal to annul the 8th Article of the Treaty

with Sindhia, and renew an Alliance with Jaypur.-Prohibi-

tion of the Board of Control.-Modified.-Opposition in the

Council.-Perseverance of the Governor-General.— Raja of

Jaypur seeks the renewed Alliance.--Hesitates.-Conclusion

of Treaty deferred.-Alliance with the Rajput Princes, with

Amir Khan, with the Nawab of Bhopal.-Sindhia's concur-

rence.-Coöperation of Nagpur.-Death of the Raja.-Suc-

cession of Apa Saheb.-Disposition of the Peshwa.-Re-

grets abandonment of Trimbak.-Requires the charge of

him. Many grievances.-Escape of Trimbak.-Insurrection

raised by him. Its existence denied.-Secretly encouraged

by the Peshwa.-Subsidiary troops of Poona and Hyderabad

in movement.-Insurgents dispersed at Maswan.-Lieute-

nant Warre murdered.-Insurgents routed in Kandesh.—

Proceedings of the Resident.-Poona surrounded.-Peshwa

promises to give up Trimbak and disband his levies.-Procla-

mation of rewards for Trimbak's apprehension.-Orders of

of the Government.-New Treaty.-Conditions.-Addi-
tional Subsidiary Force.-Territorial Cessions.-Arrange-
ments with the Gaekwar....



Hislop. Joined by the Guzerat division.-Sir John Malcolm

detached in pursuit of Holkar.-Negotiations for Peace.—

Treaty executed. Prosecution of operations against the

Pindaris.-Karim protected at Jawad.-Concentration of

British divisions on Jawad.-Movements of General Keir.

-Cheetoo returns to the Nerbudda Valley.-Surprised by

Major Heath.-Takes refuge in Bhopal.-Proposes to sub-

mit.-Refuses the terms.-Again flies.-Karim's Durra sur-

prised by Major Clarke.-Dispersed.-Many of the leaders

surrender. Lands granted them in Bhopal and Gorakhpur.

-General Brown marches against Jawad.-Jeswant Rao

Bhao surrenders.-Forts in Mewar recovered.-Troops

under military Chiefs in Malwa dispersed.-Order restored

in the territories of Holkar.-Operations against the Peshwa.

-General Smith marches to Purandhar.-Peshwa retreats

towards the sources of the Godaveri.-Joined by Trimbak.

-General Smith cuts off his flight to Malwa.-He falls

back towards Poona.-Captain Staunton detached to rein-

force the troops at the Capital.-Falls in with the Peshwa's

army.-Brilliant action at Koragam.-General Smith returns

to Seroor.-Peshwa turns off to the East.-Pursued by the

Reserve. Joined by the Fourth Division.-Possession taken

of Satara.-The Raja proclaimed.-Peshwa formally de-

posed.-Mahratta forts reduced.-Smith resumes his pur-

suit. Overtakes the Peshwa at Ashti.-Cavalry action at

Ashti.-Mahratta horse defeated.-Gokla killed. - The

• Raja of Satara rescued.-Baji Rao's followers leave him.-

The Southern Chiefs submit. He flies to the North.-

Hemmed in between the British divisions-Passes to the

East to join the Raja of Nagpur at Chanda.-Chanda co-

vered.-Baji Rao pressed by General Doveton.-Falls upon

Colonel Adams.-His whole force broken up.-He escapes.

-Flies towards Burhanpur.-State of the Mahratta territo-

ries. Ceded districts in charge of Colonel Munro.-His

operations. Organizes a Local Militia. - Reduces the neigh-

bouring districts.-Reinforced.-Captures Badami and Bel-

gam.-Assumes command of the Reserve.-Wasota taken.-

Raja of Satara formally installed.-General Munro marches

against Sholapur.-The Peshwa's Infantry defeated and


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